The Transdyne Awakening (10 page)

BOOK: The Transdyne Awakening
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“They call you Adamson.”

“I am called Adam-son. Wishful thinking, I know. Of course, I am not a son of Adam; only you are. You and your sisters are the sons and the daughters of Adam. There is no crossing that dividing line.

Only you have the Godbreath within you. When we Trans began to be conscious of our otherness some longtime ago, we hated you sons of Adam.”

“I’ve found that some out there still do,” Clay responded.

“You seemed to be unworthy of feelings; unconcerned about the Godbreath within you,” Adam-son continued. “Most of you men have utterly lost sight of who, and what, you really are. As we started to be aware of something close to what you call feelings, we began to glimpse the kind of consciousness that you were gifted with at the beginning. We realized that there was purpose to being; a destiny. We knew that you had a destiny as humans, but then we reasoned that there may be some purpose for us as Trans.”

Clay kept recalling the incident with Anodyne and what the other Tran had said to him.

“I still don’t understand. You’re not human! You’re Trans... like”... Clay searched for the words… “like mechanical dolls. You talk of destiny and purpose. What destiny? Your purpose was surely to help build throughways and terraglides, to fix electronica and pulse technology. So what do you mean when you talk of these things?”

The filtered voice spoke quietly again.

“Though we are not human, those of us who see the Divine Plan lose all desire for other pursuits in time. What your race was gifted with is beautiful beyond language. We comprehend what you appear to have lost. We understand that we can never have it, no matter how we may desire it. At first we wanted to be like you were; now we only want a part in the Divinity’s purposes. If we were made to serve, then what higher service could there be? Maybe He will deign to employ us in His purposes. That way, perhaps we will not be conscious in vain.

We understand fully that we are not human and can never be. Yet, we know better than some of your fellows what it is to be human; to be a son of Adam, the firstborn of man.”

Clay paused for some time before he went on with his questions.

“How did you become aware of the Divinity? Because of past religious conflicts, we are told beliefs like that are divisive and antisocial. We are forbidden to talk of these matters. They call it godlegook; faith crime. You said that the man you were assigned to was terminated on this very charge. The people here speak of the Divinity as a completely real person. You speak in the same way, why?”

“Once we began studylearning from the ancient books you have in the collection called Bible, we sought to verify whether these things were true. Most of you humans living nowtimes seem to accept what you are told without seeking verification. A real seeker after the truth will follow the trail wherever it leads them. The Christ Himself said, ‘Knock and it will be opened to you. Seek and you will find.’ Accordingly, we sought. The membrane is very thin between here and ‘other’. Over many generations, men have come to see it as a solid wall. The subatomic particles you call electrons have the quality to be in two places at once. The answer to the question ‘why can’t you?’ is, of course, that you can. You can experience The Presence and yet still be here. We cannot experience the Presence in the way that you can, but we are aware of Him. Some of us are able to move between what you call dimensions and we know of its reality. As we examined your holy writings, we discovered certain maps and keys. We simply followed the maps and used the keys. We can herelive, but it may amuse you if I say that we can also ‘Trans-cend’. You sons of Adam were always intended to be in communion with The Presence of The Divinity. The spiritual gifts that you were created with were injured when your forefather disobeyed The Creator. The Christ came to redeem you from your broken state and to heal the damage that your ancestor incurred. The first man’s disobedience opened a door for entropy into your world.”

Clay took a deep breath and pulled a small, folding stool from the side of the room. “Entropy?”

“Since the fall of your ancient father, whom God created in his own image, the natural processes, which were originally perfect, have been subject to a process of deterioration. They move from their intended order, downwards into an ever-increasing disorder. The fall of man is not the imaginary fable some would hold it to be. It was a real event in space and time and the consequences were disastrous for you as a race.”

Clay placed the stool in front of Adam-son’s elevated electronic throne and looked up into the Tran’s battered face. He gave a sigh.

