The Twilight War: The Secret History of America's Thirty-Year Conflict with Iran (122 page)

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in negotiations with new Iranian government, 26, 27, 87

on Soviet influence on Iran, 68

Central Command (CENTCOM):

Abizaid becomes commander, 513

on bilateral defense arrangements with Gulf countries, 169–72

bureaucratic opposition to sea-based force, 289–92

Crist becomes commander, 164–66

on dealing with Iranians in Iraq, 512–13

in defense of Kuwaiti tankers, 215–17, 230–31, 233, 243, 261–62, 266–67

and Defense Reorganization Act, 173

on drawing down forces in Persian Gulf, 372

establishment of, 54–56

exercises in Persian Gulf in 1995, 398

Fallon becomes commander, 532

Franks becomes commander, 417

intelligence gathering authorized for sea-based force, 285–86

“invisible hand in reverse” plan, 418, 419

on Iranian ballistic missile program, 557–58

and Iranian blockade of Iraq, 168–69

on Iranian influence in post-Saddam Iraq, 471, 473

and Iranian mining campaign, 240

Kingston as first commander, 54, 58

maintains military-to-military ties after Iran-Contra affair, 206

in Operation Staunch, 102

plans to overthrow Islamic Republic, 397, 399, 407–9, 418, 454

recent commanders, 568–69

regional responses to, 56–57

revised plan for Soviet invasion of Iran, 59–60, 78

attack, 335–38

Schwarzkopf becomes commander, 371

Zinni becomes commander, 406

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):

agents in Iran arrested in 1988, 372–79

agents in Iran arrested in 2011, 556

agents killed in U.S. embassy bombing in Beirut, 132

Ahmadi recruited by, 462–63

and attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 142, 143, 144

Bush family connections, 428

and Clinton on overthrowing Saddam Hussein, 391

covert action budget for, 400–401, 410

drone flights of, 540, 556–57

in Eagle Claw operation, 31–32

Fadlallah assassination attempt, 157–58

and Hezbollah, 156

intelligence as key to Iraqi victory, 370

in Iran-Contra affair, 186–89, 190, 195, 196

and Iranian attacks on Saudi Arabia, 300–303

in Iranian coup of 1953, 10, 69, 544

Iranian military officers recruited by, 72–74

on Iranian nuclear program, 393, 553–55

and Iranian Revolution, 14, 15, 17, 20

Iranians discover spy network of, 82–83

and Iran-Iraq War, 102–5, 588n42

on Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 109

and Khobar Towers attack, 409

kidnappings attempted by, 157

Kingston’s connections with, 58–59, 79

on links between Iraq and September 11, 427

means of communicating with agents, 75–76

on Mecca uprising plan, 262, 301

operations in Iran, 65–83

paramilitary effort in Iran, 78–81, 358

on al-Qaeda presence in Iran, 437–38

on reform movement in Iran, 494

signals collection station at Ilam, 87

Stinger missiles given to Afghan mujahideen, 302

surveillance aircraft of, 312–16, 323, 371, 609n39

Chalabi, Ahmed, 447–48, 469, 472, 502

Chamran, Mostafa, 91–92, 93, 124

Chandler, David, 337, 341, 342, 343–46, 347, 351, 355

Charles, Sandra, 163, 205, 214, 381

Cheney, Elizabeth, 495, 496, 497, 499, 502

Cheney, Richard B., 416

on Abizaid’s Iran strategy, 516

and George W. Bush’s freedom agenda, 486

and Chalabi, 447, 469

on counterattack against Iranian interference in Iraq, 526, 532–34

on drawing down U.S. forces in Persian Gulf, 372

on establishing U.S. consulate in Tehran, 503

and Iranian-provided EFPs, 524, 525

Iran policy, 444, 445, 474–75

on overthrowing Saddam Hussein as having positive effect on Iran, 475

on plan to kill al-Zarqawi, 438

on Rice’s negotiations of 2006, 503–4

and “road map” document for normalizing relations with Iran, 479

and September 11, 2001, attacks, 423

and war on terrorism, 427

Chizari, Mohsen, 527

Clarke, Richard, 405, 408, 618n20

Clinton, William Jefferson:

attack, 417, 419, 619n4

Iran policy, 389–92, 400

and Khobar Towers attack, 409, 412, 413

military officer corps and, 416

overtures toward Khatami, 411–15, 419

trade with Iran limited, 399–400

attack, 417–18, 419, 619n4

Crist, George B.:

