The Super 4 : Dark Death (11 page)

Read The Super 4 : Dark Death Online

Authors: Harrison Wallace

Tags: #scifi, #science, #washington, #dc, #powers, #super, #powers abilities

BOOK: The Super 4 : Dark Death
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I cut the call and went upstairs.

Thankfully Mom wasn’t there, so I didn’t have
to face her evil wrath.

Bye, dad! Out for a walk!
Visiting Carly!”

Bye, son!” answered Dad. “Have
fun! Be back in twenty minutes before your mother


I zoomed towards the tree house at about three
hundred miles per hour. I arrived in less than thirty

Finally!” Carly said.

So what’s the big deal?” I

We have something to show

Well what is it?” I asked

Carly looked at Harrison and they both smiled

If you insist.” Said Harrison.
“Take a seat.”

I sat on an icy cold chair next to

Any idea what this is about?” I

Nope.” He replied.

We settled back to watch the show. Carly had
made a stage of ice. And now she and Harrison were making a decent
sized fog.

Gentlemen!” Announced Harrison.
“I present to you Michelangelo!”

The fog settled and died into nothingness.
Carly made a sphere of water and was waiting patiently. Harrison
raised his hands and made lava in the shape of a fire. Carly then
showered it with water.

When the smoke had died, a rocky fire lay in
the middle of the stage.

Darryl and I applauded, as Harrison and Carly
held hands and bowed.

I couldn’t stop the pangs of jealousy that
went off inside as they hugged each other.

I forced a smile and clapped, as Darryl yelled
Again! Again!

Harrison and Carly smiled and

Harrison made a self-portrait of himself out
of lava. Sighing, Carly doused it with water. She made a waving
motion with her hands to make the smoke disappear.

A perfect image of Harrison lay in its

proceeded to make statues of all of us. Finally he made a tree. On
the tree were the words:
The Super

I smiled. That was to be our superhero team
name. The Super 4. I liked that. Our team. Our superhero

There was only one thing left to do. I started
by using my force field to move the tree right in front of the tree
house. Then, came the statues. The fire I left alone. I hoped
Harrison wouldn’t notice, but sadly he did.

Hey! What about my fire?” He
asked, annoyed.

It doesn’t show team support.” I
informed him.

Fine then!”

He shut his eyes. Soon a hammer of lava
appeared. Carly sprayed that.

Next was a lightning bolt. Curly happily
sprayed that.

Finally a sphere surrounded by three lines

When that to was sprinkled, I obligingly moved
it under the tree. Or more accurately I put Harrison’s directly
under the tree. Carly’s on the left branch, and Darryl’s on the
right branch. I carefully positioned my sphere at the top of the

Harrison then made a fifteen-foot tall wall of
lava surrounding the entire tree house.

Frowning, Carly made a rainstorm directly

This way,” explained Harrison,
“Only we can get in. I could fly over, you could bounce on your
force fields, you can use your stretchiness and Carly can use an
icy bridge!”

Well then, we better stop coming
here with Tess, huh?” Said Carly.

Oh no! How unfortunate!” Harrison
said maliciously.

We all laughed.

I looked at the time on my phone.

I cursed under my breath. I was going to be
grounded for sure!

Guys, I have to go!” I told them.
“My mom’s going to kill me! Bye!”

I zoomed away before they could respond. Or


I snuck in as silently as possible. But then I
stopped when I heard the snores coming from the couch. I relaxed

But then I remembered that neither of my
parents snored.

I looked around. There were pictures of cats
everywhere. In fact there were cats themselves

I suddenly realized that in my confusion I
must’ve gone to the cat man’s house. He lived right next to us and
was a complete psycho! He polished his guns every

I was creeping out of his house, when I
accidentally stepped on a fat ginger cat’s tail.

I held my breath.

The cat drew back and hissed at me. Scratching
my arm. She then wailed. Loudly.

Crazy Cat Man shot up out of his seat and
pulled out his gun. He aimed at me and told me to put my hands in
the air.

I had no intention of doing that, and instead
ran out of the house, his yelling, but a background noise, as I was
now safely in my bedroom.

My bedroom with Jane sitting on my

The bedroom in which her mouth was wide

She looked at me in absolute

Let me explain.” I told

And I opened my mouth and relayed

Everything since the sodas.









I would meet Harrison as usual on Mt.

Despite us having mastered the rock technique,
we still met here. We both found it relaxing and

But not today.

As I waited for him to show up, I noticed some
small explosions of gases. I accidentally walked right into one and
inhaled the toxic fumes. It was volcanic gas.

Quickly, I condensed the water vapor that was
being released and sprayed it on the top of the volcano.

But it wasn’t enough.

I quickly did the harder task of drawing water
out of thin air. I made a lot of water and quenched the lava. But
right as it seemed like the match was going in my favor, volcanic
gases erupted right in my face.

I lost control of the water and found myself
losing consciousness. I fought with myself to stay awake. But it
was a losing battle. The lava bubbled and spat.

