The Temptation of Elizabeth Tudor (48 page)

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Chapter 18: A Man of Much Wit

1.  Harington II,
Nugae Antiquae
, Vol. II, pp. 328–9.

2.  Council to Elizabeth, 17 February 1549 (S. Haynes, p. 107).

3.  Tyrwhitt to Somerset, 19 February 1549 (ibid., p. 108).

4.  Examination of the Lord Admiral, 18 February 1549 (ibid., p. 107).

5.  Interrogatories for the Lord Admiral (ibid., p. 86).

6.  Elizabeth’s Tide Letter to Mary I, 1554 (Perry, p. 65).

CSP Spanish
, Vol. X, 8 February 1549. The stolen goods largely did not find their way back to their owners, however (Gruffydd, p. 60).

8.  The draft articles against Seymour, with amendments and additions, are BL Harley MS 249 f. 34 to f. 39. The final articles are in Cobbett
et al.

9.  Articles Against Thomas Seymour, No. 7 (Cobbett
et al.

10. Ibid., No. 22.

11. BL Add. MS 48023.

, Vol. II, p. 246.

13. Ibid., p. 247.

14. Ibid., p. 257.

15. Ibid. p., 258.

16. Answers of the Lord Admiral, 24 February 1549 (SP 10/6/69).

17. BL M485/39 f. 67.

18. Throckmorton, p. 20.

CSP Spanish
, Vol. X, 19 March 1549.

20. Articles Against Thomas Seymour (Cobbett
et al.

21. BL Harley MS 6807 f. 14v.

, Vol. II, p. 260.

23. Ibid.

House of Lords Journal
, Vol I.

House of Commons Journal
, Vol. I.

CSP Spanish
, Vol. X, 19 March 1549.

House of Lords Journal
, Vol I, and
House of Commons Journal
, Vol. I.

House of Lords Journal
, Vol I.

29. Elizabeth to Somerset, 7 March 1549 (Elizabeth,
Collected Works
, pp. 33–4).

, Vol. II, p. 261.

31. Ibid., p. 262.

32. Ibid.

33. Strype (1822), Vol. II, Part I, p. 207.

, Vol. II, p. 266.

CSP Spanish
, Vol. X, 19 March 1549.

36. Latimer, p. 161.

37. Strype (1822), Vol. II, Part I, p. 197.

38. Latimer, p. 161

39. Gruffydd, p. 60.

40. Latimer, p. 162 and BL Add. MS 48023.

41. Gruffydd, p. 60.

42. Ibid.

Epilogue: The Virgin Queen?

1.  Throckmorton, p. 20.

2.  Ibid.

3.  Sander, p. 184.

4.  Strype (1822), Vol. II, Part I, p. 200.

5.  Ibid., p. 201.

6.  Duchess of Suffolk to Cecil, 24 July 1549 (SP 10/8/61).

7.  Ibid.

, Vol. II, 13 March 1550.

9.  Porter (2011).

History of Parliament
, for Sir William Sharington.

11. Latimer, Vol. I, p. 263.

History of Parliament
, for John Fowler.

13. Hoak, p. 50.

14. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt’s Confession (S. Haynes, p. 104).

15. Tyrwhit, p. 12.

16. Ibid., p. 14.

17. Vives, p. 125.

18. McIntosh, p. 127.

19. Parry to Cecil, 25 September 1549 (Tytler, pp. 201–2).

CSP Spanish
, Vol. X, p. 489.

CSP Foreign
, p. 316.

22. Ibid., pp. 433, 620.

23. Naunton, p. 172.

24. BL Sloane MS 1523 f. 37.

25. Foxe, p. 283.

26. Edward VI,
, p. 36.

27. Proclamation of 1 October 1549 (Tytler, p. 205).

28. Cranmer, Paget and Wingfield to the Council, 11 October 1549 (ibid., p. 242).

CSP Domestic (Knighton)
, p. 396.

30. Cranmer, Paget and Wingfield to the Council, 11 October 1549 (Tytler, p. 242).

31. Alford, p. 137.

32. Article 28 (Cobbett
et al.

33. Pollard, p. 98.

34. Machyn, p. 14.

35. Ibid.

36. Cobbett
et al.
, p. 318.

37. Machyn, p. 15.

38. Perry, p. 65.

39. Naunton, p. 172.

40. Merton, p. 33.

41. Somerset, p. 61.

42. Camden (1688), p. 227.

43. Wilson, p. 148.

44. TNA PROB 11/88/89.

45. Camden (1688), p. 12.

46. Hughey.

47. Harington II,
Orlando Furioso
, p. xvi.

48. Hughey, p. 258.

49. Ibid., p. 52.

50. Ibid., p. 258.

51. BL Sloane MS 1523 f. 37.


Abbreviations used in the Notes on the Text are given in square brackets.

Manuscript Sources

The manuscript series used are the following (more specific references are provided in the Notes on the Text):

The British Library, London: Add(itional) MSS; Egerton MSS; Harley MSS; Sloane MSS; Stowe MSS.

Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire: M485/39 (microfilm held at The British Library).

The National Archives, Kew: E 15; E 36; E 101; E 163; SC 6/EDWVI; SP 10; SP 46; SP 50; SP 61; SP 68; PROB 1; PROB 11.

Surrey History Centre, Woking: Loseley MSS 1331; Loseley MSS 1865.

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A godly medytacyon of the Christen sowle, concerning a loue towards God and hys Christe, comyled in Frenche by Lady Margarete Quene of Naverre, and aptely translated into Englysh by the right vertuouse Lady Elyzabeth Doughter to our late soverayne kynge Henri the VIII, 1548
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