The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2)
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Chapter Four

Master William

Master William willed his cock to stop stiffening with each click clack of what he knew was her thigh-high, dominatrix boots hitting the floor. She was the best in the business and she was submissive to nobody but him. He knew this because he’d had the supreme pleasure of training her. She was only eighteen when she came to him and she was the only woman he had ever loved, or would ever love in the future.

He watched as she made her way over to Toby. She was just as beautiful now as she had been a year ago when she informed him that she was going to leave The Mansion. At the age of twenty-five, she wanted to spread her wings and find her own way in the world. What a joke. The Mansion was in her blood; Master William was in her blood.

She never acknowledged Master William as she made her way over to the boy. She was dressed in black and red latex with thigh-high boots stretched tight over her perfectly creamy white legs. She carried a crop that she tapped against her boot as she circled the boy. The poor kid was already trembling and she had yet to utter a single word.

“So you want to be my bitch?” She viciously grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him so close that he was nose to nose with her. Her tongue slid up his cheek and her voice was barely above a whisper. “I asked you a question,

“Yes,” he stammered. Ooh, that was a big mistake on his part. Master William braced for what he knew was coming. She stepped back and the slap came at such lightning speed that it didn’t look like it even registered with Toby until it was already over and its sting lit fire in his cheek. “Don’t ever forget to address me as Mistress!”

A tear rolled down his cheek as he answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

Her hand slid over his hard cock as she taunted him. “Your cock didn’t stiffen for the nude slave when she answered the door for you, yet you’re hard as a rock for me. You’re such a good boy.”

Oh, she’s good. She watched the surveillance tape of his arrival before making her way to the dungeon. She’s also right; his cock didn’t get hard when the slave answered the door nude, but it sure as hell did when he got taste of her sadistic nature,
Master William thought

Master William watched as she removed Toby’s t-shirt and then proceeded to unbutton and unzip his jeans. He couldn’t help but think that this was getting good. It was becoming harder and harder for him to will his cock to remain in a flaccid state. Her manicured hand pulled Toby’s cock from his jeans and the poor kid was trembling.
He better hope he doesn’t come or he’s going to be in big trouble with this Mistress,
Master William thought.

“What a nice cock you have, slave.” Her hand gripped around it and she watched his face while she slowly stroked up and down. She used her perfectly manicured thumb to rub the pre-cum over his engorged head. “If you ever come without my permission, I’ll punish you.” Her voice purred like a kitten but Master William knew that, inside, she was a feral cougar. “Your pleasure, your pain, and your torment, it all belongs to me now.”

“Mistress, please, you’re going to make me come.” The boy’s voice shook with what sounded like a mixture of fear and lust.

“Such a bad, greedy boy you are. You have to earn that pleasure.” She popped his boxers over his rock hard cock and chuckled, but the sound was sinister and cold.

Master William had seen enough. “Selena, take Mistress Diamond’s slave trainee and get him settled in.” He watched Selena walk over to remove Toby and he waited to speak until she reached the large, wooden, dungeon door. “Close the door please.” He made his way over and slowly slid the metal lock through the hasp to ensure their privacy. He turned and stalked back over to Diamond. He stood and took a moment to look into her eyes before he fisted a handful of her hair and growled in her ear, “On your knees, slave!” Though he could see the defiance in her eyes, she didn’t dare cross him.

He pulled his cock from his riding pants and ran it all over her full, red lips. “Open your fucking mouth.” She sat back on her haunches, tossed her head back, and opened her mouth at his command. He stroked his large member as he talked to her. “You’re here at my command. You are property, my fucking property. Did you actually think I would let you go? Now, be a good little slave and suck your Master’s cock.”

His body shuddered as she opened her throat and swallowed his cock, easily allowing entrance for his large member just like he had trained her. Her hand shook as she massaged his balls and she rolled her tongue around the head every time he pulled away from her throat. Nobody made him feel like this girl did—nobody. He waited until he was right at the point of coming and pulled out of her throat so he could spray his seed all over her chest to mark her. He dipped his finger in the mess and placed it in her mouth. She sucked it off just like a good little slave. He yanked her head back by a handful of hair and told her, “You would do well not to cross me during your time here. You may be that boy’s Mistress for the next six weeks but don’t ever forget that you’re my slave for life…”




Toby followed behind the beautiful Latina as she climbed up the dungeon stairs and then walked down a long hallway. She then led him up a spiral staircase to the second floor.

“Don’t ever go up to the third floor. Only the Masters and Mistresses are permitted to go there.”

He noted that she was nude as well and wondered if anyone here was allowed to wear clothing. The thought of being forced to run around naked was both embarrassing and erotic to him. His mind wandered back to the woman who called herself Mistress Diamond. She was exceptionally beautiful and unusually tall for a female, standing at probably six feet. Her black hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail and, even pulled back like it had been, it still fell to halfway down her back. Her skin was porcelain white and her lips were ruby red—such a contrast. Her cat eyes were such a unique green; they appeared to have a translucent hue. Despite all of that, it was her demeanor that excited him the most. The way she had viciously slapped him in the face and then taken his cock out of his pants to stroke it had just about made him explode in her hand. She was sexy, so very sexy. Toby’s mind was already where his Mistress wanted it—consumed by her.

