The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) (9 page)

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Authors: Buffy Christopher

BOOK: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)
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He turned into the parking lot of The Haven.
Edge used it as pack head quarters, which only made sense.
Ian pulled into the nearest space and turned off the car.
out scanning his surroundings as he did.
You could never be too cautious.
He started toward the door as he hit the key pad and the car chirped as the alarm set.
At the entrance he swiped his badge and saw Edge waiting for him behind the lobby desk.
It had been almost two years since he walked in here
for the first time
and the crisp clean atmosphere still shocked him.

Edge, with his long dark
hair pulled back in a ponytail,
his black muscle shirt and jeans looked the exact same as he had when Ian had first met him.
The alpha stood up and came around the desk.
He pulled Ian into a hug and patted him firmly on the back.

Ian had tried to get used to the new friendly Edge, but it was still a little strange.
He had become so…huggy since Ivy got pregnant, like his emotions and hormones were raging with hers.

“How you doing?”
Edge stepped back and dropped his arms
, a big grin on his face

“I’m good.
They ready for me?”
Ian wiped his hands on his
Like it or not he was nervous.
This was a big day for him.
A lot of his future depended on this meeting going well.

“We’re just waiting on Tracey.
Come on.”
Edge motioned with his head and turned down the hall.
Ian followed him, breathing in the scents of the people who had passed through the hall.
Alex, Chad
, Jeremy,
and Dj.
The elder members of the pack they were all about
Edge’s age and had pledged their
devotion to their alpha at an early age.

Ian wondered if being Ivy’s brother would give him an advantage with them.
They all adored Ivy and had taken her in as one of their own the minute Edge announced her as his mate.
Edge stopped in front of the same small gym room that he and Edge had fought the Challenge for Ivy in.
To be considered a worthy male Edge had to best Ian in a fight.
It was really no contest, but Ian knew his family would have wanted to adhere to tradition even if Edge was an alpha.
Ian went in cocky on purpose to provoke Edge and see if he could hold his tem
Edge had proved worthy in
Now they stood outside that same door.

Ian held his head up and squared his shoulders.
He had no idea what a pack initiation would include, but he was ready for anything.
Edge opened the door and the voices of the pack males drifted out, some laughed, all sounded deep and rumbled
in a good mood.
They glanced up as one, obviously having sensed their alpha and the room went dead silent.
Eyes narrowed and the testosterone in the room seemed to spike suddenly.
Edge stepped inside.
Ian was about to take a step when a large hand landed on his shoulder.

“You ready to do this cub?”
A gravelly voice from behind him announced Tracey’s arrival and a firm squeeze on his shoulder seemed somehow reassuring.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Ian nodded his head and stepped into the room to face his destiny.

The males in the room formed a semi circle around him as Tracey shut and locked the door.
Edge stood in the center all six foot plus height of him.
All t
he males in the room were large, t
heir shoulders broad.
reminded Ian of the football players he’d faced in high school, except they weren’t wearing pads.

“Let’s begin.”
Edge stepped to the outside of the circle and stood on the bench that was against one wall.
Edge’s voice was a deep sound in the silent room that made Ian look up.
The elders removed their shirts as one and then started to take off their
Their pants followed.
He watched the other
with narrowed eyes cautious of what was about to happen next.

Ian heart thrummed a little faster in his chest as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it out of the circle.
He wasn’t scared exactly.
Butterflies winged in his stomach making him want to shift from foot to foot
but he remained still forcing a calm he didn’t have inside him.
Of course he had assumed
some test of strength would be needed to prove he was worthy, he just wasn’t sure what form it would take.
He removed his running shoes and tossed them, then his jeans and threw them aside as well. When he was naked he stood still, eyes scanning around the
that closed the circle around him.
Edge remained clothed atop the bench.

“Change forms.”
Edge voice boomed again as his hands rose into the air.