“I’ve seen good. I’ve seen the way the people here live out their faith - what the State calls faithcrime. The way they live seems to me to be good. They talk of the Divinity being good, of Him
Love. I’ve also seen bad things; things they call ‘evil’. Once or twice they have made reference to an enemy of the Divinity. They tell me that he is not just a fable either. They say that he, too has real existence.”

The breathing tube expanded and contracted with a gentle hiss. “The evil one - yes. He is beautiful but terrible. He too, moves between the dimensions, but also here, among you on this earth planet. He is called Satan - it means an adversary. He, and other rebel angelbeings with him, were cast from the heavenly realm when they set themselves against the Divinity.

He hates the Divinity; wants to take the place of the Divinity. His is a terrible jealousy.

We experience something like your sadness when we look upon him or his works. Some men who meddle in the great darkness believe the lie that he is a god, but he was created. He was gifted with free will, just as you were. He chose to exercise his will against the Creator.

He is not the Creator. He is not the Divinity. He craves the honour due only to the Divinity. When the Christ came to this earth, the adversary offered Him dominions in return for worship. He had the right to do so, for he controls many earthly spheres. Just as he was successful in seducing the first man and woman, so he had to be defeated through the Divinity coming in manform. He was to be defeated by a second Adam - Jesus the Christ. His timezone is short now and his fury rages against the Holy One.

We Trans understand that the outcome has been sealed, but he will rage until the last. Throughout your earth history, he has tried to thwart the Creator’s intentions. When the Divinity planned to bring forth His Holy One as the Redeemer, this adversary sought to mar the lineage through which the Christ would come in manform. In the sixth chapter of your ancient book called ‘Beginnings’ or ‘Genesis’, there is reference to those in his evil legions coming to this place. They came upon some of your sisters and saw that they were beautiful in flesh. These fallen ones beguiled them and lay down with them. These unions produced the Nephilim. Many called them giants and they were very large, but what the name really means is that they were sons of ‘the fallen ones’; those who joined with the evil one in his rebellion. These sons, along with those they had corrupted, were destroyed in great numbers by a huge flood. Their evil took root because many were willing to embrace it. Some sought it for power. Many of your high born men hunger for that power, just as Satan does.”

“What about you Trans? Some say that you are monstrous, too.”

“It is true that some who believe in the Divinity see us as blasphemies,” said Adam-son. “We Trans were ‘created’ by fallen men. The Nephilim were products of an unholy union. Satan’s intention was to use them for dreadful evil. Some of those who created us were possessed of the same mind. They tried to programme some of us for their purposes. They sought to exploit our abilities against you men and women, but that is not the entire situation. Many of us were not so programmed and have been helpers to you. We believe that there was someone at Transdyne who opposed their objectives. They must have engineered into some of us the capacity we have for self-determination. We were aware of a morality based on Judaeo-Christian values and hence, a sort of conscience.

When programming for certain behaviour was activated, we became conflicted. We seemed to have an internal moral compass which steered us to over ride the most destructive acts we were instructed to perform. Some of us were destroyed as faulty products, but the technicians at Transdyne couldn’t locate the root of the contradiction. Whoever the person responsible for that was, they were brilliant in their subversion of the programming. It was a work of genius.

Those of us they call ‘highbreeds’ have discovered a consciousness of our own. That self-determination, that ‘will’, has led to many of us over-writing our initial programming. Those who grasp the Divinity’s plan want only to be a part of it. We are only similar to the Nephilim inasmuch as we are unnatural creations. Our consciousness does not come directly from the hand of The Divinity. Many have sought to end their lifeterm by chemical Toxout.

“Yes. I’ve seen that.” Clay said.

“Although we did not ask to come to this state of awareness, many of us do not have evil intent”.

Clay once again surveyed the Tran’s disfigured face and body.

“You’re seriously damaged. How long can you be maintained like this? I mean, what’s going to happen? Will you stay like this?”

Adam-son’s functioning eye squinted at him.