Chapter Five

Master William

Master William sat in Master Richard’s office. He already knew what was coming. Though he was the second in command, Master Richard was the first.

“Are you certain the two of you can handle the intensity you bring out in each other?”

“Isn’t that what this lifestyle is all about—an intense connection?”

“Yes, but you two take it to a whole new level.”

“Look, I’ll be the first to admit my little Diamond brings out the best and the worst in me. She is the only slave who can handle my intensity. I have no choice but to take her back. You, of all people, know how it is. You took on a vanilla sub.”

Master Richard chuckled, “She is no longer vanilla.”

“Yes, you did a great job corrupting her, didn’t you?”

“That I did… That I did.”

Both men were well aware how a woman could wrap her tentacles around a man’s heart and squeeze the life right out of him. In the end, the truth that the heart wants what the heart wants would always prevail. It already had in both men’s lives.

Master William could no more control the way he felt about his slave than he could the weather. From the moment he had laid eyes on her, he knew he had to have her. Having her and keeping her were two different things though. He spent a lot of time ensuring that his slave stayed under his control. Keeping a handle on Mistress Diamond was his favorite pastime; she provided him with the challenge he needed.












Toby looked around the room he would be calling home for the next six weeks. The FBI agent, Mistress Rene, informed him that she and her partner would return to his apartment to retrieve his belongings and bring them to him, not that there was much. He did keep some journals he’d like to have; they’d probably come in handy here. Though the furnishings here were sparse, it still had a safe, cozy feel to it. Safe and secure certainly wasn’t a feeling he had ever been familiar with before. This journey he was embarking on was just as much about his emotional issues as it was about his sexual awakening. His young life had reached a point where he needed answers and he could only hope that Mistress Diamond would be able to help him in his search to find inner peace.

A bunk bed sat against the wall and there was a large window through which the outside could be viewed from the top bunk. Since he was the only one in the room, he decided to choose that bed to do his favorite things—daydream and write. Though he wasn’t sure how much time free time he’d be given, he had a feeling they’d approve of his desire to write, maybe even encourage it.

A dresser sat against the opposite wall and, displayed on top, there was a picture of a woman bowed at her master’s feet. Everything here would be about dominance and submission.

Selena’s voice interrupted his thoughts, “Mistress wants you showered and dressed so you need to hurry. Dinner is in an hour.”

“Will I get to see her?” He hated the angst in his voice but, nonetheless, it was evident.

“You get to see to see Mistress Diamond when she decides she wants to see you. It is imperative you do all she commands of you. She is the best in the business and you’re lucky to have her training you. She may very well have you sit at her feet during dinner.”

“Sit at her feet? I don’t understand.”

“She will likely feed you by hand as if you were her pet.”

Toby felt a warm glow at the thought of sitting at such a beautiful, strong woman’s feet and being handfed. He found it all to be so very erotic.

“You’re to wear this.” Toby watched as Selena pointed towards the clothing on the bed. “Put it on after you shower. I’m not interested in your cock so you don’t have to worry about modesty with me. I get cock when Master Richard, my Master, says I do.” Toby could feel his face flush, realizing she sensed his embarrassment to change in front of her.

“There’s no underwear.”

“Many times, when we wear clothing, we aren’t permitted to wear underwear. Our Masters want to have easy access to their property.”

Toby rushed through his shower and then went back into the room where Selena was waiting for him. He had hoped she wouldn’t be there when he exited the shower but she had patiently waited for him, he guessed to help him get dressed. He turned and dropped the towel around his waist so he could start peeling the leather pants on. He held up the leather harness and shook his head, “What is this?”

“It is a harness and the silver ring in the middle enables Mistress to leash you if she so desires.”

Once again, he found himself intrigued. Everything about his Mistress seemed to fascinate him and he really wanted her to like him. He would have to make sure that he pleased her so that she would want to keep him. Already, he was hoping she would want him even after the agreed upon six weeks. He pushed away his anxious thoughts of wondering where he would live when his training was done; he had nowhere to go. Yes, he would just have to make sure that she liked him and wanted to keep him.

Selena took the harness and helped Toby put it on correctly. As soon as they finished, they could hear Mistress’ heels hitting the hardwood floor. Toby could feel his heart beating rapidly as he waited for her. They had only met once and he was already at the point where he looked forward to seeing her.

When he looked up, he saw her standing tall and proud, holding a black leather leash that matched the harness he was wearing. She approached him confidently and he instinctively lowered his eyes. She clipped the leash to the ring and lifted his chin with one finger to look him in the face. “Such a good boy,” her voice was a seductive purr but held a cruel undercurrent.