Just as I thought it was over, a person,
dressed in black came swooping down. After that there was only


I awoke with the sun shining in my

I got up, wondering why I was feeling so achy
and tired. Then it all came back to me. The lava battle, the
inhalation of the toxic fumes, the flash of blue. And most of all I
remembered the cold, uninviting darkness that followed. I shivered
as if cold.

Carly? Are you alright?” asked
the caring voice of Hilde.

I’m fine just tired.”

Go back to bed then.”

I can’t! My mind’s awake, so I’m

Oh. Okay then, if you say

I do.”

Okay. I’m going out for breakfast”

Bye Hilde!”

Bye Carls!”

I got out my phone and texted Harrison as soon
as she had left. My mind was bubbling with ideas. And it wouldn’t
settle down.


Me: Harrison?

Harrison: Yeah

Me: Can I go over 2 ur house?

Harrison: Y

Me: We need to talk!

Harrison: OK! B there in 10 mins.

Me: K! C ya there!

Harrison: Bye

I went into the kitchen searching for food. I
found some bacon and eggs and fried them up. I put some bread in
the toaster and was waiting for it to pop out, when papa appeared
out of nowhere.

He observed my meal. “Bacon. Sunny side-up
eggs. And slightly buttered toast.”

I nodded.

“But one thing is missing.” He

I knew what he meant, but decided to play
around a bit. “You know I was just thinking that, Papa!”

“You were?” He smiled, his eyes

“Yeah! Where’s
the hot chocolate?” I asked, using my best acting skills. “I’ve
searched high and

“Well you haven’t looked low
enough you cheeky little gjøre klovnestreker!”

“Papa! I’m not a monkey!” I

Papa laughed. He
opened the bot
tom cupboard and pulled out
some white-hot chocolate. My favorite.

But instead of handing it over, he waved over
my head in a mocking manner.

“What’s the magic word?”

“Please!!! Papa! Give it!”

Papa smiled and handed it over. I scooped two
teaspoons of the cocoa powder and stirred it into a milky

I hated cocoa with water. It either made it
tasteless or too watery.

It was ironic that I could control water, but
didn’t like water in my most favorite drink.

Yum… Smakfull!

I settled back eating and drinking my
breakfast, while watching ‘So You Think You Can Dance?’ I sighed
with content, enjoying the thick richness of the milky chocolate.
Harrison could wait a few extra minutes, if it meant savoring this
delicious, one-of-a-kind flavor. The whole world could wait for all
I care!


I walked into Harrison’s driveway and nodded
to the guards. I had come here for almost five years, so the guards
knew me pretty well.

I rung the doorbell and patiently waited for
someone to answer.

Harrison’s Mum answered.

Hi Carly!”

Hi Mrs. White!”

Well, come on in! It’s pretty
chilly today.”

I hadn’t felt the cold, but I realized that
even before I had my powers, Mrs. White always seemed to feel the

I found this amusing.

Is Harrison here?”

He’s upstairs getting dressed.”
She told me. “You could wait here if you like.”


Have you eaten yet?”


Do you want a drink?” She asked
hopeful that I would announce my quest to quench this thirst that
had haunted me for generations to past.

Umm...yes please!”

What would you like?” She asked.
“We have tea, coffee, juice, hot chocolate, mil-”

I interrupted her. “Hot chocolate! Uhh...I
meant hot chocolate would be great thanks!” Mrs. White made the
best hot chocolate ever! And she put water in her hot chocolate!
And it was still perfect!

Mrs. White left to go and make the hot

Just as Harrison came downstairs.

So why the special occasion?” He
asked. getting straight to the point.

I wanted to thank you for
yesterday.” I told him, shyly.

What for?” He asked

I looked around. “For saving my life! What

Umm...Carls, I didn’t save your

What!” I said, struggling to keep
my voice down.

But just as he was about to respond, Mrs.
White came in.

Harrison sit on the couch or not
at all!” She reprimanded him. I loved the way that she didn’t
pretend to be a perfect little family in front of

Harrison sighed, getting off the arm of the
couch and sitting on the couch.

There! That wasn’t so hard now,
was it?”

No mum.”

Good! Now I’ll leave you to

Thanks for the hot chocolate Mrs.
White!” I called, as she left the room.

Anytime Carly!” She flashed me a
perfect white smile, which looked stunning against her dark

I sipped the hot
chocolate and for one moment I was in heaven. “
!” I said.

What was that?” Asked

Oh. It was just delicious in
Norwegian.” I told him, half-heartedly.

I thought my mum’s hot chocolate
was delicious worldwide not just in Norway!” He said, attempting a

Har. Har. You’re hilarious.” I
told him sarcastically.

Thank you very much!” He said,
bowing. “Now anyways Carls, I didn’t save you last night. I was
exhausted and fell asleep before everyone else. I’m really

It’s OK.” I told him.

I finished my hot chocolate in

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