Ian dropped onto the ground and willed his changed over his body. His bones protested and popped as his muscles lengthened and stretched.
His arms shortened and then his legs as muscles bunched and grew along his thighs.
His hands and feet rounded and claws shot out of
the new large paws three times the size of the old appendages
His spine snapped and grew becoming more flexible
is face rounded his muzzled formed as his skin stretched over the new bone and his mouth filled with new razor sharp teeth.
Ian moaned as the sensations tore over his body making it ache and hurt.
The pain was worth the transition
r rushed over his body in a wash of orange and black stripes pricking like quills from his pores sharp and thick.
Last his tail grew from his back in a long cord of muscles that whipped around his feet.
panted for a minute as the ache
in his bones died.
It hurt every time even if it did get easier the older he got.
Ian stretched and cracked his back coming to his feet.
He stood in the circle of the other tigers.
He was
n’t surprised to find a cougar
a panther in the mix.
Edge took in strays, but here was the proof.
He shifted on his feet widening his stance, bracing his paws shoulder width apart.

“Begin the Initiation.” Edge slashed his hands through the air in a down ward motion.

Before the nervousness could tie around Ian’s stomach the first tiger, DJ judging by his scent, lunged at him.
Ian held his ground and took the blow by ramming his shoulder into the other tiger’s head.
He grunted at the impact even as adrenaline pumped into his blood stream.
So it was a fight the
Ian could do that.
He side stepped DJ and maneuvered around him just in time to be jumped by Jeremy.
He’s form was more sleek and compact and he was fast
than DJ’s lumbering cat.
He came in low and slashed with his claws out.
Ian jumped back and growled low in his throat then advanced on the other cat with his teeth barred.
He slashed at the cat’s right flank drawing blood as he darted past a shot of pride in his self welling through his body.
Roars met his ear as Edge shouted, “First blood!”

Jeremy sn
arled and turned on Ian in a fu
ry of claws and teeth.
Ian blocked and slashed keeping his throat out of Jeremy
’s reach
They rolled on the floor and finally Ian’s jaws locked on Jeremy’s shoulder pinning him to the ground.
Metallic blood touched his tongue with a spicy tang and Ian couldn’t help but swallow.
Pinned to the mat
Jeremy stopped moving.

“Jeremy’s out.”
Edge announced from his spectator seat.
Jeremy lapped at Ian’s leg as Ian released him and Jeremy exited the circle.
So that was the game.
Ian looked around at the remaining member
of the elders and his anxiety finally wrapped a cord around his chest and pulled.
He had to defeat all of them.
One down five to go.
Ian took a deep breath to calm his raging heartbeat and braced for DJ’s impact as the ti
ger came barreling down on him



When Ian
told he
would have
to meet with the pack elders, he hadn’t expected
to get wiped across the floor.
Five times
He had prevailed, however.

Edge had his arm around
waist and Ian’s other arm slung over
his shoulder.
He practically carried
Ian up the flight of stairs to his apartment.
Ian wasn’t as big as Edge in bulk, but they were pretty much the same height.
Where Edge was bulky, Ian was trimmed and neat, like a swimmer.
He had muscle, but it was proportionate to his size, unlike Edge’s.

“Where’s you
Edge’s voice w
as rough and sounded as
the males teeth were

“Right front pocket.”
Ian could only mumble through his swollen lip
If he talked right the split
back up and hurt like hell.

Edge leaned him against
the doorjamb
and fished through Ian’s pocket.
Ian kept his eyes c
losed as Edge opened the door.
shuffled through, or Ian shuffled
, Edge dragged him
legs not working with him at the moment.
The door slammed behind him as Edge moved into the room.
A light snapped on and Edge grabbed Ian around the waist as he shifted him to sit on the bed, lowering him slowly.
Ian’s breath hitched in pain as Edge clamped his arms around his waist.

“Sorry, man.”
Edge shifted his hold to under his shoulders and helped Ian scoot up the bed until he was able to
back against the pillows.

Ian managed between shallow breaths.
He was pretty sure his ribs were broken.
Ian cracked his eyes to glance at Edge who was untying his shoes and removing them.
“Why…Why didn’t you tell me?”

t was I supposed to tell you
Hey the packs gonna

beat the shit out of you. M
ake sure you fight for all your worth?”
Edge said as he removed the second shoe.

warned me.”
Ian grunted ever
time he spoke.
Damn his jaw hurt.
He’d been probing his teeth with his tongue, trying to make sure they weren’t loose, but they all seemed to be in pretty solid still.

