The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession (71 page)

BOOK: The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession
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It takes me five-and-a-half hours to finish my cake, leaving me with just enough time to take a quick shower and get ready for my rehearsal. Reese is driving straight to the Whitmore from his office so I’ll be meeting him there, which is perfect because I wanted to surprise him tonight with my outfit. I actually had something else picked out to wear tonight: a deep plum-colored halter I picked up a few weeks ago. But when he surprised me earlier today with my dance party song, the memory of that day inspired me.

Apart from the engagement ring on my finger, I look exactly like I did the day I met Reese. My black strapless dress still looks brand new, considering I haven’t worn it since that day. My hair is falling in soft curls over my shoulders, and my makeup is fresh and elegant. After grabbing my clutch, I walk toward the door but stop, taking a look around my living space.

It doesn’t look like my loft anymore.

The only thing left in it that hasn’t changed yet is my bed, which I’ll be sharing with Juls and Joey tonight at our last sleepover. Everything else is packed away in boxes, except for what I’ll need to get ready tomorrow. All my pictures are gone, my kitchen counters are bare, even my decorative screen is folded up and leaning against the wall. Reese is having all my stuff delivered to his condo tomorrow while we get married, that way we don’t have to worry about it. Then my landlord will be making some changes to the loft so the future tenant doesn’t have to go through the bakery to get to it, which I’m extremely grateful for. For security reasons alone, I wouldn’t want someone walking through my shop all the time who doesn’t work for me. I suppose until it gets rented out, I could still come up here if I wanted to, but I’m not sure I will. My new life starts tomorrow, the one I’ve been counting down toward, and I’m excited to move in with Reese and put my single life behind me. So tonight, with my two very best friends, I’ll soak in my last night in my loft and every memory it holds.

I can always take those memories with me.

When Reese and I first sat down to talk about where we wanted to get married, I never thought the Whitmore could be an option. I knew how expensive it was, at least from what Juls told me after planning Justin’s wedding here. And I’d never hit my parents up for that kind of money. To be honest, I could get married to Reese in his condo and it would be perfect. I don’t need a fancy venue to make tomorrow the best day of my life. So I threw out other options, such as the church Juls and Ian got married in and a small reception hall down the street from it. And while I did this, Reese just sat back with a smile on his face, letting me list off any and every idea I could come up with. When I asked what he had in mind, he told me he wanted to marry me where he first saw me, and that money wasn’t an issue; he wanted to pay for it. I almost argued, but seeing how much marrying me there would mean to him, silenced me. I couldn’t argue with that look; I never can. It’s this perfect blend of honesty and love. And it’s a look that I would do anything for, including letting him pay for everything.

I park my car next to Joey’s Civic and lock it up. Joey and Juls are waiting for me by the doors, and as I get closer to them, I see their reaction to my outfit.

It’s emotional.

Really emotional.

“He’s going to lose it,” Joey says after dabbing his eyes with a tissue.

“Seriously, sweets. I’m not sure Reese is going to agree to stay with the guys tonight at my place after seeing you in this.” Juls brushes my hair off my shoulder, letting out a few sniffles.

“Well, staying with us isn’t an option. My bed isn’t big enough for four.”

Joey holds the door open for us and Juls and I step inside. I glance over my shoulder at him. “Did you pick up the dresses and your suit? And the ring? You have his ring, right?”

He frowns. “Please. Like I’d drop the ball on something like that.” He looks past me and practically starts to glow. And I don’t need to follow his gaze to know who he’s looking at. Joey only reserves that look for one man. Even though he likes to complain that Billy doesn’t shower him with Reese-style gestures, there’s no mistaking the effect he has on my dear assistant.

I watch as Billy walks up to us, giving Juls and me a smile before grabbing Joey’s face. They share a kiss, one which causes my skin to flush. One which causes Juls to sigh. And one which seems different from the other kisses I’ve seen them share.

“I’m pretty sure people have had sex in this building. In fact, I know they have. In case you two need a minute,” Juls cracks, causing us both to laugh.

