The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (5 page)

Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Pauline Orr,Diana Vega,Carla Burke,Evelyn Hunt,Inez Eaton,Emma Bishop,Cynthia Conley,Bonnie Robles,Sue Harrington,Kim Wilkerson

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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Despite her great familiarity with and affection for the bright, funny Val, she’d never visited this store alone; and the times that she did venture through its doors she usually came with Peter, she’d mostly cringed and covered her eyes in horror as she reviewed his choices in merchandise.


“No more copies of Dee Dee Does Denver or Busty Baby-Sitters!” She thrust a triumphant fist high in the air, greeting a laughing Val with a bright smile.


“You go Girl!” Val met her in a victorious high five, all the while bagging up her purchases for the day.


Jasmin grinned in spite of herself as she regarded the cover of the DVD, which boasted a photograph that likened the cover of a sensual romance novel; depicting a beautiful young couple kissing passionately and languishing in one another’s arms.


“They look like they’re having substantially more fun in life than I am,” she decided with a sigh. “Their movie, working in tandem with that delish looking jelly vibe, should help to tide me over until I dive back into the dating pool.”


Val, a slender blonde in a tank top and jeans, laughed.


“Have at it Kid,” she handed the bag to Jasmin, who took it firmly in hand before examining its contents.


Taking the sleek pink jelly vibe firmly in hand, she examined it with a girlish giggle that was echoed by a watching Val.


“It’s been a while since I’ve had one of these in my possession,” she laughed. “Hopefully I’ll remember how to use it. Do we still have to lie to people and say it’s a back scratcher?”


“Promise I won’t tell a soul, babe.”


Jasmin jumped as her senses were doused in the tones of a low, deep voice; one that, despite its undeniable sexiness, jarred her with its nearness.


She froze moments later as she turned to face its captivating source.


“Joel.” She felt her cheeks blush bright red as she regarded her smirking roommate; a man who currently stood behind her in line at Val’s Vibes.


He held in his hand his own selection of adult DVDs; his free hand clutched the fingers of a petite redhead who regarded her with pursed lips and raised eyebrows.


Grinning brightly, Jasmin thrust her own pink purchase high into the air between them.


“Hope you two have as much fun tonight as I do—orgasms all around!” she declared in a loud, unabashed tone. “Peace out!”


With a quick wave to Val she fled the premises.




“Well that was far from awkward.”


Late evening found Jasmin once again ensconced in her bedroom; this time staring with blank eyes at the toy that now seemed a useless purchase.


“Somehow I’m just not in the mood anymore.” She cringed in spite of herself as she recalled the embarrassing scene that had just transpired at Val’s Vibes.


She cringed again moments later, as she heard the door to her apartment open and close with a low, soft thud.


“Well it could be a crazed intruder—or it could be the roommate who just saw me buying porn and a sex toy.” She considered both possibilities with equal consternation.


Moments later the door to her bedroom flew open to reveal the roommate in question; a man who regarded her with wide, sad ebony eyes and a concerned frown.


“Jasmin, I’m so sorry about what happened at the store,” he advanced inward into her room, soon coming to stand beside her bed.


Jasmin shrugged.


“I certainly hope it didn’t bring an early end to your date,” she avoided his gaze. “That young lady was lovely.”


Joel sighed.


“Actually it did, but no worries,” he shook his head. “It was just a first date, and not a very successful one.”


Jasmin arched her eyebrows.


“Do you usually buy porn on a first date?” She stole a sly glance in her direction. “Of course you do. You’re Joel.”


The laughter she expected was replaced by a warm hug; one that encompassed her in Joel’s strong embrace.


“I couldn’t concentrate on her—all I could think about was you,” he told her, wrapping his strong arms around her back, drawing her in until her head rested on the surface of his hard, massive chest. “I was concerned about you.”


“I’m fine,” Jasmin answered, even as her betraying arms enclosed his trim waist.


Joel shook his head, leaning over to plant his lips on the surface of her forehead.


“If you need this stuff,” with this he gestured toward the toy and DVD that lined the surface of her bed, “then you are not fine Jasmin. Granted, you have shown amazing strength in the wake of your break up—you never cease to amaze me. Like everyone else, though, you have needs.”


His roommate froze.


“You—you’ve been such a big help to me, Joel,” her voice quavered above the sound of her pounding heart. “You’re so warm and nurturing…”


“Do you need more?” Joel asked her, his voice lowering to a sultry whisper. “Do you need me to do something else for you, Jasmin? Do you need me to fulfill your needs?”


Jasmin made no verbal response, only shut her eyes tight and sighed as her rebellious pussy gushed its approval of this provocative suggestion.


“I’ll take that as a yes.”


Joel cupped her flushed cheeks in two tender hands and tilted her head upward; staring into her eyes as he seized her lips in a heated, passionate kiss.


Joel swallowed Jasmin’s heated breath as his lips caressed and massaged hers; his long, thick tongue flowing into her mouth as his fingers tickled the sensitive skin of her cheeks.