“I couldn’t tell you.
You would have told Ivy and there’s no way she would have allowed what needed to be done.
It’s just like the Challenge.”
Edge eased onto the bed careful not to bump into Ian.
“You have to prove your worthy of the pack.
We can’t just allow outsiders in, even if you are Ivy’s twin.
You’re a male from another pack.”

“Did I…
hurt them?”
Ian slit his eyes again to watch Edge’s face.

“Oh, yeah.”
Edge grinned from ear to ear as his face lit up.
“You did me proud little brother.
I think you broke Tracey’s arm.
He’s never gonna’ live that down.”
Edge ruffled Ian’s hair and then stood up.

The other
s will be by to check on you.
We take care of our own.
You need anything before I take off?”

“No, just
Ian allowed hi
s eyes to fall closed and heard
Edge shut the front door.
Dillon must be out.
That was his last thought before he drifted off.




A creak in the floorboard brought
back awake, his swollen eyes popping open to glare around the room, before his gaze landed on Tracey.
He had a cast on his right arm and a grin on his face.

“Hey little brother.”
Tracey sat on the bed and Ian tensed.
“I brought you this.”
Tracey held out an ice pack and placed it on Ian’s tender jaw.
Ian’s finger crept up slowly and held the pack in place.
So he’d made it.
This was all the proof he needed.
After Tracey the others would show up too, to help him recover.
It was a sign of their acceptance and pride in him that they would
care for him after the fight.
Tracey set a bottle of Advil down on the nightstand.
“You fought well.”

“You, too.”
Ian winced as he breathed in t
o deep.

up and disappeared into the living room.
came back with a small gym bag
and a glass of water.

“Come on, now. w
e gotta

tape those ribs up.”
Tracey pulled Ian up by one arm and managed to get his shirt off.
Working together they managed to bind Ian’s ribs tight then laid him back on the pillows.

“You’re a little pale, you okay?” Tracey seemed to be watching Ian closely for reaction.

Ian just shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“Bullshit.” Tracey sneered and opened the Advil bottle shaking out two into his palm.
“I want you to take these.”
He held out the pills.

“Don’t…want them.”
Ian shook his head and reached for the ice pack to put back on his jaw.

“You’ll take ‘em or I’ll call DJ and we’ll shove ‘em down your throat.”
Tracey had spoken.
He was next in command after Edge and you didn’t argue with him.

Ian held out his hand and Tracey dropped the pills into his palm then retrieved the glass of water.
for humans was a pain reliever. T
o Weres it was like a shot of morphine.
Ian didn’t do drugs, ever, so it was hard for him to suck it up and take the pills.
He managed to force them down and a much pleased Tracey took the glass away.

“You’ll feel better when you wake up.
I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.”
Tracey walked out of the room and shut off the light.

Ian laid there for a few minutes awake
but with his eyes closed.
The fight came rushing back.
He had held his own against the pack elders and that’s all he could hope to do.
He must have done pretty well if Tracey was
there to look after him.
was it then,
was a pack member now.
The guys were tough bastar
ds and they wouldn’t stay down.
Ian would hate to have to do that again.

His thoughts drifted to Andy.
Well, he sure wasn’t going to see her anytime soon.
What day was it anyway?
Saturday, maybe?
The mating moon was a full week away.
He’d be healed up by then.
Ian was positive he’d claim her then, on their first full moon together.
The drugs kicked in and Ian drifted off into a peaceful slumber.




The next time Ian woke his head swam, the room tipped as he tried to sit up, so he gave up and
back down before he fell out of bed.
A noise in the doorway had him turning his head that direction.

DJ stood there with a smile on his face.

“How you feeling
little brother?”
Ian tried to focus on his spiky blond hair and dark eyes, but for the life of him his face remained out of focus.

“Dizzy as all hell.”
Ian rubbed a hand down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut tight and his stomach heaved.
“I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Breath through your nose and keep your eyes shut a minute it’ll all settle down.”
DJ’s footsteps came closer to the bed and then the mattress dipped.
“Open your eyes.”
A bright light shone in first one then the other.
“Gave yourself quite the concussion huh?”

