The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession (43 page)

BOOK: The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession
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“Just like that, love. Christ, I’m not going to last long. You’re so fucking good.” He sits up and wraps his arms around my back, pulling my chest to his face and latching onto my left nipple.


He sucks it hard, flicking it with his tongue before releasing it and moving beside it to where his mark has completely faded off me. His mouth sucks the tender skin there and I moan against him, my hands grabbing his head and pulling him closer to me. “I hate how they faded. I cried for days when I couldn’t see them anymore.” He moves to my other breast and gives my other nipple equal attention before freshening up the mark next to that one as I rock slowly. Strong hands grip my back and move down to my hips, moving me at the speed he wants and needs. Our eyes are locked and I let him control me because I’ve missed it and he needs it. My orgasm isn’t far, the familiar pull building between my legs and slowly spreading out in every direction.

“Yours didn’t fade on me. It’s still there,” he says as I drop my forehead to his, our breath warming each other’s faces.
My mark on him? What mark? The writing?
His bottom lip gets pulled into his mouth and I know he’s close.

“How could it not fade? Have you gone without showering for three months?” He slows down my movements, letting me glide along his length and linger where I want. I shudder against him at the speed change, feeling him rub me the way only he does.

“Do I smell like I haven’t showered in three months?” His hands come between us and he begins unbuttoning his tux jacket, pulling it off while I balance myself on my knees. I’m anxious, giddy as hell to see his naked body and watch in amazement as he quickly makes work of his dress shirt.

“No, you smell amazing like you always do.” I lean forward, drop my head into his neck and feel him laugh. I inhale deeply as his shirt is removed, and my eyes go to his right arm where my handwriting is visible in dark blue ink.

“What the… you got it tattooed?” My fingers run over the words that clearly won’t rub off as he studies me. Always watching me. “Holy shit. That’s so hot.” I lean in and trail kisses over the words, my words that I wrote on him, as he lovingly strokes my arm. “Oh, my God. I love that you did that.” My mouth makes its way up his shoulder to the curve of his neck. Grabbing his face with both hands, I kiss and lick up to his face and latch onto his mouth, pulling his bottom lip and sucking on it. He groans loudly as I slowly release it.

“I took a shower the day you,” he shakes his head at the memory, “and it was starting to wash away even though I tried to avoid any soap getting on it. I was so fucking pissed that it was fading, like it was pulling away from me too. Christ, I was mad. I went out the next day and got it made permanent.”
He tattooed himself with a reminder of me.
“I love that it’s in your handwriting and that you put it there, just for you.” His eyes study mine as I blink rapidly, sending tears down my face. He quickly reaches up and wipes them away, and I bend forward and kiss him sweetly.

“Just for me,” I echo and push him back down on his back and start moving again. His hands grip my hips and pull me up and down, quickening my pace as I roam over his bare chest. Trailing over every inch of exposed skin, my hands become reacquainted with the feel of him, his muscles, and his softness, just him. I run down his shoulders, his arms, his chest, and linger on his stomach, which clenches as I ride him. His gaze is locked on my breasts, driving me to bring my hands up and touch myself. Molding them, I watch his eyes widen as I play with and pinch my nipples.

“Fuck, yes. That’s so sexy, love.” His hips come up to meet me and I drop my eyes down, locking onto his. Harder and faster, I feel him moving through me and pulling my orgasm to the surface as his thumbs press into my hipbones. I tell him to press harder, to bruise me because I want his marks on me, all over me. My hands drop to his chest and I pant against him, feeling him pulse against my walls. “Come for me, Dylan.” I obey, quickly coming apart on top of him and rocking my hips to pull out his orgasm.

I droop forward and sprawl out onto his bare chest, feeling his arms wrap around me as we gasp against each other. “I love slutty wedding sex with you,” I force out through my ragged breath, feeling his body shake slightly.

“Same here. We should really make a habit of this.”

We let ourselves stay like that for several minutes, holding each other and coming down slowly before Reese sets me to the side and grabs some toilet paper to clean me up with. After resituating ourselves in the mirror and making out against the door for several, totally worth it, minutes, he reaches up and unlocks it, allowing for a mad rush of young boys to come into the bathroom.

“Uh oh,” one says through a crooked grin as Reese quickly brushes past him, my hand in his with his fingers laced through mine the way I love.
Total boyfriend move.
We stop at the door leading to the reception and he turns toward me, bringing my hand up to his lips for a quick kiss.

“You ready for this, Sparks? You’re officially mine now and I plan on being very intimate with you, and often. Lots of sex in beds and sleepovers.” He smiles behind my hand quickly before his face turns serious. “But just so you know, when I say you’re mine, I fucking mean it. I will personally remove anyone and anything that stands in my way of you. Including your panties.”

My grin bursts through my face and he laughs with me as I place my hand on the doorknob with him. “Please, Carroll, bring on the intimacy because I’m not taking you any other way. And just so
know,” my eyes narrow in on his and I spy his wicked grin behind my hand, “
and I will dismember any chick who looks at you twice. And I fucking mean it.”

We walk hand in hand through the crowd of people and spot the wedding party on the dance floor who all begin to cheer and whistle at the sight of us. Juls and Joey move quickly and pull us into the group.

“Fuck, yes. Who had the reception?” Joey asks and Billy and Ian both raise their hands. Juls, Brooke, and Trent all start clapping as Reese pulls me against his chest and kisses my hair.

