The Texan's Contract Marriage (4 page)

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Authors: Sara Orwig

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #fullybook

BOOK: The Texan's Contract Marriage
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“I’m sorry, but that’s my life at this point.”

“I understand. We’ll work on it as long as you want us to be part of his life. In the meantime, can we arrange a meeting where my sister can see Noah?”

Before Camille could answer, white china plates with greens were placed in front of them. When they were alone again, Camille set down her water goblet. “I’m sure we can work out a time for your sister to see Noah. Actually, the weekend is coming up. Saturday morning would be a good time for us. Mornings are better because Noah will be awake. He’ll nap in the afternoon. I’ll have my voice practice, and I schedule time regularly for exercise, but I won’t stay with you anyway, so that won’t matter.”

“I’ll let you know about Saturday morning. I need to run that past my sister because she has a family. I’d like to bring someone else with me, if I may. My ranch foreman has been with us all my life. He’s like a member of the family to me, and he was to Kern. I’d like him to see Noah.”

“Of course,” she said, smiling warmly. “You’re not exactly like I thought you’d be,” she added, studying him. “You’re not like Kern, either.”

“Definitely not like Kern,” he said. “So what did you expect?” Marek asked, amused and curious. When her cheeks turned pink, his curiosity grew. “You’re blushing. Your opinion must have been not so great. Now I’m curious.”

“You’re more friendly than I thought you’d be,” she said, her cheeks growing even more red. “I thought you would be like you were the first few minutes at your office.”

He smiled. “I’ll have to improve my image. I’ll have to admit, I wasn’t friendly at my office. I thought you wanted a donation for something to do with the opera.”

She laughed, a light, inviting sound, making him want to cause her to laugh often.

Conversation shifted to other topics. For the next hour over dinner, he enjoyed her company and enjoyed being out for the evening with a beautiful woman again.

Later, when they returned to the dance floor, he found it was easier. He still thought of Jillian, still missed her badly, but he had better control of his emotions and he was happier about dancing. “I really would like to see Noah again before Saturday. Is there anytime that would be convenient for me to drop by when he’s awake?”

“Of course. Just call ahead. Come tomorrow when you want. I’ll be home. I have a voice lesson, a workout and a French lesson, but I can break away briefly. We’ll be happy to see you.”

“When do you have free time?”

“I have some to be with Noah. There are moments my life is like everyone else’s. We’re all busy.”

“Very well. I’ll come in the morning if that’s all right.”

“It’s fine. It might give Ashley a bit of a break. Stephanie will vanish with errands, so you won’t cross paths with her.”

“She feels that strongly about me,” he said, shaking his head.

“She’s just scared.”

“She doesn’t need to be afraid I’m taking your baby. I would never do that. No judge would let me anyway.”

“Oh, one might. I think you have a lot of influence in this state.”

“How I wish. Where was Noah born?”

“Oddly enough, I had a special performance here and he was born in Texas. I had excellent care. I was in a Dallas hospital.”

Marek smiled. “So we have another Rangel who’s a Texan. That would please Kern.”

“I think it pleases you.”

“Yes, it does,” he said.

“I don’t think I’ve mentioned it, but I named him Noah Kern Avanole. I hope you don’t object.”

“I’m glad you did. Did you tell Kern what you planned to name him?”

“Of course, and he was delighted.”

“I’ll bet he was. I’m still amazed he didn’t call me. Usually Kern didn’t keep things to himself. Noah Kern Avanole. Good name.”

“Thank you. I thought so. Right now is a good time for everyone to see him. When I’m performing, I won’t be as free.”

“That’s what I figured,” Marek said, thinking she had a face and figure to have gone into movies instead of opera. They danced until she mentioned the time and said she had to get home.

They talked all the way during the flight back to Dallas and by the time he brought her to her condo door, he realized he had enjoyed the evening. Impulsively, he took her hand.

“I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I still can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing Noah with us. There aren’t words for that.”

“I’m glad you’re happy about him and interested in him.”

“I hope your sister stops worrying. I’ll never try to take Noah from you.”

“Stephanie will be all right. She’s just scared right now because you can do more for him than we can. I don’t think she understands how I feel as a mother, wanting him to know his father’s family, to know ranching. That’s important to me.”

