Read The Tiger Lily Online

Authors: Shirlee Busbee

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction

The Tiger Lily (51 page)

BOOK: The Tiger Lily
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Brett raised his head a second later, she gave a small moan of protest, not
wanting the intoxicating sensations he was arousing to stop. Then his hands
were at her waist, tugging at her gown, and with the slight sound of ripping
cloth, she felt it sliding down her body, leaving her naked on his bed.


was silence in the room for a moment, and then Brett's husky "Oh, Jesus,
Sabrina, but you are lovely—not even memory could compare to reality."


she opened her eyes and found him kneeling on one knee beside her, the other
leg resting on the floor. The flickering light from a candle on the small table
near the bed danced over his naked chest, the bulge in his tight breeches even
more pronounced now, but it was the expression in those jade-green eyes that
suddenly made Sabrina breathless. Oh, there was passion and desire to be sure,
but there was also another emotion glittering in the depths of those dark green
eyes the second before he dropped the concealing lashes, and that emotion had
her reaching blindly for him, sheer joy surging through her body.


gently Brett brushed her arms aside, and he said thickly, "I want to look
at you. I've dreamed of you here so often. . . ."


the first time, Sabrina became fully aware of her surroundings, of the
luxurious black velvet that draped the canopied bed, of the barbaric splendor
of the huge tiger skin upon which she lay. Her eyes full of wonder, she touched
it, marveling at the rough silkiness of the fur, her eyes dazzled by the vivid
orange and black stripes, by the very size of it.


moved nearer to her, and bending low, his breath warm on her ear, he muttered,
"When I killed it, in India, I always pictured you as you are now upon it
. . . pictured us together on it."


thrill shot through her, and her eyes swung to his. Mesmerized, she watched as
he slowly, deliberately slid out of his breeches, his manhood springing free
and proud before her. There was no embarrassment in his movements; it was
almost as if he wanted her to look at him, to see the power and majesty of his
naked body.


was a magnificent animal, all sleek, hard muscles and beautifully proportioned
size and strength. Wide shoulders tapered down to narrow hips and long,
powerful legs, but Sabrina's eyes were locked on that harshly handsome face,
that beloved face, willing him to look at her as he had a moment ago, willing
him to come to her with love in his heart.


his gaze traveled over her, resting briefly on the swollen coral nipples before
moving on down her slender length. Sabrina could feel the heat of his look, and
when his eyes stopped at the junction of her thighs, it was as if he had
touched her there, caressed her there . . . kissed her there. She swallowed
agitatedly, incredibly erotic images flashing through her mind, and afraid he
could see her thoughts, she closed her eyes.


Brett stared down at her, the blood pounding hotly in his veins, his whole body
throbbing with the fierce compulsion to take her now, immediately. Her flame-colored
hair was spread out wildly across the tiger's pelt, her slim, lissome body pale
gold against the more vivid orange and black stripes, and he had never seen
anything quite so achingly lovely in his entire life. She had been fashioned
for loving, the full bosom lush and tempting, the slender waist and gently
flaring hips perfection, the long, shapely legs flawlessly formed.


a groan, he slid down on the bed beside her, gathering her hungrily in his
arms, his mouth half-savagely, half-sweetly plundering hers. His legs entwined
with hers, and he crushed her next to his hard body as if he meant to absorb
her into his very being.


skin felt hot against hers, the roughness of his embrace startling her
momentarily, but then, sighing deep in her throat, she eagerly offered herself
to him, returning his kiss fervently, her body yielding sweetly to the force of
his. Her arms locked lovingly around him; she arched closer to him, delighting
in the feel of him against her, the hair on his chest rubbing sensuously
against her nipples, the heat and hardness of his manhood caught between their


her mouth, he found her nipples again, but only for a moment before his lips
slid lower, exciting and alarming her as they traveled down across her belly to
the triangle of soft red curls at the top of her thighs. Sabrina gave a small
moan when his searching mouth moved even lower and she felt his tongue seeking
that most intimate part of her. She stiffened in shocked pleasure when he opened
her gently and that warm, invading tongue began to explore her thoroughly there
where she had never imagined.


by the powerful emotions that were surging through her body, she clutched at
his dark hair, wanting him to stop, certain she would die if he did stop. A
shamed little gasp of ecstasy broke from her as he kneaded her breasts with his
hands, his mouth moving carnally against her, his tongue creating havoc with
her as again and again he tasted and explored the hot sweetness he had found
between her thighs.


sensations were incredible, like nothing she had ever dreamed, and mindlessly
she writhed on the tiger skin, her fingers moving helplessly over his head and
shoulders, her body shaking. A sensation, not quite pain, not quite ecstasy,
suddenly seemed to focus under Brett's warm, probing tongue, and Sabrina found
herself pushing up frantically against his mouth. It was as if every nerve in
her body was centered there, and she heard herself sobbing aloud, begging for
release, and just when she thought she could bear it no longer, there was such
an intense burst of pleasure, such a piercing, sweet throbbing radiating out
from her, that her entire body went limp with ecstasy.


had never felt such pleasure, such incredible contentment, and for several
seconds, she lay there, basking in the afterglow of the wonderful things he had
done to her. She felt boneless, so exhausted she was certain she could hardly
hold her eyes open, but then she felt Brett sliding up across her body, and her
pulse jumped.


