The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (88 page)

Read The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Online

Authors: Douglas Adams

Tags: #Retail, #Personal, #004 Top 100 Sci-Fi

BOOK: The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
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“Is something wrong?” asked Gail.

“No, I … I have to say that you’ve rather astonished me,” said Tricia. She decided to ignore the security TV camera. It was just her imagination playing tricks with her because she had television so
much on her mind today. It wasn’t the first time it had happened. A traffic-monitoring camera, she was convinced, had swung around to follow her as she walked past it, and a security camera in Bloomingdale’s had seemed to make a particular point of watching her trying on hats. She was obviously going dotty. She had even imagined that a bird in Central Park had been peering at her rather intently.

She decided to put it out of her mind and took a sip of her vodka. Someone was walking around the bar asking people if they were Mr. MacManus.

“Okay,” she said, suddenly blurting it out. “I don’t know how you worked it out, but …”

“I didn’t work it out, as you put it. I just listened to what you were saying.”

“What I lost, I think, was a whole other life.”

“Everybody does that. Every moment of every day. Every single decision we make, every breath we draw, opens some doors and closes many others. Most of them we don’t notice. Some we do. Sounds like you noticed one.”

“Oh yes, I noticed,” said Tricia. “All right. Here it is. It’s very simple. Many years ago I met a guy at a party. He said he was from another planet and did I want to go along with him. I said, yes, okay. It was that kind of party. I said to him to wait while I went to get my bag and then I’d be happy to go off to another planet with him. He said I wouldn’t need my bag. I said he obviously came from a very backward planet or he’d know that a woman always needed to take her bag with her. He got a bit impatient, but I wasn’t going to be a complete pushover just because he said he was from another planet.

“I went upstairs. Took me a while to find my bag, and then there was someone else in the bathroom. Came down and he was gone.”

Tricia paused.

“And …?” said Gail.

“The garden door was open. I went outside. There were lights. Some kind of gleaming thing. I was just in time to see it rise up into the sky, shoot silently up through the clouds and disappear. That was it. End of story. End of one life, beginning of another. But hardly a moment of this life goes by that I don’t wonder about some other me. A me that didn’t go back for her bag. I feel like she’s out there somewhere and I’m walking in her shadow.”

A member of the hotel staff was now going around the bar asking people if they were Mr. Miller. Nobody was.

“You really think this … person was from another planet?” asked Gail.

“Oh, certainly. There was the spacecraft. Oh, and also he had two heads.”

Didn’t anybody else notice?”

“It was a fancy dress party.”

“I see …”

“And he had a bird cage over it, of course. With a cloth over the cage. Pretended he had a parrot. He tapped on the cage and it did a lot of stupid ‘Pretty Polly’ stuff and squawking and so on. Then he pulled the cloth back for a moment and roared with laughter. There was another head in there, laughing along with him. It was a worrying moment, I can tell you.”

“I think you probably did the right thing, dear, don’t you?” said Gail.

“No,” said Tricia. “No, I don’t. And I couldn’t carry on doing what I was doing either. I was an astrophysicist, you see. You can’t be an astrophysicist properly if you’ve actually met someone from another planet who’s got a second head that pretends to be a parrot. You just can’t do it. I couldn’t at least.”

“I can see it would be hard. And that’s probably why you tend to be a little hard on other people who talk what sounds like complete nonsense.”

“Yes,” said Tricia. “I expect you’re right. I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay.”

“You’re the first person I’ve ever told this, by the way.”

“I wondered. You married?”

“Er, no. So hard to tell these days, isn’t it? But you’re right to ask because that was probably the reason. I came very close a few times, mostly because I wanted to have a kid. But every guy ended up asking why I was constantly looking over his shoulder. What do you tell someone? At one point I even thought I might just go to a sperm bank and take pot luck. Have somebody’s child at random.”

“You can’t seriously do that, can you?”

Tricia laughed. “Probably not. I never quite went and found out for real. Never quite did it. Story of my life. Never quite did the real thing. That’s why I’m in television, I guess. Nothing is real.”

