The Totally Sweet ’90s: From Clear Cola to Furby, and Grunge to “Whatever,” the Toys, Tastes, and Trends That Defined a Decade (29 page)

BOOK: The Totally Sweet ’90s: From Clear Cola to Furby, and Grunge to “Whatever,” the Toys, Tastes, and Trends That Defined a Decade
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Gosselaar, Mark-Paul, 84

Gossip Girl
(TV show), 25

“Got Milk?” ad, 87

“Grab Some Buds” ad, 215

Graff, Rayanne (TV character), 138

Graham, Heather, 40

Grammy Awards, 8, 133

Grand Theft Auto
(game), 212

Great Expectations
(Dickens), 149

Green, Seth, 142

Green Day, 90

(movie), 79, 80

Gretzky, Wayne, 167

Grey's Anatomy
(TV show), 36, 168

Griffey, Ken, Jr., 209

Griffin, Kathy, 202

Groom, Winston, 74

Groundhog Day
(movie), 88–89

grunge music genre, 17, 89–90

Guillaume, Robert, 117

Guinness Book of World Records, 82, 131

Gump and Co.
(Groom), 74

Gunderson, Marge (movie character), 68–69

Guttenberg, Steve, 146

Gymboree, 57

Hacky Sack, 90–91,

hair accessories, 173–75,
, 205

“hair band,” 140

“Hakuna Matata” (John), 117

Halliwell, Geri “Ginger Spice,” 184

Hall of Horrors
(Stein), 86

(game), 150, 212

Hammer, MC (Stanley Burrell),
, 125–26

Handey, Jack, 92

Handford, Martin, 217–18,

“hands-free bags,” 68

Hanks, Tom, 73, 74

Hanna-Barbera, 124

Hanson, 134–35

“Hanukkah Song” (Sandler), 1

Happening, The
(movie), 137

“Happy Fun Ball” on
Saturday Night Live
(TV show), 92

“Happy Trail” (Autry), 49

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
(movie), 214, 223

Harry, Debbie, 2

Hart, M. E., 58

Hart, Melissa Joan, 45

Hartman, Phil, 92

Hasbro, 80, 131, 207

Hasselhoff, David, 13, 14

“Have You Ever…You Will?” ad, 93–94

Hawk, Tony, 222

HBO, 6, 35

“Head, Gut, or Groin” on
America's Funniest Home Videos
(TV show), 4

“Head On! Apply it to your forehead” ad, 101–2

Hearst, Patty, 222

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
(TV show), 223

Hewitt, Jennifer Love, 154

Hey Dude
(TV show), 2

Hi-C, 186

Higgins, Racetrack (movie character), 143

Hill, Cotton (TV character), 3

Hoffman, Dustin, 213

Hogan, Hulk, 5, 44, 83

Hokey Pokey, 121

Holmes, Katie, 54

Home Alone
(movie), 94–95, 154

Homicide: Life on the Street
(TV show), 26

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
(movie), 135

Honey Nut Cheerios, 122

Honey Tree Evil Eye (Spuds Mackenzie), 185–86

“Honky Tonk Badonkadonk,” 9

Hoon, Shannon, 17

Hopkins, Sir Anthony, 125

horror movie genre, 172–73

Hot Skatin' Ken, 64

Hot Zone, The
(Preston), 65

House, Laura, 7, 8

How I Met Your Mother
(TV show), 77, 98

Hughes, Miko, 111

Hulu, 103

Hunger Games, The
(Collins), 46

Hurricane Katrina, 134

Huss, Toby, 3

Hutsell, Melanie, 32

Hutton, Lauren, 194

Hypercolor heat-sensitive clothing, viii, 95–96

(TV show), 46

IFC, 8

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
(Numeroff), 96–97

If You Give an Author a Pencil
(Numeroff), 97

“If You Should Run Away” (Lewis), 114

