The Stealers (20 page)

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Authors: Charles Hall

BOOK: The Stealers
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Part Three
Chapter Twenty-Three

Crane was casually watching sea gulls swooping around the queue of traffic as he sat in his car awaiting customs clearance at Dover. His mobile rang and he picked it up reluctantly, expecting it to be Bradley, ‘Yeah?' He had missed the call, so he pressed the recall button; it was answered immediately and the voice at the other end raised his spirits.

‘Oh, Jack, you're there, thank goodness. I've managed to get away from that maniac. I'm on a bus, but he's following it. I've got to get off it sometime.'

‘Whereabouts are you?'

‘It's just gone past a church in a town called Rayleigh.'

‘Another two or three stops will bring you more or less outside the Police Station; get off there, go straight inside and wait for me. I'll be there within an hour and a half.'

Bradley watched scathingly as Daniella jumped off the bus and ran into the front entrance of Rayleigh Police Station. He circumnavigated around the block of shops and parked his car out of sight in a lay-by. On the opposite side of the road to the police station, he noticed J D Weatherspoons, a pub with tables and chairs set outside on a large forecourt. Within a short space of time, Bradley had found an ideal position from which to observe. His eyes remained fixed on the doorway that Daniella had rushed through and, whilst waiting to be served a drink, he picked up a discarded newspaper and pretended to read.

After some minutes he fished the mobile from his jacket pocket and dialled Ryan. ‘I'm at the pub opposite the cop shop in Rayleigh. Are you anywhere nearby and if so would you care to join me?'

Believing that the money due to him from Bradley was at last going to be handed over, a surge of elation swept through Ryan and his response was, ‘I can be there in ten minutes or so.'


Crane's right foot was pressed hard down on the accelerator pedal of the old Rover as it tore down the dual carriageway towards the Dartford crossing, a tunnel and bridge system that spans the River Thames connecting Kent to Essex. An inbuilt warning system flashed and sounded on the dashboard which was to give the driver plenty of notice when approaching speed cameras and the car dealer's warning flashed through Crane's mind,
“It goes like a bastard, I'm not sure this car is legal.”

The crossing was unusually quiet and he zipped through the tunnel in record time and, before long, he was racing down the Southend Arterial Road towards Rayleigh.

Daniella sat patiently in the waiting room, situated at the front of the police station. The reception desk was unmanned although it had a hatch and a bell to summon staff. At one stage she was asked if she needed any help, but she declined, saying she was waiting for somebody.

Ryan crossed the road, weaving his way through constantly streaming traffic. He ordered a drink and sat down at the outside table next to Bradley.

‘She's over there,' Bradley spouted, nodding with his head.

Ryan thought he detected an almost maniacal look on Bradley's face as he replied with some hesitation, ‘Who, Crane's woman?'


‘But how?'

Bradley did not want to go into details, ‘Does it matter? That's where she is,' and looking at his watch said, ‘been there about thirty minutes.'

‘What you gonna do?'

Bradley looked at Ryan coldly and said, ‘Not me – you!'

‘Me? What can I do?'

‘Go inside and, if she is in the waiting room, get her out.'

Ryan looked askance, ‘You mean just wander into the nick and drag her out?'

Bradley ignored Ryan's remark and delved into his jacket pocket, pulled out a narrow box and taking out a hypodermic needle offered it to Ryan, ‘Use this; it's fast acting.'

Ryan gaped at the needle wide-eyed, ‘You've got to be kidding. I'll never get anywhere near her. She'll recognise me straight away, start screaming and I'll get nabbed.'

‘No you won't.' Bradley said irritably, ‘Shield your face as you walk in; pretend you're reading a newspaper, here take mine. It's the last thing she will expect to happen. Just go inside, sit down next to her and give her the jab. When she's sleepy, help her out, like you're an old friend,' and with a degree of finality he added, ‘simple as that!'

