The Texas Ranger's Family (16 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Winters

BOOK: The Texas Ranger's Family
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The mug almost slipped out of her hand. “Are you talking about an inheritance?”

“Yes. I have no idea of the amount, but he did say that Joseph Park was very successful in his profession. I'm sure he'll answer all your questions, but I wanted to tell you now so his phone call doesn't surprise you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll gather my things.”

In a stupor-like state Natalie finished her coffee. It didn't take Kit long to appear with his arms loaded. He went out to his car and came back in empty-handed.

She looked up at him, feeling the wrench of loss. He'd only been here temporarily, but her soul was already grieving to know he wouldn't be staying with her anymore. “Again I find myself thanking you for everything. I never would have thought to inquire about Gladys's financial situation.

“I keep thinking back to the graveside service. I was in a state of shock, but not for long because one of the legendary Texas Rangers came to my rescue and restored my world in a brand-new way. Don't say you were just doing your job. I don't want to hear it.”

His expression remained solemn as he responded. “I'll text you every day to keep you informed about your case. I have every reason to expect we'll catch Morales before the week is out. Then you can get back to work and Amy can go back to playing with her little friend across the street.”

A text? He didn't even want to hear her voice? She supposed it was the perfect way for him to keep feelings and emotions out of the conversation. Perhaps he didn't regret last night, but he was backing away so she wouldn't get any ideas about it happening again.

“What about the camera at the front door?”

“We'll leave it for now. There's a chance it could still provide us with a clue. For the time being I'll keep the key and the remote.”

But you won't use it
, her heart cried.

“Thanks again for the coffee. Enjoy your day and don't worry. The arrests of Marcos and Juanita have been made public. The news is everywhere, so we can be pretty sure Alonzo will hear about it and make a mistake. When he does, we're ready for him.”

Kit disappeared too quickly for her to say anything else. She had the crazy urge to run after him, but what good would it do to chase him? It would be too painful and humiliating. Apparently he'd quit her cold turkey and it was all her fault.

She went to her bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Amy would be up soon and she would take her out to play in the backyard.

As she dressed Amy for play time, Natalie decided she would also take her laptop out to the patio table and pay bills. It would help fill her day.

When it was nearly time to go in for lunch, Natalie's phone rang. It was a Colorado area code.


“Mrs. Harris? This is John Farbes from Farbes and Lowell in Denver. We represent the estate of Gladys Park.”

“Oh, yes. Ranger Saunders told me you'd be calling.”

“Would it be possible for me to come to your home at noon tomorrow to speak with you about your daughter?”

“That would be fine.”

“He told you the reason?”

“He did, yes.”

“Good. I'll see you soon, then.” The attorney confirmed Natalie's address and suggested some of the documents she might want to have on hand for their meeting. “Thank you, Mrs. Harris.”


* * *


Kit swung by the grocery store to do some shopping. Then he drove to his condo to put everything away. His sandwiches didn't taste like Natalie's. He drank half a quart of milk. Still not satisfied, he reached for the pack of chocolate-chip cookies. As he was opening it, his cell rang. The government number on the ID could mean several things.

“Ranger Saunders speaking.”

“This is Officer Walton at the jail. Juanita Morales's arraignment before the judge is scheduled for three o'clock. She's asked to speak to you first. Alone.”

Well, well, well. It sounded as if she was getting nervous. That was a good sign and worth his trouble to find out what she wanted before she headed to the courthouse.

A half hour later it was like déjà vu as he entered the interrogation room. He turned on his digital recorder.

Juanita didn't display the attitude of the day before. Overnight she'd lost her confidence and looked pitiful in her shackles.

“You're going to be taken before the judge within the hour. Say what you have to say.”

This time her eyes didn't flash. They looked dull. “Did you mean what you said about cutting time off my sentence if I give you information?”

“That depends on how valuable it is.”

“Harold's wife is in danger.”

Her statement burned like acid. “What makes you say that?”

“Alonzo and I were the ones who ransacked her house.”

“What were you looking for?”

“Four-hundred-thousand dollars and two guns. My brother was sure they were there, but we found nothing.”

That money has to be somewhere.
“Tell me where he put the millions he helped Marcos embezzle from nine banks.”

“He lost most of it on bad investments and gambling.”

“Were you involved with Marcos?”

“No. I hated him.” That came as a surprise. “My brother should never have gotten mixed up with him.”

“How did they meet?”

“My fault. I had a boyfriend in Denver who was an accountant. I learned a lot from him. When my brother said he had a plan to escape prison if I helped him, I couldn't turn him down. Our parents died early and he kept me alive. This was my way to pay him back. I drove him and Harold to Texas. When we got there, I needed a job.

“Marcos advertised for an accountant. I applied and he hired me. Before long I could see what he was doing and wanted to leave. He threatened to kill me if I didn't do what he wanted. By then he knew my brother was an escaped felon. They both used me.”