“I Got You, Babe” (Sonny and Cher), 88

I Hate Brenda Newsletter
, 34

“I learned it by watching you!” public service announcement, 202

“I Love You” (Barney), 11

I Love You Phillip Morris
(movie), 106

iMacs, 75

“I Married a Horse” on
The Jerry Springer Show
(TV show), 105, 74, 89, 106, 212

“I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)” (Reid and Reid), 97–98

“I'm the King of the World,” 99–100

, 228,

inline skates, 100–101

In Living Color
(TV show), 105, 112

Inside Sports
, 229

Internet, 3, 17, 26, 147

inventions in 1990s, viii–ix

Iomega Zip drive, 72–73

iPads, 75, 80, 151

iPhones, 118, 151

Irish dance, 166–67

Irons, Jeremy, 117

(movie), 213

“It Must Have Been Love” (Roxette), 159

It's Pat
(movie), 201

It Takes Two
(movie), 146

iTunes, 42

“I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up” ad, 101–2

Jackson, Reggie, 126, 209

Jackson, Samuel L., 160

Jagger, Dean, 52

James, Rick, 125

“Janet Reno's Dance Party” on
Saturday Night Live
(TV show), 102

Japan, 45

Jasmine (Disney princess), 165

O: A Biography
(Wyman), 104

Jell-O Jigglers, 103–4

Jenner, Bruce, 222

Jerry Maguire
(movie), 52

Jerry Springer Show, The
(TV show), 104–5

Jerry (TV character), 175

Jersey Shore
(TV show), 16, 149, 161

Jim's Journal (comic strip), 106–7,

John, Elton, 117

Johnson, Magic, 194

Jolie, Angelina, 22

Jolson, Al, ix

Jones, Curt, 55

Jones, James Earl, 117, 119

Jones, Jenny, 194

Jones Soda, 145

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
(musical), 162

Joy of Painting, The
(TV show), 26–28,

juice boxes, 108–9

“Jump, Jive an' Wail” (Prima), 191

“Jump” (Kris Kross), 112

(movie), 138

Jurassic Park
(movie), 75

Kapowski, Kelly (TV character), 173, 174

Kaufman, Wendy (Snapple Lady), 179, 180

Keaton, Diane, 69

Keebler, 123, 124

Kelly, Chris “Mac Daddy,” 112

Ken dolls, 63–64,

Kennedy, Jamie, 172

kid barrettes, 174

Kid Cuisine, 109–10

Kindergarten Cop
(movie), 110–11

King, Stephen, 65, 92

King of the Hill
(TV show), 3

Kinkade, Thomas, 54, 203

Kirk, Captain (TV character), 187, 188

Kirkpatrick, Chris, 66

Kiss, 16, 132

Klingons (TV characters), 58, 75, 187

Klump, Sherman (movie character), 144

Kmart, 124

Knox Blox, 103

Kool-Aid Bursts, 187

Koosh balls/Koosh kins, 111–12

Kramer (TV character), 175

Krasinski, John, 76

Kremer, Howard, 7, 8

Kris Kross, 112–13

Krueger, Freddy (movie character), 172

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness
(movie), 170

Kunis, Mila, 49

L.A. Times
, 137

Lachey, Nick, 28–29

Laffer, Larry (game character), 115

Lake, Ricki, 194

Lamb Chop's Play Along
(TV show), 113–14

Land Before Time XIII
(movie), 52

landlines, viii, 85

Land of the Lost
(TV show), 132

Lawless, Lucy, 224

Lawrence, Joey, 24

Lawrence, Martin, 144

Lebowski Fest, 19

Leisure Suit Larry
(game), 114–15

L'elan Vital, 46

Lemon Twist, 176

Leno, Jay, 193

“Less You Know, The” on
Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The
(TV show), 203

