The Stubborn Suitor, Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: The Stubborn Suitor, Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance)
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Cami thought about her own insecurities. Perhaps if she wasn’t constantly waiting for Drew to ditch her, perhaps if she wasn’t always waiting for the other shoe to drop, things might have gone a little more smoothly too.

“I think I just needed to be sure,” Drew continued. “And I’m sure now. In fact, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”

Those words—and the promise they contained—sent a chill down Cami’s spine. She suddenly felt sure of something as well.

“I understand,” Cami said after a moment, offering him a reassuring smile. She then placed her wine glass on the table and crawled across the couch to give him a soft kiss on the lips. Drew leaned into the kiss, deepening it for a moment. But he soon pulled away.

“I should probably go, if you want,” he replied, moving to stand.

“No,” Cami said, standing herself. She offered him her hand. “Stay.”

“Okay,” Drew replied. He placed his hand in hers and let her lead them towards the bedroom.

Every other time they’d been together, Drew had been in charge. And Cami loved that. She really did. But this time, Cami wanted to be the one to show Drew just how much she appreciated his honesty. She felt the need to prove that she wasn’t just after his money—that she cared about him.

This was why, as soon as the door to the bedroom was locked, Cami stopped. She turned towards Drew and pushed him onto the bed. Even though he was tall and strong, he was caught off guard and went toppling back against the blankets. Cami smirked at his puzzled expression as she leaned to pull a condom out of the nightstand, tossing it onto the bed next to him.

She then climbed onto the bed. He moved to sit up, but Cami stilled him with a hand against his chest.

“Not tonight,” she said with a smile. “Tonight, it’s my turn to take care of you.”

“But—” Drew began.

“No buts,” Cami interrupted. “Your only job is to lay there and enjoy yourself as I take care of you.”

Drew looked like he wanted to argue, but eventually, he relented and relaxed back against the bed. Cami moved to the foot of the bed and began by pulling off his shoes and socks. She then straddled his waist as she ran her hands up and down his chest, first outside of his shirt, then below it. He shivered as her nails raked along his flesh. Cami allowed herself to settle down against him, grinding her body against his hardening flesh.

“I see you’re already enjoying this,” Cami replied as she pulled his shirt up and over his head.

She spent a few minutes gliding her hands against his hard, muscular chest, exploring it first with her fingers, then with her mouth and tongue. When Drew was a moaning mess, Cami finally crawled off him, unfastening his fly before pulling both pants and underwear off in one fluid motion.

Cami couldn’t stifle the moan of her own as his swollen, dripping erection popped up against his stomach. Drew reached down to grope himself, but Cami stopped him.

“Nope. No touching, remember? Two can play this game,” she said, smirking at his glare.

Oh, how the tables had turned. Making sure not to touch him herself, she climbed off the bed and slowly began to undress as sensually as she could.

Drew moaned at the sight, his cock twitching and leaking pre-cum across his stomach as he unconsciously thrust his hips into the air. Cami remembered being in the exact same position when he’d teased her. It made her smile. Once she was naked, she crawled back up the bed, rubbing her hands along his legs, thighs, and hips, but avoiding the spot he wanted her to touch the most.

Eventually, Cami grabbed the condom, opening it with her teeth while her other hand finally reached out and grasped his throbbing erection. Cami had planned to slip the condom on right away, but found that she loved the feeling of him, hot and heavy in her hand. And so she spent a while sliding her fingers up and down his cock at a teasingly slow pace.

After only a few minutes, Cami’s hand was wet with his excitement and she could feel her own juices trickling down her thighs. She didn’t think
would be able to wait much longer. And so, at an agonizingly slow pace, she slid the condom over his rigid length.

Once the sheath was secure, Cami didn’t waste much more time before straddling Drew and guiding him against her aching pussy. Then, her self-control shot, she pushed down onto him, completely enveloping him in her hungry body.

This position allowed him into her deeper than ever before and she had to pause for a moment to acclimate to his substantial size. She couldn’t bring herself to wait too long, though, and was soon rocking back and forth as his massive cock pulsed within her.

He looked beautifully debauched beneath her, face twisted in pleasure and pupils wide with desire. She could see his eyes on her bouncing breasts and, having a little mercy, reached down to grab his hands, placing them on her aching nipples.