“Tell me something I don't know.”

“I didn't kill Harold. I've never killed anyone.” The hard as nails woman teared up. Somehow Kit believed her. “My brother was furious because Harold had double-crossed him. Alonzo was the one who had the plan to escape eight years ago. He thought he could trust Harold. My brother put a gun to his head and gave him one last chance to tell him where the money was hidden before he blew his brains out.

“Harold swore it was in the house, hidden in a place no one would think to look for it.

“Alonzo called him a liar. My brother always did have a violent temper and he shot Harold just as he was about to tell him where to look. After we left the hotel he ordered me to go to Denver to find out if Harold had hidden the money with his grandmother. Alonzo needed that money to pay some gambling debts and he said if I didn't go, he'd kill me.”

Kit checked his digital recorder to make certain everything was getting picked up. So far, so good. He looked at Juanita.

“Where did he hang out?”

“With friends in the back of Raul's Billiards in Round Rock. I'm sure he's not there now.” No, but it could give Kit a lead. “It took time to come up with a plan, but it put space between me and the police who were looking for me after Marcos was arrested.” She grimaced. “It was a wasted trip. Harold's grandmother told me her life story, but there was no mention of the money.”

“Why did you go to her funeral service?”

“How do you know about that?”

“I have my ways.” Thanks to Natalie.

“I thought maybe I'd hear the pastor say something in passing about her belongings and where they'd been stored, but no such luck. I called my brother and told him.

“That's when he said he was going back to Harold's house, and he said that if Harold's wife got in his way, he would kill her to get the money.”

Kit's blood ran cold. He got to his feet while she was still speaking.

“That trip has put me in this hellhole. My brother won't come to my rescue because I know too much now. After he finds the money, he'll bribe someone to kill me in prison.”

Kit exhaled sharply. “I'll see what I can do.”

He left the jail at a dead run. The second he got in the car he phoned Cy at headquarters. “Hey, bud. Big break in the case. I'll explain after I've picked you up. Wait for me at the entrance to the underground parking. I should be there in five minutes.”

After ringing off, he phoned TJ and told him about Juanita's confession. “I'm headed for Natalie's to take her and Amy to my condo. I'm taking Cy with me to set a trap.” He would hide Cy in the back of his car.

“I'll send a surveillance crew to your condo.”

“Will you also call Judge Leemaster? Tell him I have the recording of Juanita's confession. She wasn't the killer. I want him to keep that in mind.”

The proof on his digital recorder ought to persuade the judge to give Juanita some kind of break, no matter how small. When she'd talked about her brother, he'd seen real fear. The details of their childhood would probably be a horror story he wouldn't wish on anyone.

“Consider it done. And, Kit? Watch your back.”

“I intend to.”

Chapter Nine

Natalie had just started a wash when she heard noises from the nursery. Amy had awakened from her nap and wanted out of the crib. At the same time she received a text on her phone and her heart leaped.
Driving into the garage.

Kit had come again when she'd least expected it. He entered the kitchen like a man on a mission, his piercing gaze zeroing in on her. “Quick! I need to get you and Amy out of the house
. I'll explain later. Cy is with me. He's putting the car seat in my car. While you get Amy ready, I'll load the playpen, the high chair and a few other things you might need.”

Within five minutes the three of them had gathered the most important items and clothes and put them in the trunk of Kit's car. Amy called Kit's name and he paused long enough to kiss her before settling her into her car seat with some of her favorite stuffed animals.

While the two Rangers went back into the house, Natalie sat next to her daughter to comfort her. “Kit will be right back. We're going on an adventure,” she said, trying to calm her own pounding heart. They had to be in grave danger for him to burst into the house the way he had.

When he came out to the car, he was alone. He pressed the remote, then backed out onto the street. She noticed that the surveillance van had gone.

Kit talked Ranger business on his phone as he drove. Wherever he was taking them she'd find out when they got there. Amy chattered the whole time, excited to be doing something different. Without Kit around, Natalie realized she and her daughter had been going stir crazy in the house.

“We're home,” Kit announced. They'd come to the area called Chimney Corners, not far from where Natalie lived. He pulled into the driveway of a town-house condo complex and drove into the garage.

They entered one of the units through the kitchen where he deposited the high chair. As he helped her get her things inside, she looked around the living room, spying some framed pictures of Kit and his family on the end tables. He'd brought them to his home. She'd wondered where he lived, never expecting to see the inside of it.

He set up the playpen so she could deposit Amy with some toys. “For the time being she can sleep in the playpen while you sleep on the couch. It's amazingly comfortable, I promise. I'll get you sheets and quilts. I'm afraid I only have two bedrooms upstairs and I use one as my office. It's a small place, but perfect for me until I buy a home with horse property.”

