Read The Turkish Baths (When Straight Guys Go Gay) Online
Authors: E.M. Bridger
“Oh, shit,” he moaned in reaction to both the sensation and the unwanted effect it was having on him. The more Emra’s smooth fingers glided, the harder his cock became, arousing within him an excitement and thrill that he had never experienced before. He briefly fantasised that it was Barbara teasing him there, before shivering slightly at the thought of her long painted fingernails.
“Please raise your hips so I can take towel,” Emra whispered as he released Steve’s soapy buttocks and lightly touched his thigh. Steve slightly raised his middle to allow the youth to carefully remove the towel as the boy once again whispered, “Turn over now please.”
Steve opened his eyes and looked back to see Emra holding the towel slightly aloft of his buttocks in a clear indication of his intention to protect his patron’s modesty. Immediately he had rolled over on to his back, the Turkish youth draped the fluffy fabric carefully across his midriff, each of them immediately aware of the evident protrusion.
“I, erm, I’m…, well, I’m sorry,” he spluttered in embarrassment, looking first at Emra and then across to the similarly positioned Mehmet.
“Do not worry, my friend, it is a natural reaction,” the barman said, smiling, before gesticulating to the waiting Tahir. The muscular youth nodded politely and gently removed Mehmet’s towel, allowing it to fall, almost silently, to the floor. Steve immediately blushed as Mehmet’s large, erect circumcised cock stood proudly upwards, the dark coloured veiny skin starkly contrasting against the shiny, slick head.
“Do not be embarrassed,” Mehmet continued, “It is ok to be naked in this place. We are amongst only men.” The barman nodded in Emra’s direction, prompting the youth to reach for the corner of Steve’s towel.
“May I take?” he politely enquired, quizzically raising his left eyebrow. Steve once again glanced across at the smiling Mehmet before slowly nodding his assent. As the towel dropped to the floor, four sets of eyes gazed intently at the smooth, lily-white, foreskin covered erection, starkly contrasted against the bronzed skin of the squaddies flat stomach.
“You are in good shape, my friend,” the barman said, with a wink, before relaxing back into the mattress, closing his eyes and spreading his hairy legs a little wider apart. Steve instinctively followed suit, no longer knowing or caring where this was all leading, his cock countermanding any warnings from his brain.
As both boys worked their respective patrons’ stomach and legs with the still warm foaming gel, they looked across at each other and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the results of their efforts. Neither erection showed any sign of subsiding as both men lay perfectly still, willingly immersing themselves in the sheer eroticism of the youths’ skilful hands. Every muscle caressed, every sinew stroked, Steve relaxed deep into the mattress, his mind awash with colour as the smooth fingers stimulated him with dexterity and finesse. On several occasions he felt sure that, as the hands moved systematically up the inside of his legs, Emra’s fingertips came into contact with his exposed balls, but he cared little, immersed as he was in the wondrously relaxing effect of the youth’s talented ministrations.
Suddenly, Steve gasped loudly and sat bolt upright as he felt a drop of warm gel land directly on the base of his stiffened shaft. He stared, wide-eyed, at the smiling youth as a second drop was meticulously placed on the foreskin-encased head. Using only the tip of the first finger of his right hand, Emra carefully linked the two blobs of liquid, creating a shiny trail along the length of the shell-shocked squaddie’s twitching cock. Unable to form any coherent words, Steve once again glanced across to his right to see Tahir actively washing and massaging Mehmet’s stiff cock, the prostrate barman unashamedly writhing in clear delight at the youth’s sensual touch. Temporarily mesmerised by the view across from him, he momentarily forgot the cause of his startled state until Emra asked, in a low voice, “You like?” Still unable to form words, Steve simply nodded and once again slumped back into the black vinyl, any last vestige of resistance fading away as the young Turk gently grasped his throbbing shaft.