Drew took this as permission to participate and squeezed her mounds roughly as he thrust up into her body. Cami, driven half out of her mind at the sensation, ground down on his cock in earnest. He pushed up to meet her with just as much vigor, their bodies slamming together as Cami felt her orgasm building within her.

“I’m not going to last much longer,” he panted huskily.

The sound of his voice, combined with the confession itself was enough to send Cami over the edge.

“Come for me,” she commanded as she rode Drew through her own climax, wave after wave of pleasure pulsating through her, extended by the sight and sensation of Drew losing himself beneath her.

Spent, Cami collapsed against Drew’s chest, panting heavily. They lay there for a long time, Drew still inside her, as they both regained their breath. Eventually, Drew slid out from under her, disposing of the condom and helping her under the covers. He crawled in next to her and nestled against her back.

“I’m not going to stay the night,” he whispered in her ear, which made Cami tense for a second. “Relax,” he continued, obviously sensing her distress. “I just don’t want to confuse Madison by being here when she wakes up. But I’ll come back over tomorrow night. I can make the two of you dinner again. If that’s okay with you, that is.”

“That’s perfect,” Cami replied with a smile before letting herself drift off to sleep.


he following week
went by quickly. “Time flies when you’re having fun,” Cami’s mom had always said. Cami was realizing now, more than ever, how true that saying really was.

Drew came over most nights and made dinner for Madison and Cami. Most evenings, he stayed late to make quiet but passionate love to Cami while Madison was asleep, though he never spent the night. On the nights that he didn’t come to their house, they had been invited over to his.

Cami was getting to know Drew’s sister, Elsie, whom she had taken to liking right off the bat. She could see what Maggie meant when she’d said that the two of them would have a lot in common—and not just abusive ex-husbands and small children they were raising practically alone. Elsie was funny and smart and fun to be around. And Robbie and Madison had taken to each other well, despite the slight age difference, and were now as thick as thieves.

As much as Cami had enjoyed getting to know Drew’s family and having Drew bond with Madison, when he mentioned that his sister and nephew would be out of town for the weekend visiting a friend, Cami made plans for Madison to have an overnight stay with her grandma. She wanted to be able to spend an evening alone with Drew—and to make love to him without having to worry about how loud they could get.

After dropping Madison off with her mom, who gave Cami another one of her knowing smirks, Cami made her way across town to Drew’s house. Although his house was just as large and nice as Ken’s, he was in a much less ostentatious neighborhood. It was actually situated on a small plot of land near the edge of town.

As she pulled into the long driveway—which separated the house from the road—Cami imagined what it would be like to come home to this view every day. The three-story house sat in a little clearing, surrounded by trees. There was a large deck on one side and a pool in the back, which was enclosed by a fence to keep the children from accidentally falling in.

Since up until very recently, Drew had spent almost all of his time at work, he hadn’t put a lot of effort into landscaping. Cami imagined what it would be like with flowerbeds and a vegetable garden. They’d get a dog or two. Hell, they were even far enough outside of town to get a pony for Madison when she was older.

Cami shook her head, trying to get her mind away from such thoughts. She and Drew had really only been an actual couple for less than a week. Yes, so far he’d been consistent and reliable. But she still wasn’t one hundred percent sure that she could trust him.

Drew had the door open before Cami had even stepped up onto the porch. He was wearing a bright orange apron over jeans and a t-shirt. His feet were bare, his hair a complete mess, and there was dark stubble along his jaw. He looked relaxed and happy and Cami didn’t even try to fight the urge to lean in and kiss him, running her hands through his dark locks.

“Hi,” she said against his lips.

“Hi,” he replied with a smile as he led her in.

The house was as magnificent on the inside as it had been on the outside, though just as bare. According to Drew, Elsie had brought a lot when she’d moved in, so Cami couldn’t imagine how empty it had been before. Apparently, he’d had the house custom built for his ex, thinking they would have a large family, and when she’d left, she’d taken almost everything with her. Drew said he didn’t mind. Now that he had free time, he could work on making this house a home.

He hadn’t outright stated that he wanted her help in decorating because he wanted it to be her home too, one day, but it seemed the assumption was there. And Cami wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She was still waiting for something bad to happen, she realized. Good things didn’t happen to her, after all.

“How was your day?” Drew asked as he took her bag and set it on the couch in the living room. He led her into the kitchen, where he handed her an already poured glass of wine.

“It was good,” Cami replied. “With all the custody stuff going on, I’ve gotten to where I really value my weekends with Madison more than ever. We went to the park and the farmer’s market, then out to lunch.”

