Read The Temptation of Lady Serena Online

Authors: Ella Quinn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

The Temptation of Lady Serena (18 page)

BOOK: The Temptation of Lady Serena
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Finster knocked and opened the door. “My lady, Cook is awaiting your pleasure in the Ladies’ Morning Room. I take it the matter is of some urgency.”
Serena sighed. “I’m sorry Robert, can you tell me later?”
“Yes, we’ll take a stroll after dinner.”
“I’ll see you in the drawing room.” He kissed her hands and she left.
Robert scowled at the closing door. He hadn’t wanted to wait until this evening. Damn it. He loved her and she deserved to know. The suspense had him in knots.
Robert glanced up as Serena descended the stairs, dressed this evening in a bronze silk trimmed with a cream lace. A shard of sun coming through the window struck her hair and made it shimmer. His gaze focused on the large amethyst drop that hung down, almost touching the gathered silk of her bodice, and on that infernal curl caressing her breast. Tonight, he’d tell her he loved her. He’d wrap the curl around his fingers, draw her close, and kiss her senseless. All he had to do was make it through dinner.
Excited at the prospect and on the verge of making his and Serena’s excuses to their aunts, Robert stifled a growl when Finster entered and announced the arrival of Lord and Lady Bell, Miss Bell and Mr. Bell. Robert and Serena’s eyes met. Another delay. They rose and greeted their guests.
Although the Bells stayed for only thirty minutes, Tom Rush, an old friend of Robert’s, and Tom’s wife were announced as the Bells were leaving.
“I tried to get her to hold off”—Tom grinned with good humor—“but once she’d heard that Sir Baldwin and his lady had come by, there was no stopping her.”
Holding back a curse, Robert shook Tom’s hand. “After the squire visited we knew we’d have the whole county upon our doorstep. Lady Serena, please allow me to introduce Mr. Thomas Rush and Emma, his wife. Tom and I grew up together.”
Serena greeted them. “Mr. and Mrs. Rush, how pleased I am to meet friends of Robert’s.”
Mrs. Rush curtseyed. “Please, call us Tom and Emma. We do not stand on ceremony with anyone at the Hall.”
Serena smiled. “Thank you. You’re very kind.”
The ladies quickly became involved in a comfortable coze. Serena seemed to be immediately drawn to Emma, who was about her age, but had been married to Tom for several years.
By the time their guests finally left, Serena looked done up.
She glanced at Robert. “May we speak to-morrow? I’m too tired to think.”
“Of course.” Robert’s plans for the night vanished. He silently cursed. “I like my neighbors, but this evening I could have happily consigned them all to the devil.”
Serena’s lips curved up. “How many more visitors may we expect?”
“Several, I should imagine.” Somehow, he’d have to find time alone with her before Sunday and the announcement of the banns; otherwise, she’d never forgive him.
The following morning, Serena, Robert, and their aunts gathered for their trip to York. Catherine and Freddy chose to ride in the carriage. Robert enticed Serena to take his curricle with a promise that she could handle his high-couraged grays.
Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “How very brave of you to allow me to handle the ribbons, my lord.”
“Not at all. You are an excellent whip.” He handed her up. “While you and our aunts are at the fabric warehouse, I’ll go round to the solicitor. Where did Freddy finally make reservations for luncheon?”
“The Lamb and Lion. It’s closer to the warehouse.”
While the ladies spent all of the morning selecting fabrics for new bed, chair, and sofa covers, hangings, as well as drapes, Robert had a good visit with the solicitor and then made his own purchase. He was already in the private parlor in the inn when they arrived.
Robert smiled smugly and waited.
Serena removed her hat and gloves. “You must have good news.” “Yes, indeed, the best. That villain cannot legally take any of the children without their parents’ permission. If we find him, we can hold him for kidnapping.”
Serena hugged Robert. “I knew his claim couldn’t be true. Now we’ll have to let everyone know that that beast is lying. Then, we must think of a plan to catch him.”
Robert resisted the urge to pull her closer, their aunts be damned, but he hadn’t told her he loved her yet. “We’ll find him. I promise you, I shall not allow this to continue.”
Serena’s face glowed with happiness. “I know you won’t.”
Grinning, he said, “I also made a purchase of my own.”
“What is it?”
“Patience, my love. You will have to wait until to-morrow to see it. It’s being delivered before noon.”
“Is it for me?”
“Partly,” he teased. “You’ll just have to wait.”
Freddy had been right—the social floodgates had opened. That evening, others of their neighbors presented themselves at the Hall to meet Serena. Freddy had just said good-bye to Mrs. Edgecombe, when Lord Malfrey was announced.
