The Sugar King of Havana (47 page)

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Authors: John Paul Rathbone

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Azqueta, Jesus
Babún Selman, Teófilo
Baker, Josephine
Banco de Fomento Comercial
Banco Financiero
Banco Gelats
Banco National
Banco Pedroso
Barletta, Amadeo
Barrio Colón
Barrosa, Dr. Jorge
Baruch, Belle
Baruch, Bernard
Batista, Fulgencio
blows to dictatorship
businesses controlled by
corruption of
coup (1933)
coup (1952)
as dictator
exile of
family background
Florida, retirement to (1944)
Lobo’s meetings with
Lobo’s opposition to
Lobo’s payments to
Naviera Vacuba deal
as president
rebels invade office of
sugar production cuts
upper-class opposition to
Batistianos, televised show trials
Bay of Pigs
Behn, Sosthenes
Beltran, García
Berenson, Lawrence
Bertrand, Madame
Blacks, Cuban
Blanco, Francisco
Blanquita Theater
Bodeguita del Medio
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Lobo’s collection
Lobo’s identification with
Napoleon documents, retrieval attempt
(rebel militias)
Bosch, Pepín
Bosque de la Habana
Braga, George
Brooke, General John Rutter
Brotherly Park massacre
Burton, Dr. Francis
Caballero de París
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo
Cadenas, Julio
Automomist movement
decline of
local characteristics of
sugar mill. See Senado sugar mill
Capablanca, José Raúl
Capitolio diamond theft
Capri casino
Caracas sugar mill
Carpentier, Alejo
Carrero Blanco, Luis
Caruso, Enrico
Casa de Marina
Castro, Cipriano
Castro, Cuba under
Bay of Pigs
command economy
and Cuban emigration
Cuban exile soldiers, negotiation for release
Havana, condition of
internal embargo
Mariel boatlift
media, shut-down
missile crisis
restrictions, lifting of
Soviet alliance
-Soviet split
sugar industry
time, reset to Revolution
trade embargo
U.S. companies, nationalization of
wealthy, money transferred abroad
Castro, Fidel
Chávez on
early warning signs about
education of
enters Havana (1958)
executions under
family background
government officials opposed to
illness and withdrawal of
initial reforms
initial support for
invades Cuba from Mexico
Lobo’s payments to
Lobo’s view of
meets Guevara
Moncada barracks attack
on past revolutionaries
rallying cry
roots of
26 July movement
United States, tour of
at University of Havana
Castro, Raúl
education of
leadership of Cuba
and Matos trial
on Revolution’s 50th anniversary
Caviedes, Hipólito
Cepero Bonilla, Raúl
Chadbourne Plan (1930)
Chartrand, Esteban
Château Madrid
Chávez, Hugo
Chevalier, Maurice
Chibás, Eddy
Churchill, Winston
Cigar industry
Coates, Charlie
Colegio de La Salle
(sugar farmers)
Columbia Grammar
Columbia University
Columbus, Christopher
Communists, during Batista coup
Concentration camps
Congreso sugar mill
Consecration of Spring, The
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Corners trading tactic
Crosby, Laurence
Automomist movement
black Cuba
capital city. See Havana
under Castro. See Castro, Cuba under
Cubans, business sense of
Independence Day
as land of contrasts
Martí and independence of
post-revolution (1898) conditions
pre-Castro. See Cuban Republic
revolts against Spain
strategic location of
sugar production. See Sugar industry
United States occupation (1898)
Cuba Cane Corporation
Cuba Company
“Cuba for Cubans,”
Cuban Atlantic
Cuban Consolidated Railways
Cuban Republic
Batista coup (1933)
Batista coup (1952)
Batista dictatorship
Batista as president
Castro Revolution. See Castro, Cuba under
Communists in
economic decline (1920s)
Havana during. See Havana
Machado as dictator
as neo-colony of United States
Platt Amendment
presidents of
revolts of 1933
Spanish immigration to
standard of living
time period of
tourism industry
upper-class lifestyle of
World War I, post-war prosperity
and World War II
Cuban Telephone Company
Cuban Trading Corporation
Culture Ministry
Dana, Richard Henry
“Dance of the Millions”
Davis, Bette
De Beauvoir, Simone
de la Caridad, María
de la Cruz, Carlos
de la Guardia, Angel
de Merlin, Condesa
observations of
relationship to Lobo
de Montalvo, Conde
de Soto, Hernando
Diago, Pedro
Diario de la Marina
di Lampedusa, Giuseppe
Domínguez, Vicente