Bernsen relieved of command, 320

on bilateral defense arrangements with Gulf countries, 169–72

incident, 243, 244, 246, 247

and Brooks’s joint task force, 310–11

and Carlucci’s new more aggressive policy toward Iran, 323–24

as CENTCOM commander, 2–3, 164–66, 371

and CIA aircraft, 316

in defense of Kuwaiti tankers, 215–17, 266–67

feud with Lyons, 268–70, 271

on Gulf states agreeing to joint operations, 242

Iran Ajr
seizure, 297

and Iranian attacks on Saudi Arabia, 303

and Iranian blockade of Iraq, 168–69

on Iranian “Martyrdom” exercise, 263

and Iranian mining campaign, 239, 240, 248, 251, 255

and Lyons’s Window of Opportunity plan, 257, 270

on maintaining military-to-military ties after Iran-Contra affair, 206

new headquarters proposed by, 269

attack, 334, 335, 336, 337, 344, 354, 356

sea-based plan for dealing with Iranians, 275, 276–92

and slipping
past Strait of Hormuz, 260–61

incident, 226, 228, 229

and takeover of U.S. embassy in Tehran, 28–29

Crocker, Ryan, 429–30

on Arab-Persian animosity, 467–68

negotiations on Iranian intervention in Iraq, 534–35, 536

negotiations with Iran in Geneva, 429–34, 441, 478, 479

negotiations with Zarif, 457–59

Crouch, Jack Dyer “J. D.”, 491–93, 495, 502, 527, 531

Crowe, William, 172–73

and bilateral defense arrangements with Gulf countries, 169

incident, 244, 245, 246

and Brooks, 321

and Carlucci’s new more aggressive policy toward Iran, 323–24

and CIA aircraft, 313, 316, 609n30

on communications between U.S. and Iraqis, 231, 232

and Crist-Lyons feud, 268–69

and Crist’s plan for dealing with Iranians, 275, 281, 283, 290–92

on Defense Reorganization Act, 173–74

Farsi Island seizure urged by, 257

Iran Ajr
seizure, 296–97

and Iran-Contra affair, 190

and Iranian attacks on Saudi Arabia, 300, 303

on Iranian “Martyrdom” exercise, 263

and Iranian mining campaign, 239, 240, 242–43, 248–49, 252, 253

and Kuwaiti request to reflag tankers, 215

and Lyons, 256–57, 266–68, 270–74

attack, 334–37, 354–56

on shooting down Iran Air Flight 655, 369

in slipping
past Strait of Hormuz, 259–61

incident, 229

on U.S. Navy conservatism, 233

cyber warfare, 551–52

Daqduq, Ali Musa, 530

Dawa Party (Iraq), 86, 467, 559

Dawa Party (Kuwait), 154, 155, 200, 382, 386

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 358–59

attack, 619n4

on Free Iraqi Forces, 448

intelligence given to Iran, 187, 370

on Iranian attack on Basra, 95

on Iranian boats at Bushehr, 303

on Iranian-provided EFPs, 523

and Iranian Silkworm missiles, 218

Iraqi military briefed by, 360–62

and Kingston’s back channel for intelligence, 59

in planning for invasion of Iran, 45

investigation, 227

Defense Reorganization (Goldwater-Nichols) Act, 173–74, 232, 268, 269

Democracy Project, 496–98

Dempsey, Martin, 557, 567, 570

Denehy, David, 496–97

Dobbins, James, 433–36, 439, 457

Donilon, Tom, 540–41, 570

Dunbar, Charles, 200–201

Dyer, Donald, 316, 323, 337, 342–43, 348, 351–53, 356

Eagle Claw, 31–32

Earnest Will operation, 229, 240, 243, 268–69, 278, 286, 316, 321, 372, 385, 399, 430

EFPs (enhanced formed projectiles), 520–25, 527, 530–32


anti-Khomeini radio broadcasts from, 77

Bright Star exercises, 44

and George W. Bush’s freedom agenda, 487


in Central Command, 55

democracy lacking in, 435

and Iran-Iraq War, 100–101

and Red Sea mining, 235–36

U.S. bases established in, 40–41

Escudero, Stanley, 18–20

Evancoe, Paul, 283, 297, 299, 304–9

Fadavi, Ali, 365–66, 367, 368

Fadlallah, Muhammad Hussein, 127–28, 150, 157–58, 386–87, 591n13

Fahd, King (Saudi Arabia), 56, 97, 236

Fahd Line, 162, 607n41

Fallon, Joseph “Fox,” 532–33, 560, 568

Feith, Douglas:

