The Thing from Beyond Reality (15 page)

BOOK: The Thing from Beyond Reality
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Chapter 24


The Interdimensional Surveillance


Once they had moved all the equipment that they needed over to a room at the second tunnel the other scientists joined them, and Mitchell arrived, and stood wondering, looking slightly annoyed and watching the equipment.

The scientists decided to check the second tunnel at the same time as the other tunnel with their improved outer dimensional scan, to see if they were connected to each as the majority of the scientists believed, which Bryson also wanted to find out.

It was morning and the scientists had increased the power of the dimensional scan and had started exploring the other tunnel. 

Bryson sensed that there was something that they were not saying, but he knew he would only needed to wait for them to tell what it was as they were in danger and needed to give all the information that they could, to survive there.

While he considered what could happen next the scientists started examining the information on their screens on the equipment, and he wondered if the stuff worked anything like the stuff for detecting neutrinos, and he considered what it did.

“It’s found something new!” Merton announced, updating Mitchell and the other scientists on what they had found. “I’ve not seen anything like it! It is unknown and looks like it has intelligence!”

“An entity/life form that exists in there,” Mitchell announced, examining the wall, where the tunnel was behind. “What’s it like? Is it that thing that’s killing everyone here?”

“We do not know if it is a life form – or what it is – but it exists in many other dimensions!”

Bryson was fascinated and realized that it was what had tried to make contact with him, and surely had made William appear.

All the scientists were fascinated and confused at what they were going to end up with – another incredible find or disaster!

“Well, what will we do now?” Mitchell enquired. “Do you make contact with it?”

“It might have made some form of contact with us already!” Bryson announced.

“When did that happen?”

“William! His appearance occurred after I entered this tunnel, where I was sure something was trying to make contact!”

“William does not know what he is or is doing? But according the other scientists document on him he had to have been put here to check us out ...”

“But he would have to be doing it without knowing it ... As he would have said or we would have noticed him checking things. He also ignored many things – and sources of information put near him that would have been of interest!”

“Perhaps it is both!” Merton replied. “It was put there to make contact and check you! It might have underestimated and thought we were something different and had not understood what William was and capable of! There are suggestions in the all the accounts of it in the past from its first appearance on this world that it never fully knew what it was doing. It is surely far different and not from this universe in other dimensions and is mentioned as arriving here to check out the other the thing at the other castle, which it’s mentioned in trying to make contact with. It could very well be designed to make contact, but damaged itself!”

“That’s the best and most explained solution that I’ve heard since I heard of this whole affair!”  Mitchell replied, thanking him.

Bryson was surprised and decided to keep it as what Merton suggested until anything else appeared.

Like some phenomenon occurred the instruments scanning the alien showed it in outer dimensions with incredible levels of energy, and all the scientists studied the recordings that they gave them fascinated.

“So this thing really exists and is in other dimensions!” Mitchell announced, taking out his communicator to call the military control center of it and all the other findings.

Bryson noticed some form of powerful magnetic influence from it being registered on some of the equipment, and realized that it had confused them, and that he would get answers on it later.

“What could create such power?” Mitchell asked, observing them understanding the information more.

“This thing is tremendous!” Merton stated. “I can now see why they could not destroy it. The majority of it is in the other dimensions – and it is not made of normal matter. It is made of energy to us – but it is far more in its own dimensions.”

“What do think it wants?” Mitchell asked.

“That I am not sure of!”

“Could it just be evil?” Mitchell asked, trying to see if they thought of it as the paranormal entity that it looked like. “And if it’s not what is killing everyone here for?”

“I cannot fully answer that! But I think at one point when it arrived at the castle it had to defend itself and created things to defend it – and it did not fully know what it was creating or was up against – as with William, and it does not fully know what it or William is doing here – if it even knows about it at all – as I believe it is not fully conscious! There are mention of it and other things altering and going dormant. It must have been damaged or its energy source grows weak, or both? It surely has not seen anything like us! That can be proven by its original behavior and it trying to adapt itself to here. I think it still tries to learn and collect information though!”

“That’s very interesting” Mitchell answered firmly.

Mitchell began talking to someone on his communicator, and asked Merton, “What form does this multidimensional take in this dimension, and as a whole through dimensions? And what do you call it, if you had to give it some form of identification?”

“I am not sure I can answer all that yet – as it is through dimensions – and our equipment has not been adapted for that yet – and has different energy states in them all. It is more an entity! We have not fully realized what it is! It is in what is like the depths of space, at the most different region from our environment as it can get. So I doubt I can properly compare it at the moment! We have so little, and know so little about its identity ...”

“And they may not fully believe you?” Mitchell moaned, as he listened to the response from the military control center. “And they want to know if we can properly back up the claims you made already?”

“Exactly! They will need to know everything that they can about it – as they will need to destroy it!”

“We need as much as possible in detecting it and capturing it – if we cannot destroy it! And they can throw it back out there in space or something, where it belongs!”




Chapter 25


The Treasure Expedition


Bryson and Pendleton arrived at a room at the virtually unexplored ground floor, without anyone seeing them going there. It was where the bottom of the second tunnel was, and came to an end, which Pendleton occasionally gasped at.

