And so the last remaining Jewish tribe of Medina was systematically exterminated, on Mohammed's orders, as he watched. Given this ugly precedent set by Islam's founder, not to mention the aforementioned verses from the Koran and hadiths, is it any wonder that a vast number of devout Muslims today wield a lethal hostility against the Jews?
I did not fabricate the anti-Jewish verses from Islam's core texts, nor did I create the story of the Medina massacre out of thin air. This is all part of the historical record, no matter how much our elected officials choose to ignore it. So are the various bloody pogroms waged against Jews living in Muslim countries throughout the centuries, not to mention the collaboration of Arab Muslims with the Nazis during World War IIâwhich saw the leader of the Palestinians at the time, Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, personally visit Nazi death camps and live as an honored guest in Berlin.
While in Germany, al-Husseini met with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi leadership and encouraged them to extend their genocidal plans for the Jews to the Arab world. Al-Husseini also helped recruit some 20,000 Bosnian Muslim volunteers for Hitler's Waffen SS. The Mufti's recruits went on to perpetrate some of the most vicious crimes of the Holocaust, wantonly slaughtering Jews throughout Croatia, Serbia, and Hungary.
Yes, horrific pogroms and massacres against Jews occurred with shameful frequency for centuries in Christian Europe as well, with Nazi Germany, medieval Spain, and Tsarist Russia the most notorious culprits. Yet none of these so-called “Christian” regimes could point to any verse in the Bible, be it Old Testament or New, that would condone their brutal discrimination and violence against Jewsâbecause such verses do not exist.
Indeed, the Bible is a book by and about the Jewish people. Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Kings David and Solomon, and all of the prophets, from Daniel to Elijah to Ezekiel, were Jews. Likewise, Jesus was a Jew who deeply loved his people and the land of Israel. His mother Mary, his earthly father Joseph, and all twelve apostles were proud Jews as well.
The first Christiansâcomprising the first Churchâwere Jewish. And they all worshipped as Lord and Saviorâas Christians do todayâa Jewish carpenter from the Galilee region of Israel. So if you're a Christian with an ounce of anti-Semitism in your body, you'd be well advised to lose it. Needless to say, such feelings are antithetical to the Gospels. But as we've seen, sadly, they are not foreign to the Koran or the hadiths, and
those Muslim SS units were, in their view, no doubt standing on solid theological ground.
So, too, were Muslims who chased out the nearly 1 million Jews who had been living in Islamic countries like Yemen, Egypt, and Libya before the re-establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.
For instance, that year, there were some 150,000 Jews living in Iraq. Today there are none. Most of these Jewish refugees, from Iraq and elsewhere, fled from persecution at the hands of their Muslim countrymen to the fledgling state of Israel. There, they would no longer be forced to live as tread-upon, second-class citizens, or dhimmis, as mandated by Islamic sharia law.
But even in Israel, Jews have not been able to enjoy a moment's rest from the murderous ire of their Islamic neighbors, who will not rest until the “sons of apes and pigs,” as they quite commonly call the Jewish people, are driven into the sea once and for all. Incidentally, don't hold your breath waiting for the UN to begin a push for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Muslim countries to reclaim the land and property that was stolen from them throughout the twentieth century. When it comes to these Jews run out of Muslim lands, the “international community” does not recognize any “right of return.”
The typical response of my genuinely moderate Muslim colleaguesâmost of whom, tellingly, do not follow the Koran or hadiths literallyâwhen challenged on Mohammed's behavior in Medina or the many anti-Jewish verses in Islam's holy texts is the same one they use to explain away the Verse of the Sword and Allah's other unsavory injunctions. They argue that Mohammed's revelations were confined to the milieu of seventh-century Arabia and were never meant to apply to the modern day. But as we've seen, that view is not shared by the vast majority of the world's Muslims and certainly not by the jihadists, who consider the commands of Mohammed open-ended and applicable to contemporary lifeâand that extends to their treatment of Jews.
Over the past ten years, I've covered several dozen cases of homegrown jihad plots on American soil. In every one of those cases, without fail, the jihadists in question held a burning hatred for Jews. Not just the state of Israel, but Jews in general. And Jewish targets were commonly among those being considered for attacks. Additionally, there have been countless instances of old-fashioned, anti-Jewish incitement and blood libels publicly spouted by radicalized American Muslims in recent years. Among them:
⢠On May 10, 2010, my friend, conservative activist and author David Horowitz, gave a speech at the University of California-Irvine. His appearance there was in response to an event called “Israeli Apartheid Week” that was being held at the same time by the school's Muslim Student Association. The MSA, as we discussed in chapter eight, is a Muslim Brotherhood-connected group that has seen several former leaders convicted on terrorism charges. During the Q-and-A session following Horowitz's address, a female MSA member named Jumanah Imad Albahri stood up and began to criticize him. So Horowitz cut to the chase and asked her if she supported the terrorist group Hamas, a question Albahri refused to answer. Their exchange then took an even more chilling turn:
: I am a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn't have to hunt us down globally. For it or against it?