raised himself slightly and looked down at her, noting the dilated iris, the
soft sheen of perspiration upon her body, and with a slight groan of
satisfaction, he parted her thighs with his knees. His eyes were fever-bright
and his voice was husky when he said, "This time we'll share it together;
this time I want to see your face. ..."


touched her lightly with his hand between her thighs, and to her stunned
astonishment, she felt passion stir, felt her body responding instantly to his
caress. Without volition her arms closed around his shoulders, her eyes fixed
dreamily on his.


could stand it no longer; he had held back as long as he could, had managed to
momentarily suppress his own hungry desires, but his control was now gone.
Sighing deeply, he cupped her buttocks and thrust himself into the warm, satiny
sheath of her. She was so tight, so smooth and hot around him, that he gasped
for breath, frightened he would spill himself in that instant. His body shook
as he gained control, his breath coming in hard little gasps, and then his eyes
closed as he moved upon her, delirious bursts of pleasure rippling through his
big body.


was heaven here in her arms, heaven and more to have her with him, to know
again the rapture only she could give him, only she had ever given him. He
didn't want it to end, didn't want reality, suspicion, and the world to intrude
into this warm, wonderful Eden they had created as slowly, tantalizingly he
thrust himself into her. She was silken fire beneath him, her fingers warm and
encouraging as they caressed his broad shoulders and back, but the pleasure was
too much, and almost frenziedly he began to move against her.


met his every thrust, her body arching and surging up against his in sensuous
rhythms, her long legs tightening around his hips, possessing him as he
possessed her. To her amazement she could feel the now familiar sensations that
heralded another mind-spinning pleasure peak, and her body stiffened as the
first wave lazily surged through her.


felt her response, and opening his eyes with an effort, he stared down at her
face and muttered, "Look at me, Sabrina . . . look at me and let me see
your pleasure."


she did as he commanded, her amber-gold eyes drowsy with passion. His face was
tight, the black hair spilling over his forehead, the mobile mouth curved
sensually. The jade-green eyes were black with the force of his emotions, and
she found it oddly exciting to watch his face as he fought to stave off the
incredible physical gratification they both knew was only seconds away.


Sabrina couldn't bear it any longer. Pleasure like a sweet shaft of fire cut
through her, and helplessly she moaned her joy, her body arching up
uncontrollably against his. She could hide nothing beneath his intent gaze, her
eyes dilating as the pleasure flowed throughout her entire body, her features
softening as the passion ebbed.


expression on her face was his undoing. His control broke, and he buried his
head in her neck, his teeth lightly nipping that sensitive place where her neck
joined her shoulder. Ecstasy erupted hotly through his big body. He growled low
in his throat, his body thrusting deeply into hers, and then with a sigh he
slumped against her.


lay there a long time together, their bodies entwined, each one unwilling to be
the first to break the sweet spell that had been woven around them. And
throughout the remaining hours of the night, they spoke of nothing, their
bodies saying what neither dared speak aloud as time and time again they sought
and found that special joy that comes from knowing the possession of the loved


before dawn, Brett stirred again and looked down at her passion-exhausted face,
cursing the years that he had denied himself the ecstasy he had known this
night. But never again, he thought grimly. Never again will I let her go.
is mine!


stirred, as if feeling his intent gaze upon her, and opening her eyes, she
caught for one brief, dizzying moment the expression on his face. But he hid it
quickly, so quickly that she almost thought she had imagined what she had seen,
for the features she looked upon now were once more guarded and sardonic. And
for the first time since he had swept her up in his arms, she was suddenly shy.
Suddenly aware of her nakedness upon the rumpled tiger skin, suddenly hideously
embarrassed at the things he had done to her, the things she had done to him .
. . and a delightful flush spread across her face.


smiled faintly at the sight of it, and his voice oddly tender, he said, "A
blush, sweetheart? Where is the tigress who has shared my bed all night? The
fierce tigress who begged me incessantly to 'please, please, please me.' Hmmm?"


flush increased, and she glared at him, tugging futilely at the edge of the
soft pelt to cover her nakedness. Brett only laughed and dropped a light kiss
on her indignant mouth. "Don't worry," he said huskily, "I won't
tease you further." His face changing, a slight frown darkening his brow,
he added, ''I will, however, see that you are found in your own bed." He
flashed her a mocking smile. "Can't have the servants talking."


and uncertain, she watched him as he stood up and casually walked naked across
the room to pick up the breeches where he had discarded them last night. The
faint light that was stealing into the room kept his body in shadows, but
Sabrina needed no sight to know what he looked like. For all time, that
magnificent body was imprinted in her brain, imprinted on her own body. . . .


dressed quickly and then just as quickly gathered her torn gown and other
things and tossed them carelessly at her. Before she had time to react, she was
scooped up, tiger skin and all, in his strong arms.


glanced down at her, at the red-gold hair, tousled from his lovemaking as much
as from the little sleep they had shared, and at the full mouth, swollen a
little from his bruising kisses. Her eyes were still languid from their
lovemaking, and one naked coral-tipped breast peeked out from the concealing
tiger skin. Amazingly, passion stirred through him, but with grim
determination, he turned and began to walk out of the bedroom.


awake now, reality unfortunately beginning to intrude, Sabrina wiggled in his
arms and demanded, "Where are you taking me?"


you should have been last night," Brett replied dryly as he kicked open
the double doors to the hallway. "To your own bed."

BOOK: The Tiger Lily
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