Read The Truth She Knew Online

Authors: J.A. Owenby

The Truth She Knew (21 page)

BOOK: The Truth She Knew
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Walker kissed my forehead and stood up.

Where are you going?” I asked.

Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

I shivered under the blanket as the warmth of his body escaped me. Walker gathered rocks and wood and piled it a few feet away from us. I smiled as he meticulously made a circle with the stones and laid the wood inside. In a matter of minutes, a fire roared to life and filled the darkness. It was perfect.

He smiled as he got back under the blanket with me.

Thank you.”

You’re welcome,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me. “It’s a perfect night, too. I’m glad you thought of this.”

Me too,” I said. “Walker?”

Yeah, Lace?”

I love you.”

Walker tilted my head up and kissed me, his lips warm and soft. My body didn’t take long to respond to him. I’d brought him here for the sole purpose of making love to him; he just didn’t know it yet.

His fingers lightly stroked my cheek as our kiss deepened.

You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he whispered. “You’ll never understand how much I love you.”

Show me,” I responded between kisses. “Show me how much you love me.” I broke our kiss and pulled off my shirt. Then I released the clasp of my bra and slipped it off. The cold night air brushed across my breasts, my nipples hardening instantly. I studied his face as I stood up, unbuttoned my jeans, and slid them off, leaving me with only my red lace panties on.

The firelight danced across his face. He couldn’t have hidden his reaction if he wanted to. His eyes revealed his hunger as I slowly slid my panties down my legs, leaving me completely naked, but this time, I wasn’t hiding in his sheets or underneath him. I allowed him to see every inch of me as I stood beside the fire. I’d grown more comfortable with him, and tonight boldness radiated through me. I wanted him to think about this moment when he was alone in bed at boot camp. When he needed me, I wanted the memory of tonight to burn through every part of him.

You’re so beautiful.” His voice cracked with emotion.

I closed the gap between us and stood over him. He ran his hands slowly up the inside of my thighs and spread my legs apart. He cupped my ass and brought me closer to him, his tongue finding my wet core.

I grabbed his hair as his tongue fluttered across my clit. I sucked in a sharp breath as he sucked me gently and slipped his finger inside me. I didn’t ever want him to stop.

I couldn’t stand up any longer, and I lowered myself to the ground with him. Walker moved with me, never allowing his fingers to stop. I spread my legs and welcomed his tongue again.

I watched as his tongue licked and sucked my clit. I was so close, and he knew it.

He glanced up, released my clit, and removed his fingers.

You like that, baby?” he asked, his voice raspy with need.

I nodded and blushed that I’d lost my mind enough to be so bold. Walker leaned back on his knees and removed his shirt. His muscled chest and stomach were accentuated by the firelight. With a flick of a button, he released himself from his jeans. His blue eyes danced; his muscles were taut. He was ready, and I was ready to take in every inch of him.

He removed his jeans and slid a condom out of his back pocket. He ripped the package open and slipped it on.

Come here,” he said as he lay down on his back. I straddled him as he guided me slowly and I took him inside me.

I gasped as I sat on top of him.

You okay?”

Yeah, it’s just different.”

Just relax, baby.”

Walker gently began moving, giving me time to adjust to our position. It didn’t take me long to match his rhythm as he grabbed my hips and moved me up and down the length of him. His strokes pushed deeper inside me, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

That’s it . . . God, you feel so good,” Walker said as he buried himself inside me.

His fingers dug into my thighs as I brought myself down harder and faster. His thumb found my clit and he massaged me in gentle circles. The wave built inside me, but I didn’t want it to stop. I needed him to stay inside me. I tightened my core around him and he moaned in response as he dug his fingers into my ass.

I arched back allowing him full access as I continued to rock against him.

I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips. I couldn’t hold out much longer. I leaned forward and dug my nails into his chest as he rubbed my clit. The combination was too much.

I . . . oh my God,” I panted. “Don’t stop, baby. I need you.”

Walker arched his hips and thrust deep inside me.

Come on, baby. I want to feel you come with me.”

He quickened his pace as we gasped and moaned. The intense pleasure was too much, and my body tightened around him as I arched my back. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t scream as he released with me. The thought of him coming inside me sent me into another spasm. Nothing in the world existed except Walker at that moment.

I collapsed on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me as we took a moment to catch our breath. He remained inside me as we relaxed and relished the moment, the night air playing against our sweaty, naked bodies. My heart filled with emotion and a tear slid down my cheek and landed on his chest.

Are you okay?” Concern filled his voice as he rubbed my back.

I love you so much.”

And I love you muches and muches and muches,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

Chapter 35

Monday arrived too fast, and even though I had time off work, I still had to go to class. I couldn’t hide with Walker forever, no matter how much I wanted to.

I’d called Joss and Emma so we could have lunch together. I needed to catch up with them. If I was forced to leave my cocoon, then I needed my friends.

I entered the crowded student center and found a corner table. Those were often difficult to come by, as they provided the most privacy.

Joss arrived first, followed by Emma. We exchanged hugs and settled in at the table.

Okay, spill it,” Emma said.

I know, right?” I said. “It feels like I haven’t seen either of you in years! So much is going on. Emma, I already told Joss that Mama’s in the hospital. I’m leaving after this to go visit her.”

What? What happened and why didn’t someone call me?” she asked, exasperated.

I don’t have your number, or I would’ve called you,” Joss said.

I’m sorry, Emma, I’ve been so wrapped up in everything and when I did think about calling you, I was in the car or nowhere near a phone.”

Well, we’re gonna take care of that right now while Lacey continues to fill us in.” Emma scrambled in her purse for a pen and paper and then wrote her number down for Joss.

