The Tiger Within (4 page)

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Authors: Amanda Anderson

BOOK: The Tiger Within
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He growled at their retreating backs.

As soon as they were away from him Amelia gasped for air. The overwhelming pressure in her mind had fled as soon as her mother touched her arm. Her body felt leaden and she could barely stand.

“Mother? What is happening?”

“You are unwell. We will make our apologies.”

The words had barely cleared her lips when the doors to the dining hall burst open and an enraged Henry burst through them. Upon seeing her, he released a breath that had been caught in his throat since he’d noticed Amelia’s absence.

“What…” He began only to be cut off by the shake of Lady Euston’s head.

“Later Henry, later.”

Henry looked down at Amelia and quickly ushered her out into the cool air on the balcony. He knew it was a risk, but he needed to calm her and knew of only one way.

“Look at me Amelia.”

She did and he bent to her. He buried his face against her neck and fought the urge to mark her now. Instead he ran his tongue over the pale column of her neck. She sighed and clung to him.

“Yes, are you feeling well enough to leave now?”
“What happened?”

“Someone found a way to block me from your mind. I do not understand it myself.” He ran his hands through his hair in agitation. “I must speak to your father then I will come to you later and explain everything. Now shall we leave?”

“Yes. And Henry?”
He raised his eyebrows in question.
“Thank you.”
Henry kissed her forehead and sighed, “I am only sorry I wasn’t more attentive.”
They made their apologies and returned home.

Upon their arrival Amelia was taken straight to bed. She was disoriented and remembered little of what had happened. She was beginning to burn with fever and her body shivered continually from what ever had separated her mind from Henry’s. Henry tried to soothe her mind, but she was too distraught to allow him to help. She cringed away from everyone’s touch except his. Her body was covered with red splotches from the touch of other men. Even the innocent contacts of the evening were too much for her body to withstand. Her arm was badly bruised from Charles’ grip and her fragile hands were beginning to blister.

Henry was forced to help her into bed, which sorely tested his character. Her smooth skin slid against his palms as he undressed her. She refused to don her night dress and the sight of her naked body lying on the crisp white sheets made him so hard he groaned. He ran his hands and his tongue along her irritated skin to soothe her. When he finished she lay still on her bed. She gazed up at him through heavy lidded eyes and he forced himself to cover her and leave the room.

Henry sat in her father’s opulent study with both of her parents. Lady Euston explained what had happened, leaving out only what couldn’t be shared, even with her beloved husband. They sat for several hours trying to decide what course would serve Amelia best. They agreed to allow her to decide her own fate. They would explain everything to her in the morning and she would decide how to proceed. Morning was hours away and Henry thought he would go mad.

Henry was too restless to return to his rooms. He stripped off his clothes and changed. He prowled the streets near Amelia’s house until he found himself below her balcony again. He scented the air before he leapt to the balcony.




Chapter Seven


Amelia was awakened early the next morning before dawn by a rapping on her balcony door. She began to stir when the rapping occurred again. She remembered that she hadn’t donned her night dress and rose and pulled on her dressing gown. Her skin still tingled from Henry’s touch and she longed for him to take her. She went to the doors, fully expecting Henry, but it was not. She knew this gentleman. He was well known to her in fact. They had been close for years and he had taken tea with her on several occasions. She had danced with him at the ball of Lord and Lady Mowbury the night before last. He had smelled of her neck. She only remembered that now that she was seeing him again. It had sickened her. Her dance with him was after her first dance with Henry. This man had tried to handle her that night too, in away he had never done before. His touch had unsettled her to such a degree that Henry had taken her to the terrace where he had…no surely she wasn’t remembering correctly, had he really licked her neck? Had it truly calmed her and made her feel better? She shook off her thoughts and concentrated on her intruder.

“Lady Amelia. Thank Heaven I am not too late. Laird Stewart sent me to collect you.” His concern for her would have convinced her if her heart hadn’t been screaming in protest. “You are in grave danger. He wishes me to bring you to him post haste.” He said the words and she felt him trying to convince her mind, but her chest ached with dread. She somehow knew he was lying.

“My Lord, I do not wish to leave the safety of my father’s house at this hour.” She tried for an unconcerned smile, but she feared it missed the mark. “If he truly cared for me, I know Henry would not ask me to do so.”

She felt him in her mind. He tried to reassure her of his care and concern for her, but his words were unclear and her heart ached so much that she put her hand to it. She tried to send him thoughts to leave and at first it seemed to work because he turned to leave. Then he turned back to her with burning eyes and sent his thoughts to her with enough force to make her cry out in pain and grab her head.

“You will not try to control me, Amelia. Although I am glad to know you possess such a talent. I am not sure if you will be able to keep it though after I take you. You will never give that bastard cubs!” He screamed.

“You see, my dear, after a man finds and then loses his mate he is of little use to his people, for his despair overtakes him. Then I will kill him and I will take his place. I will find my mate and have many cubs. My family will finally be rewarded for all of our loyalty.”

“I do not understand.”

“No matter. Once I have taken you there will be no need for an explanation. You will remain human. Although you will be unable to bare children, of any kind.”

His vicious laugh made her blood run cold. She screamed as he reached for her and tore away her dressing gown. He looked at her body and she saw lust darken his eyes.

“Thomas, please.” She tried to cover herself. “Do not do this. You are my friend.”

He laughed and she felt like a fool for ever believing in him. It had all be an act. She felt her heart break a little. How many more of her friends were waiting to hurt her?

“You will be mine tonight. There will be no more of this pandering for your favor. I will have you and all will know it. You will make a fine ladybird, Amelia,” he said as he palmed her breast with a cold hand. “I will never be bothered with bastards with their hands out. And when I have had my fill, you will make a fine living as a cyrian.” As he spoke he began unbuttoning his trousers.

