The Truth Be Told (The Truth in Lies Saga #3) (2 page)

BOOK: The Truth Be Told (The Truth in Lies Saga #3)
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“They have more than one understudy,” Olivia sneered.

“It’s not that big of a deal, Olivia,” Morgan chided.  “She’ll be here in time for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding.  That’s all that matters.”

“Lucky,” I muttered under my breath.

Olivia jerked her head in my direction, glaring at me.  Guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought.  A spiteful grin twisted the corner of her mouth.  She turned back to Jared and McKenzie, leaning toward them.  “So, Kenz, why didn’t you tell me that you and Jared were together?”

My head started to throb, and I realized that if I grinded my teeth any harder I would break a tooth.

“We’re not.  I’m here as a friend,” McKenzie clarified.

“With benefits?”

“Will you ever learn to shut your face?” Jared grumbled.

“Will you ever learn to comb your hair?” Olivia shot back.

Yeah, I admit it.  I laughed at that one.  I’d often wondered if Jared owned a brush.  Olivia seemed proud that she made me laugh.  She placed her hand on my knee and grinned.  “Oh, Kenz, you’re going to love Drew’s parents.”  Okay, that one made me laugh, too.  

“What’s so funny?” Olivia demanded.

“You said McKenzie would love my parents.  That’s pretty funny to me.”

“I don’t see the humor in that.  Your parents have been wonderful to me.  Especially your father.”

“Does that mean you took the paternity test?”

“Excuse me?”

I shook my head and removed her hand from my knee.  “Nothing.  Just be careful with Father.  If he’s being nice, it’s because he wants something.”

“You don’t give him enough credit.  Your father is a wonderful man.”

Even Gavin had a quick snicker at that one.

“If you say so,” I deadpanned.  Resting my head back, I gazed out the window toward the city that raised me.  The landscape flew by as the chauffeur drove us to Cambridge where my hell on earth awaited me.


Chapter Two



Hurt.  Numb.  Relieved.  

I was conflicted with emotions.  Drew and I had a plan.  We weren’t going to hide anymore.  But the moment I saw Olivia standing next to the limo, I knew our plan was shot.  Back in Amarillo, my initial gut instinct had been to keep us concealed until after the wedding.  It had been right.  Olivia would be crushed by our relationship.  This was not the right time to tell her—not with the stress of the wedding, on top of her pregnancy and her discord with Drew.  

His pleading eyes cratered a hole the size of the Atlantic in my chest.  He wanted so badly to be together with no obstacles, but there would always be one―Olivia.  No matter what, she was carrying his child, and she would never accept our relationship.  Not that I could blame her.  If the roles were reversed, I couldn’t say I’d react any different.  The girl code was a bond.  One that I’d broken not once, but twice.  When she discovered my disloyalty, I would become the most despised person on the planet.

The whole drive to the Wise family home, I watched Olivia with Drew.  A little piece of me felt sorry for her.  It was obvious she wanted to make things work with him, but he shot her down every time.  If she only knew it was because of me.  

Guilt.  It was eating me alive.  He didn’t love her and never would.  That was a point he’d made clear many times over.  And there was no way I could live without him.  I tried.  That was the most miserable two months of my life.  However, none of that appeased the guilt I felt for betraying Olivia, especially when she needed us both the most.

“You okay?” Jared whispered in my ear when he thought no one would notice.

I nodded.  I wasn’t okay, but no one needed to know that.

“Liar.”  I chuckled and poked him in the side.  Jared nudged me back.  “I’m here if you need to talk.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“We’re here!” Olivia squealed.  She grabbed Drew by the knee, giving it a good shake.

Drew rolled his eyes and moved his leg from her grasp.  Slumped in his seat, he crossed his arms over his chest and let out an exasperated sigh.  God, he looked good enough to eat.  His light brown hair was cropped short.  I had to admit, I missed his usual length, but I understood the point of cutting it all off for the summer.  His tailored slacks and collared shirt contoured his athletic frame.  I knew he preferred being in jeans, a t-shirt, and his favorite pair of Converse, but if he only knew how good he looked dressed like that.  Then again, he probably did know.  Drew was arrogant that way.

He rubbed his hand over the crown of his head as our eyes met.  My smile was greeted with his cocky grin.  He motioned for me to look out the window.  I shifted in my seat, my knees knocking against Jared’s as I took a gander at the magnificence that was the Wise estate.  

