The Temptress: The Scandalous Life of Alice De Janze and the Mysterious Death of Lord Erroll (23 page)

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. For providing a family album showing pictures of Phyllis de Janzé (née Boyd) in later years.


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Key to initials:

AJ = Alice de Janzé

DB = Diana Broughton

FJ = Frédéric de Janzé

HDB = Henry Delves Broughton

JH = Josslyn Hay

RT = Raymund de Trafford




Africa, AJ’s first experience of

Ahmed (tailor in Nairobi)

Allen, Dave

Allen, William

annulment, Catholic


Arden, Elizabeth


Armand-Delille, Frédéric

Armand-Delille, Lionel

Armour, Alice.
May, Alice

Armour, J. Ogden

Armour, Mrs. J. Ogden

Armour, Lolita

Armour, Marietta (Mrs. Emery Chapin)

Armour, Philip Danforth

Armour family

genealogy of

Long Island house

Arnot fashion house, Paris





Bagnold, Enid

Baker, Mary

Baring, Sir Godfrey

Baring, Helen “Poppy,”

Baring, Maurice

Baring, Poppy

Barrat, Mr.

Barrès, Maurice

baths and bathing

Beaton, Cecil

Beckett, Rupert

Bennett, Benjamin,
Genius for the Defence

Besser, Adele von

Bird, James

blackwater fever

Bland, Dorothea (Mrs. Jordan, mistress of William IV)

Blixen, Karen

Blixen-Finecke, Baron von

Blue Goose bar (London)


Bowles, Patsy (later Chilton)

Bowles, Roger

Boyd, Lady Lilian

Boyd, Phyllis (de Janzé)

Boyd, W. A. E

Boyle, Alice (later Fleet)

Boyle, Ethnie (née Byrne)

Boyle, Sir Joseph

Boyle, Dr. William

bright-light therapy

British Empire

British Union of Fascists

Broughton, Diana Delves (née Caldwell, later Colvile; Delamere)

AJ’s hatred of

claims she loves JH

at HDB’s trial

implausible suspect in JH murder

learns the news of JH’s death

visits Jock in prison

witness at HDB trial

Broughton, Sir Henry Delves (“Jock”) (1942) suicide of

acceptance of Diana’s affair with JH

accused and tried for murder of Lord Erroll

anonymous mocking letters to re wife’s affair

arrest of, for murder

author lives in the house of

begins divorce proceedings

guilty of the murder, according to some students of the case

hope to save his marriage with Diana

pact with Diana to let her go if she wished

physical disabilities of

pistols stolen from

in prison waiting trial

trial of.
See next entry.

Broughton, Sir Henry Delves (“Jock”), trial of


defense of

“not guilty” verdict

reluctance of prosecutors to reopen the case

spectators at

summation of the defense

summation of the prosecution

Brown Windsor soup

Buck’s (London club)

Buffalo, N.Y.

Bulpett, Charles

Burkitt, Dr. R. W.

Buxton, Geoffrey

farm manager of

Byrne, Ethnie (later Boyle)

Byrne, Sir Joseph



Caillaux, Henriette

Caillaux, Joseph


Capone, Al

Carberry, Juanita

Child of Happy Valley

Carberry, June

witness at HDB trial

Carrington, Dora


Cartland, Barbara

Casa Maury, Marquis de (“Bobby”)

Case, Noel (Mrs. Eaton-Evans)

Case, Vi

Case family

Casey, Father


AJ’s need for instruction in, to wed FJ

and marriage


Chamberlain, Neville

Chanel, Coco

Chapin, Elizabeth

Chapin, Emery David

Chapin, Juliabelle (first Mrs. William Silverthorne)

difficult marriage of

pneumonia death of

Chapin, Simeon B. (“Uncle Sim”)

Chapin family


AJ returns to, for wedding

elite families of

nightclubs and organized crime in

Chicago Daily Tribune

Chilton, Patsy (Mrs. Roger Bowles)

Cholmondeley, Hugh (3rd Baron Delamere) (“D”)

Cholmondeley, Thomas Pitt Hamilton (4th Baron Delamere)

Churchill, Winston

Ciechanowski, Alexander

Ciechanowski, John

Clark, Alan

Clark, Kenneth

Clouds (Idina’s home)

Colosimo, James “Big Jim,”