“I’m glad,” he said lightly, leaning forward to brush a kiss on her cheek, catching the scent of her perfume again. Her skin was soft and smooth, and he was grateful to her for making the evening enjoyable. “I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll call before I come by.”

“Fine,” she said, smiling at him. She stepped inside and closed the door.

On the drive to the ranch, he had time to consider the evening. The vision of Camille dancing around him remained indelibly etched in memory. He thought about Noah and holding him in his arms. Camille would be in Santa Fe this summer, Budapest in the fall. How could he keep Noah in their lives in Texas when he would be far away with his mother? Noah was too tiny now to take him away from her for a long visit.


Saturday morning Camille showered and dressed in blue slacks and a matching shirt. As she pinned up her hair, Ashley stood watching her. “You’ve gone out with him three nights this week, and he’s been here to see Noah every day. He’s crazy about Noah.”

“He’ll be a good father figure for Noah,” Camille remarked.

“I’m beginning to wonder whether Steph is right. Is Marek going to want to have custody of Noah? Or is there any chance part of it is he’s coming to see you, too?”

Camille laughed. “No. He’s interested in Noah.” Her smile faded. “He’s still having difficulty about losing his fiancée, although he seemed to get a grip on those feelings when we were dancing.” She pulled a brush through more long strands of hair before pinning them up. “As far as Noah is concerned, Marek has told me repeatedly that he won’t ever try to take Noah from me. I know he wants to be part of Noah’s life, and I think he should be. I want Noah to be part of the Rangel family. He needs to know them. Marek can show him a cowboy’s life.”

“Some cowboy,” Ashley said, laughing. “He’s a billionaire.”

“Ashley, he’s a good guy. He truly likes the baby, and he’s promised me he won’t try to take him. We’ll work out something everyone can live with.”

“Let me have Noah before you have to change again,” Ashley said, taking Noah from Camille. He went willingly, happy to be carried. Camille brushed a kiss on his cheek.

“I won’t let anyone take him from us,” Camille said quietly, feeling fairly certain Marek meant what he said. What little Kern had said about his brother indicated that he was a man of his word, yet that might have been the man Kern knew.

Thursday when Marek had come to see his nephew, she had watched him hold the baby and talk to him. All the hesitation and uncertainty Marek had shown that first time he had held Noah had disappeared. She left them alone for a time, and, when she returned, Marek was seated on the floor, holding Noah and talking to him about a large, brightly colored ball and rolling it around for him.

Marek had glanced at her and smiled, his attention quickly returning to Noah. She was constantly reminded of Marek’s loss because he seemed cool and distant in many ways. She suspected he rarely saw her as anything more than Noah’s mom, which, under the circumstances, was just as well.

“Camille, you haven’t heard a word I’ve said to you,” Ashley said as she finished changing Noah.

“Sorry, Ash, I was lost in thought about Marek.”

“I can see why. He’s a good-looking man. Even more so than his brother. I never really saw his brother in person, just pictures, so maybe that’s not fair.”

“He’s more handsome, but he has none of the laid-back charm his younger brother did. He’s far more serious.”

“You each have serious issues to deal with—how Noah will be raised, plus the personal issues. Can you trust Marek and will he ever get over his loss? Maybe he’s charming when there’s nothing at stake.”

“You’re probably right. His fiancée was stunning, constantly in society pages, and I’m sure photographers loved to take her picture. No woman can be as beautiful as she was.”

“I have to agree with you. Her pictures look like she was a movie star or top model.”

“He’s still grieving for her, but now Noah is a distraction from his loss.”

“The crash was dreadful. His grief is understandable. I’ll have Noah ready when they come. I want to get him fed now before I try to clean him up or dress him.”

“I can feed him,” Camille said, reaching for her baby.

“Not if you don’t want to have to change again. You’re dressed and ready. Let me run the risk of him blowing breakfast or spitting up.”

Laughing, Camille shrugged. “He’s yours. I’m nervous about meeting Marek’s sister.”

“Why on earth would you be nervous?”

Camille shrugged. “I suppose since she’s the mother of two. I feel like she knows more about babies. I’m still a novice at this.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, Marek is nice. A little fierce-looking sometimes. And a heartbreaker. I pity anyone who falls in love with him. Since he’s still grieving over his fiancée and brother, he isn’t going to want to lose Noah, too. I still think Steph may be right on this one.”

