Read The Tycoon's Tender Triumph Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Tycoon's Tender Triumph (14 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Tender Triumph
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“That’s basically it, yes.”




“That’s business.  Many of those men in there have asked me to be on their board of directors or are in business with me themselves.”


“And they know that all your ventures are profitable.”


Sam only nodded his head.  “I have a bit of luck on my side.”


Chloe laughed.  “You have a bit of financial genius, Sam.  Don’t be coy.”


Sam chuckled.  “I’ve never been accused of being coy.”


They pulled into her driveway at that point and Sam turned off the engine.  “Invite me inside, Chloe.”


She couldn’t believe she actually thought about it.  He was very tempting as he leaned one arm against the steering wheel and the other on the back of her seat.  “I’m not inviting you inside.”


“Why not?”


“Because it would be pointless.”  She reached down and unlatched her seat belt, not daring to look at him. 


“I could change your mind.”


That brought her head back up.  “Please don’t,” she whispered.


He considered her request for a long moment.  “I’ll make a deal with you.  I won’t try and convince you to invite me inside, even though we both know it would be incredible…” he put a finger over her lips when she started to protest, “but you have to do something for me.”


Chloe started to agree, but then realized that she didn’t have to do anything.  “Sam…”


“If you argue with me, I’m going to lean over and kiss you until you’re speechless.  And you know I can,” he said with his deep sexy voice going even huskier. 


“You have to let me invest in
whatever business you’re trying to start up
.  I want a forty-nine percent share.”


She opened her mouth to argue but he put a finger to her lower lip this time.  “
In return for that share, I’ll make sure you’re introduced to all the right people but just to show you how much confidence I have in your abilities, I won’t say anything to anyone when I introduce you.  You do all the talking, all the convincing.  That way, you can create your own network, show the business people and potential clients than you’re
serious about whatever it is you want to do, and then let your expertise do the rest


She thought about it for a moment, the darkness of the truck creating a sort of cocoon around them, insulating them from the outside influences.  And possibly reason, Chloe thought. 


“And what if I don’t agree?”


Sam smiled and leaned forward about an inch. 

Then I get out of this car, carry you inside, make love to you until you’re mind blows, then ask you all kinds of questions about why you waited so long to let something like that happen between us.”


t’s blackmail,” she said with a
hoarse voice, her eyes unable to break away from his gaze. 


“I don’t play fair.  Remember that.”


“Fine,” she said after thinking about it for a brief second.  “But don’t forget that you’re teaching me everything you know.  So payback will be hell.”  She reached for the door handle and heard him say, “I’m counting on it,” with his sexy, deep chuckle. 


Chloe stormed into her house, slamming the front door behind her a
nd turned
on every light she could.  She wanted to break the spell that had captured her common sense out in the dark truck and the only way she could think of right at the moment was to make the world as bright as possible. 



“Take it back, Sam!” she demanded, storming into his office.  She didn’t even care that he was on the phone. 


“What’s up, Chloe?”


“It’s too much,” she said, slapping the contract documents onto the middle of his desk.  “Take it back now!”
  She’d just been going over the contract with her father that Sam had sent over earlier that morning.  When she’d come to the amount he was going to invest, she’d gasped and her father had chuckled.  Confronting him immediately had been her only response. 


Sam smiled into her blue eyes and chuckled.  “Chloe, may I introduce you to George Wilson?  He’s my ranch manager.”


Chloe turned abruptly, only then realizing that someone else was in the office.  “Oh!”


The man who had been sitting in
one of the big leather chairs in front of Sam’s desk, stood up, reaching out with one hand to greet her.  “It’s a pleasure ma’am.  I’ve seen you with those horses of yours and I’m real impressed with how well they’re treated.  You’re doing a great job with them.”


Chloe forced a smile onto her face
, trying desperately to counter her rudeness for barging in on a meeting.  “I’m so sorry to have interrupted.  I’ll just come back later.”


“We’re finished,” Sam said and stood up himself, shaking George’s hand as well.  The man left a moment later and Chloe looked contrite.  “I’m really sorry, Sam. I was just too angry…”


worry about it. We really were pretty much finished.”  He came around the desk and looked down at her, noting her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks.  “You’ve been out riding recently, haven’t you?”


That completely threw her off.  “Yes, but how did you know?”


“You always look a bit more alive after you’ve been riding.  Makes you look prettier than normal.”


e did it again, tossing out a
compliment instead of doing what she expected.  “Sam…” 


“What’s on your mind?” he asked, taking her hand in his large, warm one and turning it over, examining the palm, running a pattern over the
.  “You need to wear gloves when you’re riding, Chloe,” he said softly.


