The Theft of a Dukedom (6 page)

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Authors: Lyndsey Norton

BOOK: The Theft of a Dukedom
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Thomas appeared beside Charles, disturbing him
from his reverie about Connie Beresford. ‘This is the
first time I’ve seen Kitty waltz.’ He murmured. The two
men watched the animation in her face as she chatted
with Richard. ‘I haven’t seen her that engaged with a
dance partner since you went to Spain.’

‘Richard is a kind, generous and gentle man. If
his feelings become engaged, he will make an offer and
you could do a lot worse for a son-in-law.’ Charles said.

‘Does he have an independent fortune?’ Thomas
‘Yes. His elder brother has been overseeing his
estate while he’s been in Spain. Apparently his mother
left all three boys a fortune each, when she died.’
Charles sighed and smiled at his father. ‘Ponsonby
doesn’t look too happy.’
Thomas turned in the direction Charles was
looking to see Derek Ponsonby scowling at Richard.
‘Well, he can’t say anything; he hasn’t even made an
offer.’ Thomas sighed. ‘Not that it’ll make any
difference.’ He’d noticed his son talking to Constance
Beresford. Thomas cleared his throat. ‘So will you be
fucking Constance Beresford tonight?’ he asked
Because Charles had rarely heard his father
swear so coarsely, he jerked his face around in
astonishment. He was confronted with a knowing smile.
‘Yes.’ He said simply, swallowing the shock that his
father would even know her.
‘She’s good.’ Thomas said. ‘I sampled her wares
last year, while I was still debating asking Victoria to
dance and I have to say it was a very satisfying
experience.’ He laughed then, ‘and I promise not
compare notes tomorrow at breakfast!’
‘I find that disconcerting.’ Charles said and
quirked an eyebrow at his father. ‘Both Robin and I
sampled her goods before I went to Spain and I thought
she was good then.’
‘She’s better now. Another four years
experience, it makes a great deal of difference.’
‘At least you won’t have to worry about
‘No. She’s barren.’ Thomas said softly. ‘We all
know it. So does Rochdale, that’s why he set her up with
the townhouse.’ He sighed. ‘I should think he’ll divorce
her next year and find a new wife to give him an heir.’
Charles looked at his father abruptly. It was
something in the tone of his voice. ‘He’s asked for Kitty,
hasn’t he?’ he asked tightly.
‘And I refused.’ Thomas said and smiled gently. ‘I
couldn’t possibly see my little Kitty married to an old
man. She doesn’t need his title or his money. He can
have one of the debs that is being pressured for a title.’
He sighed deeply. ‘I just wanted to warn you, that’s all. I
know you had a thing for Connie before Spain, but she
has become a harlot and I would hate to see you
trapped by her.’
‘I told Kitty earlier, if I wanted a wife at the
moment I’d be talking to Louise Trenchard.’ Charles said
softly. ‘All I want is a fuck!’ and they both laughed
‘I’ll send the plain coach back for you.’ Thomas
clapped his son on the shoulder. ‘I would advise you to
lie back and let her do all the work. She much prefers it
that way.’

Chapter 5

It was the punch bowl, this time. It was on an
octagonal occasional table. Three ladies were just filling
their cups when there was a loud crack and a leg gave
way under the weight of the huge glass punch bowl.
With graceful inevitability the bowl slid off the table,
shattered on the floor into a million razor edged shards
and the contents burst across the ballroom in a tidal