Rod iron gates opened, allowing the vehicle to enter the property.  Shadows danced over the expanse of the land.  We drove down a gravel road toward a house that popped right out of a history book, or better yet, a movie.  Plush greenery shrouded by the blanket of the night surrounded the enormous, colonial style home.  Large statues, reflecting pools as far as the eye could see, and elegant cobblestone steps leading to the front door made this house come to life.  I gasped as we pulled around the curved drive that circled a beautiful fountain.  It rained down, inviting the guests into the magnificent home.  I whipped around to Gavin and Drew.  “You were raised here?” I exclaimed.

“If that’s what you call it,” Drew muttered.

Gavin laughed.  “What?  You can’t imagine little Drew romping about this place?”

I glanced at Drew and back at the front of the house.  Gorgeous lights illuminated the perimeter, bringing to life the vast mansion.  Two stories but countless windows sparkled in the artificial light.  It left me wondering what this place might’ve looked like back in the day when only candlelight brightened these walls.

“On the contrary.  I can see you both in a place like this,” I confirmed, giving Drew a quick wink.

“Gavin will inherit it, too,” Morgan announced, a hint of pride in her tone.

“Too bad you won’t inherit it, Andy,” Olivia cooed.  

I cringed at the sound of my nickname for him falling from her lips.  That was our little joke.  He called me Mickie and I called him Andy.  While I didn’t despise my nickname as he did his, it still was a piece of us.  A storm raged in his eyes, his nose flared, and his fists balled against his chest.

,” he corrected her, venom lacing his tone.  “And I wouldn’t want it.  It belongs to my brother, as it should.”

“This place is amazing,” Jared said.  “I bet it’s chock-full of history.”

“It’s been in our family for six generations.  But you’ll hear all about that from our father,” Gavin noted.  “He’s rather obsessed with the dynamics of the house.  He works very hard to ensure its historical accuracy.”

“He’s allowed it to be modernized, though,” Olivia added.  “Just wait ‘til you see the kitchen, Kenz.”

“So you can add her to the kitchen staff,” Drew mumbled.

The driver barely had the vehicle in park before Drew threw open the door and slipped out of the car.  I sighed, knowing he was going to be in a pissy mood for the remainder of the trip.  This place held bad memories for him—a past that I’d barely scratched the surface of understanding—and now he had to endure it with another set of lies hanging over him.  

“What the hell is wrong with him?” Olivia sneered.

“Everything,” Gavin muttered, following Drew and helping Morgan from the vehicle.  

Olivia grabbed me by the hand and pulled me onto the seat next to her.  It was still warm from where Drew had been.  “I’ve missed you, you know.  Things haven’t been the same since you left.”

I smiled and patted her hand.  “I’m happy to be here.”

“I bet.  So you and Jared?”  She wiggled her brows.

“Me and Jared, what?”

Jared groaned, “God, can’t you mind your own damn business?” and followed Morgan out of the vehicle.

“Who pissed in your Wheaties?” she yelled after him.  “Geez! Send them to Vegas for a week, they return with a stowaway and horrible attitudes.”

“It’s been a long day.  That’s all,” I stated, scooting out of the vehicle.  

Drew stood outside the car, staring up at the house with his hands in his pockets, brooding.  The Drew who opened up to me only twenty-four hours ago was gone―closed off to the world that invaded his nightmares.  I’d always thought his arrogance and evasiveness were simply part of his personality.  Now I knew better.  It was his defense, his armor, a wall that he built around himself to keep everyone out, and it pained me to see it back in full force.

I positioned myself next to him, close enough that our arms touched.  Every part of me warmed with want and need for this man.  Just the feel of him near me set my soul on fire.  “You okay?”

“No,” he answered honestly.

“Can I fix it?”

Drew looked down at me, his aqua eyes hard and aloof.  “You being here helps.  Please forgive me for what happened at the airport.  I had no intention...”

“What happened at the airport?” Olivia questioned.  

I jerked away, putting distance between Drew and myself.  Drew’s lips twitched and his brow furrowed.  He opened his mouth to reply, but I intervened. “Drew was joking around at the airport.  You know how he is.”

“He did always treat you like a little sister.”

Jared snorted.  “Yeah, that’s how he treated her.  Just like a little sister.”

“Jealous much?” Olivia retorted after him.

“You bet!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah, I do bet,” Drew, sneered.  “C’mon, Mickie.”

He took my hand, slipping into the crook of his arm.  “What about our luggage?”

“Fairfax will take care of it.”

Before I could ask, Drew motioned toward the chauffeur, who was already removing our luggage from the trunk

Ah, yes.  How silly of me to forget I was now swimming in the pool of wealth and privilege.  The house alone would be a constant reminder of how out of place I was.  A country girl with a surfer girl’s heart in the middle of high society.  Talk about a method for disaster if ever there was one.