“You the healer?”
Ian winced as DJ took the light away.
A throb behind his eyes
time with his heartbeat.

DJ started an inspection of his body, his ribs especially.

“Christ that hurts.”
Ian groaned as pain flared through his body burning like lightening.
“I thought Tracey was the healer.”

“He dabbles.
Helps when I need him.
He’s got more responsibilities as Edge’s second.
He did a good job on your ribs.
deep while they heal.
Sorry about that by the way.
I didn’t mean to snap them.”
DJ sat back on the bed as Ian brought his face finally into focus.
His surfer looks were at odds with his menacing tiger side in Ian’s opinion.

“It’s okay.
I’ll heal.
Don’t make me take any more of those pills
I hate those things.”
Ian blinked his eyes again as his vision wavered again.

“If you don’t think you need them, I won’t force you
to take them. You need to rest. D
o you need anything else?”
DJ stared down at Ian.

I’m just tired.”
Ian clos
ed his eyes as DJ rose and with a small wave left Ian alone

His mind quickly assessed his body.
His ribs were the worst of it they hurt something fierce and pinched a sharp pain with every breath.
It was like he had been st
ung up and used as a punching bag for the elders.
Even his eyes ached.
Ian tried to ignore the throb in his body as he laid there with his eyes closed.
His skin was sensitive to the rub of the cotton sheet, the sheet seem
ed like sand
everything hurt.

Ian opened his eyes and turned his head to the side.
His gaze fell on the napkin he’d propped up next to the phone.
Rosie’s name and the lit
tle hearts stared back at him.
heart raced for a second as
Andy and her
sweet smell invaded his head again like it had that night at the bar.
His cock hardened just
the memory of her
He had nothing else to do but lie here and heal.
Why not call her?
Ian reached out, straining his already sore muscles as he tried to reach the phone.
His fingertips brushed the cool plastic and he knocked it off the receiver.

Ian sucked in a deep breath and winced as he held it in his lungs preparing for what he had to do to get to the phone.
He heaved himself sideways and
a strangled groan as he
grabbed the cord of the phone.
He used his other arm to grab the cord
, too
and end over end he pulled it all the while cursing the pain that lit his blood on fire, boiling like a small volcano.
Sweat popped out on his forehead
, but
he finally grabbed the handset and pushed his thumb on the off button.

“Son of a bitch!
Damn that hurts.”
Ian panted as he lay still and breathed through the pain.
hard breaths
pulled at the ribs, tearing at them with each motion.
The sharp stabbing slowly calmed as his breathing returned to normal.

“You’re awake.”
Dillon stood in the doorway.

Ian took deep pinching breathes and tried to ignore

“So is there a reason you’re road
Dillon crossed his arms over his chest.

“Joined a new pack.”
Ian sighed at his older brother who glared back at him.

“I can kill them. Y
ou know that.”

“Dillon, they’re my new pack and you know how this stuff is.”

“You’re still my baby brother and this is bullshit.” Dillon was pissed.
Ian could see it in the way his jaw ticked.

“I’ll be fine.
Can you shut the door?” Ian winced when the door slammed.
turned his head and read the number
off the napkin
then punched it into the phone.

Putting it to his ear he listened to it ring.

A soft feminine voice answered.

Ian waited his heart in his throat as he prayed he had the right number and not some fake that she had given him.

Si, Papi
, this is Rosie.
Who’s this?”
More of the same low musical voice.

“This is Ian.
I met you and Andy
the other
night at the club.”
Ian listened carefully as the person on the other line shifted and fabric rustled.

It’s you.
What do you want?”
The soft voice was gone replaced by an annoyed woman.

“What happened to your voice?”
Ian stifled a laugh at the small woman who he remembered from the club.

“That’s my sexy voice.
Not for you.
Why are you calling please?”
Sarcasm dripped from her words.

“I called because I’d like to talk to Andy.
Can I have her phone number?”
Ian smirked at Rosie’s ornery tone.
He could just imagine how feisty she was in real life.

“Well, now that depends.
I could give you her phone number… if you play your cards right.
How long was your last relationship?”

Ian blinked at looked at the phone.
Was she serious?

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