Yup. I’ve definitely had sex in this building.

Billy and Joey turn to us, breaking their kiss. “A minute? I’m not a fucking virgin,” Joey snaps.

Billy laughs, releasing Joey and walking to me. He leans in, dropping his voice. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure,” I answer, looking over at Joey and Juls. “I’ll meet you in there. Tell Reese to give me a minute.”

Joey looks strangely between Billy and me. “Umm, okay.”

“It’s something Reese wanted me to tell Dylan,” Billy says.

Joey nods, wrapping his arm around Juls and ushering her toward the back room where the ceremony will be held.

I look up at Billy. “It doesn’t have anything to do with Reese, does it?”

He smiles. “No. I wanted to ask your permission to do something at the reception tomorrow. For Joey. It’s your day and I completely understand if you don’t want me to do it.” He reaches up and straightens his tie, looking over at the door Juls and Joey walked through moments ago. “This is the grandest gesture I can think of,” he says in a low, guarded voice.

I almost fall apart in tears but I manage to hold it in, saving my makeup in the process. When he looks back at me, I answer. “You never have to ask my permission to do anything that will make that man smile. Do you need my help?”

His shoulders seem to relax as he shakes his head. “No, I got it. Thanks, Dylan.” He grabs my hand and loops it through his arm. “Come on. I’m sure that man of yours is waiting.” I glance up at him and see his eyes trail down my dress. “Have I seen you in this before?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“At the wedding. Right? Your ex-boyfriend’s?”

“Mmm hmm.”

He opens the door and lets me walk ahead of him. “Oh, shit. Reese is going to lose it.” I chuckle at the very words Joey used minutes ago as we step inside The Great Hall.

Rows upon rows of chairs line both sides of the aisle, the end ones adorned with mini versions of the white gardenia bouquet I will be holding tomorrow. The lights are dimmed and all around the room, candles are lit, and giving off a warm glow. I let my eyes wander, taking in all my best friend’s hard work. It’s perfect. Every little detail. And then I give in to the temptation waiting for me in the group gathered up front.

Everyone is watching me, stopping all conversation when I stepped into the room with Billy. I’m just now registering that he has left my side when I see him standing by Joey. My parents and Reese’s mom and dad are together, along with Reese’s sister and her husband, who I met a few months ago at a family dinner. Juls is with Ian and they’re all over each other, as usual. But I don’t linger on them, or anyone else besides the man who is standing out amongst them. Dressed in a dark-gray suit, Reese seems to be the one unable to move as he takes in my outfit.

The very outfit I fell into his lap in.

I save him the trouble of coming to me and begin walking up the aisle, tucking my clutch under my arm. I’m ready to get through this as quickly as possible. I want this night to be over. I want it to be tomorrow already. But as I try and get past the cluster of people to get to who I really want to talk to, my mother grabs me.

“Sweetheart! You look stunning,” she says, kissing me on my cheek.

Shit. So close.

I’m passed around like a damn baby, getting showered in affection while my eyes strain to stay on Reese. I have to pull them away from him to talk to his sister and brother in-law, exchanging pleasantries and trying not to seem rushed about it. I don’t want to be rude, but Jesus Christ, I’ll see everyone tomorrow. Maggie and Phillip, Reese’s dad, steal me next, gushing over me in the sweetest way possible. And then by some miracle, the preacher decides to cut in just when I think I’m going to be stuck in this conversation forever.

“Miss Sparks, are you ready to begin?”

“Yes!” I yell excitingly, hearing everyone react to my enthusiasm. I get within a foot of Reese and take his hand, positioning myself directly in front of him while the preacher moves around us. “Hi,” I whisper.

He smiles. “Hi, yourself. Nice dress.”

I feign humility. “This old thing? I wasn’t sure if you’d like it or not.”

“Shall we begin?” the preacher asks.

Reese looks at him. “One second.” He pulls me in and presses his lips to my ear. “You’re driving me crazy. I’d prefer not to get hard in front of my parents.”

