The Temp (27 page)

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Authors: A. K Cates

BOOK: The Temp
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He changed.

Eve saw it the moment she said she wanted something in exchange. His expression hardened, instantly retreating into his business mode and she couldn’t blame him. She was going to exploit him and the power behind Roman Pierce.

“What are your terms? Perhaps we should have a contract,” Roman sat angled to her on the lounge, crossed legged, one arm draping behind the lounge. His demeanour had also changed when Eve had emerged. He was guarded, colder and more domineering, exactly how she remembered him in the office.

“No. I want the illusion it might be real.”

“Then you’d be deceiving yourself,” his eyes were hot as coals.

“I don’t care.”

“I do.”

Eve watched him, gone were the days when he was the dream of something more, a world beyond the one she existed in. He was the game she had to play; she merely didn’t know how good her poker face was or how far she could push herself.

This was simply another game of cat and mouse between them. This was all part of that showmanship.

“It’s non negotiable,” Eve mirrored his posture and folded her legs, sitting down. Her legs were bare below her knees, her heels slim and understated.

His gaze smouldered catching onto her exposed legs. She wore a knee high skirt, at the time she’d been thinking of the outfits at work he’d liked her in. There had been a brief moment when she hadn’t been crying that she’d been prepared to do the task at hand.

Brief, the closer she came to the hotel, the more unsteady she got in her nerves. The more irrational her thoughts became.

“Anything else?”

Eve bit her lip, her attention falling to the décor, anywhere but at him. “There is something,” Eve shifted her legs, the handkerchief felt hot in her jacket pocket, even though she wasn’t touching it, she was going against Trigger’s advice.

This was her own plan, her own doing. She needed a way to get ahead of the game and protect herself for once. She needed to have her best interests at heart. She needed closure even if it meant finding out a terrible truth.

“I’m listening,” Roman said. His head tilted to the side like a cat, the same way it used to rouse her, caught her breath un-expectantly. 

“You’re powerful, wealthy and you’re probably the only one with the resources to do it,” Eve studied her hands in her lap.


She pushed back the voices in her head. “There’s a woman. She was my childhood best friend. When I was little she disappeared. I was never able to find out what happened to her. I want you to find her. We were like sisters. I don’t know”-she broke off, she couldn’t say it.
I don’t know if she’s even alive.
There was a few heartbeats worth of silence between them.

“This is the first I’m hearing of your past,” Roman sat forward, his hands clasping in front of him. “Why do I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me?” As expected, Eve didn’t answer. “It’s not the first time you’ve had me questioning your past.”

Eve leaned against him as he trailed a lazy finger over her shoulders. She lay there breathing in the same air. “We’re not a couple, so I can keep secrets from you.”

He went rigid beneath her. This wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear but it was the only one she would give him. “You shouldn’t have secrets and you shouldn’t keep anything from me.”

“I’ll keep secrets from you if I want. If you want more than a mistress”-

“A mistress,” he mused, chuckling to himself.

“Don’t you ever call me that to my face.”

“Is that a threat?”




“Fine. You can have what you want.” Eve leaned her head back against him and closed her eyes.
Oh, if only it were true.







Eve rolled over as the harsh light struck her.

Where in the hell was she? It took a moment to remember and bury her head in the sheets.
Oh, no
, how could she? She vaguely remembered last night. How she’d turned up at Roman’s place in hysterics. How pathetic she’d been and finally shutting out the world after he’d accepted her terms.

She couldn’t remember how she ended up in this bedroom. Had she been sleeping so deeply? Any woman would fall at their knees to have Roman Pierce and yet…her mouth tasted sour with sleep.

She rose not recognising her surroundings. Was this his bedroom? It was a white room with a white king size bed and white drawers. Everything was white, like a blank canvas with subtle hints of colours, the gold trim on the wall, the soft sunset painting. This couldn’t be his room, it couldn’t. This didn’t speak of him.

“Good morning, how do you drink your coffee?” Roman said as she stumbled into the glaring light of the kitchen. She held her hand up to mask the glare.

“What happened last night, did we-” her voice trailed off, she didn’t want to ask though she absolutely had to.

