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Authors: Alexis Anne

The Storm Inside (19 page)

BOOK: The Storm Inside
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He took advantage of my change in position, sliding his hands around until they found my breasts, seeking out my already swollen and used nipples, pinching them between his fingers and rolling until I cried out. I didn’t know how much pleasure I could take, but Jake seemed bound and determined to find out.

And then suddenly he stopped, pulling out of me and pulling me up. “I want to see you.” His eyes were dark and full of a possessive need I’d never seen in him before. He picked me up and deposited me on the desk, thrusting back inside me hard. I arched my back and barked his name again, something I realized he enjoyed very much. It made me smile.

“Do you need to lie down?” he asked as he moved slowly in and out while watching me intently. I was so swollen I could feel every vein and ridge as it glided over my skin.

“No Jake, I don’t.” I used his name on purpose. To my extreme satisfaction his eyes burned with need. Need for me. Need for the woman who was saying his name.

“Good,” he growled, bending me back so that he could have full access to my breasts. His warm mouth closed over my nipple just as he glided fully back inside of me so deep I didn’t think he’d ever come back out.

But he did. Over and over as his tongue worked my breast. First his warm tongue would run over my nipple, then his teeth would tug and pull, only to be replaced by his mouth sucking. In and out my nipple went just as his dick moved in and out of me.

And then the first pulses started deep, deep inside my body. Not an orgasm yet, just the early promise of one about to erupt. Jake felt them, because he smiled against my breast. With my red and swollen nipple between his teeth he looked up, “That’s right, darlin’ give it to me. Just give in to it. I’ve got you.”

It was if he knew how powerful the coming orgasm was going to be. That it was going to wring every muscle in my body, that it would tear me from the inside out. I’m not sure how he knew, but he did, and he was ready.

With one last lick, nip, and suckle on my breast, he stood fully up so that he was looking down into my eyes as my body split in two, pounding harder than ever, pulling my body up and down against his, as it took over, coming apart at the seams, and folding around his hard body.

My muscles squeezed powerfully around his firm cock as it plunged back inside, locking and holding him in place. I pulled his body against mine, my muscles shuddering, my nails digging into his skin, as I called out his name.

That’s when I felt his release. The pulsing of his cock only spurred my orgasm on, taking it further and longer. I tossed my head back as the next round of contractions hit, “Oh fuck!” I called as Jake managed to pull back and thrust all the way inside me one last time.

It was then that he set me back down on the desk and pushed as far into me as he could. It made me throb even more, calling out more noises and curse words.

Jake finally barked out a final curse, leaning his sweaty forehead into mine. We were locked like that for a minute while our bodies calmed down. He held me up so that I couldn’t escape.

“Tell me Sebastian made you come like that. Tell me
other man has ever made you come like that.”

No. No one had ever made me feel anything like Jake did in any way. “You’re the only one,” I replied quietly. I would tell him that as many times as he needed to hear it.

He melted around me, gathering me against his body. “I won’t run again,” his whispered against my kisses. “I won’t ever hurt you again.”



Chapter 13



“I come bearing gifts!” I declared as I stepped into my family suite at the Trop. Jake and his partner Greg were using the suite to schmooze some clients. Clients, it turned out, who came with good news of their own. Spencer, Hamilton and Associates had been awarded a big contract for the engineering to expand the Channelside Entertainment District.

“No!” the larger man, I think his name was Frank, exclaimed. “You are just too much my dear!” He looked at me with lust. I couldn’t imagine a man like him ever treating a woman with respect. Women were meat to him. Warm places he could stick his flesh and find temporary comfort from his pathetic life. I flinched as his hands moved toward the box I was holding.

Jake seemed to notice my discomfort and wrapped his arms around me from behind, “You didn’t need to do this,” he murmured in my ear, pulling me away from Frank.

“I know,” I said, turning in his embrace to wrap my arms around his neck. “I think I get some sort of thrill out of giving people free crap.”

He chuckled and the rumble from deep in his chest resonated from him to me. It made me feel warm inside.

I hung out in the suite for a while, admiring my boyfriend in his element. He commanded the room, more so than anyone else. The men seemed to want to be him. I could see the admiration in their eyes as they looked over Jake’s three-piece suit, his broad, firm frame, and me on his arm. But it was more than that. Men like Jake didn’t just get respect for no reason. No one told the men in the room to admire him. Jake commands that from the people around him. They could sense his ease and confidence. They knew he deserved the reputation he had, they could hear his brilliance, and they knew I was by his side out of choice, not because he had money or because he had some hold over me.

“I have to make some rounds, grease some palms, make some other fancy men happy,” I winked at Jake. “I’ll be a little while.”

“I wish you could stay…” he murmured, and I didn’t miss the rough way he said that. Things between us had been good since the night in my office. He and I were back to being easy and happy with each other. We’d decided to accept our past for what it was.

But something else had happened that night. We’d unlocked an old ghost. It had started to appear more and more often—the thrill of sex in unexpected places was exciting to us both.

It was becoming a challenge, an addiction we were seeking out more and more often. And the way it had started for us was glaring me in the face at the moment. Jake was pressing his erection into my back while my hand rested on the very bar he’d fucked me behind the first time we’d gotten that sexual high so many years ago.

I really didn’t have that much work I needed to do right now. But I did need to get away from Jake and this suite during my working hours. The temptation to push our boundaries was getting too high.

“I’ll see you soon.” I murmured, pushing him behind the bar where he could adjust himself before I left.

He smiled down at me as he laughed and tucked himself behind his belt, the glint of longing in his eyes unmistakable.

“No, sir. You stand down right now. You have clients and so do I.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Darlin’ sometimes I want to whisk you away, go live on an island for the rest of our lives, and fuck ourselves stupid.”