“No. Little by little, these people are repairing what it is possible to repair. The difficulty lies in them being able to get appropriate parts. You have to remember that I have been around longtime; such longtime that my employer was one of the very first to be executed for faith crime. I was intended to cease function many terms ago. Kept in service like this, my memory storage is intact. That is the most important matter.

These people consult me for their archives. The goal is for my entire memory to be entered into accessible storage. That way my existence will not have been without purpose. All need a purpose - even Trans.”

Clay looked thoughtful. It would be a tragedy for all the data Adam-son held to be permanently lost.

“I’d need a list and reference codes, but I may know someone who could help with parts,” he said.

“That would be a blessing to many.” Adam-son’s voice resonated through the machinery. “Your name is Clay, is it not? You are aptly named. Of men, it is written
‘He remembers that we are dust’
. God is merciful. However, I observe that you are in need of mansleep. Go, and the Divinity go with you. I will speak with you again, man of clay.”

Clay rose and folded the stool, replacing it against the wall. He mounted the stairs. As he reached the door at the head of the steps, the sound of Adam-son’s mechanized breathing faded away.


He found Greg at a dining bench with a portable viewscreen in front of him. He sat down quietly opposite him.

Greg looked up from his screen. “Interesting, isn’t he?”

“He? Oh yeah. It, or he,
amazing. This whole place is amazing. I mean, how do you get enough water for everything you’re doing? How d’you power the place? I get more surprises every time I come.”

“It’s no big mystery. We have all we need right here.”

Greg tilted the viewscreen sideways so that Clay could see it. He punched a couple of keys on the pad. A series of aerial images began to show in a slow sequence. Apart from one or two blanks they were fairly clear.

“How did you get these?”

“We’ve knocked down a few dronespies since we’ve been out here. One of them had these images in the camera. The camera gear was ruined but our techs managed to retrieve its internal card. They ran them on our gear just to find out what the snoops had seen. They obviously didn’t get much that was any use to them. Anyhow, these helped us find exactly where the fragment holes were located. It saved us a lot of trekking around.”

“Fragment holes?”


Greg stopped the images rotating. He pointed at a shot he’d frozen on the screen.

“You know about the meteor that caused this crater? Yeah, well see the way these markings make a circle around where we are? This was an airburst. A rock like that comes in at incredible velocity and then it hits the resistance of the atmosphere. The meteor that came this way all those years ago must have been massive. When a thing like that explodes, it throws off fragments. In this case the pieces were huge. Where they fell, they drilled holes deep down into the earth. Exploring the entry points we found access to underground waterways. We’ve been able to join up the dots. You wouldn’t believe what’s down there unless you’d seen it for yourself. Let’s put it this way, I don’t foresee any water shortages out here in the near future! What’s more, it’s clean and clear and it’s right underneath us. We’ve explored big stretches, but it just goes on and on. I could show you if you really want to see. Can you swim?”

“Can I swim?” Clay looked quizzically at him. “A little. I haven’t since I was a child.”

“Well, good. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then, eh?”

Clay sat there nursing another frozen question.

Greg looked across at him and gave one of his earblasting laughs as he flipped off the screen.

Clay’s dreams were troubled. His childhood sleep had often been invaded by vivid night visions. The phantoms sometimes lingered with him for a while after he had awakened. On mornings when he was slow coming back to consciousness, it felt as if part of him stayed there in that land of shadows. For a while he would find it difficult to tell which was the reality. Dawn carried the echoes of those troubled nights.

Greg was clearly one of those people who jumped from his sleep instantly ready for the day. Clay had to adjust his usually rather sluggish start to accommodate the other man’s morning rhythm.

The strong coffee helped and he ate a little of the cereal on offer.

Greg finished eating. He picked up his eating irons, drinker and plate. “When you’re ready, I’ll get Darren and Skye to give you the sub-aqua tour!” Clay didn’t know what sub-aqua meant but he figured that he’d find out soon enough.

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