“If you’re asking whether I like my women asleep while I have sex with them you’re mistaken,” Roman sighed as if regarding a child. “There’s no reward in that,” there was a glimmer of the old Roman whispering to the surface.

Eve flinched at his brazen use of the word. “We didn’t have sex.” Her cheeks reddened. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“Oh god, stop saying that word,” she said.

“Which word,” Roman stepped around the bar. His arms found her waist. “Do you mean sex?” again she responded with her skin reddening deeper by the second. “Would you rather I said fuck instead?” she couldn’t look at him anymore.

She was red hot beneath his touch and the way he said it so brashly, so outright dirty had her legs jellying.

“Am I,” he leaned into her neck, “making you uncomfortable?” He was pressed firmly against her and she felt exactly what lay between them and only two layers of clothing. “You seemed much more up for it last night when you were stating your terms.”

Eve couldn’t think. His hand was tight against her waist, hot through the fabric of her shirt, his intentions clear beneath his jeans. His scent wafted to her of soap and musk.

He pulled away leaving her cold. “Lucky for you, you have morning breath and I have a line I don’t cross.”

“So you’ll never have sex with me in the morning?”

“I didn’t say that,” he went back into the kitchen and reached up to the cupboard pulling out two mugs. “I’ll fuck you I just won’t want to kiss you.”

Eve sat on a stool. “I suppose kissing is too personal for you anyway.”

He poured coffee into two mugs. “Eve, there are many things I consider personal, kissing is not one of them.”

Eve nestled the mug under her nose. “You’re such a romantic.”







“So you don’t want a contract?”

Roman leaned over the counter, both of his elbows touching the marble, giving her a whiff of his musty scent. Eve leaned back on the other end, her head was swimming. A moment ago she’d felt his erection, now he was flirting with her?

A kitchen island between them would not be enough.

“I told you, no.”

“Very well, how about a verbal contract?” Roman sat on the counter.

Eve narrowed her gaze. “At least, I’ll know when I’ve stepped over the line.”

She folded her arms. “Fine, if it’s terms you want. I’m to keep my apartment.”

“And you’ll stay here some nights.”

“Which nights?”

“I’m leaving it open for the time being,” he mused.

“Which bedroom? I woke up in a bed I’m certain isn’t yours.” 

“In my bedroom,” he corrected. “Last night was the exception.”

“So why didn’t I wake up in your bedroom?”

“I didn’t want you to get confused straight away, if ever the lines blur you can sleep in the guest bedroom.”

“I’ll sleep in my apartment.”

“Don’t you want breakfast first?”

Eve’s stomach growled in response.

Roman tossed his jacket over his shoulder. She hadn’t taken her time to look at him, really look at him. He was dressed in dark jeans and a light V top exposing a peek at his chest.

“You look presentable, here,” he handed her a pair of sunglasses.

“Where are we going?”

“Out.” Roman opened the front door before Eve could protest, she still wore last nights’ outfit and was absolutely in need of a shower.

“I’m not wearing any shoes.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Roman pressed the button for the elevator.

The ride down was uncomfortable. He took her hand, the thrill thrumming to her Sex. They stepped through the front doors of the hotel, passing the doorman, a red runner leading them to the walkway.

Roman stopped a moment and turned to Eve. He held her shoulders. “Kiss me,” he said.

“What? Why?”

“Because I said so.”  Eve leaned forward and Roman closed the last distance between them.

His lips melded with hers and sent a symphony of nerves shooting through her body. Her hips pressed against his, her hands cupping him closer encircling around his back. She breathed him in and his tongue met hers. It flicked back and he pulled back, exhaling. “Thank you,” he took her hand and led her back into the hotel. He made a left turn before the elevators and steered her towards the breakfast buffet.

They were seated immediately next to the window.

“Why did we go outside if we’re having breakfast here? I thought you don’t kiss girls if they haven’t brushed their teeth.”

“It was worth it.”

The waiter came and Roman ordered coffee and three poached eggs with salmon on the side. Eve ordered the same. She waited ever patiently for him to explain.

Roman clasped his hands together in front of him. They were seated close together in a booth isolated from the rest.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d change your mind,” he said.

Eve sat in silence a while, contemplating.