She tried to pull her hand away but he wouldn’t release it.  “Sam, please..”


“Please carry
you upstairs and make love to you




“Ah, so you’re going to finally explain why I scare you?”




“When then?”


She blinked, then shook her head, trying to concentrate but it was hard when he was doing that to her hand.  It sent shivers all the way up her arm, then downward, pooling in her belly.  “Sam…” she whispered. 


“Kiss you?” he replied back just as softly.   “Don’t mind if I do.”  Without any hesitation, he leaned down and kissed her softly, his lips barely touching hers.  It was just a ghost of a kiss but Chloe’s eyes closed. 


When she realized he wasn’t going to do more than that, her eyes popped open, only to see him looking down at her hand.  “You have lovely hands.  Why don’t you protect them with gloves?”


Chloe tried once again to pull her hand free, but he only tucked it between both of his, then let their hands fall. She was painfully aware of how close her hand was to his manhood and wanted desperately to pull it away, but she was equally afraid that he might not realize how close it was, and making any movement might make him aware. 


“What did you want to discuss?” he said, his hips leaning against his desk as he looked down at her. 


She thought back, trying to remember what had made her so angry.  “The contract!” she remembered, feeling proud of herself for finally figuring it out.  “Your investment, you put in too much money.”


“I didn’t.”


“Yes, you did.  Look at the figure on the contract.  You put too much money into my account and I don’t feel right.
  You don’t even know what I’m going to try and do, so how can you consider if the investment will be successful?


“Get over it.  You’re going to need all of that and more but the rest will come as you start to find
buyers for whatever it is you plan to sell.  That’s about all I know of your venture, but I’m sure it’s going to be pretty amazing


“No, it isn’t right,” she said.


“I’m not taking it back but I’ll help you figure out how to spend it if that’s what will help you get over the amount.”


She bit her lower lip, considering what she was about to say carefully.  “What if I fail, Sam?”


“You won’t.”


She eyed him warily.  “Why are you so sure about that?  You could lose a lot of money if I don’t do this correctly.”


He sighed and pulled her closer so she was standing between his legs.  “Chloe, have a little faith in yourself and in me.  I’m going to help you every step of the way.  If you think someone’s cheating you, come to me.  I guarantee that someone has tried just about every scam in the books on me and I’ve seen through it.  You’re going to be okay.” 


When his hands moved up her arms, she shivered in response.  “Sam?”


“Why are you afraid of me, Chloe?” he said softly, gently kissing her forehead, her ear, her cheek.  “Talk to me.  Explain this to me.”


Chloe loved what he was doing to her.  She felt safe, secure and yet trembly all at the same time.  And her legs weren’t able to get her away.  “You’re too much,” she finally said.

“Too much what?” he asked, his hand skimming her back, both hands resting on her hips and pulling her closer. 


“Too much everything,” she answered, leaning against him, putting her hands on his chest.  “You make me feel too much.”
  It wasn’t the main reason, but it was a part of it and something she was able to admit to him without humiliation.


“And this is a bad thing?”






She closed her eyes as he bent his head to kiss her neck.  She lifted up on her toes to give him better access.  “Because I don’t feel it from anyone else,” she finally admitted, no longer
to resist him.
  Her eyes were closed and her hands fisted against his chest.  Her breath was caught in her throat as she waited for him to find another spot.  When he didn’t move, she finally opened her eyes and looked up at him. 


Sam couldn’t believe what she’d just told him.  She was afraid of what he made her feel because she’d never experienced it with another man?  “Chloe, are you telling me that you’ve never…”


She put her fingers over his mouth to stop him.  “No.  I’ve never been with a man.”  She stepped away from him and took a deep breath.  “And now that I’m completely humiliated, I think I’ll head home and bury myself with my shame.”


Sam couldn’t believe what she’d said.  And by the time his mind started working again, she was already out the door.  With a curse, he rushed through the house, shouting her
.  He finally folund her, but she was beside her car and getting in, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought to get the car door unlocked. 


Ripping open the front door, he hurried outside, desperate to get to her before she left.  “Chloe stop!”


But she didn’t.  She only hurried faster. 
And before he could get down the damn steps, she was pulling away, tearing down the driveway like someone was about to kill her.  Or trap her, which he would have done.


Storming back into the house, he grabbed his keys and went after her, determined to talk to her and get out the whole story.  There was definitely more to her statement than what she’d said. 


Sam drove over to her house as if
he was
being chased by the furies, which might actually be the case since he was so furious and confused.  What she’d said just didn’t make sense and he thought she might be confused with what
had actually
been asking her
.  And for some reason, he suspected that it was extremely important that the issue be cleared up. 

BOOK: The Tycoon's Tender Triumph
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