Leaning into his kiss, Jasmin tightened her hold around his waist as she rubbed her lips against his; joining in full the luscious tango of twining, dancing tongues.


For a moment she lost herself in the depths of this sumptuous kiss, also savoring his citrus tinged scent and the feel of his thick ebony strands as they brushed the skin of her neck.


Finally she broke away from him, even as she moaned for the loss of his intimate kiss, his perfect caress.


“You don’t have to do this,” she looked him straight in the eyes. “Don’t do this because you feel sorry for me.”


“I want to do this,” he answered immediately, tossing his ebony mane over one strong shoulder as he fell to his knees before her. “I want you, Jasmin.”


Apparently eager to prove his point Joel stripped his shirt clean over his head; holding her gaze as he revealed a massive bronzed chest and planed, sculpted abs.


As Joel’s roommate she had seen and admired his body before; now as his lover she finally felt free to touch his skin; to reach out and run a loving hand across his chest, her fingers grazing his nipples before running the length of his washboard abdomen.


“You’re beautiful,” she breathed, her hungry fingers screaming her desire.


“I’m yours,” Joel covered her hand with his. “Now relax and let me please you.”


With a smooth flourish he fell at her feet, kissing her toes before slithering with infinite grace up the length of her sturdy legs.


She sighed delighted as those succulent lips touched the skin of her bare thighs; his head stealing below her skirt as his hands massaged her full, fleshed hips.


This sigh erupted to a low, aroused shriek moments later, as these same hands drew her white cotton undies slowly down her legs; returning immediately to the source of her pleasure, to lay a long and resounding lick across the surface of her feminine folds.


Leaning inward with a passionate growl, he next licked a throbbing clit that begged for his attentions; laving and suckling her long neglected nub until it pounded its pleasure.


Throwing her head back, Jasmin let loose with a soft cry as shards of wild erotic ecstasy flew upward through her body; hardening her nipples and making her pussy gush.


His head bobbed up and down with intense concentration; this move securing his lips on her clit as the tip of his tongue worked magic on her skin.


Finally and with a resounding lick he sent Jasmin across the bounds of unspeakable ecstasy; launching her body to the heights of a long withheld orgasm that managed to consume her whole.


She graced him with a dreamy smile as her enflamed body rode the wave of this deeply felt climax; one that gifted her with total satiation as she leaned forward to enclose his shoulders in a warm, loving hug.


“Thank you babe,” she whispered, searing his smiling lips with a big, wet, grateful kiss.


“The pleasure is all mine,” he assured her, resting his head on her shoulder.


Jasmin gave him a long last hug before collapsing in a fit of total exhaustion on the surface of her plain camp bed.


“Oh believe me,” she grinned in spite of herself. “Not all of it.”




During the course of the next few days, Jasmin couldn’t help but notice a slight shift in her relationship with her roommate and longtime friend.


Sure, they still went out for frozen yogurt every Sunday afternoon; taking the time to discuss the events of their lives and enjoy one another’s company.


Now, however, Joel topped off these afternoons by asking her if she was hungry for something else; and invariably they would end up back in her bedroom, his head bowed worshipfully between her knees.


“Sometimes we don’t even make it back to the apartment,” she gritted her teeth, remembering what they had come to know as the ‘car port catastrophe’; in which several of their neighbors had caught them enjoying their newfound passion on public property.


As much as she enjoyed these encounters, she often wondered at the fact that her passionate friend never took anything for himself; for though they shared endless passionate kisses and warm caresses, he never asked her to pleasure him sexually. And while they enjoyed frequent ‘play dates,’ just as they always had, they’d never ventured out on a proper date.


Seeking to rectify this situation, Jasmin suggested that they dress up for dinner one evening; also enjoying a meal of filet mignon and buttered mashed potatoes, washed down with some glistening goblets of sparkling French champagne.


Jasmin dressed for this dinner in a red silk dress that accentuated her rubenesque curves; also piling her mussy hair atop her head and applying a sparkly coat of rarely won red lipstick.


“You look so beautiful.” Joel praised her arrival at the table; immediately jumping up from his seat to pull out her chair for her.


Jasmin took her seat at the head of the table, smiling up at the ebony haired wonder in the sleek black dinner suit that emphasized his muscular frame.


“You are too!” She returned his compliment, watching as he took a seat close beside her at their candlelit dinner table. “I’m so glad you agreed to this date.”


“I was so flattered by the offer,” Joel’s vibrant smile seemed all the more luminous in the glow of brilliant candlelight. “Absolutely petrified, but flattered all the same.”


“Petrified?” Jasmin shook her head, adding through gritted teeth, “I’ve had guys express reluctance at the prospect of dating me, sometimes outright hilarity, but out and out terror—now that’s a new one.”


Joel guffawed outright.


“And that’s exactly why I was petrified,” he nodded in her direction, “How could I, of all people, serve as a fitting date for such a funny, brilliant woman?”


Jasmin shook her head.


“Joel, how can you even think such a thing?” She clutched his hand across the table. “Why do you think we’ve made such great friends and roommates for the past year? We talk endlessly, about everything. And I want to talk about more… so much more.”

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