The Stubborn Suitor, Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: The Stubborn Suitor, Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance)
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Cami nodded. She couldn’t see what was going on above her head, but she could feel the silk of his tie sliding along the flesh of her wrists as he bound her arms above her head. Cami let out a deep breath, closing her eyes and sinking back into the mattress. For a little while at least, she could relax and relinquish control, let someone else take care of her for a change. She was liking this game.

Eyes still closed, Cami felt Drew’s hands run down her body to the hem of her dress and pull it up over her head. He slid it to the end of her arms, where he left it caught against her tethered wrists. He then quickly removed her bra. The cold air stung at her exposed nipples deliciously, causing them to harden and ache.

Again, she had to fight to remain silent as Drew’s hot, rough tongue laved at one nipple, than the other. The heat of his lips, followed by the stinging chill of the hair, caused waves of sensation to dance through Cami’s body. She pulled her thighs in tight and rubbed them together, trying her best to relieve the throbbing pulse of need that bordered on painful.

“Uh-uh,” Drew chastened breathily.

He slid her panties down and off before grabbing each ankle and pulling them apart. Much like with her nipples, the sudden chill on her most sensitive area sent an almost-painful thrill through her body. Drew then placed her legs back on the bed—still spread wide—and stepped away.

After a few moments without Drew’s touch, Cami opened her eyes in confusion. She smiled when she saw his bare chest, as Drew unzipped his pants and quickly slid them down his muscular legs. His cock was hard in his tight black boxer briefs, which featured a wet spot that betrayed Drew’s obvious enjoyment. At least Cami knew she wasn’t alone in this.

Realizing that he had an audience, Drew slid his underwear down his legs in a much more leisurely pace, slowly revealing inch after inch of perfectly toned skin.

His throbbing manhood slapped up against his stomach when it was finally free—swollen, red, and dripping angrily. Cami licked her lips and felt another wave of need wash over her as he slowly stood and stroked himself for a few moments, watching her. She wanted to whine or beg, but she knew she would get in trouble. She settled on releasing a long, distressed breath.

Drew smiled, obviously getting the message. He reached down into his pants and pulled out a condom, slowly and sensuously sliding it on. He then gave himself a few more strokes, just for show, before crawling back over her.

“It’s okay, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve got what you need. You just have to remember to be quiet, okay? And I’ll take care of you.”

Cami nodded in agreement, trying to communicate her need with every look, instead of the sounds and touches she wasn’t allowed to make. Finally, Drew settled back on his knees and pulled her towards him by the hips. He lined them up and didn’t even wait before sliding completely into her. It had only been a little over a week since they’d had sex, but she still felt the stretch and burn of his massive length and girth as if it had been years.

Unlike last time, Drew didn’t give Cami a moment to acclimate to his presence before pulling almost completely out of her body and slamming back in. He continued in this way, thrusting into her furiously.

Cami had to bite the side of her cheek to keep from crying out. Somehow, the need to remain silent seemed to heighten everything else. The hunger and the pleasure were almost unbearable and it didn’t take Cami long before she was right at the edge once again. This time, however, Drew let her go over, thrusting into her feverishly as her entire body was wracked with pleasure. It felt like it was tearing her apart, yet she never wanted it to end.

When she finally came to, Drew was shaking above her as he found his own release deep in her body. She held him through it, hoping he experienced even half of the pleasure she had.

Eventually, Drew rose and disposed of the condom. He then untied her hands and pulled her clothes all the way off before rubbing and kissing each wrist. He helped her slide under the comforter and, to her surprise, crawled in with her.

“I’ll be gone before Madison wakes up,” he whispered into her ear. “I promise.”

Cami couldn’t really bring herself to care one way or another as she nestled back against him and drifted off to the deepest sleep she’d experienced in weeks.



Cami rolled over in her sleep, willing the voice away, fighting to stay in the calm, comforting world of her dreams.

“Cami, wake up.”

She slowly surfaced from sleep to the sensation of a warm hand rubbing her naked back and shoulder. She blinked awake and stared into the face of Drew, who was sitting on the bed beside her, fully dressed.

“What time is it?” she asked. A smile spread across her lips as last night’s memories slowly came back to her.

“It’s early,” he replied. “I just wanted to wake you up before I left. I know you were upset that I didn’t do that last time. I’ll be leaving on a business trip later today and I’m not sure when I’ll be back, so I wanted to say goodbye.”

Cami’s smile grew even larger as she slowly sat up. The sheet slid down her body, revealing her large, naked breasts. Drew sucked in a loud breath.

“God,” he said, “if only I had a little more time.”

“There will be time,” Cami assured him. “There will be plenty of time later.”

“Later,” Drew repeated with a grin of his own.

He leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers. Cami leaned in and opened to him, morning breath be damned. Drew groaned as he deepened the kiss, then pulled away with a regretful sigh.

“I’ll call you once I’m back in town,” he said.

“You do that,” Cami replied.

“I’ll let myself out,” Drew told her, standing. “I would hate for you to have to put on clothes.” Cami just offered him another smile and wave as he left the room, then promptly lay back down and drifted back to sleep.

ami didn’t expect
Drew to call for the next few days, but when she hadn’t heard from him by the following weekend, she began to worry. The next week grew so stressful, however, that she didn’t have any time to waste worrying about Drew. She received her first bill from her lawyer. He’d gone through what she’d paid him on retainer quickly, gearing up for what looked to be a nasty custody battle. Even being the cheapest lawyer in the phone book, the man was expensive.

Cami looked down at the bill hopelessly. She’d already spent most of her measly savings on the retainer, and now she was going to have to shell out another thousand dollars quickly, or she’d soon find herself without representation.

Tucking the bill inside her purse, she loaded Madison into her car and headed towards her mother’s. She was already working overtime—close to sixty hours a week—so there wasn’t much more she could do.

“Everything okay?” her mother asked as Cami carried Madison into the apartment, obviously detecting the stress Cami was feeling. Her mom had been oddly supportive lately, not even harping on Cami’s weight or relationship status. “I mean, besides all the crap you’re already dealing with,” she clarified when Cami shot her a look.

“Got a bill from the lawyer’s office today,” Cami replied. “Almost a grand.”

“Damn!” Mom said before catching herself.

“Gramma said bad word!” Madison said. “Bad word!”

“Yes, she did,” Cami replied, looking at her mother with an exaggerated “angry” face. “That’s rude, Gramma!”

“Yes, it is,” the older woman replied. “And I’m very sorry.”

Madison seemed to take this as punishment enough, as she turned and teetered into the living room to play with her toys.

“So,” her mom said quietly once Madison was out of hearing range, “what are we going to do?”

“I’ll figure something out,” Cami replied tiredly. “I will have a big paycheck next week. I’ve been working overtime a lot lately. And I can try to pick up some more shifts. Madison is at Ken’s this weekend, so I can work four shifts in a row.”

“Goodness, child, you’ll pass out if you work yourself to the bone like that.”

“What else can I do, Mom?” Cami asked, heavy emotion in her voice. “I need the money.”

figure something out,” her mom said, wrapping her arms around Cami. “Together.”

Cami just nodded, leaning into the hug for a moment before pulling away.

“I have to go,” she said. “And I’ll be late again. I’m working another half shift on top of my own, picking up for a girl who wanted the early evening off.”

“Okay,” her mother replied, smiling sadly. “Have a great day!”

Cami went to kiss Madison goodbye before heading to the hospital.

The ER was busy, which made Cami even more worn out, but also helped the time go by faster. Cami found that it was almost easier to function in an exhausted mode when things were busy. Only when things were slow was when she would start to nod off at the nurses’ station.

It was after midnight by the time Cami made it back to her mother’s house. She let herself in quietly, expecting both Madison and her mom to be sleeping at this late hour. But, to her surprise, her mother was up at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in her hands.

“Hey,” Cami said. “You’re up late.”

“You too,” her mom responded, offering another one of her sad smiles. Cami was beginning to hate that smile. “Want some tea?”

“No thanks. I’m just gonna grab Madison and go.”

“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” her mother asked. “I can throw your scrubs in the wash and I have plenty of clothes for Madison. That way you don’t have to go all the way home only to turn around and drop her off back here in the morning. Then you can sleep in a little and spend a bit of time with your daughter.”

Cami was too tired to argue, so she just nodded.

“Then I’m going to shower and head to bed,” she replied.

“One more thing,” her mom said, rising from her chair and moving to her purse on the counter. She pulled out an envelope and handed it to Cami.

Cami opened it, her breath catching in her throat as she noticed the crisp hundred-dollar bills. There were ten of them…exactly a thousand dollars.

“Where did you get this, Mom?” Cami asked in a cracked voice.

“I sold a few things of your grandmother’s,” her mom said, face betraying no emotion.

Cami couldn’t hide her own feelings, though. Her mom had held on to her own mother’s jewelry since her death nearly two decades prior. Even at their poorest, when her mom had been working two jobs just to put a roof over their heads and food on their table, she’d never even considered selling any of her mother’s jewelry.

“Mom…” Cami said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“We’ve got to do what we’ve got to do,” she said with a determined air. “That will pay for this round of bills, and I still have some more jewelry I can sell. And I’ll be able to get more than that for it. I could have gotten more than a grand for the pearls I sold if I hadn’t been in such a hurry. But we needed the money now, so what can you do?”