Steve groaned and writhed with abandon as the combination of the smooth soapy gel and Emra’s soft skilful fingers danced a symphony on his engorged cock. Alternating between firm solid strokes, and almost imperceptible feather-like touches, the young masseur took complete control of the older man, paralysing him in ecstatic fervour. Each stroke subtly different from the last, each touch slightly varying in its length and pressure, Steve began to writhe in unprecedented ecstasy, the pressure in his groin building with every touch of the handsome youth’s hands. Just as he felt he was about to explode in wild orgasm everything stopped, leaving the panting squaddie shaking and groaning in abject frustration. Before he could open his eyes he felt the soft, fluffy fabric of the previously abandoned towel being dabbed gently against his engorged cock, the fibres still stimulating his tender tool, but in no way emulating the masterful hands of his young masseur. It was all he could do to prevent himself from reaching for his cock and finishing off what had already been started, his surroundings and his company the only things holding him back.
Unbeknown to Steve, Emra glanced inquisitively across at Mehmet. The avidly watching barman simply nodded in response to the boy’s raised eyebrow and, without further hesitation, the slender youth leaned forward and engulfed the foreskin covered head of the squaddie’s cock in his warm, moist mouth. “What the…” Steve exclaimed, raising himself onto his elbows and staring down, in disbelief, at the hunched over youth.
“Relax, my friend, it is all part of the service here,” Mehmet said in a reassuring tone, “it feels good, yes?”
“Urrrgghh,” was the only response that Steve could muster as Emra’s tongue began to gently massage the swollen head of his engorged tool, delicately lapping at the tip of the foreskin and subtly working its way inside. “Oh Jeez,” he groaned as he lay back flat, his resistance completely and utterly shattered.
“Good man, just relax and enjoy,” Mehmet said in a calm tone. Taking his cue from Emra, Tahir bent forward and gently kissed the cock of the spread-eagled barman.
Both men lay back, breathing heavily and wallowing in the attentive oral talents of the two Turkish youths. Mehmet, no stranger to the delights of the Hamam, clasped his hands behind his head and spread his legs a little wider, allowing Tahir a full and unfettered sphere of access. Steve, in contrast, lay rigidly still, his whole body semi-paralysed in a combination of shock and undeniable pleasure. Was this really happening? Why had he allowed it to happen? Why did it feel so good? Was it really so wrong? A maelstrom of questions flashed through his mind, each serving only to further confuse his hormone ravaged mind. One thing he was sure about, however, was the rigidity of his cock, the solid shaft showing no signs abating despite his unease and doubt.
Without ceasing his delicate tongue movements, Emra slowly tugged on Steve’s smooth white shaft, carefully drawing back the large foreskin. The poleaxed squaddie gasped loudly as the moist tongue made contact with his exposed glans, each flick sending a thousand tingles of excitement ricocheting throughout his lower body, each touch weakening his rapidly fading resistance. “Oh yeah…” he moaned, almost inaudibly, as the talented Emra slowly swirled his tongue around the whole of the exposed head, paying extra attention to that special place, the place that Steve, until then, thought only he knew of. The last traces of tension disappeared as his arms dropped down alongside the marble table, subliminally signalling the end of any hint of reluctance. “Oh fuck, yeah,” he groaned, more loudly than before, as he passively allowed the talented Emra to take him to places he never once imagined that he would visit.
The sound of Mehmet’s encouraging voice briefly drew him out of his erotic reverie. “Good boy, good boy, that’s it!” he heard the barman purr. Partially opening his eyes, he looked across to see the muscular Tahir, still hunched over the table, expertly taking the full length of the barman’s thick cut cock deep into his throat; his lips pushed firmly against Mehmet’s bushy black pubes. Steve looked down towards Emra, momentarily staring him directly in the eye as the youth lavishly tongue worshipped his throbbing cock, before looking back across to the scene on the adjacent table. As if reading the lust crazed squaddie’s mind, Emra slowly and deliberately moved his head lower and, inch by inch, the full length of Steve’s substantial tool slid gracefully into teen boy’s tight warm throat.
Oh Fuck! Fuck, yeah!” the squaddie gasped as Emra’s lips brushed against his neatly trimmed pubic patch. The tip of his cock rubbed erotically against the soft wall of the boy’s throat as the magic tongue gently resuming its lapping motions against the root of his fully enveloped tool. He was no stranger to blowjobs; up until now, he had felt sure that Barbara had one of the most talented mouths on the planet, but this was different. This was complete. This was forbidden. This was taboo.
