Read The Ties That Bond Online

Authors: Christelle Mirin

Tags: #Romance

The Ties That Bond (4 page)

BOOK: The Ties That Bond
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Rhonda gasped for breath beneath Jack’s body, her pussy quivering as she began to come down from the heights of her release.

had it been like this, not with just one man pleasuring her. She loved having two or three men giving her attention at the same time, but when she had sex one-on-one, she could achieve orgasm but not to the heights Jack had just taken her.

“Are you okay?” he whispered against her ear just before he pushed himself up and searched her gaze with his.

Rhonda reached up and brushed her fingertips over his lips. “I’m better than okay. I’m perfect.”

Chapter Four


Rhonda awoke Saturday morning with a smile on her face and the bed beside her still warm from where Jack’s body had lain. She opened her eyes, her hand smoothing over the sheet beside her, feeling his heat. The shower was running in the bathroom, steam wafting into the bedroom through the opening of the half-closed door.

Rhonda bit her lip, threw the covers back, and padded into the bathroom. She could see the image of his body through the steamy glass of the shower door. She eased the door open just wide enough for her arm to slip through. Ever so carefully, she silently reached for his naked butt. One pinch of the taut flesh and he jerked away, yelping in surprise.

Rhonda laughed, jerking her arm back through the door.

It did her no good. The shower door opened, and the next thing she knew she was being dragged in beneath the spray. Sputtering and gasping, she struggled to catch her breath but couldn’t stop laughing.

“Oh, you still think it’s funny, huh?” Jack’s fingers played over her ribs, tickling her.

“Jack! Please!” She screamed, and then another loud laugh burst from her.

Finally, he pulled her to him and swung her around, moving her out of the spray.

Within a few minutes, they were locked in an embrace, the two of them again moving as one with Jack’s cock buried deep inside her pussy. Groans and sighs accentuated the sound of the shower spray until they climbed up the steep mountain of pleasure then leapt off together, coming with her soft cry and his guttural moan. Once they returned to reality and found their footing, they lathered each other, using gentle, lingering touches until their skin began to wrinkle from being in the water too long.

After drying off, Jack slipped on the swimsuit from the night before. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen. I need to find some clothes other than this.”

“I don’t know,” Rhonda said, eyeing him as she combed out her hair. “You look pretty good as you are.”

Jack captured her face in both hands and kissed her heartily before releasing her again. “Glad you like what you see.” He turned and headed for the door.

“Don’t be long,” Rhonda said. “I’m starving.”

He grinned at her over his shoulder and disappeared through the door, closing it with a soft click behind him.

Rhonda turned toward the vanity she was sitting at and gazed at her own reflection. Her hair was damp, but her cheeks were flushed, and she swore her eyes had never looked so clear. “What is this man doing to you?” She lightly touched her lips with her fingertips.

Rhonda stared into her own eyes via her reflection. Was this warm, solid happiness she felt inside possibly love? Did she love Jack?

She shook her head, letting out a small laugh. Rising from her chair, she shrugged off her robe, tossed it on the foot of the bed, and headed for the closet. “Love. Don’t be silly. You’re a grown woman. One night of great sex doesn’t equal love.” She chose a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a peasant blouse, determined not to dress as she did when she was at her desk in the office.

Pressing her lips together, she dressed quickly. Talking to herself, trying to rationalize what she was feeling toward Jack wasn’t like her. He was truly throwing her for a loop. Though it was a wonderful feeling, one of being young and in love, Rhonda didn’t trust it. It was too quick and too easy.

Enjoy it while you can, a voice inside her said.

“I’ll just do that.” Standing in front of the mirror, she pulled her slightly damp hair back into a ponytail. With her freshly scrubbed face and her hair pulled back, not to mention the way she was dressed, Rhonda thought she might be able to pass for thirty, or maybe thirty-two. She smiled at her reflection and headed for the door to start her day.

