The Truth Behind The Lies (17 page)

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Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #interracial romance fiction

BOOK: The Truth Behind The Lies
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If he fucks as well as he eats pussy and ass I’m going to fall in love with him. I don’t even want to think about the finger thing that just occurred. I never wanted it in the ass so bad. I’m not even into that, anal.

Why am I hoping he’s not good in bed? I mean seriously. There are plenty of men with big dicks that don’t know how to fuck. I’m worried he won’t be one of them. I want to keep my heart out of this. I haven’t suffered a broken heart in a good ten years. I can’t do this. I refuse to fall in love with this man. I have to spare my heart.

I showered even though he licked me clean after I came. I put my hoodie and shorts back on. Bash must have washed his hands and face in the other bathroom. I could see his hair was a little wet when I entered the kitchen. We needed to eat. He had already started without me. Shit, he shouldn’t be hungry the way he ate me out. He was in me so deep. He may have swallowed up one of my ovaries. For real though.

I took a seat in the highchair next to Bash. He had warmed my pasta dish. We sat side by side and ate in silence. It felt real comfortable. I cleared away our plates and put them in the dishwasher.

“We were supposed to have dinner and a movie. Let’s watch this movie.” I stated.

He stood and looked down on me. “I will try to keep my mind on the movie. So you try to hold back some of your sexy tonight.”

“That’s impossible.” I teased and before I could laugh at myself Bash was on me. His mouth had covered mine and he was kissing me so hard. Ah! My feet were about to give out when I felt his arm embrace my lower back and hold me into place.

Oh god! My breasts were smashed into his rock hard chest and my heart was drumming against the brick wall that is his body.

Bash had seized my tongue and he was moving so fast I couldn’t keep up. I felt my legs being lifted off the kitchen tiles. Soon I was sitting with my legs open on the countertop.

Bash was in-between my legs rubbing the insides of my thighs. I was happy I was wearing shorts instead of a skirt. My restraint was wearing down to nothing. My heart was invested in this man. A man I couldn’t seem to find anything wrong with. He felt right and I wanted to feel his dick inside me. I couldn’t get the size of his massive penis out my head since I saw it last night.

My inner walls clenched thinking of his dick. It was so pink and perfect. The head was so smooth. The shaft was thick and veiny. I wanted to suck him up last night. But he wanted to sleep in-between my thighs. It threw me off. Tonight, I wanted to suck him in my closet but he wanted to lick my pussy and finger both my private holes.

The women around him couldn’t know how big his dick is. If they knew I would have some competition and I haven’t seen much of anything yet? Just boney ass Dana. Bash never received any odd phone calls. No texts from anybody other than his job, a fine rich man with manners and a huge dick. What are the odds?

Damn! Maybe he’s lying to me and he is married. Impossible. We spend too much time together. He couldn’t have a wife or a girlfriend. If he stays all night that means he’s single. I hope it means that.

Bash left my mouth and trailed sugary kisses down my neck. I didn’t realize he had both of my breasts out of my hoodie. When did he even unzip my hoodie? This guy right here. He’s a mess. I want him to be my mess.



“I can’t wait to fuck you.” He whispered in my ear. “But I’m glad we’re waiting.”

I held his head and kissed him on the lips. I looked into his tortured blue eyes. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

“You are amazing.” He kissed me before I could respond. Which was good because I have run out of clever and seductive things to say. He has me beat in the romance department.

We made popcorn and watched TV. We cuddled on the couch and we both fell asleep fully dressed. I wanted to remain on the couch with Bash but I feared he would wake up with an erection and I would wake up with his dick in me. I needed to have those test results back. I needed to know he was clean as much as I wanted him to know that I was.

I wanted to fuck the shit out of him without worries. Knowing your lover is disease free truly makes sex better. It does for me. I can’t speak for men.

I fell asleep right away. He lulled me into slumber rubbing his fingertips into the new-growth that seized my edges. I remember dozing off on his chest watching an episode of
. Reddington had did some foul shit again to Agent Keen and I was out.







“Nina, Nina.” His voice wasn’t a dream it was reality. “Babe, wake up.”

I opened my eyes to the gorgeous unblemished sight of Bash. He was partially wet. He was in my bedroom standing above me. Looking down at me expressionless. I made my way into my bedroom sometime in the middle of the night. How did that happen?

He wasn’t wearing a shirt and his hair was wet. I knew there wasn’t any sex involved because he was so big I would feel hollowed out the next morning if he had been inside me.

“Are you going to work?”

“Yes yes.” I mumbled. “What time is it?”

“It’s only six forty-five.”

“I forgot to set my alarm clock.”

“You don’t need it. You have me.” He blinked slowly, carelessly, without any notion of how he affects me.

Oh my, he was so sweet. I semi-beamed. I hadn’t had coffee yet to produce a full beam.

“I have to shower.” I groaned as I sat up in bed.

“I made coffee.”

“You did?” Ohhh Bash. He’s sooooo great. Get a grip girl. Now he’s talking my language.

“Yes. You needs your coffee.” Did he mock me? Did he just say needs? That’s cute. “I recall you saying something like that the day we went to the Blues Fest.”

It wasn’t something like that. It was that, verbatim.

“You have a good memory or you’re either a good listener.”

“Both. Get up and get your sexy ass in gear.”

Did he just tell me what to do? I kind of like that. My eyes went down to Bash’s charcoal gray suit pants. That’s not what he had on yesterday.

“Where did you get clothes?”

“My car.”