Electrifying darts of pleasure swept throughout his entire body as his cock was erotically stimulated at both ends. Closing his eyes, and allowing himself to unashamedly wallow in the novel delight of the talented Turkish boy’s mouth, images of Barbara began to effortlessly morph into visions of the exotic youth. Every lap of the tongue, every swallowing motion that the determined Emra instigated serving to drive him ever closer to an inevitable orgasm, Steve finally cast away any last lingering doubts and submerged himself fully in the joyous ecstasy that the beautiful Turkish youth was inducing.
“Fuck yeah, Emra, keep doing that,” he groaned, his hips beginning to thrash wildly under the boy’s sustained oral stimulation. Partially opening one eye, he glanced across to see Mehmet in a near identical state of euphoria, his midriff bucking hard against Tahir’s dark-skinned face. As the hairy barman’s whole body convulsed, Steve watched transfixed as his large hands suddenly moved across and gripped the back of the bowed boy’s head. Holding the youth firmly in place, Mehmet’s whole midriff thrust upwards in an almost violent lurch as he uttered a grunted diatribe in Turkish, the sentiment of which, if not the exact words, was patently clear. As he watched the barman orgasm directly into the throat of the accommodating youth, Steve felt a familiar and unstoppable rising in his own groin. Lying back on the soft vinyl mattress, he closed his eyes and allowed the inevitable to happen.
“Oh God, yes, I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” he almost yelled as his cock throbbed powerfully. A split second later the squaddie, squirming uncontrollably as his cock-head pulsated, felt the first volley of hot sperm shoot against the back of his masseur’s throat, closely followed by four more robust expulsions, each one expertly dealt with by the tenacious youth’s rhythmic swallowing. “Oh God, yeah, take it, take it,” he cried as he gloried in the power and sensuality of the moment, unashamedly thrilled by the perversity of having his juices consumed by such a youthful beauty.
In silence, and with consummate dexterity, Emra gently continued his oral stimulation, swallowing deeply until the squaddie lay still and leaden, the only sign of life the rapidly diminishing sound of his post orgasmic breathlessness. Steve slowly opened his eyes to look down and witness the boy allowing his slightly softened cock to slip effortlessly out of his warm, moist mouth. Emra looked him directly in the eye and broke out into a broad grin as his slick cock flopped lifelessly against his sweat glistened stomach. Steve, without any hesitation, returned the smile, a warming ecstatic afterglow overwhelming any other temporarily suppressed emotions. Laying back he slowly shook his head, partly in disbelief at what had just happened, partly in surprise at the power and intensity of his mind-blowing orgasm.
He looked across to his right to see Mehmet staring directly at him, grinning wildly. “It was good, yes?” the barman asked, seemingly rhetorically. Unable to form anything vaguely resembling coherent words, Steve nodded slightly and returned Mehmet’s smile. As the two men stared at each other, unashamedly naked and spent, Emra and Tahir stood attentively at the base of their respective tables, each displaying obvious signs of arousal beneath their short, white towels.
It was Mehmet who eventually broke the eerie silence between the four. “Come, my friend,” he said softly, standing to guide Steve up from the marble table, “We can bathe in the next room.” Leading the still naked squaddie through the double doors from which the boys had originally appeared, Mehmet silently signalled for Emra and Tahir to follow. As they entered the adjoining room Steve was greeted by the sight of an ornate sunken plunge pool, filled with glistening clear blue water. Although different from the previous room in colour and layout, the ever present sparkling marble continued throughout, leaving Steve to absent-mindedly wonder just how rich one would have to be to own such an opulent paradise. Before he could give his own question any serious level of thought, Mehmet guided him carefully down the steps into the beautifully warm pool.
Both men bobbed and dunked in silence, the clear water clouding slightly as the residue of the cleansing massage gel washed, seemingly effortlessly, off their naked bodies. Emra and Tahir stood by attentively at the side of the pool, each armed with a fresh white towel. When the men finally emerged both boys instinctively wrapped the soft fluffy fabric around their respective beau and, carefully and attentively, patted their naked bodies dry. Steve shuddered slightly as Emra delicately rubbed the towel against his not entirely flaccid cock, wary, as he was, of springing another erection at the hands of the sensuous youth. Once satisfied that their duties had been suitably fulfilled, the youths nodded silently at the two towel-clad men before gracefully exiting through the large white doors.