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, knowing full well Frank had just overheard us. “I never said that wasn’t an option. But I think we’d get bored.”

“You and I have enough money that we can do whatever we want,” he said pointedly.

While there was some truth to that statement, I was not ready to start planning ‘ever-after’ with Jake. Not yet.

“I’ll see you soon.” I repeated for the last time, pecking his soft cheek right where my dimple liked to hide.

“Love you darlin’,” he called loudly enough for all the men and women in the suite to stop and smile at us.

I didn’t see it coming. We were in the seventh inning stretch, I’d made all the rounds I needed to make, and I was taking a walk around the outfield concourse when I decided to step out onto the deck. I’d picked a corner hidden in the shadow of the lights. The Rays were winning handily and most of the stadium was beginning to empty. In fact, most of the outfield was a ghost town, real fans having moved to better, emptier seats.

It was a nice moment alone. I wrapped my hands around the cool metal of the railing, stretching my back and smelling the air. The Trop was a dome so it wasn’t the same as an outdoor stadium, but it was close enough—especially with the traditional organ music playing at the moment. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of my life. The music, the shouts and chatter, the announcer’s voice, even the occasional call of the vendors offering up last call on soda, ice cream, cracker jacks, and peanuts.

So I didn’t notice him coming until he was behind me. But I knew who it was the moment his arms slid around my hips. I knew the smell of Jake. I knew the vibration he put in the air. “I’m done with my clients. What about you?”

I leaned back into his embrace, resting my head on his broad shoulder. “Yes. I’m done.”

“What are you doing out here?”

I sighed as the announcer came over the loudspeaker announcing the bottom of the seventh inning. “Relaxing.”

Jake sighed into me, “You know you are a rare woman, right?”

I chuckled but didn’t open my eyes. I was enjoying resting against Jake as much as I’d been enjoying listening to the stadium a moment before. “Because I bring your clients gifts?”

Jake growled in my ear, “No. Because you relax in the outfield.”

There had to be something to that, I couldn’t argue his logic. He held me for two batters before his hands started to roam. I was so relaxed I forgot where I was, I didn’t even think twice as his hands roamed over my breasts. It wasn’t until his hand glided down between my thighs that I gasped and my eyes shot open, taking a moment to focus on the green field ahead of me.

“What are you doing?”

He nuzzled my neck, “Having fun.”

Suddenly, a memory as vivid as the field in front of me, flooded my mind. We were twenty-one, in this same outfield, in a similar situation. It was late in an easy-win game, the stadium was nearly empty and it was cold as hell. We were huddled up under an enormous Rays fuzzy blanket.

We’d had sex in the outfield.

Slow, under that blanket, over the course of the entire eighth inning. Well, we’d pleasured each other anyway. It was all Jake’s fault. Him and his magical hands. Surprisingly I’d been the fast one that day. Maybe it was the excitement of what we were doing, or maybe he was just really on his game. Either way he’d gotten me off with those hands of his in seemingly record time, all with his eyes carefully trained on the field ahead.

It had taken me much longer to get him off. I’d taken that badly. I was young and stupidly felt it was a deficiency on my part. Jake claimed he’d just been enjoying himself too damn much to come any sooner.

But that was then. Jake’s hands caressed my backside lovingly, smoothing over the roundness. “This is a dark corner, Eve. We could do it…”

“No.” I said firmly. I was not having sex with him here. It was one thing to be young and stupid, it was quite another to do it where I worked, out in the open, in the middle of a game.

His hands instantly left me. “As you wish.”

I felt naked and I realized how hot I was. My core was throbbing, my nipples tingling. I was panting. And with Jake’s light touch gone, I felt bereft.

“Come back,” I choked, my hand reaching out blindly behind me.

“As you wish,” he repeated. I felt his smile as he kissed my neck and the warmth of his body enveloped me from behind. “I’m not going to do anything crass,” he murmured. “We aren’t kids hiding under a blanket. You are at work and looking damn fine, I might add.” He leaned in so that his lips were at my ear at the same time his hand traveled up the front of my loose skirt. “No one will know what I’m doing to you, but

Stupid or not, I wanted it. I let go of my last inhibitions and relaxed against his palm.

“That’s right, darlin’, just let go,” he whispered, his warm breath dancing across the sensitive skin behind my ear.

And I did. I relaxed against the railing in front of me and opened my legs to his hand, allowing him to touch and caress whatever he wanted.

“Just look at how beautiful the field is from here, Eve.”

It sent my heart racing. The thrill of being pleasured out in the open was energizing me; my blood was pumping with excitement. My skin was tingling from the rush and a deep throb was pulsing low in my belly.

Jake wanted to hear my strangled rasps as I fought to keep my pleasure a secret. He liked hearing the struggle, it was part of the thrill for both of us, but Jake especially, to know it was because of him I was panting and wild and desperate not to get caught.

I liked pleasing him too much. I was using this situation and I knew it. Things between us were good, but there was still a wall, and I was using sex to hide behind it. I had a feeling Jake knew, but he was afraid to push me too hard. Any time things got too intense, any time I felt Jake probing into an area I wasn’t ready to go, I’d offer myself up to him, distracting him from his questioning with my pleasure as prize.

I could see the disappointment that flashed through his eyes just before he replaced it with desire. He was letting me hide behind my wall, I just didn’t know for how long.

Jake stilled his large hand, his two middle fingers buried deep inside me, his wide palm pressed to my clit, and I pulsed several times. He pressed me to him so I could feel his erection, “You are so, so very beautiful when you’re aroused,” he growled in my ear.

BOOK: The Storm Inside
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