She looked around, stunned, unable to believe her eyes. Her heart slammed in her chest. “Edward? Is it really you? You haven’t changed a bit.”
“Freddy?” His gray eyes darkened and he came to stand in front of her. “I—I didn’t know you were here. You’re as beautiful as I remember. How have you been?”
They gazed at each other, and she felt the familiar warmth of her hands being engulfed in his. It had been so long since she’d last felt his touch. She’d missed him so.
By the time Robert and Serena reached them, Freddy had recollected herself. “Serena, Robert, allow me to introduce Lord Malfrey. He used to be Mr. Timmons and was raised near here. Edward, my nephew, Viscount Beaumont, and Lady Serena Weir, who is visiting.”
Edward bowed. “I apologize, my lord, for not making myself known to you earlier. We never seem to be here at the same time.”
“No matter. I remember old Lord Malfrey. I thought his heir had some sort of outlandish name.”
“Yes, I daresay you are referring to Cosmos, my cousin. I was next in line to the title after him.”
Freddy’s heart thudded. “When did you become the heir?”
“Shortly after you left.”
She struggled to school her countenance into something resembling a smile. “How—how nice for you.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say or do, but she daren’t remain standing there, or she might burst into tears.
They were silent for a few moments and Robert said, “Lord Malfrey, do you know everyone else here, or shall I introduce you?”
“Thank you. I know everyone.”
Edward was staring at Freddy like he used to and she felt warm and flushed. What a shock to see him after all these years.
Serena touched Freddy’s arm. “Freddy, it is such a warm evening. Would you like to go out to the terrace with me?”
Thank the Lord for Serena’s quick wits. “Yes, yes, I would.”
Edward still had hold of Freddy’s hand. “May I join you ladies?”
“Of course,” Serena said.
Lord Malfrey offered his arms to them and they walked onto the terrace.
Once there, Serena directed their steps away from the doors. “If you’ll excuse me, I must attend to our guests who are just leaving. Enjoy the night.”
Chapter Sixteen
reddy stared out over the garden. Her throat tightened and tears threatened. Edward stood close behind her. She closed her eyes as his heat radiated through her. Twenty-two years. Yet she’d never forgotten him.
She turned and gazed up into his warm gray eyes. Her body thrummed, and she leaned toward him, wanting his arms around her.
“Lady Serena is a very astute young lady.”
“Yes, we have hopes she’ll marry Robert.” Freddy’s voice hitched. “Edward.”
He reached out and with one long finger caressed her jaw-line. When he reached her chin, his hand cupped her face and his lips brushed softly against hers. His tone was rough. “Freddy.”
She reached up and clasped her hands around his neck. The years fell away as she returned the pressure of his kiss. “Oh God, I’ve missed you.”
The next morning at the breakfast table, Serena handed Robert a cup of tea. “How was your meeting with Foster?”
“He wants to retire. One of his daughters lives in Harrogate, and she’s been after him to come live with her. He looked so down in the mouth that, coupled with his desire to leave, I didn’t think there was any reason to discuss the estate problems with him.”
“I agree. I’d like to check on the tenants’ temporary houses. I understand they’ve been completed.”
He smiled. It was due to her they’d been finished so quickly. “I’ll meet you in the stables.”
Robert rose from the table and called to Finster after she’d left the room. “I have a new desk for my study arriving to-day to replace the old one. If I’ve not returned by the time it’s delivered, supervise the placing of the desk yourself.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Robert attained the stables just as Serena was about to mount.
She shivered when he placed his hands on her to toss her onto Shamir. He almost told her that he loved her. But he wanted them to be alone, not in the stable yard with a curious audience.
They barely cleared the fence to the meadow when they gave their horses their heads. Galloping through the clear morning air, he saw the joy in her face at being free to ride as she wished, not hemmed in by London’s proprieties.
They didn’t slow until the new buildings were in sight. Serena greeted the women and children who came to meet her and accompanied them into their temporary homes. Robert stayed by the horses until Serena returned.
“How are the women and children doing?”
“Much better. Nary a bug bite present. They are so much happier.”
“Good. I’m glad it worked.”
When they arrived back at the Hall, he lifted Serena down and led her to the study. He stopped at the closed door, and she glanced at him curiously. Reaching around her, Robert threw it open to reveal his surprise.
Serena glanced from Robert to the room and could barely believe what she saw. “Oh, Robert, a partner’s desk. This is what you bought in York?”
“Yes, and I think it’s even better than the one Marcus and Phoebe have.”