“Oh,” Drew replied, looking uncertain. “You didn’t have to leave her with your mom tonight, since you don’t get to spend every weekend with her…at the moment.” Drew’s confidence in Cami’s chances at winning the custody battle always made her feel better.

“No,” Cami replied, trying to assuage his guilt. “We had a great time. Now she’s having fun with grandma. I needed this. Trust me.”

“Okay,” Drew replied, pressing up against her for another kiss before he moved back towards the stove, where dinner was simmering.

“What’s for dinner?” Cami asked, coming up behind him and resting her head on his shoulder to look over him at the stove.

“Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken,” he replied with a proud smirk.

“Well, I can’t wait. It smells amazing.”


“What did you do today?” Cami asked as she pulled herself up onto the bar stool away from where he was cooking.

“Not much,” Drew admitted. “After I saw Elsie and Robbie off, I did a little bit of paperwork for the philanthropic foundation I’m trying to start, but there’s not much I can do on a Saturday.”

“Tell me more about the foundation,” Cami prompted.

He’d mentioned it in passing a few times, but the only time they’d had away from Madison in the last week had been spent making love, so she still didn’t know the details.

“It’s going to focus on fighting poverty in the U.S. I want to partner with local food banks and Habitat for Humanity chapters, things like that. As much as I can, I want to work with existing institutions instead of reinventing the wheel. You know what I mean?”

Cami nodded. Drew looked so excited when he talked about the foundation that it made Cami excited as well.

“I also want to work with inner city schools, funding after school programs and tutoring for underprivileged and at-risk youth.”

“That sounds awesome!”

“Yeah,” Drew replied. “I’m pretty excited.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Cami asked. Drew stopped what he was doing and looked at her for a moment, tilting his head questioningly.

“You’d really want to help?” he asked, as if anyone
want to help with a project like that.

“Of course!” Cami said. “I don’t really know what I could do. I guess I could use my medical expertise. Maybe we could work on setting up a free health clinic in a low-income neighborhood.”

Even as Cami heard herself speaking, she knew it was a bad idea. She didn’t need to get this involved this fast. But she couldn’t help herself. And Drew obviously didn’t think she was being too forward, as he shut off the stove and moved towards her with a goofy smile on his face.

He took the wine glass out of her hand and set it on the counter beside her before moving between her legs and pressing his mouth against hers. She wrapped her legs around his hips as she perched on the stool, opening to him as he deepened the kiss.

“That’s amazing,” he whispered between kisses. “
amazing. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so grateful I get to have you just the same.”

Cami couldn’t help but think that the exact opposite was true. Drew was the amazing one. He was the one who hardly seemed real, now that they were together. He was wealthy and handsome, sweet and caring. He wanted to spend time with her daughter and he planned on spending the rest of his life helping the poor. Not to mention that he was amazing in bed.

That’s why she was waiting for things to get bad again—because Cami was never able to keep good things. She was the girl that bad things happened to, not the girl that got to marry Prince Charming.

But, as Drew ran his fingers through her hair and bit her lip hungrily, those thoughts were being pushed from her mind by the desire building in her body. She was about to suggest they put dinner on hold for a while and head upstairs—or just have some fun on the kitchen table—when her phone rang. She tried to ignore it, but it was the creepy theme from
, the ringtone she’d downloaded specifically for her ex-husband. The phone went to voicemail after four rings, but soon rang again.

“That’s Ken,” Cami said, pulling away from the kiss.

Drew let go of her and stepped back, frowning. “Your ex-husband? Why would he be calling? I thought he wasn’t supposed to contact you except about his weekends with Madison.”

“He’s not,” Cami said, confused. “Should I answer it?”

“Yes,” Drew replied, going to fetch her purse from the living room for her. “It may be important if he keeps calling.”

By the time Drew was back with her phone, Ken was calling for the third time.

“Hello?” Cami answered, now feeling worried.

“Took you long enough,” Ken snarled. “Having sex with your new boyfriend or something?” Cami cringed, not letting Ken know how accurate his accusation was. “In front of our daughter, no doubt. That’s disgusting. You’re disgusting.”

Ken words were slightly slurred, letting Cami know that he’d been drinking. Her apprehension soon turned to fury.

“You’re disgusting to even entertain that possibility,” Cami replied, not bothering to keep the anger out of her tone. She knew that Ken’s accusations weren’t any less repulsive because he was drunk. “I thought you stopped drinking, Ken,” Cami growled. “What do you want?”