The waltz had finished and Richard asked if Kitty
would like some punch.
She smiled coyly again and nodded her head.
‘That would be lovely, thank you.’ She murmured and
Richard held out his arm. Kitty delicately rested her
fingers on his forearm and they walked over to the
Punch. Richard filled two cups and bravely drank it while
he stood with Kitty. They continued to chat and she was
telling him about childhood escapades with Charles.
‘Well, he hid in mother’s armoire and I couldn’t
find him for well over an hour. Even Robin was
becoming impatient with him. In the end Mama told me
where he was and I flew up the stairs into Mama’s
room, yanked open the door to find him wrapped up in
so much silk that he couldn’t get out.’ Kitty took another
sip of her punch. ‘That’s awful.’ She said with a look of
distaste. ‘What on earth is in it?’ she finished as she
turned, placed her cup on the table and turned back.
She had barely taken a step when the table leg
gave a loud crack. To Richard it sounded like a pistol
shot, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the punch
bowl lilt sideways. Years of military service had honed
his reflexes and in an instant his right arm clutched at
Kitty’s waist as he swept her off her feet and forward
out of the bowls trajectory and as the contents spilled
out, he caught her legs with his other arm, turning her
away and shielding her body, just as the punch bowl
shattered on the floor. The noise was so shockingly
sudden that she squealed, along with the rest of the
ladies in the ballroom. Richard held her to his chest and
said a prayer of thanks.
An army of footmen appeared to help clear up
the mess and Richard carefully walked out from a glass
infested punch lake. When he reached Charles and
Thomas, he carefully stood Kitty on her feet.
‘Are you alright, My Lady?’ he enquired
‘I think so. What happened?’ she gasped,
‘It would appear Lord Richard has just saved you
from tonight’s disaster.’ Thomas said and turned to
Richard. ‘I can’t thank you enough. She would surely
have been cut by the glass.’
‘It’s a good job I’ve got boots on, or I would have
been cut too.’ Richard said jovially. He turned to Kitty.
‘I’m sorry I handled you the way I did, but haste was
necessary.’ Kitty had turned to look at the mess and was
very grateful he’d been there. ‘Do you need to sit
down? You look quite pale.’ Richard asked and Kitty
Both Thomas and Charles inspected the table,
along with most of the male population at the ball. Lord
Henderson was most indignant and Lady Henderson
was beside herself with embarrassment that such an
event could occur at her ball. ‘I’ll have all the tables
checked in future.’ She said scathingly.
After that incident, Kitty wanted to go home
again, even though her gown didn’t have a single spot
of wine on it.
‘Allow me to accompany the ladies.’ Richard
offered as Agatha was making ready.
Both Thomas and Charles smiled in relief, as
both of them had an assignation after the ball. Charles
sauntered off to one of the card rooms so he could sit
down. Richard escorted the ladies to the plain Landau
and Thomas gave the driver instructions for returning to
collect Charles. Thomas also called the ducal coach for
Victoria and himself, because all he wanted to do was
take her to bed.
‘Are you in a hurry, my love?’ she asked with
raised eyebrows. ‘It is most unusual for us to leave a ball
this early.’
‘As far as everybody is concerned we are going
home with Kitty to comfort her in her near miss.’
As the footman held the door open, Thomas
whispered. ‘Round Hyde Park until I bang on the roof,
then back to Berkley Square.’
‘Yes, Your Grace.’ The footman murmured as
Thomas scrambled in the door. He dropped onto the
seat opposite Victoria and stretched out his legs.
‘What are you planning?’ Victoria asked with a
quirk of an eyebrow.
‘I plan to ravish you thoroughly in this carriage!’
Thomas said salaciously as he reached forward and
swept her onto his lap. She gasped as he kissed her
cheek and then traced his lips to her mouth. Delicately
brushing his lips across hers he asked. ‘Do you have an
objection, my love?’
‘No.’ Erupted from her mouth in a gusty sigh as
