The Telegraph Book of Readers' Letters from the Great War (25 page)

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I am, yours obediently,

One Jealous of the Honour of the Press


SIR – May I be allowed, through the medium of your columns, to draw attention to the very pressing need for the treatment by massage and electricity for the wounded soldiers.

The Almeric Paget Massage Corps has been in existence since the beginning of the war, and is the official organisation, recognised by the War Office, for the supply of masseurs and masseuses for the military hospitals and convalescent camps throughout the United Kingdom.

The need for this form of treatment is increasing daily, and large camps are now being opened all over the county, besides those already in existence, where electrical and massage departments are to be a special feature. It is,
therefore, necessary to procure the services of a very large number of masseuses, in addition to those already working on the corps, which now amount to about 700.

The qualifications, without which no application for enrolment on the Almeric Paget Massage Corps can be entertained, are:

1. A certificate of the Incorporated Society of Trained Masseuses; or

2. A certificate of a physical training college recognised by the Ling Association; or

3. A certificate of one of the public hospital schools of massage; or

4. A certificate dated prior to 1 January 1916, of any of the schools of massage approved by the War Office, provided that the candidate can produce two satisfactory references from qualified doctors who can speak from personal knowledge of the candidate's work and character at any time during the three years immediately preceding the date of application for enrolment on the corps.

Applicants should forward their names, addresses and qualifications as soon as possible to me at 39 Berkeley Square, London W.

Yours faithfully,

Essex French, Hon. Secretary, APMC
39 Berkeley Square, W.

13 November 1915


Lady Smith-Dorrien's Appeal

SIR – This great European war is, I am well aware, taxing the charitable and patriotic to the very utmost; but there is one especially worthy object which, I submit, should not be overlooked, and that is the alleviation of the sufferings of our horses.

Without horses war could not be waged. Thus, apart from the humane side of the question, the reduction of wastage amongst them must be a matter of great moment to the cause. In 1912 ‘Our Dumb Friends League' started a branch called the Blue Cross Fund, which aimed at the care of horses in wartime.

This organisation is now firmly established, and has four large hospitals in France, which, opened at the commencement of the war, have not only widened their field of action, but have increased in efficiency during the past year. These hospitals have received full recognition from the French Government, and our offers of help for French horses have been gratefully accepted and freely taken advantage of. Indeed, some 2,000 wounded horses have been cured in our stables, the normal number of horses under our care being 600 or 700.

In addition to the care of animals, we have been able to supply large quantities of medicines, instruments, bandages, horse clothing, disinfectants, fly nets, &c., not only to mounted corps of the regular British and Indian and Territorial armies, but also to those raised for the help of the Empire by our great self-governing Dominions, the commanding officers of many of which have written most gratifying letters of thanks and appreciation.

Over £3,000 a month is needed to carry on this work on its present scale, and up to date we have received this amount from lovers of horses from all parts of the Empire. In view, however, of the extended duration of the war, the committee are naturally solicitous as to whether this flow of subscriptions can be maintained, and it is on this account I am making this further appeal for subscriptions, which may be sent to me addressed as follows: Lady Smith-Dorrien, president Blue Cross Fund, 58 Victoria Street, London S.W.

Yours truly,

Olive Smith-Dorrien
21 Eaton Terrace, S.W.

16 November 1915


A Suburban Fowlhouse

SIR – Will you please grant me space for a few words in connection with the above important subject?

Soon after the war started I, with many others, realised that whilst our egg supply was bound to be enormously reduced, the demand, especially for our soldiers' and sailors' hospitals, would go up by leaps and bounds. So, as I am unfortunately about twenty-five years on the wrong side of the military age limit, I determined to do my utmost to supply some of this demand. For this purpose I erected a fowlhouse and run in my garden, purchased some pullets, and I am pleased to say during the last nine or ten months I have been able to send some hundreds of new-laid eggs to a large hospital in my neighbourhood. But I have been reckoning without my neighbour, who, incredible as it seems, and knowing as he does my purpose in keeping fowls, has called in the Borough Council inspector, who, though honestly admitting the perfect sanitary condition of both house and run and fowls, has – on the ground that the erection is a few inches higher than the legal height and a few inches nearer to a dwelling-house than the legal distance – ordered me to pull it down.

I do not propose to obey this order; at any rate, just yet, because I believe I read some weeks back that the Government are considering the best way to remove these very restrictions.

If that is so, I intend to defend my fort to the bitter end, in the hope that they may be able to hurry up to my assistance and to the assistance, I am sure, of many other citizens who are trying to help, and not like my curious neighbour, trying to hinder, our poor wounded lads. Strangely enough, my neighbour on the other side of me cannot do enough for my ‘khaki' pullets, but saves all the household scraps for them. How different folk are.

Yours faithfully,



19 November 1915


A Duty of the Hour

SIR – This is a critical moment in our history, when every one of us would wish to share the sacrifice which our soldiers and sailors are making for their country. One way of sharing the sacrifice is by a self-denying economy. Our statesmen tell us that this is today a pressing national duty. Our current outlay of over four million a day on the war is, to use the Prime Minister's most recent words, ‘gigantic and startling'. Economy, with prices rising all round, is no doubt difficult to effect. But there is one economy possible to almost all, which,
if we will adopt it, would bring about an enormous reduction of national expenditure, yet one not taking from – indeed, adding to – our strength, and that is to abstain altogether from alcoholic drinks for ordinary use during the war. Six months ago our King challenged us by his own public example to do this. Our religious leaders have reputedly echoed the challenge. Why have so many of us been unresponsive? Surely, now that the appeal for national economy, to the point of personal sacrifice in every possible way, has gained an urgency obvious to everyone, the moment has more than come to effect this great saving for the common cause.

C. Oxon
Vernon Bartlet
A.J. Carlyle
H.S. Holland
T.H. Archer Houblon
W. Lock
Gilbert Murray
W. Osler
R.L. Ottley
L.R. Phelps
W.B. Selbie

8 December 1915


National Fund Appeal

SIR – The ever-growing number of Welsh soldiers, of which a very considerable proportion is now serving overseas, has added enormously to the claims upon the National Fund for Welsh Troops; and I have once again to appeal to the generosity and sympathy of all friends and well-wishers for a continuance of the aid that has been freely given to the National Fund since its inception. The letters received from commanding officers bear ample testimony to the value of the services rendered by the fund in adding to the comfort and well-being of Welsh troops, who have so gallantly responded to their country's call.

So far every requisition received has been complied with, but the work done hitherto is small compared with the needs of the present winter. Help can be given in various ways:

1. By subscriptions.

2. By contributions of comforts, particularly mufflers, mittens, socks, helmets and cardigan jackets.

3. By the purchase of the Welsh gift book,
Land of My Fathers
, which can be obtained from any bookseller or bookstall. It makes an ideal Christmas gift book.

The executive committee has recently been added to, and strenuous efforts are being made to make this fund in every
way a national one, so as to cope with the overlapping and inequality of distribution of comforts which is productive of much waste and dissipation of energy.

All subscriptions and contributions of comforts may be addressed to me at 11 Downing Street, S.W.

Yours faithfully,

M. Lloyd George
11 Downing Street, London S.W.

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