The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) (19 page)

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Authors: Buffy Christopher

BOOK: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)
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Not yet.
You are going to learn control.
Don’t you remember what happened the first time you scented her?
You almost attacked her.
We are going to train you brain and your cat to react less violently.”

“Fuck that just give me the damn shirt.”
Gavin made a grab for the bag.

“I will burn the shirt unless you play nice.
What’s it going to be?”
Ian grinned at Gavin and the cub scowled hard
Then he sighed and fell onto his back.

Teach me control.”
Gavin laid there naked and flung an arm over his eyes.

“You ready to go again?” Ian was proud of the cub.
He knew he had the balls for this he just had to reach inside himself and find his strength.

sat up as Ian cracked the bag again.
The cub lunged and Ian danced backwards.

“Fight the need, Gavin, next your body’s going to try and shift on you, fight the change.”
Ian left the bag open as Gavin crawled toward him, breathing deep and cussing Ian to hell and back.
Gavin’s body cinched up into a ball and part
him started to morph.
Ian closed the bag.
He didn’t want to lose him to the change all the way. “Keep breathing, Gav.
Fill your lungs. Focus on you
staying human.”

Gavin grunted.
“Can still smell her.”
His face rounded his bone stretching at odd angles, then came back to normal.

“You’re doing it, you’re keeping your human form.”
Ian grabbed the zipper again
“Ready for more?”

Gavin groaned
but nodded.
Ian opened the bag.

He trained with the cub for an hour.
Gavin did really well considering and on
thing was clear.
Shelly was his mate and Gavin was determined to best his instincts.
Ian was proud of him, he, himself, was proof of what a horny weretiger could accomplish with patience.




Ian picked Andy up at seven.
He took her
to the same club they had met at and spent the night dancing.

“That was so much fun!”
Andy laughed as the door to her house tumbled open, Ian close on her heels.
“I love to dance and you’re so good at it.”

“That’s what happens when you grow up with so many sisters.”
Ian shut the door behind him and leaned against it as Andy pulled off her short jacket and tossed it and her purse onto her kitchen table.

“You want a drink?”
Andy glanced over her shoulder as she pulled off her red stilettos.

Ian’s eyes roamed over her voluptuous body as she bent over.
She had the best figure he had ever seen on a female and he wanted her, badly.

“Sure I could us a drink.”
He pushed off the door and followed Andy into her small kitchen.

She was already leaning into the fridge.
Andy pulled out a couple of Cokes as she straightened up.
Andy shut the door with a bump of her hip a wide
grin stretched across her face. S
he looked light as a feather, like all her worries had faded away.

Good that was exactly what Ian wanted.
He wouldn’t have his mate worrying over the actions of another man.
Stupid human, threaten his mate?

What’s wrong?”
Andy paused in front of him a frown suddenly creasing her brow.

Sorry I was just thinking.”

“About what?
You look ready to kill someone.”
Andy took a step back, clearly afraid of what she saw in Ian’s face.

This was not what he wanted.
Andy was his mate and she would never fear him.
He softened his expression as he reached for her and drew her up close to his chest.

“Really nothing, I’m fine.”
Ian placed a gentle kiss on her fore head.
“How about that drink?”

“Oh, here.”
Andy handed him the can and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the living room.

plopped down on
to the couch and popped the top
his drink.

Andy glanced over, a gentle blush stealing up her cheeks, making them rosy.

Ian shifted and brought his knee up as he sat sideways on the sofa, his arm stretched out on the back of it.
He leaned over and set his can on her glass coffee table.

Andy was perched on the edge of the couch as if she might bolt at any second both hands clutched the can tight as if it was a life line holdi
ng her afloat

Ian gazed at her profile for a second before reaching out the brush away her gloss black hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.
Her cheeks were still warm with color her eyes locked on her can.

Ian breathed her name as he reached around and laid his hand on the back of her neck.
He massaged gently trying to loosen the new tension in her body.
Oh the ways he could loosen her tension.
Andy slumped suddenly and set her coke on the coffee table then reached for his free hand.

Andy pulled the palm into her lap and she gazed at it.
What was she thinking?
She used her index finger to trail a path over the back of his hand as if she traced the veins that ran through it.
Then she turned it over and glided the pad of her finger over his palm.
The tickle of her finger didn’t even begin to touch the fire that blazed to life inside him.
His cat unfurled in his head and stretch as his mate petted him.
Even the small caress made blood surge through him into his cock.
He needed her so much.
Had he waited long enough to take her?

“I love your hands.
They’re so strong and…big.”
Andy’s breathe hitched on the last word making Ian wonder if she was talking about his hand at all.

