The Strength to Fall (McKinnon Brothers Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: The Strength to Fall (McKinnon Brothers Book 1)
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Chapter Four 

As he helped me to the guest room I sadly wished I wasn’t so tired so we could continue talking. I don’t know if what I feel is just lust for this man, but it feels like so much more. I switch on the bedroom light and am pleasantly surprised at the feminine nature of this room. The beige carpet is soft and matches the color of the dresser and night stand. The bedspread on the queen size bed is cream with delicate roses splayed across it with matching pillow shams. There’s a white wicker vanity on the wall opposite the door with a glass tray adorning the top. A beautiful Tiffany lamp sits on the right side of the vanity and a matching one on the nightstand. I see there’s a door to what appears to be a walk in closet on the same wall as the door. To the left of the bed a door leads to a large bathroom. I hop towards the bathroom to get a better look and when I walk inside I’m speechless. This is the bathroom of my dreams. Porcelain tile with a wood grain finish on the floor while gray tiles surround the entire bathroom. The standing shower stall butts against the garden Jacuzzi tub that has baskets of soaps and shampoo around it. A thin rectangular window is at the top of the wall near the tub which I’m sure gives just enough natural light in the daytime. There is a linen closet in between double white sinks beautiful golden granite with brown flecks counter top. The antique oval mirrors surrounded by burnished nickel are stunning with glass amber pendant lights hanging above each. I turn to see a door next to the shower leading to a water closet.

              I guess I was silent for so long taking it all in that Ozias began to wonder if I was ok.

“Do you want to take a bath? Is this room ok with you? You can look at the other guest room if you like, but I thought you’d be more comfortable in here.”

              “Are you kidding me? I’m so excited. This is the bathroom of my dreams. The whole room is beautiful. Did you decorate it?”

              “No, my mom did. She used to be an interior designer. She insisted one room in my co-op be fit for a lady, even though I told her there was slim chance a lady would ever be staying overnight with me and be sleeping in the guest room.”

              I couldn’t help but laugh at yet another innuendo.

              “God! I’m sorry. Really, I didn’t mean it that way. I’m always putting my foot in my mouth. Please, just ignore me. And just so you know, you are the first and only lady that has ever stayed in this room, so I’m pleased that you love it so much. I’ll tell my mom. She’ll be thrilled. Speaking of my mom, I need to go call her. I’ll go see her tomorrow but I need to at least call her tonight. Are you going to be ok?”

              “Yes, I’ll be fine. In fact, a bath sounds wonderful. I’m tired but I think a bath will help relax me even more. I’m very flattered and honored that I’m the first
to spend the night in this room. Go call your mom. I’ll take a bath and go to bed. You need not worry about me the rest of the night.”

              “Ok, but the tub is pretty deep so be careful you don’t slip.”

              “I hadn’t thought about that. Guess I’ll just shower. Well, wait that could be even more dangerous. Damn, a hot bath sounded great too. Guess I’ll have to figure it out tomorrow.” Ozias was about to leave when a thought struck me. “Unless….”

              “Unless what?” he asked with wide eyes.

              “Unless, can you check on me in about, 30 minutes. I can bring my swim suit in there and if I need help out I can slip it on for you to help me. Is that too forward of me? If that makes you really uncomfortable please don’t even consider it.” As soon as I suggested it I immediately regretted it. What was I thinking letting this man I’ve only known a few hours help me in and out of the tub? I was certifiable crazy. 

              Ozias turned away from me and looked over his shoulder at me wearily. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. My mom has a nurse that comes every day. I could see if she could help tomorrow, before your x-ray appointment? I’d just feel better if she was to help you.”

              “Of course you would,” I said quickly trying to hide my embarrassment at asking such a question. “I’ll just wait until tomorrow and figure out a system that will work for me. No big deal, really. I should just go to bed now anyway.” I put the thought to ask him why his mom had a nurse in the back of my mind to ask at another time.

              Ozias started to leave and I could sense he was trying to retreat quickly to avoid another awkward situation. “Ozias?” I stopped him with my question.

              “Yes,” he answered without looking at me.

              “Thank you for being such a gentleman. It’s a rare thing these days, even where I’m from. Just so you know, I’m not in the habit of asking guys I’ve just met to help me in and out of a bath with my bathing suit on any more than you are in the habit of asking girls you just met to spend the night with you.” I hesitated choosing my next words carefully. I could scare him way with what I’m about to say. “Ozias, I can’t explain it, but I feel like I’ve known you for a long time, like we were friends in another life—and I don’t even believe in that sort of thing. I feel so comfortable around you and well, don’t laugh or think I’m crazy, but I’ve always had a sixth sense about people. My senses tell me you’re a good guy. I could be wrong and I could be making the biggest mistake of my life, but I would like you to help me out of the bath, if I need it.” I gave him my sincerest smile.