This unhesitant statement of support for genocide against the Jews was issued at a public forum on an American college campus. Yet Albahri was never reprimanded by UC-Irvine, and remained a member of the school's MSA chapter.
⢠In late December 2008, Israel finally responded to years of lethal rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip by conducting a three-week-long
military operation against Hamas in Gaza. Operation Cast Lead, which ultimately resulted in a sharp decrease in rocket attacks and a weakening of Hamas's Gaza infrastructure, sparked worldwide Muslim protests against Israel, including throughout Europe and the United States. As I reported for CBN, shouts of “Allahu Akhbar,” vicious anti-Jewish signs and rhetoric, and even physical violence were all commonplace at these marches, in which radical Muslims were joined by their fellow Israelhaters from the radical Left.
At one such event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a group of Jewish activists gathered to stage a peaceful counter-protest in support of Israel. It wasn't long before a Muslim woman in a hijab began to curse and shout anti-Semitic slurs at them. “Go back to the oven!” she shrieked, referencing one of the more notorious methods in which the Nazis murdered Jews during the Holocaust. “You need a big oven, that's what you need!” To drive the point home further, another Muslim protestor waved a sign that read, “Nuke Israel.”
⢠Over Labor Day weekend, 2010, the unholy alliance between the hard Left and Islamic supremacists reared its ugly head yet again at a venomous anti-Israel rally in Washington, D.C. The gathering, which featured Hezbollah flags waving side-by-side with banners bearing socialist slogans, was held to mark “Al-Quds Day”âan annual event where Muslims call for the “liberation” of Jerusalem from Israeli hands. And how would such a “liberation” occur if the Islamo-socialist alliance had its way? One speaker named Kaukab Siddique helpfully explained:
We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israelâif possible by peaceful means. Perhaps, like Saladin, we will give them enough food and water to travel back to the lands from where they came to occupy other people.
Now, I personally don't know of any nation in human history that was destroyed “by peaceful means,” but since Islamists always seem to find
creative new ways to wreak havoc upon Jews, I suppose anything is possible. It's more likely, however, that Siddique's preferred method for destroying Israel is through armed jihad, as he made clear in further statements at the rally:
For the Jews, I would say, see what could happen to you if the Muslims wake up. And I say to the Muslims, dear brothers and sisters, unite and rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism. ... The Koran says drive them out from where they drove you out. There's no question of just dismantling the settlements. These settlements are only the tentacles of the devil that resides in Tel Aviv.
This is rhetoric straight out of the Ahmadinejad playbook, delivered just minutes from the White House. And Kaukab Siddique isn't some young, radicalized Muslim who frequents al-Qaeda websites in his parents' basement. He is, in fact, an associate professor of English at Lincoln University, a small, historically African-American college outside of Philadelphia. Since 2003, the school has received almost $200 million in Pennsylvania state funds, despite employing a genocidal anti-Semite and unabashed IslamistâSiddique has also voiced support for the Taliban and for convicted al-Qaeda terroristsâas a member of its faculty.
When I contacted Lincoln University for comment about Siddique's remarks, the school's executive vice president told me that while Lincoln does not agree with Siddique's comments about Israel, the professor is tenured and has freedom of speech. He added that the school can't control what Siddique does or says on his own time as a private citizen. Something tells me Lincoln's brass would have been slightly more proactive had Siddique called for the extermination of Muslims, blacks, or homosexuals. But since Siddiqueâwhose long track record of anti-Semitic statements includes Holocaust denialâwas merely targeting those pesky Jews, Lincoln University continues to treat him as its very own “crazy uncle.”
My story for CBN about Siddique's genocidal outburst in Washington was picked up by several national and international news outlets in October 2010 and was covered by both Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck on FOX News. In response to the ensuing uproar, the school issued a formal statement of condemnation of Siddique. Nevertheless, he remains on the school's faculty, comfortably tenured and free to call for Allah's wrath upon the Jews to his heart's contentâon his own time, of course.
The Islamist onslaught against the Jews is just the beginning phase of a much larger plan. “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people” has long been a rallying cry of jihadists, from Indonesia to Iran and beyondâmeaning that once the Jews are wiped out, Christians will be next in the crosshairs. With Jews already forcibly evicted from Muslim countries, we now see the Christians of the Middle East being targeted for extermination by Islamic supremacists, to the point where the region may very well be nearing a day where it is practically bereft of any Christian presence at all, leaving Islam unchallenged.
Nevertheless, a narrative existsâparticularly on the Left but also among the isolationist, Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul wing of the political Rightâarguing that an end to America's support for Israel would mean an end to Islamic jihadists' war against America. Throw Israel under the bus, they say, and the likes of al-Qaeda and Iran will leave us alone; the jihadists are angry with us because we support their Israeli enemy, the great oppressor of Palestinians and the scourge of the Muslim world. Abandon Israel to its fate, they suggest, cut aid to those troublesome Jews, and eliminate their public support, and the Islamists will be content to remain in the deserts and mountains of the Middle East and South Asia, never to target America again.