“Time will tell, but I don’t think so,” Camille replied, feeling a tiny knot of worry surface. In spite of his reassurances and his brother’s good opinion of him, the nagging fear wouldn’t go away.

Two hours later, after introductions had been made and she and Marek had talked briefly, she gathered her sisters and left Marek and his sister and foreman with Noah.


At the end of their visit with Noah, Marek flew back to the ranch with Jess and worked beside him the rest of the day, finding release for pent-up feelings in sheer physical labor. He did the same on Sunday, mulling over his options regarding Noah. Sunday evening he saw Jess in the corral riding a new horse.

Marek grabbed his Stetson and went out, stretching out his legs as he walked to the corral. He perched on the fence to watch Jess work with the quarter horse. Jess turned, riding close and swinging down out of the saddle. “This is a fine horse.”

“You’ve got him as gentle as a lamb.”

“That’s what I mean. He’s a good one. You made an excellent purchase. Want to ride him for a minute?”

“Sure,” Marek replied, jumping down from the fence and climbing into the saddle. He circled the corral, urging the horse to a trot. When he finished, he returned to Jess to dismount.

“Here he is, as good as you said.” He handed the reins to Jess and walked beside him as he led the horse into the stable. In the cool shadows Marek leaned against a post to watch Jess unsaddle the horse.

“I’ve been thinking what I can do about little Noah. Whatever we do, we can’t take him from Camille. Her sisters are crazy about him, too. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but we have to be part of his life and be able to watch him grow. He’s a tie to Kern that I want in our lives.”

“I can’t see any simple solution, but I’m not thinking on it too much because that’s your worry,” Jess said, lifting the saddle off the horse.

“It’s worrying Ginny, and I can’t sleep nights for trying to come up with a workable answer. I can’t imagine Camille letting me have Noah for any significant amount of time.”

“I agree with you.”

“Ginny reminded me of how take-charge she thinks I am and how she thinks I’ve spent my life getting everyone to do what I want. I don’t quite see it that way, but she’s told me this time I won’t be able to do that.”

“Sometimes we just have to adjust to what life hands us.”

“Jess, I don’t go into things expecting to fail. I’ve looked at this every way I can think of. There’s no easy answer, but I may have something workable if I can persuade Camille to cooperate.”

“All you can do is try. And if she says no, try something else,” Jess stated shortly, beginning to groom the sorrel.

“I don’t think you’ll like it.”

“All right. Tell me. How do you plan to get her to agree?” Jess asked, frowning slightly as he studied Marek.


The following Friday night, a spring evening with the sun slanting in the sky, Camille sat across from Marek. They were on his patio at his Dallas home. Steaks had just been put on the grill. She was sipping her glass of wine while Marek had a barely touched martini. She had dressed with care in a red cotton sundress with high-heeled sandals and her hair was up on her head. She suspected she could have worn a gunnysack and Marek would not have noticed. She still didn’t think he ever saw her as a woman, which was just as well because she didn’t want to get into a relationship with any man at this point in her life.

Tonight, it seemed he was taking his time because he had not brought up the subject of what arrangements he hoped to make with her regarding Noah, which he had said was the purpose of asking her to dinner. She had no intention of rushing him, either. She had mulled it over constantly and the most workable plan she and Ashley could devise was for her to always get a home large enough for the Rangels to come visit when they wanted. They would be welcome wherever she lived, either here or abroad. If she could get a wing where they could stay off to themselves, she thought they might be happier. She couldn’t imagine leaving Noah behind in Texas. She and Ashley had agreed on that one and she had constantly reassured Stephanie she would stick to that decision.

Taking a deep breath, Camille hoped to calm her nerves. A steady uneasiness plagued her because she had big doubts that he would agree to what she intended to offer.

She watched him stand over the steaks, which were sending a spiral of gray smoke into the air. When he had arrived at her house to pick her up in a limousine, he had looked as commanding and successful as ever. Wearing a charcoal suit and red tie, he looked ready for an evening out. Had the suit been meant to be a reminder of his wealth and power? Enticing smells of the grilling meat would usually tempt her, but her stomach churned. Marek seemed strong willed, a man totally accustomed to getting his way. His fortune held a possible threat like a twister spinning on her horizon.

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