              I hear him sigh and I see his jaw tense. It’s then I realize that he’s had his back to me ever since I asked him to help me in the bath the first time. I see him shifting at his waist and when he thinks I’m not looking I see him rearrange himself. It dawns on me then it’s not that he doesn’t want to help me in the bath but he’s having a certain reaction thinking about it. As conceited as it is, this made me happy, and at the same time it made me horny. I think I have felt every emotion possible today but this one has me thrown. Of course I’m not going to sleep with the man, I just met him. I am flattered and dare I say, happy, that he has that reaction to me. I’ll try to make this easier for him.

              “Ozias, why don’t you go call your mom and while you do that I’ll change into my swim suit. I’ll try to get in by myself and if I can’t I’ll call out to you. Knock before you come back in, ok? And we’ll try this. If it’s too awkward or neither of us feels right, we’ll stop, call it a night, and then I’ll figure out what to do in the morning. What do you say?”

“Ok, but if I say no again, you’ll let it go and not ask this of me?”

“If it makes you that uncomfortable, let’s just not do it then.” I felt horrible. He seems scared of me now. Earlier today he was the tower of strength and he even convinced me to spend the night with him. Does the thought of me in a swim suit scare him that much? Surely, he’s seen women at the pool, on the beach? And surely he’s seen naked women and had sex with them. I don’t know what to say.

              “No, it’s just that…” He turns to me now. “I, just, I, um….damn it. I don’t know how to say this to you.” He sighed.

Maybe I read him all wrong. Maybe he wasn’t turned on. He’s trying to let me down easy and I’m not even asking him to have sex with me, just help me in and out of a bath with my swim suit on! “Oh, I see. You don’t have to say anything more. I understand. I’m so sorry. And I thought I had embarrassed myself enough today. Please take my apology and go call your mom and go to bed. Let’s just pretend this never happened, ok” I started towards the door to usher him out and lock myself in when he grabbed my arm. An electric sensation coursed through me.

              “Stop. You don’t understand anything. Whatever you think you know, trust me, you don’t know.” His eyes were burning me with intensity. “Go put your suit on. I’ll be right back.”

And then he walked out of the room closing the door on his way out. A shiver went through me but not the bad kind. Without thinking I hopped right to my suitcase on the bed and started to change into my swim suit as anticipation built throughout my body.












Chapter Five

I was sitting on the edge of the tub with the water running so it would heat up. I chose the most modest but easy to remove swim suit I had, a ruby red halter top with bikini bottoms. The top covered more than my other swim suits so I thought it more appropriate for this situation, although with a D cup it was always a challenge to find a swim suit that fit well and didn’t make you look cheap and sleazy. I remembered I needed to pull my hair into a ponytail so it wouldn’t get wet so I grabbed my crutches and headed back into the bedroom to retrieve one when I heard Ozais knock on the door.

              “Adira? Is it ok to come in?” He spoke timidly.

              “Yes, come on in.” He stopped dead in his tracks as he entered the room. I saw his jaw tense and his pupil’s dilate. “I was just looking for a ponytail holder to put my hair up.” I leaned the crutches next to the bed and stood stork-like on one foot while digging in my makeup organizer for ponytail holder.

              “Can I help you?”

              “No, I got it.” I started to twist my reddish-brown shoulder length hair in to a ponytail. I pushed the end of my hair through the coated rubber band to make a messy bun. “There, that way I won’t get my hair wet. I can wait another day to wash it. I’ve already got the water filling up the tub, so let’s get this over with.” I hopped into the bathroom with Ozias following me.

              “Here, let me hold your hand.” He took the crutches from me and sat them against the sink. “Do you just want me to help you in so you don’t injury yourself further. I mean, I’m already here.”

              “Ok.” He gently picked me up and I instantly felt at home again. I sighed. Ozias smiled and lightly laughed. “What?” I asked shyly.

              “Nothing.” He smiled when he said it. “Ok, here we go. Put your hands on the sides and I’ll gently lay you in the tub.” He gently lowered me and the hot water enveloped my aching body.

              “Oh, ooo, ah…this feels so good. Exactly what I needed. Thank you for helping me. Give me 20 min and knock on the door. If I need more time I’ll tell you.”

              “Alright. Call out if you need me before then.” He turned and left quickly.

              I was really glad I made the decision to push Ozias to help me in the bath. I looked through the baskets around the tub and found gardenia scented bath salts and honey-oatmeal soap. Hoping the two scents don’t clash, I poured a handful of the bath salts in swirled them until they dissolved. There was a neck pillow on the back of the tub so I reclined and felt truly relaxed for the first time in hours.


              I jumped at the feeling of my shoulder being rocked back and forth. “What! What happened?” I shook my head out of sleepiness and realized I had fallen asleep in the tub! Horrified, I covered my breast and lifted my knees to block my naked body. When I looked up I see Ozias with one hand over his eyes just barely peeking out and his hand on my shoulder and a towel draped across his forearm. I snatched the towel a little harder than I meant to.

              “You feel asleep. I’ve been knocking and calling your name but when you didn’t answer I got worried. I would never have come in if I wasn’t concerned. You’ve had a rough day so when you didn’t answer…”

              “Oh, my God! I guess I was so relaxed. Did you, um, did you see anything?”