Drew led me up the cobblestone steps that ushered us to the open front door where a regal man dressed in a black tuxedo with white gloves waited.

“Good evening, Mr. Gavin,” his deep baritone voice echoed.

“Good evening, Banks,” Gavin replied as he escorted Morgan into the house.  “Are Mother and Father around?”

“Yes, sir.  Mr. Wise is currently in his study, and Mrs. Wise is resting.  They should be down shortly.”  The man turned his attention to Drew and myself as we entered in close behind Jared and Olivia.  “Mr. Drew, it’s been awhile.”

“Not long enough, Banks.”

“Yes, sir.”

The man closed the door behind us and I gasped at the magnificence that was laid out before me.  My shoes clacked against the sand colored marble flooring, making me self conscious.  A gentle breeze danced through the corridor, cooling my summer heated skin.  An elaborate chandelier dangled from a wood paneled ceiling.  A dual winding staircase encased by a brass bannister welcomed guests into the home.  At the top of each staircase, massive brass statues stood holding candelabras that matched the chandelier.  An antique table, more elegant than anything I’d ever bought from IKEA, was perched in the center of the staircases.  On top was a large arrangement of roses.  Their sweet scent filled the room.  

“I take it you approve?” Drew leaned in and whispered in my ear.  

Approved wouldn’t be the word I’d use.  For me, it was more like I was in awe.  This was the type of place a girl sees in fairy tales or in the movies.  “You could say that.”

“It’s about time.” A cultivated voice marked by a strong Boston accent reverberated from the top of the stairs.  A small gasp escaped me as I looked up to find the source.  It was Drew, but aged twenty years.  This man was tall with thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, and a prominent chin.  His light brown hair was streaked with grey, and his stature was strong and confident.  In that moment, I had a glimpse of what Drew would look like in years to come.  However, something was missing.  The warmth I felt exude from Drew was vacant in this man.  They shared the same aqua eyes, but where Drew’s reminded me of the ocean, this man’s were more like the frozen north.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and shook hands with Gavin.  I’d expected a fatherly hug or something, but no―only a polite handshake, one you’d expect him to give to a client.  For Morgan, he gave her an uncomfortable pat on the shoulder.  

The cool breeze turned into a cold blizzard when he made eyes with Drew.  He shook hands, but acted as if it took everything inside him to accomplish that feat.  “Father,” Drew’s calloused tone echoed through my soul.

“Andrew.  I see you’ve brought visitors.”

“They’re my guests,” Gavin spoke up.  “This is Jared Christopher.”  Gavin pointed to Jared.  Their father scanned Jared for a moment and then accepted his hand for a quick shake.  “And this is McKenzie Evans.”  Gavin directed his father’s attention to me.  “This is our father, Jonathan Wise.”

I stood frozen, barely able to breathe, the moment Jonathan looked at me.  His brow furrowed and his lips twitched.  I couldn’t read his expression, but by the stiff nature of Drew, it was apparent I was being sized up.  “You look familiar.  Have we met before?”

He shook my hand.  I cringed at the amount of pressure he added in the handshake.  It was even worse when for a moment he wouldn’t let me go.  Drew took a step forward and Jonathan cut him a glance, as if he were expecting Drew to react.  “I don’t believe so, sir,” my voice quivered.

“Evans, of the New Hampshire Evans, perhaps?”

Oh my god! Was this man serious?

“She’s from Amarillo, Texas, Father,” Gavin noted.

“Sarasota,” Drew corrected.

Jonathan never removed his eyes from me.  “Well, which is it?”  

Unsure who he expected to answer, I smiled and fought the urge to sigh when he released my hand.  It now felt cold and clammy, and ached where he’d held tight.  “I was born in Amarillo, Texas and live in Sarasota, now,” I responded, hoping I wasn’t stepping out of line.

“You’re moving back!” Olivia exclaimed.

“I am.”

“Drew! Gavin!”

We all turned our attention to the top of the stairs.  A gorgeous woman, with amber colored hair and a spring in her step, meandered down the staircase.  She was soft and feminine, everything I imagined a lady might look like.  Her tender eyes, button nose, and ruby red lips all reminded me of a woman I’d seen on a vintage magazine cover.  Down to the pencil skirt and button down blouse.  She was the picture of elegance.  Her smile lit up the room, and with it, I discovered where Drew got his dimples.  Hers were just as deep and prominent as his, and only added to her allure.

“Mother,” the men chimed together.

She lighted the final step and pulled Drew and Gavin into her arms.  This was more of the welcome I’d expect from a parent.  “It’s good to have you home, my dear ones.”

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