Read The Third Son Online

Authors: Elise Marion

The Third Son (8 page)

BOOK: The Third Son
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“And what about you?” she asked, running her fingertip over the rim of her teacup. Damien followed that finger with his eyes,
and Esmeralda was very aware of his heated perusal. His fingers flexed against the table and she tried not to think of him reaching across the small space that separated them. If he were to grasp the finger he followed with such interest, would it press the digit to his lips? Would he capture it in his mouth and caress it with his tongue? Esmeralda shivered inwardly and felt heat creeping across her neck. Damien cleared his throat.
“Umm…what about me?” he asked
“Well your reputation precedes you, but I can’t help but wonder if there is more to you than the stories I have heard.”

He laughed softly, a rumbling sound that caused warmth to spread through Esmeralda’s insides. “And just what stories are those?” he asked, his eyes glittering playfully. “What exactly have you heard of me?”

“Well sir, if you must know, you are known as a most disreputable rake, a drunk, a gambler, and seducer of women.” 

“Well it seems that you have just about summed me up,” he said, leaning toward her across the table. “Shouldn’t you be worried then, to be left alone with me?”

Esmeralda swallowed. His sudden nearness was wreaking havoc on her sanity. His eyes had grown heavy-lidded and sensual, and he seemed to be watching her mouth quite intently. She swallowed again and forced herself to speak.

“And why should I be nervous?” she replied brazenly, forcing confidence she did not feel. “I know that you are a gentleman and would never make any sort of advances upon me.” 

“And yet it is all I can think about,” he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek as he brushed his lips against it.

He pressed his mouth firmly against hers, gently urging her lips apart with his. She was nearly melting into him, dazed by the slow seduction of his lips on hers, intoxicated by the strong scent of his sandalwood shaving soap. His hand rested lightly on the back of her head, sending light tingles racing down her spine at the delicate touch.

His lips, his mocking, arrogant lips, worked their magic over hers, weaving a spell of seduction so strong that Esmeralda completely forgot herself. It wasn’t until she felt the touch of his tongue against hers that she was jolted out of her languid trance.

She pushed away from him swiftly, covering her mouth with a trembling hand. Her breath was coming in short, unsteady gasps, as his were as he watched her. At first, bewilderment crossed his features before he was struck with remorse. 

“My apologies,” he managed
between ragged breaths.
. “I should not have done that.”

“No,” she said forcefully, fighting to regain her nearly shattered composure. She was visibly shaken, her trembling hands balled up into fists at her sides. “You shouldn’t have. It is late, Your Grace. Perhaps you should be leaving now.”

“Please,” he said “I would like very much to see you again.” 

“I am certain you would, your grace, though you probably will not. You will have to practice your seduction on some other unsuspecting female.” She stormed toward the front door and swung it open, refusing to meet his gaze. She knew she was overreacting, but somehow she found herself unable to stop. “Please leave

He was silent for a moment, watching her closely as if expecting her to change her mind. Esmeralda avoided his gaze, knowing that one glimpse into those seductive eyes and she would become lost. After a while
he sighed and nodded in acceptance.
“Pleasant dreams, Esmeralda,” he said softly before disappearing into the night. 

Esmeralda stood in the doorway a moment, watching his retreating form grow smaller and smaller until he was gone. She closed the door quickly and bolted it. She raced up the stairs to her room and quickly lit a small lamp. She carried it over to the washstand and undressed. She shivered; the fire in her room had burned out hours ago and the chill of the fall night air seemed to sink as deep as her bones.

She washed quickly and donned a long-sleeved, wool nightgown. She bound her hair in one long braid, blew out the lamp, and climbed into bed. She stared at the shadows cast on her ceiling by the moon, much too disturbed to find sleep.

Damien’s kiss had stirred her, more than she would have cared to admit. Ever since the day of her father’s murder, after the terrible things those men had done to her, she had felt indifference toward men in general. The very notion of intimacy with a male in any form had always struck terror in her very core.
his man, this supercilious, over-privileged prince who had women fawning over him, had wanted her.
or one moment
she’d allowed herself to revel in it, to be unafraid of the blossoming desire he had stirred within her.
hat could never happen again, she warned herself.

Remember, she told herself, always remember the pain and the blood, so much blood. Most of all remember the humiliation. For hadn’t that been the intent of those men who had killed her father? Wouldn’t that be all she was left with once the prince had had his way with her?
he was certain that he would, for she knew if she continued to find herself alone in his company, she would be unable to resist.


Chapter 5

Esmeralda saw her cousin, Tatiana, approaching from where she knelt in the small vegetable patch at the side of the house. Usually she waited for her Raina to tend the small garden but after her nearly sleepless night and turbulent thoughts she’d needed the diversion. Her mother left early each morning with Akira to go into the marketplace, where Raina sold her handmade jewelry, soaps, and perfumes
Akira read palms and sold various potions and charms.
she had donned an old skirt, blouse, bonnet, and worn gloves and set herself to work. 

The late morning weather was quite pleasant and Esmeralda could see that Tatiana held a basket full of herbs freshly picked from her own yard. She would exchange
with Esmeralda for some of her fresh vegetables. Esmeralda stood and lifted her nearly full basket and met Tatiana near the back door of the house leading into the kitchen.

Her cousin was definitely the beauty of the family. Her blue-black hair fell straight down her back like a shimmering curtain and her heavily lashed, dusky brown eyes were almost always glittering with mischief. Her childlike enthusiasm and adventurous nature were as alluring as her looks and though she would play coy, Tatiana had most men wrapped around her finger almost instantly. Esmeralda removed her bonnet and ran her hands over her riotous waves, pushing the heavy mass over her shoulder and snatched off her gloves.