Then it came to her. “Is there a reporter watching the hotel?”

“I am a billionaire.”

“You played me,” Eve fingered her napkin, the betrayal fresh on her lips.

“I guaranteed the start of a verbal contract,” Roman flicked out his napkin and put it on his lap.

“I’m not sure how to feel.”

“Eve, look at me.” She did. “Let’s begin again, forget what has happened between us and enjoy what’s to come.” She nodded down at the napkin.

Her voice was so small as she said it. “Is there always someone stationed outside the hotel to photograph your conquests?”

He took her hand pulling her gaze into his. “Corina Hilton arrived last night. They’re not here for me. I promise you I never meant to start like this, though you left me no choice. I don’t feel rational around you, which is why I need you to comply.”


Roman blinked. “Fine?”

“Slowly.” For those few moments Eve let herself believe this was real. She let herself be swept away by Roman and she knew even as she did it,

It would be her downfall.







They still held hands.

Eve shuddered a breath, the sensation running all the way down to her toes. Roman Pierce was holding her hand! The elevator dinged open. Roman led her in. It was all too much too soon to compute. It wasn’t so long ago she believed she’d never again see him and now… 

“So what do you want to do today?” Roman filled the quiet.

“What can we do?” she countered, her voice caught a higher pitch.

“It’s a Saturday, I’m sure we can think of something,” the twinkle in his eye said as much as he drew her in.

“I’d like to shower first.”

“Together,” her back was to him in the elevator. “I’d like that very much,” he whispered in her ear, his hand trailing up her top curving at the bare flesh.

Her back arched to his body and held her taut against him. How could she say no to him? The elevator dinged open all too soon and they were out and through the entryway of his floor. He led her to his bedroom up a flight of curving stairs.

Eve awed.

It was magnificent. Floor to ceiling glass showing the whole of Manhattan in broad daylight. She was suddenly so on show to the world. Roman pressed a button on the remote and the windows tinted in a flick.

“Exactly like your office,” Eve breathed.

He tugged her to him and trailed kisses down her neck.

“That brings back memories.” His hands worked at her blouse untying the silk and flicking open buttons.

Her neck arched to him.

He spun her round. “There’s a toothbrush in the first drawer. Go.”

“Or what?” she whispered.

His pupils dilated. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I’m a temp, it’s what I do.” Eve skipped to the bathroom and stole into the first drawer under the sink. She took a long hard look in the mirror. Her face was fuller than she remembered, her pink cheeks pinker and more rounded. The colour in her irises had never been so intense. She smoothed her hair back throwing it over one shoulder discarding the hair band.

The butterflies fluttered in her stomach and moved in synapses all the way down her toes and fingers. She was thrumming alive with what was about to happen and her heart beat in gentle staccato trying to break free. Like a butterfly she was trapped in a cocoon. This was her moment. This was it.

Eve gripped the sink and stared into the mirror.
Get a grip.
She’d never felt more invigorated, more deceitful and more alive than in this moment. If she dwelt on it too long she’d chicken out. She wasn’t afraid of Roman or his touch, she wanted him badly and she wanted it to be him, she was afraid of what it would mean. Would her betrayal lessen it? She didn’t want to think like that. For all she knew when the time came nothing dire would be asked of her and she could keep seeing Roman without him ever knowing.

This wasn’t what she was about.
Be professional, Eve.

She turned the faucet and splashed some water in the sink and brushed her teeth. As she spat into the sink a voice caught her from behind.

“What’s taking you so long?” Roman leaned against the frame of the door. He’d discarded his top and stood in jeans revealing his hard muscled torso.

Eve’s mouth dropped like a girl in a candy shop.
Oh my.
She couldn’t think. What had she come in here to do?

Roman stepped closer and put a hand against her waist, igniting a flash all the way down to her thighs. “What is it Eve?” he murmured placing his second hand on the sink, his hips pressing firmly against her.

“I, er, it’s er”-

“Eve,” he took her palm and held it to his mouth pressing his lips to the inside of her wrist. “I want your first time to be with someone who cares and despite everything, despite our differences, I do care.” His hand tipped her chin upwards until she was looking into his clear black eyes. She saw herself reflected in them and a glimmer of light. “It doesn’t have to be today, we can wait,” he whispered.