“Thank you, Mom,” Cami said through tears, pulling her mom close. “I love you.”

“Don’t worry,” her mother whispered into her ear. “We won’t let them take Madison. I promise.”

Cami just nodded before pulling out and moving towards the bathroom, more grateful for her mother than she’d ever been before. When she got out of the shower, the washing machine was running, and there were some sleep clothes laid out for Cami on the sink. She dressed quickly and then went to curl up next to Madison in the guest bedroom. She was so exhausted that she fell asleep almost instantaneously.

Cami had to leave early the next day in order to meet with her lawyer. Thankfully, she was able to bring a check with her, so that his services were guaranteed for a little while longer.

She sat across from him in his small, stuffy office. It was a far cry from the office of Gil Dubois, Ken’s lawyer. Cami hated to be here… It reminded her of how much things were stacked against her. Ken had the best lawyers money could buy, as well as family connections, while she had a second-rate lawyer with a small, dank office.

“So,” Michael began, “things are at a stalemate right now. He has filed the petition for full custody, and we have countered that. We have not been able to come to a satisfactory agreement—obviously, Ken’s lawyers have stated that he will now only be happy with full custody, which is out of the question for you—so now we’re moving on to court. Our first court date is set for early next month.”

“What happens then?” Cami asked, not trying to think about how expensive his fees were going to be once they were actually going to court.

“Well, first we need to find character witnesses that can speak about Ken’s poor skills as a father as well as his substance abuse problems.”

Cami grimaced, hating the idea of allowing the fighting to get so dirty.

“I’m going to start looking into past arrests and old acquaintances, trying to find as much dirt as possible.”

Cami knew that all of those hours wouldn’t come cheap and, worst of all, Michael didn’t even seem confident in his ability to find much. In fact, as the weeks had progressed, Michael seemed less and less confident. At one point, he’d even asked if she would be willing to give up primary custody of Madison if that would mean being able to see her at all. Cami had almost punched him at the time.

“What should I be doing?” Cami asked.

“Well, I want you to think of anyone who may be willing to testify against your ex-husband. I also want you to write down all incriminating information about him that you can remember. Other than that, just spend as much time with Madison as you can.”

Because you may not have her for much longer.
This went unsaid, but Cami knew it was there. She knew she had to do something. Even if it meant selling her house and moving in with her mother, she needed to hire a better lawyer. If she thought it would move fast enough to get a lawyer soon, she’d do just that.

She was sitting in her car, debating whether or not to call Maggie and take her up on her offer to pay for a better lawyer, when her phone rang. Cami pulled it out of her purse and did a double take. It was Drew calling. After the first week of waiting, she’d pretty much given up on hearing from him again. This week, she hadn’t even had the time or energy to think about it. And yet, here he was.

Cami was tired and upset and debated letting the call go to voicemail. But she knew that if she did that, she’d never call him back. At least she could talk to him now and get closure.

“Hello,” she said after the fourth ring.

“Cami, hey! How are you?” Drew sounded warm and happy to hear her voice—not like he’d been radio silent for the greater part of two weeks.

“Okay,” she lied. She really didn’t want to talk to Drew about her emotions. That was, in fact, the last thing she wanted to do right now.

“You don’t sound okay,” he said. “Is everything alright? Is it the custody battle?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it right now, Drew,” she said in an icy tone. “What do you want?”

“Oh…um…I just wanted to talk to you, I guess. I just got back from my trip and I was hoping I’d be able to see you this weekend.”

“I don’t know, Drew. I haven’t heard from you in nearly two weeks, and now you’re just back and expecting me to be at your beck and call.”

“Listen, Cami, I’m sorry I haven’t called. This trip was extremely exhausting. I didn’t really have a moment to myself. But I missed you. A lot. One of the things that kept me going was the knowledge that I would get to see you when I got back.”

He sounded so sincere that Cami felt her heart begin to thaw a little bit. Maybe he really had been on a business trip for the last two weeks and hadn’t been able to call. That was the thing…there was always a reasonable explanation, but it continued to happen. He continued to disappear every time things started to get good. He was inconsistent and unreliable.

“Please,” he pleaded.

Cami had half a mind to refuse him, but the truth was, Madison was going to be at Ken’s all weekend, and if she didn’t have anything to occupy her mind, she’d just sit around depressed and moping.

“Fine,” she said after a minute. “I’m free tomorrow night.”

“Awesome!” he replied, sounding ecstatic. “I’ll pick you up at six.”

Cami agreed and hung up the phone.

“What am I getting myself into?” she asked herself as she pulled out of the parking lot. Still, she couldn’t stop the smile spreading across her face.

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