Ryan reluctantly took the needle and newspaper, but a plan of his own was forming in his mind as he crossed the road. He knew Bradley would be watching his every move and so he crossed the road and sauntered casually towards the police station. The bullet hole that Crane had put in his foot, was still aching and for Bradley's sake he was going to make the most of it and exaggerate the limp. He walked past the door, feigning to look in, and after a few yards, using his mobile, called up Bradley. ‘Can't be done; she's talking to a copper in there,' and with that he slowly limped back.

Bradley's face looked angry when Ryan rejoined him. He glared at Ryan accusingly, but Ryan had been ready for that and he put on his best disappointed expression, ‘Pity, but there's nothing you can do. Just have to wait until she comes out.'

Bradley looked at his watch and said slowly, ‘Have you considered that Crane could be here before much longer; she may have been in touch with him.'

Ryan looked thoughtful for a moment, ‘We could still lay in wait at his place; you know, get there before him; hide the car at the far end of the lane.'

It was Bradley's turn to look thoughtful, ‘You know… that may be the best answer.'

Ryan felt relieved and was bold enough to ask, ‘Have you got my money?'

Bradley was irritated by this, but he managed not to show it, ‘Erm, tomorrow. I'll sort it out tomorrow after Crane has been taken care of.'

They were about to get up and leave when an old Rover zipped past, swung across the road and parked in the lay-by near to Bradley's BMW.

‘That's him,' they said simultaneously in hushed tones.


Crane dashed into the police station and Daniella leapt up from her chair and ran into his arms. A policeman appeared at the desk, ‘Can I be of assistance to anyone?'

Crane smiled, ‘No thanks, we're just leaving.'

The policeman tried not to return the smile, looked down and said firmly, ‘This is not a meeting place you know,' but when he looked up, they had slipped out through the door.

Throughout their journey to Palmers Rise in Canford, Daniella calmly related everything that had happened from the time she had arrived at Crane's cottage.


Ryan and Bradley stared after Crane's departing car. Ryan leant across the table and said tentatively, ‘Do you think it's worth pursuing him any more? I mean, the damage has been done; you know, cut and run, so to speak. After all, you've still got his car and we are both leaving the area anyway.'

Bradley's dark eyes bored deep into Ryan's skull, making him shiver inside until eventually he turned his head away. ‘It's become personal,' Bradley hissed. ‘I'll figure something out. There is no way he is going to be let off the hook, and that's final!'

The pair sat in front of empty glasses for a while saying nothing to each other until a waitress appeared and scooped up the empties. Looking at Ryan she broke the silence with, ‘Would there be anything else?'

Ryan flicked his eyes at Bradley for guidance on answering such a mundane question, ‘No we're leaving. Give us the bill,' was Bradley's gruff response as he shuffled back his chair and stood up whereupon she turned on her heels and left.

They walked towards their parked cars in silence until suddenly Bradley became animated and said, ‘I have an idea. I'll pick you up this evening about six-thirty.'

Ryan felt impotent; he did not want any more hassle, but neither did he want to antagonise Bradley and so he replied lamely, ‘What's the plan?'

A smile spread across his face as he said, ‘That woman escaped via a path from the back of Crane's place; there's no other way she could have got past me.'

He paused briefly leaving Ryan's brain to speculate a
‘Not me, don't even suggest it.'

Bradley continued, ‘We'll park my car on the main road and I'll walk into Palmers Rise and find the pathway that leads right up to Crane's back door; and then wait to see if she comes out, and if she does, I'll nab her.'

Ryan looked at Bradley and was relieved he was talking in terms of the first person.

‘What if… '

‘There's no,
“what ifs”,
I'll try again the next day and then the next day, until I'm successful.'


On the way home Crane leaped out of the car and did a quick shop in the local supermarket, snatching up a copy of a newspaper in the process. Before continuing their journey home Crane lingered in the car park and spread a copy of the
Southend Echo
across his lap headlined, “Kidnap Girl Sammy Found Alive In France”.

The little girl told the story of how she was rescued, together with an English woman named Penny, with her nephew and some French children. They were rescued by a mysterious Englishman known only as ‘Jack'
He was helped later by a Frenchman who was now recovering from wounds in hospital, but neither of them knew Jack's surname. Many arrests were made and the information received by the French police had culminated in the breakup of a major kidnapping ring extending to Algiers.