She darted him a glance. “You think we might have to be here for a while?”

“I can't predict.” He disappeared up the stairs and brought down bedding and pillows. “You can use the bathroom near the foot of the stairs. The fridge is stocked, so feel free to help yourself to anything.”

Natalie took Amy's snacks and jars of baby food into the kitchen. Before long everything had been organized.

She went back to the living room where she found Kit playing with Amy. He'd taken her out of the playpen and was stacking blocks with her. The little girl loved the attention of the tall, handsome Ranger.

So do I
, Natalie thought.

“Can you tell me what's going on now, Kit?”

He looked over his shoulder before gravitating to one of the chairs. “I was called into the jail earlier. Juanita decided she wanted to make her confession in the hope the judge would go a little easier on her. She explained that her brother killed your husband because he'd double-crossed him.”

“That was your theory all along.”

“The confession substantiated it, but my blood chilled when she said Alonzo is convinced the money is still hidden in your house, and that he's willing to kill you in order to get to it. Because Juanita's arrest was publicized, she's certain he'll go back for it any time now.”

Natalie felt a shiver run down her spine.

“While you're here, a surveillance crew will remain outside the condo for your safety. Cy will be at the house, waiting for Alonzo to break in, no matter how long it takes.”

“I'm sure Juanita's brother isn't working alone.”

“You let me worry about that.”

She sucked in her breath. “Won't he see you letting yourself into my house?”

“That's not the plan. One of the guys will drive a car with a real estate logo and put up a For Sale sign in your front yard with a number to call. After he leaves, we're hoping Alonzo will think you've been frightened off. Believing that the house is vacant, he'll come for the money. The ruse might work, but it might not. In any case Cy will be inside waiting for him. I'll provide backup.”

“Where will you be?”

“In the big tree growing in the backyard on your neighbor's property. On the first day I came to your house through the back, I noticed it would provide the perfect perch.”

Oh, Kit...

She opened the Little People Farm that Kit had grabbed for her to bring. Amy loved it and started arranging all the animals.

“I need your cell to call Mr. Farbes. He'll have to put off his visit until Alonzo is captured.”

Natalie had forgotten all about the attorney. She reached for her purse and handed him the phone. While they talked, she got up and went into the kitchen to put some milk in Amy's sippy cup in case she was thirsty. As she turned to go back to the living room with it, Kit was right there.

“Oh—sorry. I didn't see you.” She would have run into him if he hadn't steadied her shoulders with his hands. The contact shot darts of awareness through her body. “How did Mr. Farbes take the news?” She could hear her voice shaking.

Kit's hands moved to her upper arms. He squeezed them before letting her go. Natalie wished he hadn't touched her. “He'll be happy to come when this nightmare is over.”

“I'm so glad you remembered.” She moved past him and returned to the living room. Amy saw her and raised her hands. “Mik.”

Kit was right behind her. “Milk,” he said back. “That was almost perfect, Amy.”

“As you've noticed,
's and
's are hard for her.” Natalie handed her the cup and sat on the floor next to her. Her pulse raced when Kit stretched out on the floor, too. His hard, lean body was too close.

With one hand propping up his head, he teased Amy by taking her animals away one at a time. When she grabbed one from him, he reached for another. They played back and forth until he had her giggling uncontrollably and she dropped the cup she'd been holding.

“I don't believe my daughter has ever had this much fun.”

When he flicked his gaze to her, his eyes danced. “I haven't, either. I know we planned to distance ourselves, but circumstances have thrown us together again and I find this little cherub to be excellent company.”

“If she could say the words, she'd tell you the same thing.” Natalie was starting to feel emotional. “Kit—thank you for getting us out of harm's way. Your whole life has been upended because of me.”

He grasped the hand closest to him and kissed her palm. The action was so intimate she could hardly breathe. “I like being upended. These are the perks of being a Ranger. You never know what your next case will bring.

“When I went to the cemetery to take pictures, I didn't like the fact that I was attracted to you even before we'd met. I knew you were a person of interest to the police, but I found myself not wanting you to be guilty of a crime. Someone else should have worked this case instead of me, but the pull you had on me overruled my good sense. When I told the boss my plan, he had reservations about it, but he didn't try to stop me.”

She averted her eyes. “I'm afraid my good sense failed me when you gave me the choice between having the surveillance team watching me or having you guard me yourself. I liked the idea of my cousin Todd visiting me for the week. But I was thinking selfishly and didn't consider that Amy could be affected.”

“She may be little, but she exudes her own personality.”

“She definitely does. You asked me if I thought she'd be disturbed to see a strange man in the house. I didn't have to think about it because...because I sensed the goodness in you. So did she.”

He reached for Amy and held her in the air while he was on his back. “Do you want to swim?” He moved her like she was a fish.

“Swim!” she echoed, loving this new game.