“Excuse me, lady, your name Tricia McMillan?”

Tricia looked around in surprise. There was a man standing there in a chauffeur’s hat.

“Yes,” she said, instantly pulling herself back together again.

“Lady, I been looking for you for about an hour. Hotel said they didn’t have anybody of that name, but I checked back with Mr. Martin’s office and they said that this was definitely where you were staying. So I ask again, they still say they never heard of you, so I get them to page you anyway and they can’t find you. In the end I get the office to fax a picture of you through to the car and have a look myself.”

He looked at his watch.

“May be a bit late now, but do you want to go anyway?”

Tricia was stunned.

“Mr. Martin? You mean Andy Martin at NBS?”

“That’s correct, lady. Screen test for ‘U.S./A.M.’ ”

Tricia shot up out of her seat. She couldn’t even bear to think of all the messages she’d heard for Mr. MacManus and Mr. Miller.

“Only we have to hurry,” said the chauffeur. “As I heard it Mr. Martin thinks it might be worth trying a British accent. His boss at the network is dead against the idea. That’s Mr. Zwingler, and I happen to know he’s flying out to the coast this evening because I’m the one has to pick him up and take him to the airport.”

“Okay,” said Tricia, “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

“Okay, lady. It’s the big limo out the front.”

Tricia turned back to Gail. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“Go! Go!” said Gail. “And good luck. I’ve enjoyed meeting you.”

Tricia made to reach for her bag for some cash.

“Damn,” she said. She’d left it upstairs.

“Drinks are on me,” insisted Gail. “Really. It’s been very interesting.”

Tricia sighed.

“Look, I’m really sorry about this morning and …”

“Don’t say another word. I’m fine. It’s only astrology. It’s harmless. It’s not the end of the world.”

“Thanks.” On an impulse, Tricia gave her a hug.

“You got everything?” said the chauffeur. “You don’t want to pick up your bag or anything?”

“If there’s one thing that life’s taught me,” said Tricia, “it’s never go back for your bag.”

•  •  •

Just a little over an hour later, Tricia sat on one of the pair of beds in her hotel room. For a few minutes she didn’t move. She just stared at her bag, which was sitting innocently on top of the other bed.

In her hand was a note from Gail Andrews, saying, “Don’t be too disappointed. Do ring if you want to talk about it. If I were you I’d stay in at home tomorrow night. Get some rest. But don’t mind me, and don’t worry. It’s only astrology. It’s not the end of the world. Gail.”

The chauffeur had been dead right. In fact the chauffeur seemed to know more about what was going on inside NBS than any other single person she had encountered in the organization. Martin had been keen, Zwingler had not. She had had her one shot at proving Martin right and she had blown it.

Oh well. Oh well, oh well, oh well.

Time to go home. Time to phone the airline and see if she could still get the red-eye back to Heathrow tonight. She reached for the big phone directory.

Oh. First things first.

She put down the directory again, picked up her handbag and took it through to the bathroom. She put it down and took out the small plastic case that held her contact lenses, without which she had been unable to properly read either the script or the autocue.

As she dabbed each tiny plastic cup into her eyes, she reflected that if there was one thing life had taught her, it was that there are some times when you do not go back for your bag and other times when you do. It had yet to teach her to distinguish between the two types of occasions.

Chapter 3

he Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
has, in what we laughingly call the past, had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes. Very little of this is, however, at all comprehensible to anyone below the level of Advanced God, and since it is now well established that all known gods came into existence a good three millionths of a second after the Universe began rather than, as they usually claimed, the previous week, they already have a great deal of explaining to do as it is, and are therefore not available for comment on matters of deep physics at this time.

One encouraging thing the
does have to say on the subject of parallel universes is that you don’t stand the remotest chance of understanding it. You can therefore say “What?” and “Eh?” and even go cross-eyed and start to blither if you like without any fear of making a fool of yourself.

The first thing to realize about parallel universes, the
says, is that they are not parallel.