Lethal Weapon 2
(movie), 135

Letterman, David, 226

Lewis, Jerry, 143

Lewis, Shari, 113, 114

Life Alert, 101

LifeCall, 101

light-up sneakers, 115–16

Lincoln, Abraham, 210

Linz, Alex D., 95

Lion King, The
(Broadway play), 143

Lion King, The
(movie), 117–18

Lipnicki, Jonathan, 52

Lisa Frank school supplies, 118–19,

Little Mermaid, The
(movie), 142, 165

Lloyd, Jake, 189

Locklear, Heather, 128

Lode Runner!
(game), 120

Lonely Island crew on
Saturday Night Live
(TV show), 1

Lord of the Dance
(stage show), 167

(TV show), 155

Love, Buddy (movie character), 144

Lowe, Al, 115

Lucas, George, 188, 189

“Lunch Lady Land” (Sandler), 1, 2

Lundegaard, Jerry (movie character), 68

Lundgren, Dolph, 43

Luscious Jackson, 2

Lynch, Jane, 32

“Macarena,” 121–22

Mac Classic II, 119–21,

Macy, William H., 68

Mad Max
(movie), 213

Madonna, 17, 132

MadTV, 101–2

MagiCan Coke contest, 50

Magic Eye pictures, 122–23

Magician, The
(movie), 222

Magic Middles cookies, 123–24

Main Ingredient, 52

Majorino, Tina, 76, 213

(movie), 123

Malone, Sam (TV character), 175

Manos: The Hands of Fate
(movie), 139

Marcel on
(TV show), 65

Marist College poll, 217

Mark, Marky, 137

Mars, 197

Martha Stewart Living
, 124

Martin, Ann M., 10–11

Martin, Steve, 69–70

Marx, Karl, 46

Mary Poppins
(movie), 70

Mary Tyler Moore
(TV show), 175

(TV show), 169

Mask, The
(movie), 106

Masterpiece Theater
(TV show), 104

Mattel, 63, 80, 81, 82

Mayans, 225

McAllister, Kevin (movie character), 94, 95

McBride, Danny, 49

McDonald's, 6–7, 50, 57, 126–27

MC Hammer (Stanley Burrell),
, 125–26

McKellen, Sir Ian, 9

McLean, A. J., 66

McRib from McDonald's, 126–27

Mega Warheads, 182, 183

Melrose Place
(TV show), 49, 128, 147

Menken, Alan, 142

Mentos, 129–30

Menudo, 184

Merida (Disney princess), 166

Miami Vice
(TV show), 46

Michaels, Lorne, 201

Micro Machines,
, 130–31

Microsoft, 14, 219

Midler, Bette, 135

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
(TV show), 131–32,

Mike's Hard Lemonade, 227

Millenium Bug, 225–26

Miller, Dennis, 194

Miller Clear, 46–47

Million Little Pieces, A
(Frey), 148

Milli Vanilli, 16, 133

Mills, Haley, 172

Milton Bradley, 61

Mix-a-Lot, Sir, 8–9

Mizrahi, Isaac, 68

“MMMBop” (Hanson), 134–35

M&M's, 196–98,

mobile phones, viii

Monkees, 30, 184

Monopoly from McDonald's, 50

Monsters, Inc.
(movie), 59

Montana, Joe, 208

Moore, Mandy, 184

Moore, Mary Tyler, 45, 175

“More You Know, The” public service announcements, 202–3

Morris, Zack (TV character), 84, 85

Mortal Kombat
(game), 211–12

Morvan, Fab, 133

Moschitta, John, Jr., 131

Mountain Dew, 190

movie rental stores, 135–36

movies, celebrity, 43–44

movies with twist endings, 136–37

Mr. Nanny
(movie), 44

Mr. Rogers (TV show), 27

MTV, 6, 7, 8, 17, 140, 149, 161, 173

Mulan (Disney princess), 165, 166

(movie), 162

Mulder, Fox (TV character), 221, 222

Munster, Herman (movie character), 111

Murphy, Eddie, 118, 143, 144

Murray, Bill, 74, 88, 89

Myers, Michael (movie character), 172

Myers, Mike, 1, 132, 144, 213, 214

My Pretty Topsy Tail doll, 205

Called Life
(TV show), 137–38

Mystery Date, 60

Mystery Science Theater 3000
(TV show), 16, 138–39

NBC, 13, 169, 202

Nealon, Kevin, 47

Nelson, Matthew and Gunnar, 139–40

Nelson, Ozzie, Harriet, Ricky, Tracy, 140

Nerf football, 207–8

Nerf guns,
, 141–42

Netflix, 135, 136

New Coke, 7

New Edition, 30

New Kids on the Block, 30, 31

(movie), 142–43

newspapers, viii

New York
magazine, 66

New York Observer
, 175

New York State Library at Albany, 229

New York Times
, 27, 29–30, 209

Nickelodeon, 2, 9, 25, 45, 46, 80, 169, 170, 192, 193, 200

Nick in the Afternoon show block, 193

Night at the Roxbury, A
(movie), 201

(Wiesel), 148

(TV show), 34

1990s, vii–ix

98 Degrees, 29, 30

“99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall,” 12

Nintendo, 75, 77, 82

Nirvana, 16, 89, 90

“Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” 99

Non-Expanding Recreational Foam (NERF), 142

“No Rain” (Blind Melon's video), 16–17

(movie), 144

Nox-Zima, 227

NPR, 43

'N Sync, 30, 66

nuclear fears, ix

(TV show), 21

Numeroff, Laura, 96–97

Nutty Professor, The
(movies), 143–44

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