she stroked her gloved hand around the back of his
Oh so slowly he kissed her, gently opening her
lips with his, like the petals of a flower. Gently he
probed her mouth and fenced with her tongue as his
fingers released the back of her gown. He broke away
from her maddening lips and whispered ‘I want you,’ as
he traced his lips over her cheek, along her jaw and
down her throat. He paused on her pulse for a moment
feeling it throbbing rapidly and then he traced his lips
over her collarbone, as he pulled the gown from her
shoulder. She gasped as her breast was revealed and he
gasped as he saw her erect nipple spring from the
restraining material in the dim light. His lips found it a
moment later and he tormented it with his lips, then
stroked it with his tongue and in the end he engulfed it
with his mouth until she could feel his soft palate and
the fierce suction. It made her moan as she relaxed
across his lap.
‘Yes, Tommy.’ She murmured and inflamed him.
He hefted her onto the seat and dropped to his
knees on the floor. ‘I want you so much!’ he muttered
as he started to strip off his jacket. She looked at the
him and smiled happily as she slowly pulled up the hem
of her gown. Thomas literally wrenched the buttons on
his britches open in an effort to release his very erect
penis as he watched the hem get higher and higher.
First it revealed the garters and stocking tops, followed
by the bare flesh of her thighs and finishing with that
dainty triangle of golden hair.
‘Take me Tommy!’ she demanded and lifted her
hips in a thoroughly wanton manner. ‘Don’t waste
anymore time! Take me now!’ and she opened her legs
as wide as the carriage would permit.
Thomas groaned and braced his left hand on the
upholstered seatback. Taking his throbbing member in
his right hand, he guided it into her slick, wet passage.
There was no delay, as he thrust forcefully in and pulled
back almost to the point of withdrawal, before pushing
forwards again. His buttocks flexed with the haste and
force he used. He watched Victoria’s face and was
astounded at the expression of ecstasy. She started
moaning after only a few moments and lifted her hips to
meet him with every thrust. She became almost wild
beneath him and he could feel her orgasm building.
‘Come for me, Vic.’ He murmured and increased
the speed. ‘Oh yes! Come for me!’ he encouraged and
suddenly her internal muscles rippled and she clamped
her teeth around her fist to stop herself from screaming
in ecstasy. He felt his orgasm burst like a dam as he
heaved himself in to the hilt and shuddered in rapture.
He held himself rigid as he felt every flex of his pulsing
ejaculation and every throb of her vagina.
Eventually his body relaxed and he scooped her
off the seat, sat back on his heels and held her body to
his chest, all with his penis buried deep inside her.
‘I could make love to you in here all night long.’
He whispered in her ear.
‘I much prefer the privacy of my bedroom.’ She
murmured back, her lips brushing his ear. ‘At least I can
scream in there.’ And she nibbled on the lobe of his ear.
‘You have a point.’ He snorted. Slowly he
withdrew and lifted her with ease back onto the seat.
He offered his handkerchief to clean away his issue and
he buttoned up his britches over his flaccid manhood.
Victoria straightened her gown and resumed the
place she’d been sitting in before they had mad
passionate sex in the coach. Thomas shrugged his jacket
on and then he rapped on the roof.
‘Whilst that was very satisfying,’ Victoria
murmured. ‘I feel it was rushed. You seemed in an awful
‘I have been burning for you all evening.’
Thomas admitted. ‘If I’d had my way, I would have had
you over the dining table at dinner. But I don’t think
Kitty or Agatha would have appreciated it.’
‘I’m sure it would have offended Charles and
Richard too!’ she said astounded.
‘Don’t be surprised if it didn’t. They’re soldiers.
They’ve seen more pillage and rape than you can
imagine.’ Thomas said evenly.
They were silent after that and as the coach
pulled up at the bottom of the steps, Thomas rushed
her up to her bedroom as quickly as decently possible.
He had every intention of making love to her for the rest
of the night.

