The UN Series Complete Box Set (88 page)

BOOK: The UN Series Complete Box Set
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I shake my head and then look back up to him. “Just remembering how much thought you put into it.” I smile trying to get him to smile as well. He looks so serious. His square jaw looks tense, and his baby blue eyes are boring into me.

“I love it. Thank you for wanting to give me something so special.” I wrap my arms around his neck.

His intense face softens, and his lips turn up at the corners. “You’ve already thanked me, Angel; you’re giving me forever.” He unwraps my arms from around his neck and takes my ring finger in his hand. He runs his fingers over the band. “This is my promise that you will have my heart forever.”

I feel my chest swell as he once more pledges his love to me. It doesn’t matter that we are in an airplane bathroom that now smells like sex or the fact that I’m somewhat naked. I almost laugh at that thought.

“I love you.” I lean up and kiss him.

“I love you too.” He pulls away. “Come on, let’s get out of this cramped bathroom.” He looks around and frowns. “Good thing we’re not claustrophobic,” he mumbles to himself.

We walk out of the bathroom together five minutes later. It was a struggle to get both of us cleaned up; having to place my jeans and high heels back on was a sight to see. I managed to cut my arm on something sharp. Who knew it could be hazardous.

I lead us back to our seats while I keep my head down trying to avoid the looks from the other passengers. Slade places his hand on my lower back to push me along. He must know what they are thinking.
So, those were the two we heard joining the mile high club.

Trust me, by the way some of the women are eye-fucking Slade, I’m pretty sure they wish he would have joined it with them.

Once we make our way to the other end of the plane, I squeeze into the window seat and Slade sits down beside me.

“What have you two been doing?” Josh asks as he turns around looking over the back of his seat to stare down at us.

“Nothing,” I answer sweetly.

He looks from me to Slade a few times and then a big smile spreads across his face. “That hickey on your neck says otherwise.” He nods his head down to me making a few pieces of his long shaggy brown hair fall in his face covering his blue eyes.

Courtney reaches up and pulls him down into his seat by the collar of his shirt. I laugh as I hear him choking from her action. “What?” I hear him ask, but she gives him no response.

Slade slides his hand across my face and into my hair. He pulls my face over to him, and he brings his lips to mine.

“You gave me a hickey?” I lift an eyebrow. He’s left them before just not where others can see them.

He smirks, and I can almost read his mind. He’s thinking ‘Fuck yeah I did. What are you going to do about it?’

“Oh yeah, it’s huge,” Josh says before we hear Courtney reach over and smack his arm. “Ow,” he whines.

“I couldn’t help it. You just taste so good.” Slade tightens his hand in my hair, and I take in a deep breath.

“Go back to the bathroom,” Josh calls out.

Courtney pops her head up over her seat giving us a death glare. “I can’t keep his ass quiet if you guys keep fueling the fire,” she states before she turns back around.

I giggle as Slade laughs out loud.

He then leans back into me, placing his lips next to my ear so only I can hear him. “Just so you know, when we get home my tongue is going to take care of you.” He pulls back and his eyes drop to my lap. I squeeze my legs tightly thinking of just what that promise means.

“And I’ll do something for you.” I lick my lips.

He shakes his head with a smile on his face. “I have a hard enough time not coming when your hands and mouth are on me.” He leans over to whisper in my ear. “I’m going to tie you to our bed and do naughty things to you,” he says in his deep demanding tone. “I’ll tease you.” He glides his hand up my leg before it dips between my tight thighs. “I’ll have you begging for me to take you.” He nibbles on my earlobe, and I close my eyes as I shiver. “You’re going to be so fucking wet by the time I fuck you, you’ll be begging for a release.”

“I love to beg,” I say in a dreamy state with a smile on my face.

“Not as much as I love to hear it.” He pulls back and sits back in his chair cool as a cucumber. Meanwhile I’m sitting in my seat trying to contain the images that he just painted for me. His mouth between my legs while my hands are restrained. That alone has my heart beating fast and an ache building between my legs.

“Sam?” I hear someone say my name bursting my little bubble.

I lean forward and look over to the other side of the aisle. “Did you say something?” I ask Holly.

“Yes.” She leans forward as she puts her arm across Micah’s chest pushing him back into his seat as he lets out a puff of air. “I said…now we have two weddings to plan. It’s going to be so much fun.” She bounces up and down making me laugh.

“Hopefully it doesn’t stress you out as much as it has Holly,” Micah says as he pushes her arm off of his chest with a frown.

I shake my head. “No. I want…”

Before I can say that I want a small and simple wedding, Slade interrupts me. “It’s going to be huge,” he says excitingly as he spreads his arms wide in front of us.

I turn my head to stare at the man who surprises me more and more every day.

“Whatever you want Angel, it’s yours.” He pats my knee. “You want crystal chandeliers, you got ‘em, you want champagne fountains, consider it done. Chocolate fountains or even ice sculptures of fucking penguins.” He lets out a laugh. “Whatever you want,” he repeats. “Consider it done.”

The big smile on his face as his baby blue eyes look into mine have me smiling like an idiot.

Who knew the infamous Slade Long would be so excited to plan his wedding. “Thanks, baby.”

“We can start planning as soon as we get back,” Holly says excitedly.

“I’m not in a rush.” I shrug. “We need to concentrate on yours first.”

Her eyes get wide, and she takes in a deep breath. “We can have a double bachelorette - bachelor party in Vegas.” She claps her hands; her excitement growing more than I thought was possible.

I look up at Slade. I’m fine with that. That sounds fun to me.

Micah beats us to it. “I think that’s a great idea,” he says, nodding his head over at us, looking just as excited as Holly over the idea.