on Chalabi, 448

on Iran as terrorist organization, 445

on Iranian influence in Iraq, 470–71, 481

on overthrowing Saddam Hussein having positive effect on Iran, 452, 453

on regime change in Iran as part of war on terrorism, 451, 454

and “road map” document for normalizing relations with Iran, 479

on Russia and Iranian nuclear program, 623n35

and September 11, 2001, attacks, 425

in war on terrorism, 426, 427, 433

Foster, Paul F.
(ship), 406–7

Francona, Rick, 360, 361, 362

Franklin, Larry, 430, 449, 450, 453

Franks, Tommy:

on broad options for retaliating against Iran, 417

and Free Iraqi Forces, 502

“invisible hand in reverse” plan, 418, 419

on Iranian influence in Iraq, 471, 472, 473

on overthrowing Saddam Hussein having positive effect on Iran, 455

on plan for bringing about regime change in Iran, 454

steps down as CENTCOM commander, 513

updates Bush on U.S. invasion of Iraq, 439

Free Iraqi Forces, 448, 502

Gates, Robert:

and attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 142

Bush administration continues to share intelligence with Iraq, 385

on Casey, 66

concern about being pulled into conflict with Iran, 567

on conditions for normal relations with Iran, 386

and counterattack against Iranian interference in Iraq, 528, 533, 535–36

Fallon fired by, 560

in Iran-Contra affair, 187

on Kingston’s CIA connections, 59

on North, 182

in Obama administration, 540

on stationing cruisers in Persian Gulf, 558

George, Clair, 103–4, 156, 316

Geraghty, Timothy, 115–18, 120, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138

Ghadir plan, 238–39, 297

Ghorbanifar, Manucher:

claims to have information about Buckley, 178–79

in Iran-Contra affair, 181–84, 186–92, 194–95, 198, 596n16, 596n21

proposes anti-Iran plan to Bush administration, 449–51

Gingrich, Newt, 400, 430, 433, 448, 495, 500

Giraldi, Philip, 72, 73, 81, 82, 374–76, 378

(ship), 249, 250, 260–61, 269, 272, 283, 304, 326

Guldimann, Tim, 476–79

Gulf Security Dialogue, 516–17

Gulf War (1990–1991):

Hussein neutralized by, 390

Iranian behavior during, 385–86

Iran’s military thinking influenced by, 396

Shia uprising in Iraq, 388

U.S. concern about removing Saddam Hussein, 513

Haass, Richard, 381, 389, 419–20, 478

Habib, Philip, 107–8, 110, 112, 117

Hadley, Stephen:

and Ahmadinejad’s election, 501

becomes national security adviser, 487

on establishing U.S. consulate in Tehran, 503

and Ghorbanifar plan, 448, 449, 451

and Iran Action Plan, 496

and Iranian-provided EFPs, 524

and new Iran strategy for Bush’s second term, 491–92, 495

on reform movement in Iran, 494

and transition to Obama administration, 540

and U.S. counterattack against Iranian interference in Iraq, 526, 528, 530

Haig, Alexander:

Huyser’s mission opposed, 8, 21

on including Israel in CENTCOM, 57

and Iranian Revolution, 7, 8, 24

and Iran-Iraq War, 587n8

on Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 109–11

on providing arms to Iran, 595n5

and rapid deployment force, 38

and seizure of U.S. embassy in Tehran, 28

al-Hakim, Abdul Aziz, 467, 471

al-Hakim, Muhammad Baqir, 467, 481, 483, 484, 518

Hakimi, Kanoush, 74, 217–18, 378

Hamas, 392, 394–95, 456, 476

Hamdan, Osama, 130, 394–95

Hart, Howard, 63, 80, 313

Hashemi, Mehdi, 183, 194, 198, 200

Hays, Ronald, 255, 258–61, 270–73, 281

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 437–38, 442


attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 134

in Buenos Aires bombing, 394

as concern in escalating conflict with Iran, 287

counterintelligence unit, 555–56

EFPs used by, 520

Fadlallah and, 128

formation of, 125, 131

Hashemi and, 183

hijacking of TWA flight, 155

Iran-Contra affair and hostages held by, 156, 177, 181, 185–86, 188, 193–95, 197–98, 199–200, 380–88

Iranian support for, 76, 123, 178, 391, 392, 395, 419, 432, 445, 456, 476, 479, 501

in Iron Lightning plan, 407

and Khobar Towers attack, 403–4

Mugniyah and, 130

Saudi, 401–2

in U.S. occupied Iraq, 519, 521, 522, 550, 558

war with Israel, 2, 394, 535

Hillen, John, 516–17

incident, 559–60

Hussein, King (Jordan), 206, 359–60

Hussein, Saddam, 85

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