Eve nodded. “It does. I want it to be.”

His head cocked to the side. “You’re nervous.”

“You’re like the big bad wolf and I”-Eve put her hand against the sink and let the hand he possessed grip his shoulder tilting him forward. His hips pressed against hers first before his lips landed on her mouth, one deep languid kiss as she inhaled him like a lifeline. He cupped her face firmly and she put her other hand against the sink keeping her upright.

“What if I am your worst nightmare?” he stepped back momentarily, his gaze trapping her and she saw the temporary distance between them so suddenly.

Regardless, she wanted it, she wanted this. “Roman, what big eyes you have,” Eve whispered, her lips quivering for him.

“All the better to see you my dear,” his hands pressed down on her thighs, lifting her up onto the sink and parting her legs until he was between her.

“What big ears you have,” Eve breathed. 

“All the better to hear you,” Roman kissed her again, this time there was an urgency in his lips, his touch. “You will be mine,” he whispered melting the last of her resistance away. His hands clutched her to him, she rose, against his hips and he carried her into the bedroom. He stood her right above the bed, hovering there. “Do you trust me?” he whispered, his stare molten in the sparse light.

“Yes,” then he flopped her down onto the bed.

She laughed out as he embedded his neck into her blouse, unbuttoning as his kisses travelled down her stomach. His head lingered at the base of her belly button. He skimmed a finger along it.

“It tickles,” she shuddered and let out a cry as his fingers caressed again.

His hand lowered to her Sex, the top of her panties.

“Are you sure?” her head shot up as he stilled.
Please, don’t stop. Not now, not ever.
“How much do you want it?”

“Please,” her hips curved up to his touch willing his hand on. “Please.”

“I’m going to fuck you,” those words shot spasms through her body.

His fingers moved below her panties.

Eve exhaled as he entered her, a rush of blood firing below.

“Oh my god,” her back arched beyond belief. It was so much better than the first time.

He chuckled. “You’re wet. I mean,

“Rome, do it please,” she begged. She couldn’t take the waiting anymore. Her body thrummed and burned for him. She heard him take off his jeans.

He stood at the side of the bed, in black boxers.

He folded them down and his erection sprung free.

Her eyes widened, her mouth forming an O.
Oh, my god. Yes. Please.
“Roman, what a big penis you have,” Eve squealed as he was inches apart from her.

“All the better to fuck you,” he leapt.

Eve screamed.

The kiss came hard and fast and clothes disappeared and all too soon.

“I want you Eve,” he purred in her ear. He moved on top of her, pulling her legs around him. His hands clutching her breast kneading it under his fingers, pinching her nipple. His erection was up against her stomach pressing there; her Sex aching to close the distance.
He took his erection in one hand and guided it into her.

Eve gripped his back, she felt herself stretch swallowing him into her and she cried out.
Oh my god.
Was this what she’d been missing all along? A sharp pain hit her followed by a fantastical sensation.

“Eve,” he breathed. He pulled out, her heart jumped.

He pushed back in, she released another moan.

He pulled. Pushed. Pulled. Pushed.
Oh, yes!
The movement rocked her hips, her legs locking around his waist urging him on. Each thrust going deeper inside.

“Are you alright?” he whispered in her ear. Eve nodded. “Open your legs.”              

She did and he pushed into her fuller than before.

She cried out. Again. And again. And again. His hips moved on top of her, her chest rose to meet his lips as he bit the supple flesh of her nipples. Her fingers clawed, needing him, feeling his body, his legs, his backside, so much muscle.

His panting came hard and fast as he sped up. The rhythm kept her wanting more, building up and his hands gripped back her hands up above her head. She was trapped beneath him and she wanted every part of this.

“Come for me Eve. Make it loud.” One hand gripped her breast pinching her while the other pressed down her hands; forcing more of himself inside her.

The pace was picking up.

Eve could feel herself on the edge.

“Eve. Eve. Eve.” The way he said her name, oh the way…she went sailing over the precipice. She moaned and spasmed beneath him, relaxing moments later.

He came seconds later, slowing on top of her a panting, sweating mass.

Oh.              My.              God.

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