Bryson still could not believe that they were still coming across highly potential unexplored spots, where the treasure could be buried away.

After a great deal of thought and information from the scans of the tunnel Bryson started realizing that William Randall could have buried it at the bottom of the tunnel, with the thing in it to scare away anyone going there. Pendleton’s memory had returned and he insisted that the other two treasure hunters with him had insisted that it was there and that it was buried away at the bottom.

The room was an ordinary castle room, which had clearly not been entered by anyone for a long time by the webs covering it everywhere, and he also noticed that no footprints were on the dust on the carpet.

Bryson could not get why the others never thought the treasure had been there on the ground floor, and neither could Pendleton.

The tunnel had been there at the exact location they had traced it to, and Pendleton was sure that they would have found the treasure there and he was sure that they had only entered the tunnel at the top floor as it had looked the best place!

The wall grabbed their attention as its thickness was the same as the other rooms the tunnels were in.

The archaeologists had given up scanning walls and had found nothing with it. Their scans were not good and their scans of the other tunnel had shown little! Their equipment needed to be improved!

Bryson repeatedly thumped his hand hard against the wall, intensely listening for anything, while he slowly moved across it.

Bryson easily located the tunnel behind the wall but instead of finding the boulders at the spot he discovered something larger, and peeled away the wallpaper with Pendleton until they revealed what looked like a solid block of stone, the size of a doorway, surrounded by castle boulders.

Bryson stood amazed at how he and so many others could have missed such a thing! How could they have found the tunnel in the library and not even bothered going to the bottom of it? It even made him gasp as he wondered if they had avoided going there for a reason? The thing up there was hideous, even if they were now thinking of it as a normal life form trying to escape from its confines, and having advanced intelligence.

He was sure the ancient historical castle had many hidden secrets and treasures buried away and wondered if they might find anything else there.

At first he thought that he would have to force the slab in or destroy it completely but when he pushed it he saw it was a door, made of stone, and he carefully shifted the awkward mass of stone in, in stages, into the wall, as Pendleton stayed ready to help.

They were both obsessed and Bryson had to push it further with all his weight and strength, as it became stuck with dirt and stone around its edges, and his clambering resumed until he had it out of the way and they could enter the tunnel.

His eyes occasionally fell on the mess under him with little interest! The thick layer of stone and dust fragments were scattered across the ground and he started brushing it away with his shoe to see what was below, and found more castle stones!

He turned on his light and looked further, and he wondered if the scientists working above would detect their presence there, with amusement.

Bryson was sure that the thing above only reacted to things at certain distances, but he was unsure about them being below it!

Yet why did it not work through the walls? He had been in the rooms behind the wall with the other scientists and nothing occurred there!

He turned the light upwards and examined the tunnel going upwards. What was it? What was there? He had put together everything that they had found and he now could barely believe most of it! Was there something else there hiding itself?

He shone the powerful light straight up the tunnel, where he saw the tunnel going up to the castle roof, and as his sight adjusted to it he saw nothing and started to wonder what it was built for?

Yet it seemed too large to be a chimney and there was no trace of soot or anything that would surely be there, even if they had it cleaned. Although there was the chance that nobody had really used it and that any marks were hidden now.

His breathing echoed into it, and its coldness made clouds of steam come out of his mouth going up into it.

Suddenly sounds started emerging above and he wondered if he had activated it!

They started sounding mind-bending and started screaming through the shaft until they had a fury that stunned him, with some sounding like screams and others like wailing spirits, and he wondered if there were other dangers there at the bottom that were not at the top? Could the thing come down and escape? And get them outside the tunnel?

Clouds of powdered dirt and stone fell about at different points around boulders above as though the tunnel were being shaken by an earthquake. Dust swirled through his beam of light as he wondered where the treasure would be buried away? And he sheltered it going into his eyes.

He imagined Pendleton and the other two treasure hunters there years before, during the Second World War, hanging on their ropes, just over the disturbance, which he tried to locate.

He watched what was happening carefully, which he had not been able to do when he had been in the other tunnel on the steps, surrounded in darkness, or when he was above sticking his head in the tunnel, and he wondered how dangerous it really was and if he was going to be killed by it.

He lost his balance and grabbed hold of part of a castle boulder he was resting against behind him and it came away in his hand, and he glimpsed its dark shape and felt it wondering what it was, and he finally shined the light over it and saw something that resembled a piece of wood from the building of the castle.

He then realized some sounds were now not emerging from lower down than they had been and he saw that something was coming downwards, and he thought that he heard one emerge just above him and he listened intensely with confusion.

Sounds were manifesting everywhere as though there were invisible unidentifiable things surrounding there, and strange glowing and swirling forces seemed to form in the blackness.

While he tried to see what was going on at an area he noticed that light was moving downwards and he fixed his eyes onto a strange orb of light floating down, and it all swiftly vanished, and he stood wondering what had happened to it all?

Bryson turned sensing something was in the room and saw William standing blankly staring at him, beside Pendleton, and Bryson walked into the room and shut the stone doorway, blocking the entrance to the tunnel, and saw William and Pendleton staring at the thing that he had in his hand, which he had thought had been a discarded piece wood from the building of the castle, and he realized that it was an ancient book.


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