It is also important to realize that they are not, strictly speaking, universes either, but it is easiest if you don’t try to realize that until a little later, after you’ve realized that everything you’ve realized up to that moment is not true.

The reason they are not universes is that any given universe is not actually a
as such, but is just a way of looking at what is technically known as the WSOGMM, or Whole Sort of General Mish Mash. The Whole Sort of General Mish Mash doesn’t actually exist either, but is just the sum total of all the different ways there would be of looking at it if it did.

The reason they are not parallel is the same reason that the sea is not parallel. It doesn’t mean anything. You can slice the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash any way you like and you will generally come up with something that someone will call home.

Please feel free to blither now.

•  •  •

The Earth with which we are here concerned, because of its particular orientation in the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash, was hit by a neutrino that other Earths were not.

A neutrino is not a big thing to be hit by.

In fact it’s hard to think of anything much smaller by which one could reasonably hope to be hit. And it’s not as if being hit by neutrinos was in itself a particularly unusual event for something the size of the Earth. Far from it. It would be an unusual nanosecond in which the Earth was not hit by several billion passing neutrinos.

It all depends on what you mean by “hit,” of course, seeing as matter consists almost entirely of nothing at all. The chances of a neutrino actually hitting something as it travels through all this howling emptiness are roughly comparable to that of dropping a ball bearing at random from a cruising 747 and hitting, say, an egg sandwich.

Anyway, this neutrino hit something. Nothing terribly important in the scale of things, you might say. But the problem with saying something like that is that you would be talking cross-eyed badger spit. Once something actually happens somewhere in something as wildly complicated as the Universe, Kevin knows where it will all end up—where “Kevin” is any random entity that doesn’t know nothin’ about nothin’.

This neutrino struck an atom.

The atom was part of a molecule. The molecule was part of a nucleic acid. The nucleic acid was part of a gene. The gene was part of a genetic recipe for growing … and so on. The upshot was that a plant ended up growing an extra leaf. In Essex. Or what would, after a lot of palaver and local difficulties of a geological nature, become Essex.

The plant was a clover. It threw its weight, or rather its seed, around extremely effectively and rapidly became the world’s dominant type of clover. The precise causal connection between this tiny biological happenstance and a few other minor variations that exist in that slice of the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash—such as Tricia McMillan failing to leave with Zaphod Beeblebrox, abnormally low sales of pecan-flavored ice cream and the fact that the Earth on which all this occurred did not get demolished by the Vogons to make way for a new hyperspace bypass—is currently sitting at number 4,763,984,132
on the research project priority list at what was once the history department of the University of MaxiMegalon, and no one currently at the prayer meeting by the poolside appears to feel any sense of urgency about the problem.

Chapter 4

ricia began to feel that the world was conspiring against her. She knew that this was a perfectly normal way to feel after an overnight flight going east, when you suddenly have a whole other mysteriously threatening day to deal with for which you are not the least bit prepared. But still.

There were marks on her lawn.

She didn’t really care about marks on her lawn very much. Marks on her lawn could go and take a running jump as far as she was concerned. It was Saturday morning. She had just got home from New York feeling tired, crabby and paranoid, and all she wanted to do was go to bed with the radio on quietly and gradually fall asleep to the sound of Ned Sherrin being terribly clever about something.

But Eric Bartlett was not going to let her get away with not making a thorough inspection of the marks. Eric was the old gardener who came in from the village on Saturday mornings to poke around at her garden with a stick. He didn’t believe in people coming in from New York first thing in the morning. Didn’t hold with it. Went against nature. He believed in virtually everything else, though.

“Probably them space aliens,” he said, bending over and prodding at the edges of the small indentations with his stick. “Hear a lot about space aliens these days. I expect it’s them.”

“Do you?” said Tricia, looking furtively at her watch. Ten minutes, she reckoned. Ten minutes she’d be able to stay standing up. Then she would simply keel over, whether she was in her bedroom or still out here in the garden. That was if she just had to stand. If she also had to nod intelligently and say “Do you?” from time to time, it might cut it down to five.

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