Colt Company

Colville, Gilbert



Connolly, Cyril

Coptic Church

Cottell, Iris

crime passionnel

Crofton, Dick

Crofton, Flo

cyclothymia (bipolar disorder)



Cholmondeley, Hugh

de la Warr, eighth earl of

debutante lifestyle

Delamere, Lady.
Broughton, Diana Delves

Delamere, third Baron.
Cholmondeley, Hugh

Delap, Bill

Delap, “Bubbles,”

Delap, Rose

Deloraine (Scott’s house), near Nanyuki

Diani area, south of Mombasa, Kenya

divorce, Catholic view of

Doumergue, Gaston

Drummond, Eve



East African Standard

Eaton-Evans, Tom

Edward, Prince of Wales.
See also
Edward VIII

Edward (butler)

Edward VIII, King


Eliot, Sir Charles

Embassy Club, London

Erroll, Lord.
Hay, Josslyn Victor

Erroll, nineteenth earl of

Erroll murder case.
Broughton, Sir Henry Delves, trial; Hay, Josslyn…murder

Erskine, Derek

Erskine, Elizabeth

Erskine, Francis

Erskine, Petal




Fairyfeet (greyhound)


in Kenya

plague of locusts

Farrant, Leda,
Diana, Lady Delamere and the Lord Erroll Murder


fashion industry, post-World War One

Fauré, Félix

Fellowes, Julian,
A Most Mysterious Murder: The Case of the Earl of Erroll

Fergusson, Gordon,
The Green Collars

Fiedler, Angélique (née Armand-Delille)

Filmer, Percy

suspect in JH murder

Filmer, Phyllis

at HDB’s trial

Finch Hatton, Denys

Fisher, Derek

Fisher, Pat

Fiske, Ruth

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Tender Is the Night

Fox, James

White Mischief

Franco, Francisco

Fredin, Judge

Fuller, J. F. C.



Gandel, Monsieur

Gare du Nord (Paris)


Gellibrand, Paula (later Casa Maury; Long)

General Duchayne,

George, Prince (Duke of Kent)

George VI, King

German East Africa

Gilgil (town)

Goering, Hermann

Gordon, Charles

Gordon, Lady Idina.
Sackville, Idina

Graves, Robert

Great Beyond, AJ’s belief in

Great Rift Valley

Green Mill nightclub, Chicago

Grigg, Sir Edward

Grigg, Lady Joan

Guinon, Monsieur



Haggard, H. Rider

Haile Selassie

Haldeman, Donald

Happy Valley, naming of

Happy Valley crowd

farming by

Harrigan, Lee

Harrigan, Sir Walter

Hartshorne, Harry

Hay, Dinan

sent to live in England while Idina stays in Kenya

Hay, Josslyn Victor “Joss” (Lord Erroll)

(1928) separated from Idina

(1930) married Mary Ramsay-Hill

(1941) death of.
Hay, Josslyn…murder

(1941) funeral

affair with Diana Broughton

affair with Phyllis Filmer

AJ visits grave site of

ancestry of

biographies of

claims he loves Diana Broughton

driving speed

farm and house of

fascist connections

friends of the Janzés in Paris

Lord High Constable of Scotland, and coronation duties

as a lover

in public office in Kenya

social leadership in Wanjohi Valley

war time duties

as womanizer

Hay, Josslyn Victor “Joss” (Lord Erroll), murder

AJ a suspect, but her premises were never searched for the weapon

AJ’s confession letter, whereabouts unknown

AJ’s possible motive for

arrest of Broughton

autopsy of corpse

body discovered shot, in his car

body recognized as that of Joss Hay

bullets used, ballistics evidence of

the car driven off the road

discovery of the car and the body

on the drive home from Diana’s to his place

a likely scenario of what happened

mortuary viewing of body

motive for

police investigation, bungled

revolver used in

search for murder weapon

shots fired, killed JH instantly

suspects in

an unsolved case after seventy years

who did it?

Haydon, Walter

Heath, Genesta

Hennessy, Moya.
Janzé, Moya de

Hennessy, Nora


Hitler, Adolf

Hodgkins, Clara Frances (Mrs. Albert Silverthorne)

hunting, big-game



Imperial Airways


Italian Somaliland



Janzé, Count Albert de

Janzé, Countess Alice de (née Silverthorne; later Trafford)

(1899) birth

(1907) mother’s death

(1913) removed from father’s custody and made ward of the court

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