The Temptation of Lady Serena (8 page)

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Authors: Ella Quinn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

BOOK: The Temptation of Lady Serena
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“I’ll arrange the outing and let you know when it will be.”
They’d stopped near a lantern. Serena gazed trustingly up at him. He captured her look, and a longing he’d never felt before coursed through him. What was this woman doing to him?
He raised her hand and brushed the knuckles with his lips.
She blushed and her breath hitched.
Robert might not know if he loved her, but he was almost certain she loved him, and God knew he wanted her, for a very long time. Possibly for the rest of his life—and the only way to have her was to wed. Smiling to himself, he placed her hand on his arm, and strolled with her to the terrace.
Chapter Seven
he next morning, Robert entered his secretary’s office at shortly after nine.
“Good morning, my lord.” Charles glanced at the clock. “I didn’t expect to see you at . . .”
Robert smiled. “At this time of morning? Such a frippery fellow you must think me. I’ve been riding early every day, you know.” Now that he’d made his decision, nothing could spoil his good mood. “Charles, I wish to make up a party to attend Vauxhall. The Eveshams, Rutherfords, and Lord Huntley. Ask if there is a lady he would like me to invite. Also add Lady Serena Weir.”
Charles stared at Beaumont as if he’d lost his mind.
Patiently, Robert waited for Mariville to regain his countenance.
“I see.” Charles shook his head as if clearing it. “My lord, would you like to attend the Gala night? It’s a mask.”
Robert paced. “A mask is perfect. When is it?”
“I believe it’s in a couple of days.”
“Yes,” Robert smiled, satisfied. Women were always less inhibited when wearing dominos. “Arrange it.”
In the end, the party included Lady Serena, the Eveshams, and the Rutherfords, as well as Lord Huntley and a Miss Marlow.
Robert arranged a private boat to transport them across the water, as well as a box and supper, which included the wafer-thin slices of ham for which Vauxhall was famous while champagne, wine, and rack punch completed their menu.
Once they’d finished eating, Robert suggested a stroll before the dancing began. Serena exclaimed over the clever way the lanterns seemed to dance in the trees. Because of the anonymity of a mask, Robert was able to dance every dance with her, holding her much closer than was proper, and no one would notice. Before midnight, he led his party to find the best position to view the fireworks, which included a Catherine wheel.
Serena glowed with enjoyment as she watched the spectacle. “Lord Beaumont, how wonderful. I have never seen anything as interesting as the flames going around like a wheel in the sky.”
She glanced up at him at the same moment Robert smiled at her. His gaze held hers and he let her see his desire. A slight shiver ran through her and confusion appeared in her lovely eyes. His chest swelled. She’d reacted to him without his even touching her.
It was time.
“Walk with me.” Robert twined her arm in his, drawing her nearer than he should. He led her down the dimly lit paths, his thigh brushed against hers, as he told her about the gardens, pointing out one feature or another. Each time they touched, her breath caught, and he felt more confident of his plan.
When they reached the Grecian temple, he led her up the stairs. It was dark, but not so dark he couldn’t see her face as she gazed around the folly.
“How very beautiful this is,” Serena exclaimed.
He lowered his voice, making it soothing and caressing. “Not as beautiful as the one viewing it.”
Robert was attuned to her scent, her smile, her every movement. He’d wager his fortune she’d never been kissed, never touched intimately. He intended to be the first—the only—man to kiss her and learn her body. The primitive beast inside him clamored to take her now.
He turned Serena to face him. Her wondering eyes met his, searching. She was so lovely, so innocent, and, though she might not realize it yet, she belonged to him. Robert touched her lips softly with his, teasing hers to respond. Finally, after hesitating for what seemed like an eternity, Serena’s gentle lips moved beneath his.
Excitement raced through him.
the first to kiss her and he wanted everything she could give him.
“Robert.” Her whispered word, more of a tender sigh.
He’d never known how sweet his name could sound, how hearing it on her lips could stun him. A previously unknown sense of protectiveness and possession came over him. No other would ever have her.
He slowly dropped his hands from her shoulders to wrap her in his arms and draw her close. Her head didn’t even reach his collarbone.