She screamed and fought him with all of her strength. He viciously restrained her and threw her to the bed where he forced open her legs. He ran his tongue over her neck and she screamed at the pain as it burned her. He squeezed her breasts and ran his hand down her body. His fingers stroked along her inner thigh, and she choked on a sob, but before he could force his way into her body she heard a low rumble from the open terrace door. Her intruder froze in fear. He released Amelia and stood from the bed. He turned to see his death standing in the pale moonlight. He didn’t fight it. He simply dropped to his knees.

Amelia stared wide eyed at the enormous creature that stood in her room. Its amber-green eyes looked at her and recognition washed over her. She was enveloped in a sense of calm and she knew it was Henry trying to calm her; Henry who had always calmed and protected her. She was still wearing the jewel from this morning and now she realized that it had been Henry who had given it to her, all those years ago.

Her bedroom door burst open and her father rushed in. He looked around the room, his eyes landing briefly on his daughter sprawled naked on her bed, her face pale and her eyes glassy and wide. Then they moved to the tiger that had a young man by the throat.

“Release him Henry. She has seen enough tonight,” he said drawing Henry’s gaze to a terrified Amelia. “She could not bare this too.”

The tiger looked up and Amelia knew something passed between them. The tiger released the intruder and her father drug him from the room. She heard her mother’s worried voice in the hall and her father’s assurances that she was in good hands. She turned her eyes to the magnificent animal slowly pacing toward her. Good hands? She was terrified. Her mind was racing with so many emotions that even Henry’s soothing thoughts weren’t helping. She shivered and noticed that she was still naked. She reached for the blanket to cover herself and the tiger growled. She froze. She knew this animal was somehow part of Henry, but could he control it? Would it eat her? Her fear increased with each step the animal took. When it finally reached her she was visibly shaking and pale.

The animal made a chuffing sound and heard his words in her mind. “Amelia, it is me, my love. Be calm.” His thoughts were not reaching her terrified mind. He knew she needed real contact to ease her torment, but would she allow it? He knew too that he should shift back into human form, but he had no clothing and in her state he was unsure he could resist taking her himself. He hoisted his front legs upon her bed and wrapped his paws around her bare bottom. He concentrated on keeping his claws retracted and pulled her body close to his soft chest. He ran his rough tongue along her neck and felt her begin to relax. The taste of the other man on her skin made his stomach churn, but he continued to wash the offending odor from her body. She buried her hands in his fur and released a shuttering sigh. He ran his tongue over her breasts and down her body.

“Did he touch you anywhere else?”

Her eyes were sorrow filled as she nodded. “Oh Henry, has he ruined me for you?”

“No. You are not ruined, nor would you ever be. My love for you is far stronger than that.” He tried to reassure her, but the rage still burned in his eyes. “Does it hurt?”

She nodded.
“I need to remove his scent, Amelia. I need you to allow me to remove his sent.”
She did not respond.

Henry nuzzled her legs with his enormous head and she parted them. He ran his roughened tongue over her thigh, almost to her womanhood, and she gasped as ecstasy enveloped her. He only allowed himself two long licks from her soft flesh. The offending scent was removed and he sat back on his haunches.

“Henry,” she sighed and his heart swelled. She accepted him. “Thank you for saving me. Thank you for always saving me. Please don’t leave me. I’m so frightened.” She buried her face in his fur and sobbed.

“I love you Amelia,” he said to her mind. “I will never leave you again. You are my heart. I will protect you always.”

They remained just like that for what seemed like ages and then he felt her begin to relax. She fell asleep and he left her only long enough to retrieve his clothes from the garden below her balcony. He held them in his mouth and leapt backup to her room. He quickly changed and pulled on his, now wrinkled, clothes. He lay down beside her and she snuggled into him. Contentment washed over him and he closed his eyes and slept.




Chapter Eight


Amelia awoke to the sound of masculine voices outside her room. It was still dark, even though she could see the pale light of the new dawn beginning to spill through her window, terror instantly squeezed her heart at the memories of what had happened earlier this morning. The voices suddenly stopped and her door opened. Henry came to her side, lit her lamp and gathered her in his arms.

“Do not be afraid my love. You are safe. I am here.”

She only nodded

“I need to speak further with your father. I will only be in the hall.” Amelia’s eyes darted toward the balcony door and she saw that it was secure. She nodded again

“My love, I am sure that I will never protest your nakedness after we are wed, but it is all but killing me this morning.”

She looked to find her naked breasts pressed firmly against his hard chest and the sight made her moan. She looked into his eyes and saw her desire mirrored there.

“Henry, I…I need…” His mouth cut her off.

“God, Amelia, I need you. I ache for you.” He said as he filled his hands with her breasts. His mouth moved to her neck and down to her straining breasts. His hand moved down her body to tangle within the silvery nest of curls that protected her womanhood.

She gasped as he began to probe her body with his long slender fingers.
“Henry, please.”
A pounding on her door brought them to their senses. He smiled down into her clear blue eyes.

“I should go talk to your father. You should get dressed.” He said and kissed her forehead. He removed his fingers from her body and brought them to his mouth. He licked her cream from his fingers and she moaned. He ran his hand along her body again before he stood and walked back to the door and into the hall, closing the door behind him.

She lay, straining her ears to here the two men she loved most in all the world.

“You can not have her yet! You must wait until the banns can be read and you can be married. You will not dishonor her!” She heard her father say.

“I will not leave her. Do you realize what almost happened last night? You sir did not protect her. I will not leave her again. The banns be damned! You know there will be protests from every changeling in the city. Our marriage will have to be done differently.”

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