The Summer House (5 page)

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Authors: Lee Moore

BOOK: The Summer House
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Little moans escaped around Derek’s erection as Daniel started to pound his cock deep inside me.  I had a fleeting thought that not only was I a wicked girl, I loved it.  The fire of my repressed lust started clouding my vision and judgment and things suddenly clicked into place for me.  Grabbing the base of his erection, I took control of Derek’s sex and started stroking it with my hand in the opposite direction from my mouth.


I had my head roughly pushed backwards, and tried to ask why he had me stop when I saw the expression on his face.


“Not yet, I’m not done with you yet,” he promised, and that’s when Daniel pushed himself all the way inside of me.  Never had he been so far in, so deep I could feel his balls hit my ass, and I flew off the handle, my moans and little whimpers of pleasure loud in the desert air as he started pounding me like this relentlessly.  I grabbed him by the hips with my legs and tried to make it rougher.  After moments of this, he started moving erratically and suddenly I could feel him come in tune with my orgasm, his release feeding the fires of my desire. My little whimpers and groans almost turned into screams as I pulled myself onto his lap and bit deep into his shoulder to keep from crying out loud.  Every time he moved or his cock twitched, my whole body shuddered, and I realized that I had my head pressed tightly against his chest. 


“Damn, girl, I didn’t mean to come inside you.  You had me trapped with your legs,” he told me shamefacedly.  “Besides, I usually try to put on a better show than that.”


I slowly tried to stand, his cock sliding out of me, and the sensation almost sent me over the edge again.


“You’ll get your chance to impress me again in a moment,” I told him, looking at Derek with a predatory glare. 


He wasn’t impressed, and pulled me on top of him.  He helped me guide his length into the right positioning, and I loved the feel of it as I slid down his pole.  My mind didn’t know what to do while I was on top, but my body did.  I started using my thigh muscles to start lifting and grinding against him, my clit rubbing on his pubic area with every downward stroke.  I looked deep into his eyes, and I could tell he was trying to hold back


“How long have you two wanted to fuck me?” I hoarsely asked them, the orgasm building with every movement.  Every stroke sent me closer and closer to the edge, and I had to bend down.


“Since you flashed me ten years ago,” Derek said, pulling me close to him as he came, but I wasn’t ready yet, and pushed his hands back.  I realized I had seconds left to finish and started rubbing my clit and rode him hard for another few seconds until I started coming myself again, almost screaming with the release.


I started to fall backwards, but was stopped by a muscular chest and arms holding onto me from the back.  Derek just smiled and looked around.


“Dan, we got to get this thing refilled before somebody notices,” he said, grinning still.


I stood up with wobbly legs and looked around.  The water from the hot tub was splashed all over, but it didn’t look quite as bad as Derek was letting it on to be.


“Looks OK to me!” I told them.


“Depends on who you ask,” Dan said with a grin.  “Want to go inside and play some more?” he asked with a smile.


Was I a good girl?  Was I a wanton slut?  Was I something in the middle?  I might never decide, but I didn’t think I was going to go to hell for this, although my first sexual experience was probably different than most girls’.


I just nodded to the boys, grabbed my suit and robe, and hurried into the living room before I lost my nerve.


My chest was heaving as the boys walked in, barely toweling themselves off, and no trunks.  They were already almost fully erect again and I marveled how deliciously beautiful they looked.  I imagine it’s every girl’s fantasy to be taken by twins; I had just had the next best thing, but I would never admit tonight to anyone (I promised myself) unless it was Jan.  She was into that kind of stuff and had dropped hints about a club she was always going to; I bet you she’d have loved to hear about this.


“My mouth is dry, can you guys grab me a beer real quick?” I asked them… 


The rest of that night left me sore in all the right places, and an itch I never knew I had was scratched, and scratched rather well, but I wanted more.  Much more.


Chapter 9 -


It had been over a week since Daniel and Derek left, and they left me a phone number to a satellite phone they shared.  To be honest, I’d been moping around.  I knew from the beginning that they only had two days and they would be gone for years, maybe forever, so why did I feel so empty, alone?  Maybe this is what my mother was talking about, sex without a relationship… tinder without sustenance.  A fire that goes out quickly.


One thing that stayed with me was the memory of them bringing me to the edge of sensory overload and pushing me over, time and time again.  I was thankful I had enough batteries to last me this week, and I decided to call Janice.


“Hey, girl.”


“Caroline, how are things up there in the desert?”


“Great.  How have you been?”


“Just wondering when you’re going to be back in town.”


“Pretty soon. You wouldn’t believe the time I’ve had up here!”


“You sound pretty excited, want to share?”


“Oh, I might. I just wanted to tell you that I’m going to go see the Grand Canyon for a couple of days and was going to head back towards my parents’ house.”


“Do you think that’s a good idea?”


“Probably not, but I overheard Daddy talking to Mom about putting her in the hospice, so I am guessing the cancer is back, and that it’s bad,” I told her, my voice soft.


“Ouch, I’m sorry, hon; want me to come out when you show up?”