“Well now you’ve gone and done it,” Tatiana said, leaving her basket on the counter and taking a seat at the table. “The gossips were at it early this morning talking about your mysterious visitor at the Golden Dancer last night.” 

Esmeralda sighed. She had known that she would not be the only one to recognize the prince and that it wouldn’t be too long before tongues started wagging. Still, Esmeralda decided not to divulge too much until she knew how much her cousin

“What about him?” she asked, busying herself with pouring lemonade. “He came to the tavern and asked if someone could lead him to a fortune-teller. I brought him here to see grandmother.”

Tatiana took a long gulp of her lemonade, wiped the back of her hand across her lush mouth, and grinned. “Oh? And did he happen to mention that he was royalty?”
She studied Esmeralda intently
, narrowing her eyes when none was forthcoming. “You don’t seem surprised. You knew!”

“Tatiana, it is not a big deal. He obviously did not want anyone to know who he was!”

Tatiana rolled her eyes. “And yet you allowed him to walk you home last night. I hear your Tristan was very angry when he found out.”

“He is not my Tristan!” 

“He could be your Tristan if you allowed it. Come on, Esmeralda! Don’t pretend you don’t know he loves you desperately. Everyone knows.
ven though he could have any woman he wants, he wants the only
around who does not want him.”

Tatiana was right. Tristan had pursued her endlessly, since the time they were both old enough to be aware of the differences between man and woman. No
female of her acquaintance
had gone unaffected by his looks or his charm. His talent as a dancer and a musician only added to his appeal. He was what most girls dreamed of, yet Esmeralda could feel nothing beyond sisterly regard for him.

She had always been able to keep her feelings on a platonic level with all of the men of her acquaintance, yet one man had been able to nearly shatter her carefully laid detachment in the breath of a moment. He certainly was not more handsome than Tristan, she thought, recalling Damien’s golden hair and emerald eyes. She supposed both men were equally handsome and masculine, though Damien portrayed an inherent sensuality in the mocking lift of a brow or quirk of his mouth.

“So is he as
as they say?” Tatiana asked, as if reading her mind. “More
than Tristan?”

“I suppose he’s handsome enough,” she lied, hoping that if she spoke the words aloud she would believe them. 

“According to Tristan, who followed you home last night, you seemed to find him more than handsome enough.”

Esmeralda gasped, heat rising in her face. Embarrassment and anger rose up and nearly choked her, and she fought for composure. “He followed me?”

Tatiana nodded, the gleam in her eyes turned from mischievous to downright devilish. “Oh yes, did I forget to mention? Tristan arrived just in time to see you and the prince in quite a cozy position in the doorway. He believes the prince intended to take advantage of you.” After Esmeralda had been silent for a moment, Tatiana gasped. “Oh no! He did not, did he?”

“No,” Esmeralda said wearily, finally deciding to tell her cousin all. “You must promise not to tell anyone, not even Morgana,” she warned before spilling her story of the previous night. “I was awful, Tatiana. I accused him of trying to take advantage of me, though I’m not sure that’s what he was doing.”

“And just what did you think he was doing, kissing a Gypsy girl he‘d only known for an hour?” Tatiana demanded
her brow wrinkled. “Esmeralda you are a beautiful woman and a fine catch, but a man like that will not see that in a girl like you. He probably saw you dancing at the palace and thinks to satisfy his lust with you.”

Esmeralda buried her face in her hands wearily. Tatiana could be right, but for some reason she just wasn’t sure. “You don’t understand. I can’t really explain it but there was something there. Besides, when I told him to leave he did and he was very polite. If he wanted to ravage me, don’t you think he would have done so?”

“Of course not,” Tatiana argued. “He is a notorious seducer. His ego would demand that you come to him willingly.”

“You have to understand,” Esmeralda pleaded, grasping her cousin’s hand across the table. “You are like my sister and we have always confided in each other.”

Tatiana’s face grew serious and she nodded in understanding. Few people knew the whole story of what occurred the night her father was killed. If anyone understood how hard it was for Esmeralda open up and admit attraction to any man.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. So was he charming?” she asked impishly, back to her old self. “Were you overcome and weak in the knees?”

Esmeralda laughed, grateful for her cousin’s ability to brighten the room with her smile. “I am ashamed to admit that I was. He was very dashing. Though I’m sure I’ve ruined it. You don’t think he would forgive me for throwing him out of the house, do you?”

“I doubt it, though you could just apologize next time he comes to call.”

“I didn’t exactly invite him back, Tatiana. In fact, I told him in not so many words to stay away.”

Tatiana shrugged. “Then forget about him. Start planning your wedding to Tristan,” when Esmeralda glared at her, she laughed. “You know you’re going to cave in and eventually marry him!”

Esmeralda pinched Tatiana’s arm playfully. “I do wish I could see him
once more
, at least to apologize for my behavior.”

Tatiana smiled wickedly, her eyes bright with some mischievous plan or other. She snapped her fingers suddenly. “I know a way you could make that happen.”



“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this!”

“You want to see your prince, don’t you? This is the only way.”

Esmeralda turned her back to Tatiana so that her cousin could help her tie her apron strings. Dressed in the severe black and white uniform worn by the servants at Largess Hall, they stood near the servant’s entrance, prepared to infiltrate the palace in search of Prince Damien.

Esmeralda groaned inwardly as she turned and observed the mischievous glint in Tatiana’s eye. When they were children, Tatiana often involved Esmeralda and Morgana in her escapades, placing them all in a great deal of trouble. 

BOOK: The Third Son
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