“Oh.” Why did I say oh? “You keep clothes in your car?”

Huh, is that because he spends the night at random women’s houses? My eyes gave away my distrust. I wish they didn’t. I didn’t have the right to be jealous. Bash is not my man. We haven’t even had sex yet.

“I have a suitcase packed if I have to leave town. Don’t you?”

“No Bash I don’t have that kind of job.”

He smiled. “I told you to get your sexy ass up.” He walked close to the edge of the bed. He stood over me like he was about to tackle me. He winked at me instead. I watched the muscles in the curve of his back as he vanished from my bedroom. So damn sexy.

Oh boy, he is a handful. Can you fall head over heels for a guy you never had sex with? When I’m around Bash I believe anything is possible.





My plans and Bash’s plans had seemed to warp into one lately. I drove his Benz and dropped him at his job. Then I went to my job. I was supposed to pick him up after I got off. Driving two cars didn’t fit into his master plan.

He needed to keep tabs on me. That’s what he said and who knows if he was kidding. I never wanted STD test results back so fast in my life.

I worked pretty well considering I thought about him so often. I accomplished a lot while behind my desk. No man has ever given me his car so quickly. He trusted me with his Benz. I liked my place in the passenger seat but he insisted I take it.

I can’t drive his Porsche because I can’t drive stick. I would feel weird driving it anyway. That little sports car attracts too much attention. It’s a carjackers wet dream. Now I know its all rare and shit. So it has to be expensive as hell.

I went to lunch with Tangie and filled her in on my fun-filled dates with Sebastian. I also explained why I was driving his car. She was pretty enthusiastic about my new prospective Bae. She made me more excited. Tangie was a true friend, not one of those jealous ass friendenemies that always seem to latch onto me.

Tangie told me I was stupid for making him wait for sex. She didn’t realize he was the one making me wait. I can’t admit I was just playing tough. He could have worn me down. I know that for sure. If he pushed his dick head in I would have opened wide. I know how my body reacts around him.

The wine I had last night was one glass too many. I could have been awakened with a dick in me. But Bash was a gentleman. He even picked me up and put me to bed. I must have been passed out. He could have fucked me. Sure, I wouldn’t have participated much but he could have had me. I’m just glad to know he wouldn’t take advantage of me like that. I was growing an attachment to Mr. Vandervol. Was this a part of his master plan? If so, it was a damn good plan.

Tangie had got me hyped up. She had me feeling really good about Bash. I got through the day and took off a little early to go visit my mother.




I pulled into my mom’s driveway and I saw her peeking her head out the curtain. She opened the door for me before I could knock or use my key.

I listened to her talk about all the murders in Chicago. I listened to her tell me how wrong her best friend is for disowning her kids. I tuned out her talking about random reality TV shows that I don’t watch.

I knew it was coming, the questions she had for me.

“Did that fool stop following you?” She spit as she asked about David. She never liked him. She had good reason. He’s a conceited jackass.

I thought about Bash before I thought about David and that tickled me.

“Yeah I think he went on ‘bout his business. I’m seeing someone else now and David knows that. So I assume he knows I’ve moved on.”

“That’s good.”

“Yes it is. You know he called over here.”

My heart raced. “He called you?”

“Yeah. He said he was just calling to see how I was doing. He told me y’all broke up and I told him I didn’t know that. I played real dumb.”

“When was this?”

“Just about three or so days ago.”

“You should have called me as soon as you got off the phone with him.”

“I wasn’t going to bother you. I ain’t studdin’ that Negro.”

This is the stuff that pisses me off. My mother will call me every time Iyala is hugging somebody but won’t call when my psycho ex is calling her. That bastard doesn’t call to check on his own damn mama. So why the hell is he calling mine?

“How long you been seeing this new man. What’s his name?”

“His name is Sebastian.”

“What kind of name is that?”

“He’s white.”

“What kind of white?”


“Like Arnold Schwarzennegger.”

“I think he’s Austrian. Boris Kodjoe is German.”

“Is he as fine as Boris?”

“Ah yeah I would say so.”

“Someone has all his information? I don’t want you to end up in a ditch somewhere.”

“Yeah Ma.”

“Your friends know about him.”


“You can’t be too careful. These men out here today don’t care nothing about killing a woman, killing kids and they think they can get away with it. And these white men, oooh child they will kill they wives at the drop of a hat.”

I wanted to scream, I’m not married to him mama. So I’m free and clear.

“Uh-huh.” I hummed. It’s best just to agree with her. She never has facts or statistics to back up her claims, just the local news and a slew of television crime shows.

“That’s his car out there in my driveway.”


“Where’s your car?”

“It’s in my garage.” I gave her a look. She knew that was enough with the questions. I wasn’t about to tell her he spent the night or anything else. The interrogation was over.

“Well I like that better than that big ole black Escalade. That thing was just too damn big. I hated climbing into that truck.

“Well I’m done with David so that’s never going to happen again.”

I spent an hour with my mother before I had to go get Bash. I arrived at the building. I parked in his designated parking space, the second one in his five spaces.

They had better security in this office building than the one I worked. It made me wonder exactly what Bash did. All I knew was he was a software developer.

I went up to the twenty-third floor like I had done before. This time I was familiar with where I was going.

When I entered the reception area Bash’s secretary’s name popped into my head. Gretchen was sitting behind her desk looking just the same as I saw her last time I was here. She smiled and I did the same.

“Ms. Norwood. How are you this evening?”

“I’m good.”

“Mr. Vandervol is expecting you. You can go right in.”

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