“Sure,” Slade agrees with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Then it’s settled.” Holly bounces up and down once more. “All we need now is for Courtney and Josh to get married.”

I hear Courtney coughing like she just swallowed her tongue causing me to give a little laugh. Then Josh peeks his head over the seat and winks at us. I shake my head as Slade pulls me into his side.

“I think Tate needs to get married after Slade and Sam,” Courtney adds.

We all look over to Tate sitting in the row in front of Holly and Micah. He has his head down and is messing with his phone, which the flight attendant has already twice gotten onto him about.

I release a sigh as I sit back into Slade’s side. I don’t think Tate has any intention of settling down, ever. He once told me at Larry’s that not everyone is looking for love. I’m pretty sure that was his way of saying he just wants to fuck around with women.

I look over to Slade as him and Micah talk about the upcoming work week and their father hiring a new guy up at the firm. There was a time Slade didn’t want to be in love. He didn’t even care to know their names let alone see them again.
No strings attached
was his motto. I have faith that Tate will one day find someone he can’t live without. I just hope that when that day comes, she doesn’t break his heart.

“I love you.” I interrupt their conversation and look up at Slade.

He pauses midsentence and looks down at me. “I love you too, Angel.” He gives me a warm smile as his baby blue eyes stare into mine. Then turns his attention back to Micah, picking up where he left off.

I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I’m going to take a nap while I’m in his arms. Come tomorrow, he will be back to work at the firm, and I will be back to work at the bank.




“Thanks again for the wonderful trip,” I say standing in the middle of the St. Louis airport hugging Vivian as the guys grab the luggage.

She shakes her head, which tosses her long blond hair around as she sniffs.

“Are you alright?” I ask with a frown.

She nods her head quickly. “I’m just so happy. Both of my boys have found love.” She smiles and claps her hands together.

I smile back at her. She has been emotional since Slade proposed last night. After his proposal we all drank champagne and hung out in our room until about three in the morning. I had laid down and passed out from exhaustion after everyone left. The time change was still kicking my butt. Not long after I fell asleep, Slade had woke me up. He said he needed to make love to me. It was sweet but had given me an uneasy feeling.


“What’s wrong?” I ask sleepily running my hands through his damp hair. His naked body lying on top of mine, pinning me down into the mattress.

“I just need you right now. I need to show you how much I love you,” he whispers into my neck.

I inhale his clean scent from his soap and smile.

“Tell me,” he says, sounding desperate. “Tell me you need me.”

“I need you,” I say without hesitation. “I love you,” I add. Even though it’s the truth, I feel like he still needs to hear the words.

“Promise me you’ll never leave me.” He reaches up and pulls my hands away from his hair. Intertwining his fingers through mine, he holds them down beside my head.

“I’ll never leave you,” I say trying not to show the concern on my face or in my voice.

He pushes my hands up the bed and places them in one hand. His free hand cups my face. My eyes roam his face, and I can see the frown on his lips and the fear in his eyes. What he fears I have no clue.

“I’ll always protect you, Angel,” he promises. “With my life, I will protect you.”

I start to ask him what he means by that, but he doesn’t give me the opportunity. His other hand releases my wrists, and before I know it, he enters me and slowly makes love to me as if I’m something to be cherished.

My concerns fade as he shows me just how soft he can be.


I don’t know what could have happened in such a short time from when everyone left our room to when he woke me up. I wanted to question him this morning but when I woke up to our alarm, I realized that I had already pressed snooze twice. So, needless to say, we were already running behind and I did not have a chance to ask him what happened to make him second-guess my feelings toward him. I did not want to miss our plane.

“Vivian,” Mark says softly coming up behind her and pulling me out of my memories.

“Oh I know. I know.” She fans her face with her hand to help dry her happy tears. She smiles at me, brushing her long blond hair off of her shoulders. “I’m just emotional.” She takes both of my hands again, squeezing. “Can you imagine what I’ll be like at the weddings?” she asks, laughing at herself. “It’s a mother’s dream.” She looks up to the ceiling as she sighs dramatically. “I can’t wait to go dress shopping and help you choose a cake, bridesmaid’s dresses, and a bridal bouquet.”

She tightens her hands on mine, and I look down at the pink princess cut diamond that sits on my ring finger.

I feel sadness that my mother won’t be here to help me plan my wedding. Or that my father won’t be able to walk me down the aisle. They both died way too soon. They should have had the chance to see their only daughter get married, to know that I found my one true love.

“Did I say something wrong, dear?” she asks, getting my attention.

I look up at her, pulling myself together. “No, I’m great.” I give her a reassuring smile.

“You girls should come over tomorrow after you get off of work. We can go over everything and start planning these weddings. After all of the hours we have already spent planning Holly’s wedding, not much has been settled yet. Only the few things that her mother has chosen for her,” she says with a frown. Holly’s mother seems to be getting on everyone’s nerves.

“You don’t have to do that. I already told Holly that we need to focus on hers and Micah’s first,” I inform her.

“Oh no,” she chimes. “I can multitask.” She smiles at me.

I just nod my head, because I don’t want to put a damper on her plans. “Thank you.”

I turn around looking for Slade when I see him over by our luggage talking to Tate. They look to be in deep conversation. Slade has his arms crossed over his chest and his legs are spread wide, giving off a threatening stance. Whereas Tate has his hands in his front pockets of his worn looking blue jeans, as his chain hangs from his back to front pocket. He’s leaning up against the luggage belt with one black boot crossed over the other. He looks to be bored as hell as Slade continues to go on and on about something.

“I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow,” Courtney says, coming up behind me. I turn to face her.

“Me either,” I sigh.

BOOK: The UN Series Complete Box Set
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