She brushed against his ear and whispered, “You’ll be joining me for dinner tonight.” She waited until his face lit up before she finished, “at my feet, slave.”

“Whatever pleases you, Mistress,” he responded with reverence. His downcast eyes held nothing but adoration and submission for his Mistress. He was a natural born sub and he was happy she was looking at him like she was pleased with his behavior.

“Come, boy,” she stated and tugged at the leash as he began to follow behind her. The loud stomp of boots caused him to look up and he was met with the cold stare of Master William. Toby quickly looked down. There was something that really scared him about that guy and not in the sexy way that his Mistress frightened him.

Toby listened as the Master directed his speech at Mistress Diamond. “A slave should be crawling, should he not?” His words were clipped and cold. “Toby…” his Mistress spoke to him but Toby noted that she never took her confident gaze from Master William.

He immediately dropped to all fours. There was something going on between these two but he trusted that his Mistress would protect him from this man who seemed, for no apparent reason, to have taken an immediate dislike to him.

He watched as Master William took Mistress Diamond’s opposite arm and spoke to her as he led them to the dining hall. “You would do well to watch your step, slave. Just remember that you’ll be answering to me later in the dungeon. How sadistic I am depends entirely on you.”

“You threaten me with that which I love?” She seemed as though she was taunting the Master and Toby wondered why.

“Don’t push me, Diamond.” Somehow, Toby knew she would. Already, from what he had witnessed in his short time here, it seemed she always did.

They made their way into the dining hall and Toby was led to a pillow where he knelt beside his Mistress at her feet. Master William sat next to her on the other side.

Toby couldn’t help but be curious about what his Mistress’ relationship was with the Master who sat next to her. He knew he couldn’t ask questions so he would do what every slave did and pay close attention to everything and everyone he encountered while here at The Mansion.

Master Richard’s voice cut through the silence and Toby noticed that he had a very professionally dressed woman seated next to him. Selena had said that he was her Master so maybe this woman was another one of his slaves. She wasn’t dressed like a slave though. She looked more like a professional woman coming home for dinner after work.

“Mistress Diamond, it is lovely to have you back at The Mansion,” Master Richard said with humor and Toby noted there was a mischievous glint in his eye.

Mistress Diamond dryly answered, “Master William insisted.”

Master Richard’s chuckle revealed that he knew something the others didn’t. Just by discreetly watching what was going on around him, Toby was learning a lot about these strangers who shared his new home.

“Slave Toby is very lucky to have you training him. How is that going?”

“There hasn’t been any training as of yet, but he strikes me as a true submissive. I’m certain he’ll do quite well.”

“And have you begun the bonding process?”

Mistress Diamond gently palmed Toby’s face. “He is precious, my precious little pet. He is such a good boy. I may find it hard to let go of this one.”

Toby beamed when she winked at him but Master William glared at her. He saw when he pinched Mistress Diamond’s leg beneath the table. He attempted watching what was going on between the Master and Mistress discreetly through his lashes without being noticed. He noted that she ignored the pain of the pinch and handed Toby a small morsel of food. It was like she intended to get on Master William’s nerves. He wondered if she would pay for it later. She fed Toby by hand throughout dinner, patting his head intermittently as she told him what a good boy he was.

Toby knew from his online study of BDSM that if Master William was anything like the ones he had researched, he would bide his time, he would be patient, and every perceived transgression committed by Mistress Diamond would be mentally filed so that discipline could be exacted at a later time. He had heard him tell her as much on their way into the dining hall.

Dinner was topped off with the Masters’ light conversation and the slaves acting as if they weren’t listening. When she wasn’t serving the food, Selena stood off to the side with her back straight, her eyes forward, and her arms bent at the elbow and crossed behind her back. Her posture was immaculate and Toby longed for the day he could stand so regally for his Mistress.

When they finished with dinner, they got up and made their way to the dungeon. It would be the first time Toby would fully see that part of The Mansion, having only been just inside its entrance earlier.

They walked through the opulent foyer and down a long hallway with sporadic designs throughout the high gloss flooring.

Toby was led to a door that resembled what you might find in the dungeon of a real castle. Winding stairs led them down to another marble floor designed to look like stone. His Mistress insisted that he walk due to the stairs. Already she was looking out for his welfare as her slave.

Not only did the décor change, but the ambiance did as well. The first thing Toby noticed was the smell of orange oil and leather. They entered a large playroom full of different types of furniture that appeared to be handmade for the Masters of The Mansion. It was obvious that everything was constructed to be of the highest quality.

Toby recognized some of the pieces from his research on the Internet. There were St. Andrew’s crosses, whipping benches, a large round piece that looked like a huge spider web, cages, a bondage table, a bondage chair with various ankle and wrist restraints, and another leather chair that was pliable and hung from the ceiling. Of course, there was also a huge iron bed in the center of the room that even had a built-in stockade. Everything imaginable was in this dungeon. It was evident that hundreds of thousands of dollars had been spent on this playroom.

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