“I want to know why you’re having sex with that guy in front of our daughter.”

“You know what,” Cami replied. “I don’t have to deal with this. You know you’re not supposed to contact me this way.”

“Well, you won’t have to deal with me much longer. Pretty soon, Madison will be all mine and you and your stupid little boyfriend can forget all about her.”

“Not going to happen,” Cami replied with all of the confidence she could muster.

“Yes it will. Natalie wants a child, I’m getting her a child.”

“What?” Cami asked, suddenly enraged. “This is about Natalie? What Natalie wants is completely inconsequential. Cami isn’t Natalie’s daughter and she never will be.”

“Oh yes, she will,” Ken jeered. “We both know I’m going to win this. Then Madison will be all ours. Natalie will have the daughter she wants, and you’ll have what you deserve: nothing.”

Cami, unable to handle another minute of this conversation, hung up the phone and let out a frustrated growl.

“What?” Drew asked, having only been able to hear her side of the dialogue.

“He was drunk and being an asshole. I think he was calling just to intimidate me, but he let it slip that this whole custody battle is Natalie’s idea. He doesn’t even want Madison. He’s just doing this because his fiancée wants children and can’t have any of her own.”

Cami felt tears of frustration slip down her face, but she couldn’t stop them. She was so upset that she could barely contain herself. She wanted to punch something. She wanted to punch Ken, if she was being honest, and Natalie too.

Drew didn’t reply. He just stepped forward and pulled her into a tight hug.

“You know the worst part?” she asked.

“What?” he said softly, gently rubbing circles against her back.

“They’re going to win.”

“No, they aren’t,” Drew answered quickly and confidently.

“Yes, they are. My lawyer is complete shit. He’s the reason I got nothing in the divorce.”

“Then why are you still letting him represent you?” Drew asked, pulling away slightly to look at her, his eyebrows raised.

“Because I can’t afford anyone else,” she sobbed. “I can barely afford this. I’m picking up overtime at the hospital and my mom is selling my grandma’s expensive jewelry and we’re still barely covering the bills.”

“Oh, Cami,” Drew said, pulling her back into his arms. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Why would I? It’s not your responsibility.”

Drew didn’t reply to that, he just continued to hug Cami until her sobs slowly subsided. He then helped her to the sofa in the living room. He left her there and returned with another glass of wine a second later.

“Rest here for a little bit, and drink this. I have something to attend to. I’ll be right back.”

Cami was a little annoyed that he would leave her while she was so upset, but she reminded herself that this wasn’t his problem and she wasn’t his responsibility. She was a grown woman and couldn’t rely on others to take care of her.

And so she took deep breaths between sips of wine and tried to will herself into calming down. A few minutes later, Drew returned to the living room, his phone in his hand, and sat down beside her.

“I just got off the phone with Norman Michaels,” he informed her. “He’s the best family lawyer in the state. He’s taking care of my sister’s divorce right now and it’s going incredibly smoothly. He’s agreed to take you on.”

“Drew, I can’t—” Cami began but he interrupted her.

“You can and you will, Cami. This is your daughter we’re talking about. We need to fight this with everything we can.” The word
sent waves of warmth through her body, allowing her to finally calm down a bit. “We can’t let Ken win. And now, with Michaels, we won’t. Trust me, when Michaels is done with him, your ex won’t even have partial custody. If he’s the drunk, abusive asshole he just proved himself to be over the phone, Madison doesn’t need to be anywhere near him…ever.”

Cami just nodded, still unable to wrap her mind around the rapid change of events that had just gone down.

“So Michaels is available to meet with you first thing on Monday morning. I told him you could be there at eight. That may make you slightly late for work, and I’m sorry. But it’s best to get this ball rolling as soon as possible.”

“No,” Cami said, still a little stunned. “I mean, eight is fine, no need to be sorry. My boss will understand.”

“Great. As soon as you meet with Michaels and sign the paperwork, his team will notify your old lawyer that he’s lost a client and begin building a case against Ken. Trust me, these guys are efficient. We’ll hopefully have this entire thing dealt with and over in just a couple of weeks.”

Cami nodded, more tears slipping down her cheeks. This time, however, they were tears of joy. She hadn’t felt this confident in a long time.

BOOK: The Stubborn Suitor, Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance)
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