“That's right, sweetheart. Swim, swim.”

When he put her down, she protested.

“Do you want to swim again?”

“Swim gain.”

“Did you hear that, Mommy? She said she wants to swim again. She's speaking in sentences. I knew you were a smart girl.” He moved her around some more, dipping her near Natalie several times. The giggling continued.

By now Natalie was laughing along with Kit. She couldn't imagine heaven being more wonderful than this.
Make it last
, her heart cried. But of course it couldn't because he'd be leaving when it got dark to face a known killer.

Forcing herself to bring things to an end she said, “It's time for your dinner, Amy. I bet you're hungry after that workout. Let's get your diaper changed first.” She got up from the floor and reached for her daughter. The bathroom counter would be a good place for that.

“'Bye, Amy,” Kit said, still lying down.


Natalie took her into the bathroom. She put a towel down then reached into the diaper bag for a Pamper. Soon her daughter was ready. She carried her to the kitchen and put her in the high chair. After washing her hands, she reached for a jar of noodles and turkey and selected peaches for dessert.

Kit came in a few minutes later. “Feel like breakfast for dinner?”

“Always,” she answered.

“I make a Texas omelet almost as good as your brownies. Even my mom says they're better than hers.”

“That's because you learned from her.”

“Yup. It's about the only thing I cooked that I didn't ruin.”

“I had a few disasters myself growing up.”

They bantered throughout the delicious meal, exchanging life stories. While they ate, Amy found her little shopping cart in the living room and pushed it into the kitchen, purposely running into Kit's chair. He'd spoiled her so much she was wearing herself out with excitement. Natalie figured her little girl would fall into a deep sleep once she put her down. It was growing late.

Kit insisted on doing the dishes, so Natalie went into the living room to empty the playpen and lay out a quilt for Amy. After putting her in her footed pajamas, she lowered her into the playpen and handed her the cow she treasured.

“Nite, nite.” She kissed the top of her head.

Amy didn't like being put down. She stood at the railing. “Kit—” she called out in a loud voice. It sounded so urgent, Natalie burst into laughter. He came running.

“I think she wants you to say good-night.”

He hunkered down in front of the playpen. “It's time to go to sleep, sweetheart. Nite, nite.”

All of a sudden the tears came. Amy stood there not knowing what to do with herself. “Mama—Kit—”

“I'd better go back to the kitchen,” he whispered.

One more kiss to the top of her head and he left the living room, already bathed in darkness. Amy whimpered for a few minutes then sank down. Natalie sang a couple of songs she loved. Pretty soon silence reigned. The little girl had finally fallen asleep.

Natalie made up the couch for bed. Kit had brought down sheets designed with Texas Longhorn steers. She loved them. His mother had probably put sheets like these on his bed when he was a boy.

Natalie had liked Kit's mother very much during the short time they'd had to talk at the rodeo. The pride over her sons had shone in her eyes. Who wouldn't be proud? Kit was in a class of his own.

With everything done except to put on her pajamas, she walked into the spotless kitchen and found Kit on the phone. He spoke in low tones so she couldn't make out the words. He was probably talking to Cy.

How they handled what they did for a living was beyond Natalie's ability to comprehend. But she was incredibly thankful for men like him, and she couldn't imagine him doing anything else.

Being a Ranger was part of who he was. Natalie was fiercely glad of it. She loved him with her whole being. No matter how risky life was for him every day, she wouldn't want him any other way.

She could tell the moment he ended his call that he was preparing himself to leave. She grasped the back of one of the kitchen chairs. “Is it time?”

“Afraid so.” He got up from his chair and turned to her. His features looked chiseled in the semi darkness.

“Go get him, cowboy.”

“I intend to.” The fierce tone in his voice had a heart-stopping effect on her. “How about a kiss for luck?”

She struggled for breath. “You don't need any but I might, so I'll kiss you anyway.”

She moved toward him and put her hands on his well-defined chest. He was letting her do all the work. That didn't matter. She wanted to let him know how she felt and slid her arms up around his neck. Natalie had to rise on her toes to give him the kind of kiss she was dying for.

The world spun away as he crushed her in his arms and gave her a devouring kiss she would never forget. It said so many things they hadn't yet spoken to each other, but she didn't need a translator to tell her what she'd prayed would happen. As Colette had told her a week ago, it was there in his eyes and in his body language.

Her heartbeat merged with his. Their bodies molded together in one singing line of desire. Words weren't necessary; not when they were communing in the age-old way that brought bodies and souls to life. This magnificent Ranger made her feel immortal.

They'd only known each other a short time, but something so incredible had happened to her she knew his hold over her would last forever. There'd been such darkness in her marriage. Yet Kit had brought the light back into her life, the glory of being loved and cherished. Those were elements she'd never known before from any man and never would again. If she couldn't have Kit, she didn't want anyone else.

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