Serena expected the kiss, but not the tremor it caused. Strange warmth simmered within her, and her knees wobbled. Robert held her more tightly. Her breasts, touching his hard chest, tingled and ached. His lips were firm, but soft, moving against hers gently.
When she responded, his kisses grew more insistent. He moved his tongue over the seam of her lips. Curious, Serena opened her mouth. Robert entered, his tongue caressed hers and her burning boiled over. She moaned; her heart beat so quickly she thought she’d swoon. Instead, she returned his caress. Soon their tongues were tangling. His body hardened and the evidence of his desire rode against her stomach.
Serena desperately wished someone had talked to her about kissing, and how his hands stroking her back would make her feel so different, so willing to be with him. Bereft when he lifted his head, she wondered if she’d done something wrong. He pulled her closer and kissed her again. She opened her mouth, eagerly responding to him. How had she lived so long without knowing this wonderful, ravening feeling?
In the past, Robert’s passion had been solely physical, his only goal to slake his and his lover’s lust. Serena’s innocent fervor spurred him to want more for her.
He’d planned to use all his considerable experience to bind her to him, tonight. To make her crave what he could give her. No one could light the flames of desire in a woman better than he. Yet, with each heartbreakingly guileless kiss she gave, his vaunted control slipped.
Robert’s breathing became ragged, his blood heated and he grew hard. His unexpected passion for her was so strong he struggled to harness his more primitive desires. His body urged him to press her up against the wall and take her.
With real effort, he reined in his demons and brought himself under control. God, and this was just a kiss—or was supposed to have been.
Robert slowly lifted his head. Serena’s rosy lips were swollen, and her face flushed. He wondered if her breasts were tinged with passion. Her nipples hardened and brushed his chest. Robert groaned. He’d attend to them later. Holding her tightly, he stroked the length of her back and recaptured her lips, plundering and laying claim to them. He drew back to gaze at Serena. Her wide eyes returned his stare.
“Did I do something wrong?”
The vulnerability in her voice humbled him.
“No, you did everything right.”
Too right.
He was well and truly caught. How was he to keep Serena and remain in control? “We need to return before they begin to search for us.”
Robert kissed her lightly before leading her out of the folly. His plans for her leapt forward. He must marry her, and soon.
Phoebe and Marcus were waiting for them when they returned to the box. Phoebe’s sharp eyes looked from Serena to Robert and back. A slow pink rose in Serena’s face.
Robert assumed a bland and uninformative mien. “Where are the others?”
Marcus scowled. “They’ve left. Miss Marlow had to go home. Anna and Rutherford are playing gooseberry.”
Robert looked down at Serena, willing her to feel his gaze. She glanced up. “Would you like to ride to-morrow morning?”
He held Serena’s hand and her attention, while Marcus helped Phoebe into the carriage.
Serena was taking one last look around, when Robert heard Phoebe mutter to her husband.
“He’d better be intending to tell her he loves her and wants to marry her.”
Robert stiffened.
“I’ve no doubt he intends to marry her,” Marcus responded quietly. “Just don’t expect him to tell her he loves her. He’ll not want to give her that much power over him.”
“Then she won’t accept him.”
Robert’s gaze flashed to Serena, who approached the coach with a contented sigh. He would not lose her, no matter what he had to do.
Serena lay in bed and touched her lips.
It seemed if they’d crossed some sort of invisible barrier tonight that had held them back before. His heat and his need were tangible. As for her, flames of desire flickered just below her surface, ready to rise again at the thought of him. Yet, somehow she knew, despite their passionate kisses, that he still held her at a distance. Something held him back from declaring his love for her.
It was too late to guard her heart. She’d lost it when he’d pleaded with her to rescue him from the young ladies at the soirée. She wanted her marriage to be a sharing of power and love—most definitely love—and he remained silent. There could be few worse things than to be hopelessly in love with your husband and have him not feel the same.
Robert had tossed and turned the night before, wanting Serena with him. He wondered how quickly they could marry, after he asked her. What Phoebe had said gave him pause, but he couldn’t believe Serena would refuse, not after she’d kissed him.
Robert wanted a large wedding at Haythrope Hall, his ancestral home. He supposed he’d have to discuss the settlements with St. Eth, after which, Serena would be his. Beaumont would never have to watch another man dance with her—or touch her—again.