“Much better.”
Serena turned and found herself in his arms; her heart fluttered as his hands framed her face, and his lips moved softly on hers.
“Serena,” Robert murmured. “I have been trying to tell you for two days that I love you and each time we’ve been interrupted. Serena, I love you and I can’t live without you. Please say you’ll marry me before I go mad.”
“Are you sure you want to marry a miserable witch?” She teased, recalling his words.
“You heard me?”
She tried to maintain a slightly haughty expression, but lost the battle when he drew her closer. “I have very acute hearing, my lord.”
He placed soft kisses beneath her ear and down her neck. Every nerve in her body came alive. “You haven’t answered me.”
Someone knocked on the door. “Go away!” Robert shouted.
“But, my lord.”
Robert stalked to the door and opened it, startling the footman standing on the other side. “I don’t care who wants what or whom. No one is allowed to knock on this door for the next thirty minutes. You may stand here and guard it.”
“Yes, my lord. Of course, my lord.”
Robert closed the door, locked it, and took her in his arms once again. “Now, where were we, my lady? Ah yes, I remember. You owe me an answer.”
She could have cried with happiness. This was everything she’d wanted. He was everything she wanted. “Yes, I will marry you, my lord.”
He claimed her mouth, scattering her wits, demanding she respond. Robert’s tongue teased the seam of her lips and she opened them, allowing him to take possession. His kisses encouraged her to respond to him as she had before. Serena tried to keep up with him, but succumbed to the pleasure he gave her. He slid his hands, heavy and possessive, down her back and over her derrière. As he molded her to him she felt the proof of his arousal and shivered under his touch.
He was no longer the experienced rake tempting her to go beyond where she should, but the man who would love and keep her. The man who would be her husband and the father of her children. The man she’d not been able to resist. The man she loved to distraction.
Serena stretched her arms up to clutch the back of his neck, letting her fingers play with his blond curls. Robert responded with almost frightening intensity. His hands continued to roam as if he had to touch all of her to make her his.
She pressed herself into him, craving his touch. When he pulled back, she tried to draw him close again.
“Serena, my love,” he mumbled into her mouth. “If we don’t stop, your first experience making love will be on top of our new desk.”
She pulled back and looked into his moss-green eyes, warm with passion, and tried to think, unable to take in what he was saying. Making love?
On the desk?
Would he really take her here, now? “Oh.”
Robert smiled down at her. “That is not how I’ve planned it.”
Serena was finally able to emerge from the haze his kisses caused and curiosity took over. “You have a plan?”
He kissed her deeply, and when he lifted his head, his smile was different, wolfish.
“I most definitely have a plan.”
Robert’s voice mesmerized her as he caressed her again. His hands moved with a feather-light touch slowly up over her waist and under her breasts. Little fires danced beneath Serena’s skin, her breasts tingled, and her nipples hardened. Robert gently touched the curls at her neck and a sensual shiver ran through her.
She could barely breathe. “What . . . what is your plan?”
His voice was deep and soft as velvet. “To make you want me as much as I want you. That’s not something you can understand now, but you will. Soon.”
“Soon?” Serena swallowed. “Don’t you want me to be a—a virgin on our wedding night?”
“No, most emphatically, no. I want you to be my partner on our wedding night.”
She searched his eyes and a slow wicked smile played on his lips.
Trembling, she said, “I think our thirty minutes must be about up.”
“We have a little more time.” He captured her lips and her senses and she let him sweep her away. His hands never stopped and her body learned to anticipate each touch and crave the next.
When he finally lifted his head, and held her closer, she framed his face with her hands and, for the first time, she murmured, “I love you.”
Robert reveled in her breathy kisses, her love, and her body responding to his touch. But he kept tight control over the part of him that wanted to take her now. He tensed as he fought urges stronger than he’d ever experienced before. How could he want this woman so badly? This was so much more than mere lust. He needed her like he needed to breathe—and her first time making love would be painful enough—and he’d be the cause. For that, he’d need a bed. The desk would have to wait.
He unlocked the door and asked the footman to have luncheon brought to them. While they ate, Robert sent a note to John and penned quick letters to St. Eth, Marcus, Rutherford, and his London solicitor. His letter to his grandmother was even shorter.
Dear Grandmama,
You were right. The wedding is in just over two weeks.
Serena enclosed notes to St. Eth, Phoebe, and Anna, and wrote a postscript on Robert’s letter to Lady Beaumont.
My Dear Ma’am,
Thank you for your help and advice.
My love,
Robert raised a brow in enquiry.