“Can I head there first?  I have a lot to fill you in on,” I gushed, and got all warm thinking about taking the brothers, one at a time.  Technically I took both at once for about twenty seconds, but that didn’t count, really.


“Yeah, just give me a call. I’m going be working at the casino the next couple of nights, anyways,”


“Tips still going good?”


“Yeah, it’s Vegas; I just try to get drinks for all the high rollers.  I had a guy drop two thousand in chips on me last night for a tip.  He was so drunk I don’t think he realized it, but with the pile of chips he had, nobody flinched,” she told me, her voice full of pride.


“Wow, that’s awesome!”


“Yeah, and tonight I’m going to the club I told you about,” she said, and I could tell, even without seeing her, that she had a Cheshire cat grin on her face.


“Well, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” I teased and she just laughed at that.  If she only knew.


“Oh, I don’t know, I think I’m going to be doing things I wouldn’t do.  I’ve sort of changed, and how do you say it, broadened my horizons?  Became less inhibited?”


“You were never inhibited.”


“Now I’m an outright slut,” she told me with a chuckle.


“You’re not the only one,” I quipped and the words were out before I could take them back.


“Wait, you finally went through with it?  Who was it?  Was it any good?” she started gushing.


“They were great, and I’ll tell you about it when I drive over there,”


“They, they, as in plural? Was it a husband and a wife? Two girls? Oh my God, Caroline, there’s no fucking way.  You’re pulling my leg, right?  Spill it, girl!”


I was laughing, and I figured that somehow she knew I wasn’t pulling her leg, and so I cut off any conversation of who, what, when, where, and how, promising to tell her everything in a few days.  I hung up the phone with her still prying me for details, and I had my first long loud laugh since the boys had left for the Gulf.


I was intrigued by this club she kept cryptically mentioning, and if going there made my slutty friend feel even more like a slut, well, it was something that sounded interesting.  She’d have to tell me all about it before I filled her in on Derek and Daniel, I promised myself.  I was growing up, I realized.  I’d had my first fling, and I loved it, and was already looking forward to my next.


Falling in love and getting married wasn’t anything that was on my radar, though.  I’d decided this week that I’d go back, try to mend things with my mother, and go to graduate school.  I had a lot of forms to start filling out, and being a cocktail waitress in Vegas pays well, but not well enough, so I had student loan paperwork to complete as well.


I was going to spend a couple of days at the Grand Canyon, but after doing it again for the twentieth time or so, I decided to spend the second day packing up and getting ready to go back.  I had a couple of phone calls to make, though, before I just showed back up.


I debated calling the house phone, but decided to call Daddy’s cell instead.


“Hey, little girl, I was hoping you’d call someday,” he told me, and for once I could tell he genuinely meant it. 


“I miss you guys too; how is Mom doing?”


“That’s part of why I wanted to talk to you, hon, they say the cancer is back.”


“I kind of thought so.  How bad is it this time?”


“Getting the doctor to give you a straight answer is like the weatherman being accurate; they always talk about percentages, then hedge it with ‘what if’s,’ as if that helps anything.”


“You’re thinking it’s pretty bad then?”


“Yeah, I do.  She’s got a while, but this time it’s more aggressive, faster.”


My heart was heavy, and I knew that I’d need to definitely mend things with my mother. My dad wholeheartedly agreed.


“I really wish you would.  I’ve done a lot of thinking in this past week and a half, even spoken with our minister and laid it out for him.  He said that I’ve probably been a bit too overbearing, and your mother…”


“Is off her rocker?” I tried to lighten the mood.


“Yeah, something like that,” he chuckled, “but if there’s any chance of you two finally coming to an understanding… I don’t think she has much time, Caroline.”


“I’ll try, Daddy, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try.  She’s just so… hateful at times; I don’t know if it’ll ever work, but I want it to work.”


“I hear you.  Are you coming home soon?”


“Tomorrow, or the day after, if that’s OK?”


“Sure it is,” he told me.


“And what about Mom, am I still welcome there?” I asked, because honestly, this might be a real possibility.  Daddy had stood up for me, and stood up to Mom, threatening to dump her in what amounted to a nursing home.  She might resent the wedge I had driven between them, and that had been a constant worry of mine for the past couple of days.


“You’re welcome here.  Either your mother will keep a civil tongue, or we’ll figure something else out,”


“Janice has offered to let me borrow a couch at her place,” I said timidly, knowing he would hate the idea.


“That might work also,” he told me, and I just shook my head.  Life, and these things in it, change so rapidly.  It made me feel like anything was possible, anything at all.


“OK, I’ll call you when I get close; is any particular time better than another?”


“No, I’ll be here all day.  I took this week off because of appointments.”


“OK, Daddy, I’ll see you tomorrow, love you,” I told him, feeling guilty.  Should that have been me taking her?


“Love you too, sweetie.  Bye now.”


“Bye,” I told him hanging up, a quick stab of guilt going through me, and sadness, knowing that my mother didn’t have long.


I knew we’d always had our differences, but suddenly confronted with the knowledge that the end might be near, it was frightening to me.  How many times I’d wished she’d just leave us.  I was determined to make things right.




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