The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (19 page)

Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Pauline Orr,Diana Vega,Carla Burke,Evelyn Hunt,Inez Eaton,Emma Bishop,Cynthia Conley,Bonnie Robles,Sue Harrington,Kim Wilkerson

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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“I’m fine,” I said, my head slowly starting to stop spinning.


“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you,” he said honestly. I nodded slowly, immediately regretting the move as my head spun again. I rubbed it and started to wonder why this man had actually come over to my table in the first place.


“I’m Jeremy,” he said interrupting my thought process. He stuck his hand out hesitantly, as if trying not to hurt me again.


“Robin,” I said taking his hand and shaking it quickly. The soft feel of his fingers brought back the reminder of my earlier heat as it surged through me again. My thighs rubbed together intensifying my need and desire for this man. I had never been that much of a sexual person, until now that was. Something about the thrill and dangerous excitement of this trip made me want him.


Scared he could somehow read my thoughts I put a wide smile on to my face, covering any trace of it. At least I thought it did until I looked at the man again. The same heat I was feeling seemed to burn from his eyes, they had changed so quickly. I breathed in quickly, almost choking as I did so. Jeremy smiled at me knowingly, like it was only a matter of time before I would admit what I was thinking.


“What are you doing here?” I asked in a casual voice, taking a sip of my now defrosted drink.


“Well I saw a pretty woman earlier and I made her jump. So I thought I’d buy her a drink to make up for it,” Jeremy said surely, taking a sip from his own drink.


His words caught me off guard. I hadn’t been expecting him to just come right out and say why he was here. My mind went in to overload trying to figure out what to do. He had called me pretty, for some reason my body was having a massive reaction to that word. I was almost dripping now, the tense excitement overpowering my body. I pushed my legs together, covering the feeling.


“Well thank you for the drink,” I said quickly, they were the only words willing to come out of my mouth. He looked taken aback slightly at my harsh words; nodding hastily he pushed himself up to leave. I just watched him, dreading the fact that he was leaving me and I only knew his first name.


He had already made it half way across the café when my courage returned. Downing the last bit of my drink I stood up quickly, what I hoped would be an impressive moment was ruined by my lap full of handbag items spilling out all over the floor. Before I had a chance to fix myself up laughter came from the other side of the room and Jeremy turned back to me.


“Wait!” I shouted, forgetting that my impressive plan had already failed. Jeremy stood laughing at me; it was no longer quiet as it had been before. I scanned the room helplessly; the men in suits had lowered their papers and were pointing and muttering between themselves.


I passed by them quickly, trying to save myself as much pride as possible. The waitress looked incredibly annoyed at the mess I had made all over her floor; I muttered a quick apology and bent down to clear it all up. In the minute or so it took me to clean everything up the boat had started.


Everything jolted around and just as I put the last thing in to my bag I stumbled sideways. Before I could hit the solid ground the same two hands as earlier caught me firmly and pulled me back into a standing position.


“Thank you and I’m sorry,” I muttered at the floor. The soft feeling of his fingers traced my jaw line, slowly bringing my head up to face his own. He probably had no idea that the single touch from him made shivers surge through my tortured body. I was so on edge now that I was ready to burst and his teasing fingers definitely weren’t helping my cause. When my brown eyes finally met his green ones he smiled and the look washed over me.


“It's fine,” he breathed, letting the air caress my face. All I had to do was lean forward and I could capture his lips with my own and taste him. Jeremy chuckled slightly and brushed my auburn hair away from my face. His fingers were still firmly pressed against my jaw, his thumb tracing my tender skin.


“Would you like to go for a little walk, now that the ferry has started?” he asked slowly and calmly. Lost in the moment I simply nodded and he removed his hands from my face.


My heart sank immediately and my legs tightened, I missed the feel of him against me. Before I had a chance to question what I was thinking he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the café. I only just had time to drag my now full bag with me as we went.


For what seemed like ages we just walked in silence along the edge of the boat. The sound of the waves was less sickening and more relaxing. I could time my breathing with the gentle lapping of the boat. The sound drew at least some of my thoughts away from his hand in mine. It was like my entire body was pulling me to his hand, the blood pulsing to it. Every now and then his thumb would stroke my skin; giving me a sense of the unknown I was facing.


Never before had I gotten this close to a stranger, to a man I knew nothing about. Yet it was exciting, new and felt so right that I couldn’t believe it. The sun was starting to set now, I had been on the boat barely an hour and yet it had changed so much. We walked the length of it, never talking but always touching.


The chilly air nipped at my body, clearly noticing my shivers Jeremy pulled me inside. Navigating a few stairways we went further and further into the depths of the boat. A small chain barrier barred our way from going any further. I was disappointed all of a sudden; our little adventure was starting to excite me. Jeremy sensed my thoughts again and stepped slyly over the small chains. I followed willingly, stepping into the unknown. The sound of voices behind us made my heartbeat quicken as we rushed around the next corner and out of sight.


It was dark down here; there was no need for bright lights like the rest of the boat had. The pressure on my hand released and I was left almost blinded by the darkness around me. I reached out desperately for Jeremy, needing to feel his touch again. Before I had a chance to panic properly something pushed me firmly against the hard wall behind me. I gasped out, terrified at what it was.


“It’s only me,” Jeremy breathed softly in to my ear. My whole body tensed in anticipation of what I couldn’t see. Soft wet lips crashed down on my own, exploring me hungrily. I struggled to breathe against them as the relentless heat surged through my body.