Charles stayed in the card room for an hour, won
a few games and lost a few. He looked at the ornate
ormolu clock on the mantle over the fire and decided
that he wanted to go now. He dealt himself out, used
his stick to lever himself to his feet and went out into
the ballroom.

Constance was still there. She was flirting with
some young buck and Charles smiled evilly. ‘There you
are , Darling.’ He said as he took her elbow. ‘I think it’s
time to call the carriage.’ He said as he propelled her

‘Do you find that this masterly approach works?’
she asked frowning.
‘Yes. Especially if I’m desperate for a good fuck!’
he whispered in her ear and smiled again as she inhaled
‘You should really be a little more discreet,
Charles.’ She muttered as he forced her forward and
held onto her as they went down the front steps.
‘It’s not really necessary, when my own father
tells me you’re a good fuck!’ Charles mumbled and
signalled for the coach. The plain Landau jerked to a
standstill and the footman opened the door. Charles
handed Constance inside and said ‘St. James’s Street,
and make it snappy!’
‘Yes, My Lord.’ The footman said and helped
Charles into the carriage.
‘I should be annoyed with you.’ Constance said.
‘But I’m not.’ She sighed. ‘I was sorry to hear about
Robin, though. He was such an excellent lover.’
‘Was he as good as my father?’ Charles asked
She looked at him sharply in the dim light and
then sighed again. ‘Actually, no. Your father was
exquisite and I was so sore I could hardly walk the next
‘So I’ve something to prove then.’
‘Not with me. I already know what you’re
capable of.’ She smiled lasciviously.
‘Ah! But four years is a long time, and I’ve been
busy in the fleshpots of Portugal and Spain!’ he said
The coach ride seemed interminable, but Charles
could hear by the clip of the hooves that the horses
were nearly galloping as they went down Bond Street.
They slowed for the cross roads at St. James’s Street
and Constance had to grab the strap to keep her seat.
‘Number 23.’ Constance said.
Charles rapped on the roof and shouted the
number. There was a clatter of hooves as the horses
skidded to a halt and they could hear the driver urging
the horses to move backwards.
Eventually the footman opened the door and
helped them out. ‘Wait for me.’ Charles ordered and
followed Constance up the steps.
It’s amazing how fast I can actually move when I
have to!
He thought as he limped along with her
through the front door. Nobody was waiting for them.
‘Don’t you have a butler or something?’ he
asked surprised.
‘No. I have a housekeeper.’ Constance said and
turned to look down at his leg. ‘Can you manage the
‘I can if I don’t rush.’ He said and limped to the
wide staircase. In the end Constance wedged her
shoulder under his arm and helped take the weight off
his bad leg. By the time they reached the bedroom all
they could do was collapse onto the bed.
‘Let me take your jacket.’ She said evenly, picked
up his cane and took it to the dresser. She pulled out
the chair and as Charles handed over his jacket, she
draped it over the back of the chair.
‘Well! Where would you like to begin?’ she
asked and smiled.
‘A brandy first, I think.’ She poured him one and
he sat on the bed and sipped the aromatic spirit. ‘Now
you can strip for me.’
Constance reached up and pulled the pins from
her raven hair and it cascaded down her back like ink.
She walked towards him and lifted her leg, placing her
foot on the bed. ‘I think you should help.’ She
murmured as she reached for the hooks of her gown.
Charles stroked his hand up her leg until he saw the
garter, then he slowly pulled the ribbon open and
slipped the silk stocking down until it gathered around
her ankle. She placed her other foot on the bed and he
did the same thing.
She walked away from him and let the dress
puddle on the carpet. Slowly she removed her slippers
and the stockings. She smiled at him as she held the
ribbon of her chemise. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t
rather do this?’ she asked as she walked forward again.
Charles drained the brandy and lobbed the glass over
his shoulder onto the bed. He gently took the ribbon in
his teeth and pulled, using his fingers to open the front
wide, as her breasts bounced into his hands. He held the
supple weight of them, as he abraded his thumbs over
the nipples, making them erect and sensitive. He slowly
slid his hands up her body and pushed the chemise over
her shoulders and watched it fall to the floor. He smiled
as her voluptuous body was revealed. He brought his
hands back to her breasts and engulfed one of her
aching crests in his mouth, while the other one received
the attention of his fingers. He sucked and licked both
her breasts until she was moaning.
‘Can I undress you now?’ she asked huskily and
he nodded. She bent down and pulled off his boots first.
Then she unwound his cravat and took it over to the
chair. She walked provocatively, frequently glancing
over her shoulder at him and as she came back he
appreciated the swing of her hips and the sway of her
breasts. She pulled his shirt out from his britches and
undid every button slowly, and then she flicked it open,
pushing it down his arms as she licked and sucked his
nipples. When the shirt was off, she walked over to the
chair and laid it over the back. ‘Now we need to get
those off.’ She murmured. ‘Lay back and I’ll take care of
it for you.’ Charles laid back on the bed and put his
hands behind his head.
Father was right. Let her do all
the work!
He mused. He groaned as she started on the
buttons, slipping her fingers inside the material and
smoothing the backs of her fingers over his throbbing
manhood. As she opened the flap, she gasped as his
huge erection was revealed. She smiled as she stroked
her palm over the length of him. ‘Impressive. I don’t
remember it being that big before. What have you been
feeding it on?’
‘Spanish Donna’s!’ he growled and he felt
molten heat burn in his veins as she lowered her head
and slipped her lips over the aching, velvet head of his
penis. He looked down to see her black hair spread
across his thighs and stomach, effectively hiding what
she was doing. She slid her tongue over the head and
tormented him by licking and sucking it like a nipple. He
groaned even louder when she rotated her tongue
around the crest as her hand started to massage him