Ian leaned forward careful not to pull his hand from her seeking fingers.
He kissed her temple and then her cheek before trailing to her ear.
He nuzzled her gently while breathing in her sweet rose scent.
At first her choice of perfume tonight had overpowered his heightened sense of smell, but it had worn off as the night wore on.
Now the rosy smell l
ingered on her skin

“I want you, Andy.”
Ian whispered gently as he traced her ear with his tongue, pulling her ever closer with his grip on the back of her neck.

Andy’s hold on his hand tightened and she turned her head meet
his lips.
She hadn’t denied wanting him back.

Ian hoped that was a good thing as he allowed her to kiss his lips.
He parted for her and her little tongue darted out to taste him.
He smiled at her eagerness and when she ventured out again he captured her tongue with his.
Twining their tongues together Ian moved his arms around her to pull her to him.
She tasted like the Coke she had just sipped and as he devoured her mouth, she moaned against him, the sound dieing inside him.
The kiss intensified as Andy advanced on Ian.
Surprised he popped his eyes open as she pushed against his chest.
He held firm.

“Ian, lay back for me.”
Andy pushed again.

What game was his little minx playing?
Ian leaned back against the arm on the sofa
is leg up so it bent at the knee and sat against the
of the couch, his other foot still on the floor, his legs opened in a V.
He placed one arm behind his head waiting for her next move.

Andy pulled her knees up under her and she perched between his thighs.

Ian’s cock throbbed behind the confines of his jeans as he stared at her.
She looked like an excited girl, her skirt full around her, her hands on her knees.
Her ample breasts were pushed together from the stance of her arms and bubbled at the top of her dress.
What color would her nipples be?

“I…I’ve wanted to ask you something.”
Andy’s eyes closed for a second like she summoned courage.
“Do you remember the first night at the club when we talked about our most embarrassing moments?”

“Sure I do.
How could I forget the night I first laid eyes on you?”
Ian reached out and caressed her cheek.
She leaned into him her eyes blinking long and slow as if she were savoring his touch.
Andy was so funny
sometimes she reacted just like a cat.

“Well, ever since that night, and all the phone calls we’ve had together, there’s only one thing I can think about.”
She stopped dead still as if the world depended on her next words.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for sex yet, but I want to see you masturbate.”
Her cheeks blushed a bright red almost matching the color on her lips.

Ian raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Of all the things he had envisioned for tonight, this had never even crossed his mind.
Since she had suggested it…Ian grabbed the hem of his dress shirt and pulled it from his jeans.

“No! Wait.”
Andy threw her hands out at him to stop him.
“I want to do it.
Um, undress you I mean.”

Ian stopped and moved his hands away.

Her eyes jumped with excitement as she leaned forward over him, her heavy breasts almost brushing his now very hard cock.
She reached for the top button on his shirt her eyes locked on his.
They danced from his face to the buttons as her hands worked first one then the next.
When she had unbuttoned the whole thing, she parted the material gently as though
a present.
Ian couldn’t help the way the muscles jumped in his pecs as her gaze swept his chest.
She reached out a hand and licked her lower lip making it glisten.

“May I?”
Andy stared at him her hand hovering over his chest.

Had his mate actually just asked his permission to touch him? Ridiculous.

Ian grabbed her hand and placed it on his right pec.
Her fingers were warm as they curled over his skin.

Andy stroked her hand down his chest then rubbed her fingers through the light dusting of blond hair.

Again her hand on his body sent a surge through him
his balls tingle
Ian closed his
eyes and savored how warm her hand was as it grazed down his abs to his jeans.
Ian opened his eyes and watched as she trailed her fingers over his waist band and then found the button on his pants.
His cock twitched as she tugged the denim and the button slid free.
She grabbed his zipper and Ian noticed she held her breathe as if waiting in anticipation for what she would find.
t seemed like an eternity past
before she tugged the zipper down over his erect cock. With a last tug on the zipper his cock sprung free of the denim, obviously excited to get closer to Andy’s touch.

Andy sucked in a breath and shifted back on her heels as his cock settled down in an arch over his stomach.
Her eyes widened and she licked her lips again.

Ian suppressed a groan at the sight of her luscious little tongue so near his erection.
What would it be like to slide between her full lips and into the heat of her mouth?
His cock throbbed and bounced slightly against his belly.

Andy sat as if frozen.
She just stared at his cock, wide eyed.

Ian ran his hand down his chest over his stomach.
He rubbed his hand over his cock, he ached so much it almost hurt.
Ian put both hands in the sides of his jeans and pulled them down just enough to expose his balls.
He reached into the space and adjusted himself, rubbing them just enough to grab Andy’s gaze as he lifted them.
He trailed his hand up his cock.

As his finger wrapped around his shaft Andy’s eyes followed the movement.
He stroked himself once from
to tip then allowed his hand
slide back down.
The skin on his cock was soft as it moved over the hard inner core of him.

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