              “Well, I tried not to. I just poked my head in first to make sure you were still sitting up in the tub. I saw that you were asleep so I tried knocking and calling again, but,” Ozias cleared his throat.

              “Go on, I what?”

              “You were, um, snoring.” Lovely, just lovely. First burping and now snoring. Great.

              “Let me get my suit back on and I’ll call you right back.”

              Ozias stood there for a moment debating what to do. “Well, I’m here right now and I’ve kinda seen….”

              “God! Just get out!” I screamed. Ozias bolted out the room. I decided I didn’t need his help anymore tonight. My ankle felt much better anyway, after resting, icing, the air cast and this hot bath. I pushed myself to the side of the tub only using my arms and left leg. Swinging my legs right leg around was not enjoyable but I could manage on my own. I had to anyway. It’s not like I would have help in a few days anyway. I dried off as best I could sitting down then attempted to stand without putting pressure on my foot. I was wobbly but I did it. I hopped to the sink and got my crutched. There! I don’t need Ozias McKinnon’s help!

              “Ozias, I’ve got my crutches and I’m fine. Please leave the room and close the door. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hollered so he could hear me clearly through the door. It was a few minutes before I heard the door close.


Chapter Six

Why are doctor’s offices always so cold? I was thinking this while staring at Doc’s diploma, Alastair Fraser McKinnon, graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1986. Impressive. Doc walked in the exam room holding my x-ray report. He looked kinder in his khaki pants and light blue button down shirt. He was teaching today so he didn’t wear scrubs. I was staring at him waiting to hear my diagnosis.

              “Well, no breaks, as I assumed, but never hurts to rule it out. You have just a deep sprain. Pretty common actually but I guess the way you fell and my son hitting you as hard as he did has caused this much pain. If you continue with the RICE, and no walking on it until it doesn’t hurt to apply pressure, you should heal completely anywhere from 1 to 6 weeks. Most of that depends on you. The swelling already has gone down from the initial trauma. I’m assuming that means you stayed at Ozias’ last night and not on the floor of your co-op?” He looked at me questionably.

              “Yes, I stayed in his guest room and elevated my foot with the sleep number mattress. I am thankful for his generous offer to let me stay, but I think I will be fine in my unit now. My furniture will be delivered on Tuesday.”

              “That is your choice, of course, but it’s my opinion that you should not sleep on the floor. If you want to heal faster, you need to stay off of it as much as possible, RICE, and that includes elevation. A floor is just not conducive to healing. Look, I know my son is not exactly the kind of guy you want to spend your free time with, but he’s harmless. I can make sure he has some groceries in the house, because God knows he never does, and he’s gone a lot so you won’t have to put up with him much.”

              I was speechless for a few minutes while I processed all the things he said about his own son. My heart broke for Ozias in that moment and I was now feeling guilty for my reaction last night in the bathroom and for leaving this morning without even letting him know I was going to the hospital without him.

              “Doc, I know we just met but honestly your son is one of the most generous men I’ve ever met. He’s more of a gentleman than most of the men I grew up with, and that’s saying a lot. It’s none of my business but I don’t understand why you are so hard on him. Just in the short time I’ve known him it’s obvious he desires your approval.” I held my breath waiting for a nasty comeback. When I didn’t get one, I breathed a sigh of relief but when I looked in his eyes I recoiled.

              “How I treat my son and our issues are none of your business, Ms. McLeod. I’m doing all this for you because he caused your injury, although, I wonder why you would take up for him so fiercely? What is your motivation?” He paused in thought. “You know, I wondered who Claire willed her co-op to. Our building is one of the hardest to get into in the area. Since meeting you, I now wonder what she was thinking.” He sighed. “She was the most alive person I’ve ever met. So much spark….” He stopped himself when he saw me staring at him with wide eyes.

              “Not that it’s any of your business, but as you most likely know, Aunt Claire had no children. I’m the only daughter of her siblings. Even though she kept her life distant from us in the past few years, we all knew she loved us. The times she’d grace us with her presence I was just enraptured by her. You’re right, she was, well, like you said…alive. It was a shock to hear she had died from a brain aneurism in the middle of the night. I always assumed she would pass doing something fun and even a little crazy, but if life has taught me anything it’s that it’s not fair.” Doc jerked back like I slapped him, a look of pain sweep across his face. He stared at me like he was trying to decide if he wanted to comeback from that statement. He just nodded sensing that I was ready to go. “Don’t you have a class to teach?”

              “Yes, it’s a small Saturday class, more like tutoring.  It starts in about an hour. You were here earlier than I thought you’d be so I was getting caught up on some paperwork in my office. Why didn’t Ozias come with you?”

              “I didn’t wake him. He’s already been put out enough. I’m better today, just sore and still in some pain. I’ll decide where I’ll stay later, but right now I need to go.” I grabbed the crutches and headed for the door.

              Doc spoke stopping me before I left the room. “Ms. McLeod, you’re right about one thing. Life isn’t fair. It truly isn’t.” 

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