from base to crest. ‘I won’t last long like this!’ he
grunted as he thrust his hips up, but suddenly she was
over him and guiding his member into her hot, wet
‘Lie still, this won’t take a minute.’ She
murmured as she lifted herself on his shaft. He clasped
her breasts, kneading and pinching her nipples and she
moaned and whined as she worked to a climax.
Eventually he was heaving his hips up to meet her and
then her orgasm arrived and she jammed herself down
on him so hard he could feel the mouth of her womb on
the end of his penis. He groaned as he flooded her
womb with his seed. ‘Mmm. That was heaven.’ She
murmured as she sat proudly on his manhood and
stroked the muscular planes of his chest and abdomen.
‘So strong. We should take your britches off now.’ And
she slid gracefully off his manhood and helped
manoeuvre his britches off. ‘Maybe you should get
more on the bed.’ She advised as she laid his britches
over the chair.
Charles shuffled himself around until he could lie
with his head on the pillows. Constance retrieved the
glass and poured another brandy for him, taking a sip
before handing it over. She laid down beside him. ‘So
what would you like to do now?’ she asked and Charles
rolled on his side and stroked her breasts.
‘I’m sure I can think of something to keep you
occupied until I’m ready again.’ He said with a wicked
smile. He didn’t waste any time, but instead stroked his
hand quickly over her pubic hair and parted her labia, so
that he could stroke his fingers over her sex. It was
satiny with his release and he found he could slip two
fingers straight into her vagina. He emulated
intercourse, by thrusting in and withdrawing, as his
thumb circled delicately over her clitoris. She moaned
and writhed, opening her legs as wide as she could.
When her orgasm came he felt her internal muscles
crush his fingers as she screamed in ecstasy. He forced
her legs apart with his arm and other hand, keeping her
coming as he continued to move. Her next orgasm was
explosive and she shuddered and grunted until her body
went lax.
‘God! You’ve been practising.’ She said dreamily.
‘I have at that.’ He mumbled as he gave her
breasts his undivided attention. He sucked, licked and
tormented them. He even pinched it in his teeth while
he swept his tongue over the crest, making her moan
and lift her hips. ‘Are you ready?’ he asked and she
nodded. ‘Good. Get on your knees.’ He demanded.
She smiled lazily and rolled on her stomach,
lifting herself up and sliding her knees under her hips.
Charles got behind her and taking his erect penis in his
hand he guided it into her slick passage. He grabbed her
by the hair and released his deepest desires, thrusting in
harshly as he fucked her like a Portuguese whore. He
held her abdomen with his other hand to keep her still.
She moaned with every thrust and buried her face in
the pillows as she spread her legs wider and pushed
backwards to meet him. ‘Oh! Yes!’ she mumbled,
‘Harder.’ It inflamed his already uncontrollable need
and he increased the speed. Suddenly he felt all her
muscles tense as her passage squeezed him and he lost
all control, continuing to thrust deeply into her cleft. As
she passed the pinnacle she said viciously, ‘More.’ and
he pummelled her again. He held her hips tightly, as his
chest heaved with the exertion. He could feel his
testicles tightening and slid his hand around to her
clitoris and abraded it firmly. He felt her muscles ripple
as she climaxed again and felt his penis pulse with his
ejaculation as she let out a muffled scream, her face still
buried in the pillow. He jammed himself hard to the hilt
as she sucked him dry. He collapsed on his side, panting
and the wound in his thigh throbbed. As his breathing
settled, he sat up and poured more brandy.
Constance rolled over and gasped as she saw his
back in the lamp light. ‘What happened to your back?’
she asked indignantly.
‘I had a mishap with a burning tunic.’ He said
coldly and flinched as she stroked her hand over the
twisted and ridged skin, it was still quite tender.
‘I’m sorry.’ She murmured as she traced her lips
over every ridge.
‘You don’t have to be sorry, Connie. It was a
‘What about the leg?’ she asked softly and
stroked her hand over his left thigh.
‘Grapeshot across the back of my thigh.’ He put
his brandy down and laid back on the bed, then turned
over so that she could see his injuries.
She gently kissed the massive trauma where the
grapeshot gouged out a huge chunk of flesh and seared
it. ‘What’s this?’ she said as she traced her lips over a
long thin scar.
‘Sword. A nasty Frenchman stuck it in my leg at
She rolled him over onto his back and inspected
the rest of his body. There were more wounds on the
front. ‘This one?’ she asked as she kissed his ribs.
‘Knife. I got that one night in the dark. I don’t
even know whether it was an enemy or a friend.’
‘It must have been terrible.’ She said and
snuggled up beside him. ‘So what are the Spanish Ladies
‘Good fighters.’ He said and looked down into
Connie’s eyes.
‘That’s a strange thing to call them.’
‘Nonetheless, it’s true. Their country has been
occupied by the French. There aren’t many noble
families that have got away without some form of
disaster. Wives and daughters raped, fathers and sons
killed and fortunes confiscated.’ He squeezed her
shoulder absently. ‘Those that survived became the
most vicious guerilleros you’ve ever seen.’ He laughed
suddenly. ‘If they captured a French soldier and he
needed interrogating, they used to turn them over to
the women. A Spanish Lady could make a Frenchman
talk and afterwards, she would cut his throat as an act
of mercy!’
‘I can’t see an English Lady behaving like that.’
Connie said huffily.
‘You have no idea how you would behave if
Napoleon marched up Whitehall.’ He turned and looked
her in the face. ‘Although you would probably spread
your legs with alacrity!’ She slapped his shoulder
playfully and he turned his attention to her breasts
again, filling his mouth with willing flesh instead of
words. He rolled her on her back and covered her,
forcing his knee between hers. She opened her legs with
a smile and he thrust into her body with no finesse, just
need. The desperate need to fuck somebody, it had
been so long. He intended to do this until breakfast

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