Daniella blew some air between her teeth and remarked, ‘The last time I laid eyes on you was barely four months ago. You rescued me from that dreaded sea fort, it was terrible and now you get up to your neck in trouble again.'

Crane grimaced and said, ‘Not of my choosing.' And Crane told her how it all started with the theft of his Mustang.

‘Well,' she sighed, ‘hopefully – things will settle down now.'

Crane looked at her wistfully and said casually, ‘I haven't got my car back yet.'

Daniella raised her eyes skywards at the thought of Crane in trouble yet again, but from past experience, she was confident in his resourcefulness. When they arrived at the cottage Crane set about reinstating the alarm system that had been set up in the lane and, as he tested it out remarked, ‘They may try again so it's not worth taking any chances.'


Bradley pulled up on the road just past Palmers Rise. It was quiet and the first shades of dusk, with its long grey shadows, were preceding a cloudy sky. He had left Ryan sitting pensively in the driver's seat, ready for a quick getaway, whilst he stepped into the lane. He walked slowly at first, scrutinising the thick hedgerows on the right hand side. Within a few minutes, he found what he was looking for; a neatly semi-concealed gap. Amid a tinge of joyful anticipation, Bradley entered and followed the trim path that lead to the rear of Crane's cottage. It was getting darker by the minute and it occurred to him that, without a torch, it would be foolhardy to attempt a snatch. He also considered bursting in on Crane and shooting him, but wary and forewarned by Crane's past, he knew the man might also be armed and return fire.

Bradley's final decision was to play a waiting game, but he wouldn't have to wait too long. Daniella suddenly came out of the back door carrying a basket of laundry; she stepped off the patio and walked up to a rotary clothes line. Bradley was waiting concealed in the shadows. Like a cat stalking his prey, he could not believe his luck. She turned, and her back was towards him as she began pegging out the washing on the line, softly humming to herself. A few metres separated them as he inched his way towards her. Then he struck. A hand was pressed firmly over her mouth and a hypodermic needle was plunged into the fleshy part of her upper arm. Bradley held on tight until she gradually stopped struggling and her body became heavy as it began to relax. Using a fireman's lift, he whisked her up and strode back the way he came, down the path.

Ryan stared in disbelief when he saw Bradley carrying Daniella across his shoulders. He leapt out of the car and quickly opened the rear door of the vehicle for Bradley to lay the unconscious Daniella unceremoniously onto the back seat. They sped off in the direction of Southend.


Crane had finished shaving two days' growth. He entered the kitchen and found the door of the washing machine wide open and the back door ajar. The evening was closing in and the light outside was fading fast. His hand slid towards the rear garden light switch and as he stood by the rear door, called out Daniella's name, but there was no response.

He stepped outside with a look of concern spread across his face. A hollow pit occupied his stomach; the laundry basket lay on its side and Daniella's clothes were scattered over the ground. Crane guessed straight away what must have happened, but he knew it could only have been a matter of minutes ago.

Rushing back inside, he grabbed hold of a jacket, ran through the cottage and straight out of the front door towards the parked Rover. Jumping in and slamming the car into gear, he raced bumpily down the lane, getting to the end in record time. He reaching the main road and slewed heavily into a right turn. Crane trusted his instinct to make the right decision and sped towards the direction of Southend.

The raucous sound of his mobile suddenly resounded throughout the interior of the Rover. Crane's hand flew towards the phone and switched on the loud speaker to hear Bradley's self-satisfied voice, ‘Ah,
so you are
there. It's so difficult to get hold of you on the mobile.'

‘What do you want?' Crane replied bluntly.

‘Surely you must realise by now that I have your lady friend, Daniella – or perhaps you are half asleep inside your delightful little cottage?'

‘I'm in the cottage,' Crane lied, as he peered through the dusky evening sky at a distant set of very distinctive BMW rear lights.

‘Well you'd better stay there and I'll be in touch very shortly and then we can resume my original arrangement. Bye for now,' and the phone cut off.

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