Robert arrived in the Park the next day for his morning ride to find Serena with Marcus and Phoebe, trotting toward the tan. The weather was perfect. The leaves rustled in the trees and first flowers, finally bursting forth into bloom, decorated the landscape.
Phoebe’s eyes narrowed when Robert rode up. It took a while, but he managed to smooth her ruffled feathers and give her the impression he’d done nothing with Serena of which Phoebe would not approve. It wasn’t precisely true, but, well, he did mean marriage after all. He rode ahead with Serena, racing her up Rotten Row, before heading back to Grosvenor Square.
Robert helped Serena down from her horse and said nonchalantly, “Lady Talgath’s garden party at her villa in Merton is to-day. Her bluebell wood is famous. I’d be honored if you’d join me.”
Serena smiled. “This is supposed to be the perfect time to see it. I’d love to accompany you.”
“We’ll take my curricle. I’ll come for you at eleven o’clock.” Bringing her hand to his lips, he turned it and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist just above her glove. Finally, she’d be alone with him without all her sharp-eyed—and even sharper-tongued—chaperones.
“I shall look forward to it,” she said breathlessly.
As I am looking forward to making you mine.
“Until then, my lady.”
When Robert arrived to collect Serena, she was a vision in a modest-looking, long-sleeved, teal carriage gown trimmed with Brussels lace. He sucked in a breath. Lady Serena was more ravishing each time he saw her.
They filled the hour-long drive to Merton with pleasant conversation. Serena exclaimed over the countryside and pointed out the various plants and birds. She was so happy. Later to-day, he’d make her even happier by asking her to marry him.
Lady Talgath’s villa was set in a park with views of a meadow and an ornamental lake. On the opposite side of the property from the water, the bluebell wood could be reached through a gate. In the dining room, refreshments were laid out.
After everyone had consumed a substantial repast, the older guests relaxed in the rare spring sunshine, while groups of younger people walked to the lake.
Robert led Serena out through the terrace doors. “We can follow those heading to the water, or visit the bluebell wood. I recommend the wood first, then, if time allows, we can walk to the lake.”
Not waiting for her response, Robert twined her arm in his and started toward the wood.
She tugged him to a halt. “Lord Beaumont, you didn’t let me answer. What if I’d wanted to go to the lake first?”
Robert sounded concerned. “You didn’t, did you?”
She gestured to the gate. “Not particularly, we may walk this way first, if you like, though I
wish to see the lake before we leave. Yet, if you ask me a question, please deign to hear my answer.”
“I stand corrected,” Robert said, chagrined. “Please, lead on, my lady.”
Several minutes later, they arrived. Serena was enchanted by the thousands of bluebells dotting the wood and field beyond. “Oh, how lovely it is. We
here at just the right time. They are all in bloom! What a wonderful idea this was.”
Robert stopped breathing when she looked up at him, her face filled with wonder. His heart warmed when Serena smiled. He took a breath. They walked on a little farther before he was certain they were alone.
Leading her a little off the path, he paused under an osier, the willow’s long weeping limbs just beginning to leaf. “You like this place then? You’re glad we came this way first?”
Serena glanced at him, her eyes soft. “I thought you a little dictatorial in your insistence, but the prospect is lovely. Yes, I’ll admit I am glad we came here first.”
Robert leaned back against a tree, drawing her to him. There was a good reason he had brought her here now, when the others were at the lake.
He bent his head and kissed her, running the tip of his tongue tantalizingly across her lips. He captured her mouth as she opened to him. Tilting his head to deepen the kiss, he slowly stroked her from her nape to her waist, urging her closer still until her breasts touched his chest. He reveled in the light scent of her hair, of her.
She shivered as his tongue played with hers, and her hands slid from his chest up to his shoulders. Even through his coat, he felt her heavy breasts and hard nipples. His desire for her grew. He held her more tightly. Women had always responded to him, but never like Serena did.
Shivers of delight ran through Serena as his tongue played with hers. She slid her hands from his hard chest up to his shoulders and wondered why the ache in her breasts was relieved a little when he pulled her hard against him. Fire burned within her, and her thoughts fled. Only feelings remained. His hands set tiny flames in her skin. A desire she’d never known and didn’t understand grew. Robert’s lips and tongue made her want more of him. More of the heat. Serena’s heart thudded.

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