He bit down roughly on my mouth and I opened them willingly, letting the air rush from my lips. Regaining myself I pushed back against him, tasting the sweet tender skin. I couldn’t get enough of the delectable taste as I moved my hand up behind his head pushing him harder against me.


He groaned in approval as our lips moulded together; my heartbeat increased rapidly as he brought his hand up to my head. His fingers tangled in to my hair, pulling hard against the tender skin. I winced in pain as the pleasure coursed through my tense body.


Jeremy’s hands moved quickly, running down my curvy frame. He pulled away from me, letting me regain my rapid breathing before slamming down on me once again. It was hot in the depths of the boat and I was already starting to sweat. The heat between our passionate bodies was intense and relentless.


Jeremy pushed harder against me, crushing me into the cool wall behind. Our arms tangled, both desperate to feel the other person, to touch every part. In the heat of the moment I had almost missed the large bulge pressing firmly into my leg. I moved away quickly and ran my hands over Jeremy’s clear arousal.


He moaned as my fingers traced the rough fabric of his worn jeans. I could feel myself dampen even more as I took in his enormous size beneath me. Before I could touch it further Jeremy grabbed my hands and pinned them against the stone wall.


I squirmed against his strong hold; his hands did not shift as he continued to hold me there. In the very dim light I could only just make out the sparkle in his eyes as he watched me. I kicked out my legs desperate to feel him again, but before I could hit skin he stopped me. His leg pushed up in between mine pinning me uselessly to the wall. I struggle to no avail; I was his to do with as he pleased.


The heat was unbearable now, my thighs on fire with need for him. He pressed his knee further up my legs, the hard material tracing my sensitive skin. I moaned deeply, squirming as best I could against his hold.


In seconds he pressed hard against my pussy making me scream out in frustrated pleasure. He rubbed the soft fabric of my damp cream panties, letting my juices spread across his jeans. I could not stop my strangled moans as he hit me hard again in the pussy.


My eyes widened as his hand ran up my dripping thighs, joining his knee on my already tender pussy. Cupping me roughly his thumb stroked my clit through the fabric making me squirm harder against his grasp. As if knowing my desires he released my hands, allowing them to drop around his neck.


With his newly freed arm he lifted me up against the wall and my legs wrapped around his strong torso. His bulging muscles pressed against my soft skin, the passion heating up between us.


I took one last breath before he crashed his lips back on to mine forcefully. I moaned against him, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his chest against my own. His heartbeat hammered against my breasts, igniting my frustration. He pulled away, the short passionate kiss leaving me wanting more.


He trailed his hands up my strong thighs, ending at my soaking pussy. I could imagine him smirking as he felt the fabric protecting me. Catching me off guard he quickly pushed it aside and plunged his finger in to me. I screamed loudly, filling the dark corridor with my pleasure. He didn’t stop, plunging it deeper and faster into my tight pussy. I closed around it, trying to find my release.


As my legs started to tighten and my breathing increased he removed his finger from me. I almost pouted in the darkness before the damp feel of my juices were spread across my lips. I licked them willingly, enjoying the warm sweet flavour that covered them.


A soft chuckle hit my ears as I moved on to suck Jeremy’s fingers clean of me. A groan rumbled through his body as my tongue swirled around his finger, sucking it softly. I barely had chance to register the effect on him before he pressed his cock hard against my thigh. I moaned loudly, embracing the feel of him. Jeremy’s hand moved down my body, stopping to cup my breast firmly.


Sharp pain on my nipple made my pussy squeeze tighter; being denied my release was making me want it more. His hand moved down again, trailing over my stomach and reaching his belt.


Within a few seconds and a couple of loud noises later his trousers dropped easily to the floor. I was instantly impressed at his speediness, mentally thanking it. I tried to pull myself forward to meet him but was easily halted by his firm hold over my body.


As if to tease me more he pushed his large cock against my panties, rubbing me. I mumbled a low scream before he plunged his entire hand into my pussy. Catching me unaware, I let out another piercing scream as he stretched me further than I could believe.


I could feel his fist tightly inside me, touching every part of my pussy. He pushed it faster, ramming it against me; I could barely contain the pleasure as my veins pulsed with readiness.


“I’m just getting you ready,” he whispered in to my ear. Confused at what he meant I stopped and stared at him in the darkness. He pulled his hand away, replacing it quickly and roughly with his cock. As it slammed inside my body I realised why I had to be ready. The enormous size stretched me even further, as soon as he hit my spot my body erupted.


All my senses screamed with the feeling as I struggled to adjust to his cock. I panted heavily as he pushed hard inside of me, prolonging the pleasure pulsing through me. I screamed out again, not able to contain myself against him.


Just as my body started to relax, he slammed into me building the heat back up immediately. I didn’t know if I could take another round, my body was weakening, supported only by his cock inside me. I breathed in heavily, tightening around him one last time.


This time I heard him groan loudly, his relentless pace quickening. Sounds from the end of the corridor set my senses alive. Somebody was going to catch us; fear and increased pleasure filled me. Jeremy’s speed matched his heartbeat and he pushed into me a final time.


We both screamed out, with not enough energy to mask the sound from our approaching visitors. As the overwhelming feelings pushed through my body I hurried to rearrange my ruined panties while Jeremy slowly pulled out of me.


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