Now there are no excuses—I better hear from somebody when something like this happens,” Emma said.

Yes, ma’am,” Joss and I said at the same time. The laughter that followed reminded me that I was surrounded by people who loved me and wanted to hear about what was going on in my life.

I continued to fill them in about Mama’s seizure, the hospital visit, and the follow-up with the doctor.

Lacey, there’s no way you could’ve caused your mom’s seizure,” Joss said. “I had no idea you even thought that. I would’ve sent you straight to Emma so she could smack some sense into you.”

I got scared, and when Krissy accused me of causing it, I got
scared. You didn’t see how pissed Mama got when I told her about Walker.”

I told you I didn’t want to be anywhere near that conversation,” Emma chimed in.

I didn’t have a choice after Krissy caught us together in the parking lot after work.”

Leave it to Krissy,” Joss muttered. “I thought my brother was a pain in the ass, but Krissy is a piece of work. That girl lives to get you into trouble. The kicker is, you’re eighteen!”

Can’t argue with that,” Emma said.

I know. I still haven’t talked to Mama after everything that happened. I hope I can catch her alone and awake this afternoon. Krissy has already flown out, so it’s only Patsy I have to deal with.”

Good! Good riddance,” Emma said.

How are you and Walker?” Joss asked.

Good.” I couldn’t hide my grin. My face burned crimson red at the thought of last night.

Ah hell, you did it,” Joss said. “I should’ve realized it the moment I joined you for lunch, but I was worried about you and your mom!”

What? What am I missing?” Emma asked.

How was it?” Joss asked, ignoring Emma’s questions.

It hurt like hell,” I said between bites of my salad. “It’s gotten a lot better though.” I giggled.

You! Lacey Anne, you’re not a virgin anymore!” Emma sputtered.

Joss laughed and shook her head. “He loves her, Emma. It’s sweet how protective he is over her. The night after Lacey’s mom knocked her out, Walker was at my door discussing the safest place for Lacey to be. He’s crazy about her.”

Emma sighed and took a drink of her Diet Coke. “I’m so relieved to hear that, but I’m a little miffed I haven’t met him yet. I get that you have a lot going on, but I’d really like to meet him. If you two are this serious, then it’s important to me. What can we do to make that happen?”

I have no idea—he’s leaving for the military in a few weeks.”

What?” they asked in unison.

I put my fork down.

Yeah, boot camp in freakin’ Texas for six weeks. Susan said I can continue to spend nights and even make trips with them to visit Walker, but he’s leaving.”

Well, shit,” Joss said. “I guess that calls for a goodbye party then.” She smiled. “We can have it at the same place you two met.”

My eyes grew wide at the idea. It was perfect.

Emma, are you okay coming to a party for a little while?” I asked. “I get that obnoxious drunks aren’t your thing, but Walker and I won’t be drinking. Joss usually only has a few, and then she herds everyone to the bathroom or out her front door as needed.” I laughed.

You got it, count me in,” Emma said. “I’ll be fine since you guys aren’t really drinking either. I might not stay for hours, but I’d love to be there. Great idea, Joss.”

Well, we gotta do something for Lacey and Walker. What night works, Lacey?”

I grabbed my pocket calendar out of my purse and saw the big X on the day Walker would be leaving. He had family plans with and without me in the few days before he left, which meant that next Saturday night was the only night available.

Do you think we can pull it off for a week from this Saturday? I’ll talk to Susan and get a list of his friends and their numbers to invite them too. Is that okay?”

Yup, we’ll invite them all.”

Okay, I’ll just make up some excuse and get Walker there. Too bad we can’t hide the cars, but I’m not sure where they could park out of sight.”

Leave it to me,” Joss said. “Emma, can you come over early and help me set everything up? We need a going-away cake, I’ll take care of the alcohol, but maybe you can get the list of snacks and decorations?”

On it,” Emma said as she scribbled everything down. “You have my number, so call me and we’ll plan everything in detail. This is going to be fun!”

All of it except the part about him leaving,” I said, sighing.

I know, and it sucks, but he’ll be home pretty fast. You’ll be busy with work and school, and you’ve got my house and Emma’s to go to if it gets crappy at home. We’ll have girl’s nights and make plans every weekend. We’ll be with you,” Joss assured me.

Thank you both—I don’t know how I’d get through it all without you.”

Well, you don’t have to,” Joss said. Emma nodded in agreement.

We wrapped up our lunch and Joss and Emma headed off to class, but I was already finished with my classes for the day. Anxiety prickled through me at the thought of returning to the hospital, but I had to go. At least Krissy was gone; I might get lucky and catch Mama alone.

The hospital was only ten minutes away from campus, and the traffic was light. I paid attention to the parking lot level and entrance since Walker wasn’t with me to help find my car this time. Even though I was nervous, it wasn’t as bad as the first night I’d come here to see Mama.

I entered the elevator and the numbers lit up as we passed each floor. The doors slid open and I stepped out onto the fifth floor. I rounded the corner to Mama’s hall cautiously. I didn’t see anyone outside her room, so I continued. Her door was closed. I knocked gently and pushed the door open just enough to stick my head in.



Mama’s voice sounded raspy, but she didn’t seem mad that I was there. I stepped all the way in and closed the door. I leaned against it, unsure if Mama even wanted me there. Her color was better even though she was still connected to machines.

Come in, honey.”

Are you sure, Mama?”

Yes, there’s a chair. How are you? You haven’t visited since I got here.”

I brought the chair closer to her bed and sat on the edge. I held my bag tight in front of me. I was ready to bolt if I needed too.

I’ve been here, Mama. The first few days Krissy wanted time with you before she returned to school so I didn’t stay long. I’m sorry.”

BOOK: The Truth She Knew
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