Rhonda didn’t make it as far as the kitchen. When she entered the dining room, she was surprised to find Jack, Rodgers, and Morgan Moss seated at the dining table.

“Rhonda, please join us,” Morgan said, rising from his chair.

The other two men rose also, the three of them very gentlemanlike.

She smiled and slid into a chair across from Jack before one of them could rush over to pull it out for her. “Thank you and good morning to all of you.” She took a napkin from the table and spread it on her lap, wondering who had set such a lovely table.

The men all took their seats, mumbling good-morning greetings as they settled themselves.

Missy and Grace, Morgan’s new love, entered the dining room with a carafe of coffee and a plate filled with assorted Danishes, both of them chattering to each other like best friends. They both smiled when they saw Rhonda.

After more good-morning greetings and the other two women getting settled, Rhonda sipped her coffee and watched the interaction between all of them. The three men were talking of boating while they devoured their Danishes and the two women continued chatting about the latest scent of lotion at the specialty store where Missy bought all her massage supplies. Rhonda liked the chatter, the family atmosphere. She bit into her cream cheese Danish, the smooth filling and flaky pastry delicious.

“So, Rhonda, are you enjoying your weekend away?” Morgan asked, cradling his coffee mug in his hands.

Her gaze immediately locked with Jack’s across the table. “Yes, I’m having a wonderful time.” She caught the flash of light in Jack’s eyes before she turned to Morgan. “I didn’t expect to see you and Grace here this weekend, though. It’s quite a nice surprise.”

Morgan chuckled. “I can’t believe seeing your boss on your weekend off could be considered ‘nice.’”

“Oh, it’s quite the opposite,” Rhonda said, reaching out and touching Morgan’s arm lightly. “My bosses are very kind to me, and I wouldn’t consider working anywhere else.”

Morgan tilted his head slightly, his deep-brown eyes darkening. The look on his face was absolutely sinful, and Rhonda slowly pulled her hand away from his arm.

“I hear you and Jack have been getting to know each other,” Morgan said, placing his coffee mug on the table.

“Rhonda and I have been totally enjoying the facility,” Jack commented.

“Rodgers, what have you been up to since we were here last?” Morgan asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Not much. I’m caught up with the maintenance. Missy has been helping me cover the household chores since Rachel has been on vacation. Why do you ask?” Rodgers propped his elbows on the table. “Got something in mind?”

Rhonda watched the interplay between the three men, wondering what they were up to. It didn’t take long for her to find out.

Morgan turned his dark, dangerous gaze on her. “Rhonda, how would you feel about some bonding time this weekend? Are you up for it?”

Rhonda glanced toward Grace. She was still talking animatedly with Missy, the two women seeming to be in their own little world. A long-fingered hand closed over Rhonda’s wrist. It was Morgan’s. He leaned toward her. “Don’t worry about Grace. Here. I’ll show you.” He straightened, looking at Grace across the table. “Grace?”

Grace looked at him, smiling. “Yes?”

“You won’t mind if Rhonda and I and the boys here do a little bonding today, do you?” Morgan asked, his fingers tightening around Rhonda’s wrist.

Grace frowned and flapped one dainty hand at him. “Bond all you want. Missy and I are going into town to do some shopping, and then we have plans. You all go ahead and enjoy yourselves. Don’t worry about us.”

“As long as we share dinner this evening.” Morgan raised an eyebrow.

“Of course, Morgan. Missy and I should be finished by then.” Grace looked at Missy then winked.

Rhonda crossed her legs, her pussy already in a state of anticipation.

Morgan leaned closer to her. “You see? No problem. Grace does love it when Missy smoothes all of that fragrant lotion into her skin. So, Rhonda, what do you say?”

Rhonda swallowed. She had attended bonding camp quite a few times since she’d been hired at the firm, but never when Morgan was in attendance. She’d been with Rodgers a few times and of course, one-on-one with Jack. Morgan was known for loving bondage. Rhonda had never done anything more extreme than handcuffs. She looked over at Jack. What would he do when the restraints came out? Was he into that sort of thing?