“Damn it, Dylan. I really thought you two would fix your shit at the rehearsal. You just lost me a hundred bucks,” Juls scoffs as Joey shakes his head at her. Reese grins widely at the lot of them and Ian moves in and slaps him firmly on the back, issuing me a quick wink.

“I was way off. I pegged your rekindled romance to happen tomorrow after you two went home and sulked over one another all night. Oh, well, at least my baby won.” Joey beams, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and rolling his eyes at Reese.

“Thank fuck, Dylan. This man has been so miserable. I’ve barely been able to stand him around the office. He’s fired three receptionists in less than three months. No one wants to work for him.”

Reese glares at Ian and I gasp. “Three? Why? What happened to that one guy? I liked him.”

“He annoyed the hell out of me, so fucking cheery all the time. Then the one girl didn’t know how to work the phones properly and lasted about twenty minutes before I made her cry. And the last one used your shampoo. Shit drove me crazy.” Ian bursts out laughing and walks away from us as I fling my arms around my boyfriend’s neck.
Yup, that’s right. My boyfriend.

“Awww. I’m sorry, handsome. I do hope you’ll lighten up on your staff now that you have me back. I plan on making frequent visits to your office and would hate to see you giving your poor receptionists a hard time.” I kiss his lips quickly as he smiles against me, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist.

“Frequent office visits? Mmmm, I can’t wait, love. Any chance we can substitute frequent for daily?” He spins me around as a song begins to play and we pick up where we left off with our slow dance.

“Could you even handle me on a daily basis? I would insist on multiple orgasms and get rather hostile when I don’t get my way,” I whisper against his mouth, relishing in the combination of his minty flavor and me.

“Hostile with a dirty mouth?”

I arch my brow at him and nod slowly, his grin spreading across his face.

“Fuck, yes. I love that girl.”

His hand firmly grips my ass and pulls me against him as we move slowly between the other couples. Our eyes are locked, bodies pressed together, and my head is tucked in my favorite spot in his neck. This is where I want to be, with the person I want to be with, and now that I have him, there’s not a chance in hell I’m letting him go. And I’d love to see anyone try and stop me. Seriously, I know exactly where Joey hid my butter knife.

“Cupcake, you have a special delivery,” Joey sings, emerging in the doorway with the familiar white box.

I wipe the flour off my hands and set my measuring cup on the worktop. “Do I need to sign for it?” I try and look past Joey to spot Fred in the main shop, but Joey’s massive frame blocks my view.

“Nope. I signed for it. Here you go.” He places it on the worktop and steps back.

Sliding it across the wood, I pull the white ribbon and lift the edges, opening the top of the box.
I’m rewarded with the same white box, only a bit smaller, with the same white ribbon. “That’s strange.” I pull the ribbon and lift the top, only to reveal yet another white box. I chuckle and shake my head.
My boyfriend is crazy.
Going through the motions once more, I lift the top of the significantly smaller box, and gasp loudly. Sitting in the middle of the smaller box is a brown card, but that’s not what makes my heart flutter. What’s making my pulse race faster than it ever has is the tiny black box that’s peeking out from underneath it. “Oh, my God. Joey, look.” I turn and if I wasn’t already hyperventilating, I’m definitely losing my shit now. Standing next to my sobbing assistant is Reese, decked out in a dark gray suit, and making it look better than any man every could. “Hi,” I manage to choke out, but it’s barely audible.

“Hi, love. Read your note.”

I force my fingers to move and pick up the brown card, opening it slowly.


One hundred and thirty-two days. That’s how long I’ve loved you. That’s how long I’ve wanted to protect you, take care of you, and cherish you. I’ve known for one hundred and thirty-two days that you are it for me, that you are my forever. You’ve completely captivated me. My heart, my soul, my entire being. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, and as long as I have you, I don’t need anything else. Just you and me. Forever.

I love every single part of you, and I always will.

X, Reese

“Oh, my God,” I cry, my tears dropping down on the card. I glance to my right and have to drop my gaze. Because my gloriously handsome boyfriend is now on his knee, holding the little black box that he delivered to me himself. Joey wails behind him, naturally, and I reach up and wipe underneath my eyes. “What are you doing?” I’m not sure anyone will make out my words through my shaky, sob filled voice, but I say them anyway.

“I’m doing what I’ve wanted to do since you fell into my lap.” He smiles that killer smile, the one that melts me every time I see it, and opens the box. My jaw hits the floor. I’ve never seen a more beautiful ring, and he chose it just for me. “Dylan, I never knew I wanted this, until I met you. All of the love I have in me has been yours and it always will be.” My hands cover my nose and mouth as I stare down at him, the tears rapidly falling onto my fingers. “You’ve given me everything, love. Will you marry me?”

I drop down to my knees and throw my arms around him. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” He wraps me up, pinning me to his body and buries his face into my neck. “Yes.” I look up, seeing Joey, holding his phone out in front of him, and crying like a baby above us.

“Mmm, I can’t wait to make you Mrs. Carroll,” Reese says against the sensitive skin of my neck. “Here, let me put this on you.” I lean back and drop back to my heels, holding my trembling left hand in front of me. He takes the ring out and slides it on my finger, pressing his lips to the top of my hand. “Do you like it?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Joey squeals behind him. “She loves it. I love it. Goddamn it, Billy.”

Reese and I both laugh as I stare down at my hand. “I do love it. It’s perfect, just like you.” I hold his face in my hands, bringing our lips together. And I don’t let go.

BOOK: The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession
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