The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (16 page)

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, tiny microorganisms infect humans and turn them into flesh-eating zombies. Often, the virus has been accidentally loosed from a covert government laboratory. Although it doesn’t seem like a pathogen exists for transforming a normal person into a cannibalistic zombie, there are a number of man-made germs and toxins that have been in development since before World War II that can devastate the human body.



World War II, thousands of die-hard Nazis were arriving in the United States, thanks to a technology-for-immunity swap arranged between Hitler’s right-hand man, Martin Bormann, and America’s Wall Street elite, which included John J. McCloy and his protégé, Allen Dulles.

According to Dr. Len G. Horowitz’s research, “The WHO [World Health Organization] was heavily funded and influenced by the Rockefeller family, along with the United Nations and the World Bank…[and] the fact that John D. Rockefeller’s business managers and lawyers, John Foster and Allen Dulles, had created the partnership between the world’s largest oil conglomerate and I. G. Farben—Germany’s leading industrial organization prior to World War II….” Before the war, attorney McCloy had represented the I. G. Farben drug combine. In
The Rise of the Fourth Reich,
it was detailed how the Dulles brothers and their prewar work for Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company, City National Bank chairman John J. McCloy, and Union Banking Corporation director Prescott Bush acted as principal agents for Hitler’s Germany. It might also be noted that the UN building in New York City sits on Rockefeller-donated land.

McCloy, who served as high commissioner in postwar Germany, also was chairman of the Ford Foundation, Chase Manhattan Bank, the Salk Institute, E. R. Squibb & Sons, and the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, described in the
New York Times
as a group that “fixes major goals and constitutes itself a ready pool of manpower for the more exacting labors of leadership.” In his 1989
obituary, McCloy was termed “chairman of the Establishment.”

Though U.S. laws were in place to forbid postwar Germans from conducting research on chemical warfare, these were largely ignored as John McCloy hired experts as “consultants” and helped fund German industries to produce chemical warfare materials for the American military. At the same time, Allen Dulles was named director of the CIA. Prior to the war he had served as legal representative of the Nazi Shroeder Bank and then during the war as an officer for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), where he supervised army intelligence translator Henry Kissinger, who would go on to become secretary of state under President Richard Nixon. It was Dulles as head of the CIA who expunged many Paperclip scientists’ Nazi backgrounds.

During this time, Wernher von Braun, long considered the father of our NASA space program, and other top rocket scientists entered the country, along with Walter Emil Schreiber, the chief of Nazi medical science who had supervised the sterilization of men using surgery, X-rays, and drugs and had overseen the exchange of humans and mice as recipients of a deadly typhus virus. Despite being described as “the prototype of an ardent and convinced Nazi,” Schreiber worked for a decade in the chemical division of the U.S. European Command and for a time at the Air Force School of Aviation Medicine in Texas.

Another German immigrant, Kurt Blome, told U.S. military interrogators in 1945 that he had been ordered in 1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on concentration camp prisoners. Blome went on to work for the U.S. Army Chemical Corp. These Nazis were joined at Fort Detrick by Japanese general Ishii Shiro, the man in charge of the infamous Unit 731, the Japanese biological research and development unit responsible for the deaths of three thousand people, including American prisoners.

It was the work of such enemy researchers that was continued and expanded in the United States following World War II that may have resulted in many recent health disasters.



1940s, Nazi medical scientists had managed to isolate the bacterial toxin from
bacteria (usually known as Brucellosis or undulant fever and mostly found in mammals, especially cows) and form it into a crystalline form or agent.

Brucellosis is an ancient bacteria and was selected because it was insidious, very difficult to detect, and present in almost every organ or system of the human body. When activated by the crystalline agent, brucellosis stimulates various diseases that prompt a variety of symptoms, including debilitating fatigue, high fever, shivering, aching, drenching sweats, headache, backache, weakness, and depression. Damage to major organs is possible, leading to ailments such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and heart disease.

The Paperclip medical scientists coming to America brought with them this toxin, known as a mycoplasma—a distinct type of bacteria lacking a cell wall. A U.S. government report dated January 3, 1946, carried a section entitled “Production and Isolation, for the First Time, of a Crystalline Bacterial Toxin.” The Nazi bug had been reduced to a crystalline form, creating an artificial virulent disease agent derived from the original bacteria.

This crystalline bacterial agent could be dispensed by aerial spraying or by infected insects. The agent also did not respond to most antibiotics, including penicillin. Acting as a parasite, it stimulated both bacterial and viral diseases and, because it attached to specific cells without killing them, was virtually undetectable by conventional medical diagnosis techniques. Such diseases are considered untreatable and usually fatal, because they mostly affect the brain or neural tissue.

These subviral bacterium particles have various names. They have been termed “prions” by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner; “stealth viruses” by Dr. John Martin of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases; “amyloids” by the late Dr. Carleton Gajdusek, winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on mysterious epidemics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH); and “Mycoplasma/Brucellosis” by Donald Scott and Garth Nicolson.

According to a paper by Stanley Prusiner, prions are unprecedented infectious pathogens that cause fatal neurodegenerative diseases by the entirely novel mechanism of altering proteins in the body. “Prion diseases may present as genetic, infectious, or sporadic disorders, all of which involve modification of the prion protein (PrP),” wrote Prusiner.

Paperclip scientists working on these infectious organisms were based primarily in laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland; Cold Spring Harbor, New York; and Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. “It was here and in hundreds of other laboratories throughout America that immediately after World War II our former enemies’ scientists were brought in under Operation Paperclip to continue their research and development of some of the most horrible weapons of mass destruction known to mankind,” noted molecular researchers Garth and Nancy Nicolson in their 2005 book
Project Day Lily.