“Well, then you shouldn’t have invited me.”

He releases me with a smirk before nodding at the preacher. “All right. Let’s go.”

We run through the ceremony and even though I don’t want to, I bawl my eyes out when I recite my vows to Reese. When I promise to cherish him forever, to love every part of him with every ounce of myself, I cry harder. Juls and Joey’s sobs behind me blend into mine, while I hear the faint sound of everyone else’s emotions getting to them as they watch from their seats. And then I really become a wreck when he repeats them. But unlike me, Reese doesn’t cry. His voice isn’t a quivering mess. He doesn’t have to pause to try and pull himself together. But even though he doesn’t react the way I do when he recites them, his words seem to hold more sentiment than mine. As if this is the only time I’ll hear them from him. As if he isn’t going to be reciting them again to me tomorrow.

He vows to always be mine, to honor me and stand by my side through everything life throws at us. To make me laugh and to hold me when I cry, prompting him to pull me against him since I am, indeed, crying. He finishes his vows into my hair while I cling to him like he’s my life line. His scent soothes me as I nuzzle him long after he finishes talking, relishing in the way my body fits perfectly against his. And everyone gives us that moment. No one asks if we’d like to continue with the mock ceremony. No one clears their throat to speed things along. We don’t break contact until we’re both ready, which feels like hours instead of minutes.

After finally separating, we finish the ceremony and share a brief kiss, one I know will be much longer tomorrow. Everyone pairs up and walks back down the aisle, Reese and I leading the way. We say goodbye to my parents and Reese’s family before he and I walk through the parking lot, our friends a few feet behind us.

“So, did I surprise you with my dress?” I ask as we stop in front of my driver’s side door. I lean my back against it and tug at his suit jacket, bringing him closer to me.

“You always surprise me, love. Especially when you’re in

“Oh? I surprised you in this before?”

He puts a hand on either side of me, bringing our foreheads together. “Well, I wasn’t suspecting to get knocked on my ass by a wedding hookup. So, yes, you surprised me.”

“See you two at The Tavern!” Juls yells, gaining our attention. We wave to her and the rest of the group as they all walk to their vehicles.

“I was just as affected, you know,” I say, bringing his attention back to my face. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, which annoyed me because I thought you were married. But don’t think you were the only one who got knocked on their ass,” I repeat his words to me with a playful tone. “Thank you for my delivery today. Did you see the video?”

He presses his lips against mine. “I did. I watched it at least ten times before I left the office. You looked so happy.”

“I am so happy.”

“So am I,” he replies against my mouth.

I bite at his bottom lip. “We should probably get married then. Since we’re both
so happy.”

“Makes sense.”

“I think so.”

Joey beeps his car horn as he drives by us, waving out his window. Reese shifts me so he can open my door. “Come on. They’re going to be waiting for us.”

I slide into my seat and start my car. The time on my dash catches my eye. “This time tomorrow night we’ll be married.” He ducks down and reaches across my body with my seatbelt, buckling me in. I give him a quirky look. “Really? I’m capable of buckling myself in, you know.”

“You were too slow about it.” He kisses my temple. “Don’t speed this time.”

“Yes, Mr. Sparks.”

He goes to close my door but the title I’ve just given him stops him. “Mr. what?”

“Sparks. I like the sound of that. Reese Sparks. Some men take their bride’s name.”

“I’m not one of them,” he says with authority in his tone. One that’s saying this is in no way negotiable. He closes my door and walks toward his vehicle. And I could pull away, but I wait because I know he’s going to give it to me. Even though I can’t see his face, I know he’s smiling at what I’ve just said despite the seriousness in his voice. And as he grabs his door handle, I see the slight shake of his head before he gives me that smile over his shoulder, the smile I’ll always wait for. Satisfied, I finally pull away from the Whitmore with a very happy man behind me.

BOOK: The Sweet Addiction Series Collection: Sweet Addiction, Sweet Possession & Sweet Obsession
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