Donovan, James Britt
Drecher, Gerry
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Echeverría, José Antonio
Eire, Carlos
Eisenhower, Dwight
El Chino
El Colegio de Belén
El Encanto department store
El Manquito
El Mundo
El Nuevo País
El País
El periodo especial
(the special period)
El Pilón
Ely, Ronald
English, T. J.
Enrile, Julio
Escalante, Aníbal
Estrada, Alfredo José
Estrada Palma, Tomás
Europa cafe
Fabrizio, Don
Falla-Gutiérrez family
money transferred abroad
on sugar production cuts
wealth of
Families Committee
Fangio, Juan Manuel
Fanjul y Gómez-Mena, Lían
“Fatherland or Death”
Fernández, José R.
Ferrara, Orestes
Fidencia sugar mill
First National Boston
Flynn, Errol
Fonst Segundo, Ramón
Fontaine, Joan
Fontaine, Lillian
Fowler, George
Franco, Francisco
Freyre de Andrade, María Teresa
Galbán Lobo
building, modern use
founding and early growth
Hershey deal
hostile takeover attempts by
Julio at work, description of
Julio becomes head
Julio’s early years at
Julio’s work team
last transaction of
as leader in industry
location of
mills and sugar production
New York sugar market squeeze
and sugar bust (1920s)
Tate & Lyle deal
García, Marcelino
García Menocal, Mario
Getty, Jean Paul
Godfather: Part II, The
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gómez, Máximo
Gómez Mena, Alfonso
Gomez Mena, José
González, Elián
González, Jorge
González, Margarita
González del Valle, Manuel Ángel
, and Castro invasion
Grau, Pedro
Grau San Martín, Ramón
and Batista coup (1933)
(rebel militias)
corruption of
as president
Great Depression
Greene, Graham
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”
as central bank president
on Cuba’s economic war
lands in Cuba
meets Castro
offer to enlist Lobo
shot and wounded
similarity to Lobo
on sugar production
Guttiérez, Falla
Hasselbalch, Varvara
affluent suburbs of
beggars of
casinos of
Castro arrival (1958)
Castro era
glamour of
grand homes of
historical view
during Macado dictatorship
Mafia in
merchant district (1850s)
Old Havana
compared to Palermo
revitalization projects
seedy areas
transportation from U.S. to
as UNESCO World Heritage Site
United States occupation (1898)
World War I, post-war prosperity
Havana Country Club
Havana Yacht Club
Havemeyer, Henry Osborne
Hayden, Charlie
Hearst, William Randolph
Heilbroner, Robert
Hemingway, Ernest
Hennick, Irving
Herman, Alexander
Hershey, Milton
Hershey deal
Hidalgo, Lily
Hitler, Adolf
Hopper, Hedda
Hostile takeovers
Hotel Nacional
Hughes, Llewellyn
“Hymn to the Invader” (Loynaz del Castillo)
Independence Day
Inocente Álvarez, Alberto
Isle of Pines
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenks, Leland
Jiménez, Guillermo
Karl Marx Theater
Kennedy, Bobby
Kennedy, John F.
Keynes, John Maynard
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kid Chocolate
Knickerbocker, Cholly
Kronacher, Paul
Krueger, Hilda
La Cabaña fortress
la Gorda, María (Fat Mary)
life under Castro
Lamborn & Co.
La Mejorana sugar mill
Lansky, Meyer
La Porra
“La Rosa Blanca” (Martí)
Las Delicias
Laurent, Elizabeth
La Zafra
Leal, Eusebio
León, Enrique
Galbán Lobo, role in
and Guevera meeting
in U.S. after exile
Leopard, The
Lezama, José
Lezama Lima, José
Liborio (cartoon)
Lion, Jean
Livermore, Jesse
Lobo, Gustavo (cousin of JL)
Lobo, Helena (sister of JL)
Lobo, Heriberto (father of JL)
arrives in Cuba
death of
early success of
family background
family portrait
and Galbán Lobo
homestead of
letters to Julio
marriage and married life
photo of
retirement of
Lobo, Jacobo (brother of JL)
birth of
and Galbán Lobo
suicide of
Lobo, Julio
arrest after Batista coup
art collection, loss of
Banco Financiero
bankruptcy in U.S.
Batista, meetings with
Batista, opposition to
Batista, payments to
birth of
business activities in exile
business mistakes of
cartoon of
casinos financed by
Castro, view of
Castro assassination bet
Castro rebels, payments to
celebrity acquaintances of
childhood home of
cultural interests of
daughters, birth of
daughters, time spent with
dramatic exploits of
end of life and death of
family background
as financial genius
flight from Cuba
Guevara’s offer to enlist
health problems after shooting

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