The husband and wife molecular researchers noted there are two hundred species of
Most are innocuous and do no harm. Only four or five are pathogenic. “
Mycoplasma fermentans
(incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the
bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the
bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted,” they said. “[T]he little mycoplasma also lost some of its genetic information, such as the genes that encode the thick cell wall and other genes that code for certain enzymes in metabolic pathways. Thus it is smaller than the most common bacteria, and without the distinctive cell walls found in most bacteria it can take on a variety of morphologies. It must hide inside animal or human cells to survive, and although originally thought to be fairly fragile, the little mycoplasma was hardier than anyone had ever imagined.”

Although considered primitive by bacteriological standards, the mycoplasma actually evolved from bacteria that contained cell walls but lost its ability to make its own cell wall, probably because it no longer needed it when hiding inside hosts’ cells and tissues. “But it made up for the loss of some of its genetic information by having evolved with other genetic sequences that allowed it to enter and colonize cells just like viruses…. [But] it was not a virus because it retained the genetic and biochemical remnants of bacteria. Like a virus, however, it damaged cells by interfering with some of the cells’ biochemical cycles, and it encoded some nasty molecules that caused invaded cells to slowly self-destruct and die,” said the Nicolsons, noting that important targets inside cells were the mitochondria, cellular “batteries” that produce energy and the DNA.

The Nicolsons explained that biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and now has created more deadly and infectious forms of mycoplasma. Continuing the work of Nazi scientists, researchers in the United States “weaponized” the mycoplasma by reducing the pathogen to a synthesized crystalline form. They later tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America.

According to the Nicolsons, the U.S. military’s fascination with building this kind of biological weapon lies in the fact that the “creature will hide inside cells and cause unbelievable havoc. It will destroy the mitochondria, eventually sending cells into an unrelenting death program, and in the process gene expression will go crazy and surrounding cells will become damaged. This bug will then escape from its dying host cell and go to other places to eventually colonize every organ. And because pieces of the cellular membrane are dislodged when this little mycoplasma leaves its cellular hiding places, its victims should also be presented with an array of autoimmune symptoms similar to those found in various degenerative illnesses. It may even mimic some neurodegenerative diseases. It’s beautiful, because it should cause diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, but no one will ever guess that they are caused by an infection. Most physicians…will never figure this out…. What a delightful weapon!”

Several researchers, including the Nicolsons, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Dr. Joseph S. Puleo, and authors of
The Brucellosis Triangle,
Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, have linked this mycoplasma pathogen to a host of increasingly common neurosystemic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, bipolar disorder, Crohn’s colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, diabetes, dystonia, fibromyalgia, Huntington’s, lupus, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis, Parkinson’s disease, and even schizophrenia. Some strains of
are now being blamed for cancer and AIDS. According to the former chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, the late Dr. Maurice Hilleman, this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world.

Mycoplasma researchers claim many people today suffering from various neurological diseases are actually ill with brucellosis. However, because the disease toxin pathogen has been isolated from the source bacterium in a crystalline form, there is no blood or tissue test that will confirm this fact.

Weaponized mycoplasmas generate ammonias that are deposited into the infected cell nuclei. “These nasty ‘beasts’ intertwine with the genetic machinery and are intra-cellular rather than inter-cellular. Other infectious agents are involved in the afflicted individual. These agents are usually mosaics of naturally occurring bacteria and viruses, and the effect upon the afflicted individual depends upon the individual’s genetic pre-disposition and immunological make-up,” stated Garth Nicolson. “Each person is affected differently by the infection, but all afflicted individuals share a constellation of symptoms.

“We have a survey that describes 120 signs and symptoms,” added Nancy Nicolson. “In the case of the pathogenic mycoplasmas that we investigated, we found the HIV-1 envelope gene associated with the mycoplasma. This gene renders the mycoplasma more deadly. I have always wondered how many people that have been diagnosed as HIV positive actually have the chimeric—a mosaic of the mycoplasma bacterian and HIV?” Reportedly there are ten strains of HIV. HIV-1 promotes AIDS by compromising the immunization system, whereas HIV-2 does not promote AIDS. The other eight HIV strains are included in the biowarfare arsenal. The pathogenic mycoplasma can promote a non-HIV AIDS that mimics the symptoms of AIDS. “No one will talk about this!” said Nancy Nicolson. “The mycoplasmas have been genetically engineered with pieces of genetic material from other pathogens such as brucella. The mycoplasmas are often co-factors with the Lyme disease microorganism. All these emerging diseases correlate to bio-warfare experiments conducted during the Cold War that went seriously awry. Remember the US did approximately 208 open air tests on the US population without their knowledge or consent over a 30 years period.”

It is possible that the crystalline disease toxin from the pathogens is one of the
species—a technological feat accomplished by U.S. military biochemical researchers working with Nazi Paperclip scientists. In 1946, the director of the War Research Service, George W. Merck, reported the possibility of using crystalline toxins to Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson. It should be noted that the War Research Service initiated America’s biological weapons program, and Merck went on to become president of the Merck & Company pharmaceutical firm. Although Merck died in 1957, his early knowledge of the disease toxin means it could have been passed along to his colleagues at Merck Pharmaceutical. That Merck was involved in such research can be seen in a
New England Journal of Medicine
article that noted that a study of the hepatitis B vaccine, used extensively in gay and drug-addict communities, was supported “by a grant from the Department of Virus and Cell Biology of Merck, Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, VA.”

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