The Tigress of Forli (49 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lev

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Bentivoglio, Ginevra,

Bentivoglio, Giovanni,

Bentivoglio, Isotta,

Bentivoglio family,

Bergamo, count of ("Brambilla"),

Bernard (French soldier),

Bernardi, Andrea,

Bernardo (militiaman chasing down Ghetti),

Bessarion, Cardinal Giovanni,

Biagio, Nino,

Bibbiena, Bernardo,

Birth of Venus, The

Black Death,
See also
Bubonic plague

Boccaccio, Giovanni,

Caterina reads
Illustrious Women


and Caterina after murder of Girolamo

Caterina calls for help from,

Caterina desperately awaits help,

and Council of Eight,

Lorenzo de' Medici consulted about sending help,

troops sent to Forlì,

Caterina seeks friendship with,

Caterina's sons disliked in,

Caterina well received in,

as caught in Naples-Milan conflict,

loyal to Milan,

and Forlì-Faenza marriage,

Julius II acquires,

and source of reinforcements for Forlì siege,

Bologna, Constantino da,

Bolognesi, Bartolomeo,

Bona Mora (freed slave in Caterina's retinue),

"Bonfires of the vanities," and Savonarola,

Borgia, Cesare

and Pope Alexander,

brother-in-law murdered by,

and Caterina's escape plot,

leads invasion of Romagna,

Florence refuses to sell to,

Florence fears Pisa as pope's present to,

and Machiavelli,

severe illness of,

and siege of Forlì,

and Caterina as prisoner,

and Caterina's children,

after losing Caterina to D'Allegro,

regains possession of Caterina,

Borgia, Lucrezia,

Borgia, Roderigo (Cardinal; later Pope Alexander VI),

Borgia family

Caterina scorns promises of,

excesses of,

French warn of dangers from,

marriages used politically by,

Romagna as target of,

Borgo Pinto road, Florence,

Bosco, territory of,

Bossi, Abbot Lauro,

Bossi, Gian Luigi,

Botticelli, Sandro,

Bramante, Donato,

"Brambilla" (count of Bergamo),

Bramio, Alexander,

Bread and circuses, as Riario tactic,

Brocchi, Giovanni Battista,

Brunelleschi, Filippo,

Bruni, Leonardo,

Bubano fortress,

Bubonic plague,

Buonaccorsi, Biagio,

Buoninsegna, Bernardo di Niccolò di,

Burriel, Antonio,

Butrighelli, Antonio,

Caiazzo, count of,

Calabria, duke of.
Alfonso of Aragon

Callistus III Borgia (pope),

Calmeta, Vincenzo,

Camera Picta,

Campo Morto, Battle of,

Capital punishment, as public affair,

Capoferri (soldier serving Caterina),

Caravaggio, Francesco da,

Casale, Giovanni da,

Cassandra (Galeotto Manfredi's mistress),

Castel di Bosco,

Castel Jubileo,

Castello Sforzesco,

Castel Sant'Angelo,

Caterina commandeers,

and Condronchi's hard feelings toward Caterina,

Caterina imprisoned in,

fear of assassination,

enemy nobles from Campo Morto imprisoned in,

Girolamo's arrests imprisoned in,

Castiglione, Branda da,


fortress of,

Caterina Sforza, Countess of Forlì (Caterina Riario Sforza de' Medici),

battle exploits of

from Castel Sant'Angelo forces agreement after death of Sixtus IV,

faces down assassins of Girolamo from Rivaldino,

in siege of Rivaldino,

"...want to lose like a man" as battle cry,

and biblical David,

birth of,

in Botticelli paintings,

children of,
see also
Children of Caterina Sforza)

and Caterina in prison,

as pawns in standoff between Caterina and Orsis,

time taken up by confinements in Rome,

death of,

grandson as legacy of,

and Jubilee Year or Holy Year,

Machiavelli on,

marriage to Girolamo Riario,
see also
Marriage of Caterina and Girolamo)

marriages to romantic partners of.
Romantic relationships of Caterina

and Lorenzo de' Medici,

Milanese connections severed with overthrow of Bona,

personal characteristics of

admiration of father,


Bossi's favorable report of,

Cobelli as observer of,

cuirass of,

enjoyment of sex,

and high fashion,

home remedies gathered and written about,

hunting as passion,

intelligence and manners,

interest in horticulture,

intoxicated by power,

obedience vs. impulsiveness,

perfume making as hobby,

public fantasies fueled by reputation of,

vs. Renaissance standards,

riding as passion,

sense of filial duty,

as "virago,"

voracious reader,

warrior spirit,

personal motto of,

in popular imagination,

portrait of,

religiosity of

and Madonna di Piratello,

and Muratte,
see also
Muratte, the)

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