Jack’s gaze was soft and held a sense of understanding. Rhonda felt the connection between them still. Jack gave a slight nod. Was he urging her to participate?

Rhonda drew in a deep breath then turned back to Morgan. “Okay. I’m agreeable. When and where?”

“In the playroom. Say, in about an hour?”

“I’m in,” Rodgers said, rising from the table. “I’ll meet you there. I’ve got a few things to take care of first.”

“I’ll be there,” Jack said. “If Rhonda’s involved, I don’t want to miss it.”

Morgan tilted his head. “Well, Rhonda?”

She nodded. “An hour.”

“That settles it.” Morgan let go of her wrist and rose from the table. “See you all there.”

The others rose from the table and left the room, leaving her and Jack the only ones remaining.

“What’s wrong?” Jack asked. “You seem a little nervous about this.”

Rhonda twisted her napkin in her lap and smiled at him sheepishly. “Don’t get me wrong. I like Morgan, but he can be a little intimidating at times.”

Jack’s eyebrows drew together. He rose from his seat and rounded the table, sitting down in a chair beside her. Placing one hand on her thigh, his concern showed in his gaze. “What are you afraid of?”

The heat from his hand seared her skin through her jeans. His closeness began to generate a warmth she found to be familiar whenever she was near him.

“Tell me,” he said, cocking his head and moving his hand soothingly over her thigh.

“It’s not that I’m afraid…” Her tummy quivered nervously even though her pussy warmed, causing her to press her crossed legs tighter together. “It’s just that I’ve never been intimate with Morgan, and I’ve heard things.”


Rhonda put the napkin on the table beside her plate just to ensure she’d stop twisting it like a nervous Nellie. “I’ve heard how wild he can get with his bondage fetish, and I’ve never experienced it, that’s all.” Just talking about it caused her cheeks to heat. She was blushing furiously. She could feel it.

Jack’s eyes searched her face, then a small smile turned the corners of his mouth up. “Do you trust me, Rhonda?” He grabbed one of her hands and held it sandwiched between his.

Rhonda only had to think for a second before she answered. “Yes. I do.”

“Then listen, I will be there with you. You don’t have to worry.”

“Will you be the one who restrains me?”

“If you want. And I won’t let things get too wild. Unless, of course, you start to like it that way.”

Chapter Five


Rhonda and Jack both took the initiative and returned to their rooms to strip down and don only a robe before meeting again to walk together to what Morgan deemed “the playroom.”

They held hands while walking along the path from the main house to the building that held the room where most of the bonding took place. “You know,” Jack began, looking down at Rhonda, “I’ve only known you a few hours, but I already know two things that bother you. I’d really like to find out exactly
they bother you.”

Rhonda felt a fluttering in her stomach. “What in the world would you want to know that for?”

“Because you seem to be a confident, strong woman, and it intrigues me that something can get under your skin.” He squeezed her hand. “Your secrets will be safe with me, Rhonda.”

She gazed up into his green eyes, her heart melting with the hope the feelings she had about him were true. “It’s hard to be a self-assured woman sometimes. When I’m at work, it’s easy. When I’m here, I tend to let my guard down a bit.”

“You get to be yourself here. Don’t you ever let anyone take a peek at the real you?”

“I do, to a point.”

Jack stopped on the path. “I most definitely want to get to know you. I am very interested in you, and I think you and I could really have something if we let it grow. Are we on the same page?”

A wealth of happiness welled up inside her. “Yes, I think we are. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about you that calms me. Almost like we’ve known each other before. Do you feel that way?”

He shook his head. “Not exactly. I know I’ve not met you before, but I feel a connection to you. Do you believe in fate?”

Rhonda couldn’t help but giggle. “Is that what this is?”

BOOK: The Ties That Bond
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