“I’ll tell you some day,” she promised.
“I’ll need to write to your brother asking permission, or at least informing him we are marrying.” Other than telling Robert how her Season had come about, Serena had not mentioned her brother.
Her chin firmed. “No, I’ll write him.”
“My love, won’t he think it odd?”
“Robert, I really do not care what he thinks. He could not have known sending me to London would turn out well. He did it to get rid of me. I have been my own mistress for many years now. You need have no one’s permission to marry me other than mine. I’ll write and inform him of our marriage.”
He pulled her to her feet, into his arms, and kissed her. “It shall be as you wish.”
Serena returned his kiss. “Thank you.”
On Sunday, Robert met Serena coming from the corridor where her chamber was located. “Are you ready to hear the banns read and face everyone in the area wishing us happy?”
She smiled calmly. “Yes, I am.”
He wished he could be so composed, but his heart tightened with anticipation. If anyone made an objection, he’d beat them to a pulp. “Well then, we should go.”
Placing her hand on his arm, she said, “We cannot leave without Freddy and Catherine.”
Freddy joined them moments later. “Serena, you look perfect.”
Robert took Serena’s hands and kissed them. “You always look perfect.”
She glanced around. “Where is Aunt Catherine?”
“I am right here. Shall we leave?” Catherine squeezed Serena’s arm reassuringly.
They arrived at the church even earlier than Robert planned, but in the indefinable way of country life, word had gotten out that the rector would read the banns and the wedding date announced. The church was already full and spilling over.
Robert escorted her as they made their way to the family pew. Needing to touch her, he held her hand tightly while John read the banns. After the service, Robert stayed by her side as they ran the expected gauntlet of well-wishers. It seemed like everyone from the town, the Hall, and most of the countryside had come to congratulate them.
His heart filled with pride as Serena met the locals and made a point to discover something about each one of them. She took the time to mention the school, probing the feelings of the town’s citizens.
“It looks like your betrothed has come off fine.”
Robert turned to Tom Rush. “She has, hasn’t she?”
“I’ll tell you, we’ve been a little concerned about who you would finally bring home, but you’ve done a good job.”
A joy Robert hadn’t known before settled over him. He had picked the right woman. After years of fearing marriage and love, he’d found exactly the right female to spend his life with, and he couldn’t be happier. “I know.”
Sunday dinner at the Hall was served after church. As he took his place at the table he glanced around. Only Serena and their aunts were present.
“Do my eyes deceive me, Freddy? Malfrey’s
here?” he asked in a teasing voice.
Lord Malfrey had joined them for luncheons and dinners so often, Robert was expecting to find him at breakfast one day.
Freddy, without coloring even a little, retorted, “I didn’t think he would be interested in helping with your wedding plans.”
“Oh my,” Serena said. “We have only two weeks to arrange the wedding. I didn’t even think to ask Phoebe and Aunt Ester to come up early.”
Catherine smiled. “I don’t think you need worry, my dear. I expect to see them within a week of receiving your letters.”
Nodding, Serena replied, “You’re right. They’ll naturally expect to help.”
Soon his house would be overrun with her relatives, and their peace cut up. Robert groaned and received narrow-eyed looks from the ladies.
“It’s not that I don’t want to see them,” he made haste to explain, for being in bad loaf with Serena was not what he wanted. “I only expected to have a little more time for us to be alone.”
His plan to seduce her slowly as well as his desire to have her closer would have to be moved up. Robert flashed a glance at his betrothed. “I received word that the viscountess’s chamber is done.”
Serena nodded, but her attention was distracted by her aunt.
Catherine’s eyes sparkled. “We should make a guest list and begin arranging the wedding breakfast. How many will the Hall sleep?”
Serena’s jaw dropped. “Why does that matter? I thought we could have a small wedding, just family and a few friends.”
Freddy looked up. “Serena, you will not be allowed a small wedding.”
Robert reached out to cover her hand. “Freddy’s right, my love.”
This time Serena groaned. “I don’t understand why not.”
Catherine gave her a sympathetic look and explained, “The St. Eths and the Beaumonts are among the oldest and most prestigious families in England. Both lines can be traced back to the Conqueror. It would not do to cause talk by having what would be seen as a shabby wedding.”
Robert felt remorse at Serena’s distress. What Catherine didn’t say was that if he hadn’t done what he did at Merton, Serena might have had a small wedding. Perhaps it was good that her family would be here. “I’m sorry, my love.”
Serena made an attempt to smile. “No, no, I quite understand.”
BOOK: The Temptation of Lady Serena
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