Read The Unsuspecting Mage Online

Authors: Brian S. Pratt

The Unsuspecting Mage (46 page)

BOOK: The Unsuspecting Mage
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From the bed he hears Miko ask, “Gonna do some writing?”

“Yeah, just want to jot down some notes of what’s been happening,” he replies from the table. “You just lay there and rest yourself before dinner, okay?”

When no answer is forthcoming from Miko, he looks over and realizes that the boy has already fallen asleep. Smiling at his friend’s expense, James uncorks the bottle of ink and dips his quill in then begins to make notes about the last couple of days.

He writes down some of the high points on the conversation between himself and the leader of the band of men he had talked to the day before. Once he has that written down to his satisfaction, he takes a separate sheet and makes some notes about magic.


during the battle when we rescued the girls, Miko offered to let me use the power in him to augment my own depleted magical powers. It worked fine, however there arose in me a moral dilemma. I feel it to be wrong to do this without asking, that it would be an aberration or evil if it was to be done against someone’s will…


the tornado I brought down almost killed me. I understood what to do, or thought I did. Having seen documentaries on television helped me to shape and control it. If I keep doing over the top magic like that it’s going to end up killing me…


I have found that the more I do magic, the easier it is to get the desired results, and the less weakened I become afterward. Maybe it’s like building up muscle and endurance, the more often you do it, the better you can handle it…


still don’t know why the book told me that spells had to be in rhyme form and spoken. Maybe it’s just the easiest way, and once you get used to the process, are able to evolve beyond it…


A knock at the door interrupts his writing. He lays the pen down and then gets up to see who it is. Ritchie is there, telling him that dinner is being served and would like to know what they will want. James goes ahead and orders for himself and his sleeping friend. Ritchie then tells him that he’ll have it up to the room in just a few minutes.

When Ritchie has left, he goes over to the bed where Miko is sleeping. “Wake up,” he says as he shakes his shoulder, startling him awake. “Dinner’s going to be up in a few minutes.”

Miko yawns, gets up and goes over to the table where he sits down to await the arrival of the meal. James removes his writing implements and moves the notes over to a side table where they can dry undisturbed. It doesn’t take long before there is another knock on the door.

James opens the door and lets Ritchie in who sets the platter of food on the table. Another boy is with him with a pitcher of ale and two mugs. James gives Ritchie two coppers and the boy seems more satisfied this time.

Before they leave, James asks, “Is there a chance we could have two baths here in our room after dinner?”
Nodding, Ritchie replies, “We can do that, though it will be another four coppers for each of the baths.”
“Very well,” James says. “After you have taken the plates when we’re done, bring ‘em on in.”
“Very well sir,” Ritchie replies. “I’ll let Porlen know.” Ritchie and the other boy exit the room, closing the door behind them.

James ordered the roasted duck with steamed potatoes. It’s very good and Miko definitely enjoys it, going through it in his usual ravenous way. James makes sure to take an extra helping before he’s even done with his first, before Miko eats it all.

No more than five minutes after the last bite was eaten, Ritchie again comes to the door and takes away the dirty plates and mugs. Shortly after that, two medium size tubs are brought in and filled with hot, steaming water. One of the girls asks if they would like her to stay to ‘help’ them.

“No, thanks,” James says. “I think we can manage on our own.”

“Okay,” she replies, a little disappointed. “We’ll be back later to remove the water and baths.” She then leaves the room and they undress, settling into the warm water.

After a few minutes, James asks, “Is it helping relieve your aches and pains?”

“Ohhhhhhh, yeah,” Miko answers very contentedly. “I can’t believe that I ever thought baths were dumb.”

“Tomorrow we’ll leave and take Merchant’s Pass over the mountains into Madoc,” James states. “Better enjoy this while you can, it may be the last one that we will be able to enjoy for a while.”

“I will,” Miko replies, “don’t worry about that.” He sinks down into the tub until just his head is showing with a very contented expression on his face.

James relaxes in his tub until the water begins to turn cold and forces him out. Once toweled off and dressed, he notices Miko’s desire to remain in the tub but the water is starting to turn cold and eventually forces him out as well. Once both are dressed, Miko goes downstairs and lets one of the workers know they can take the tubs out.

They relax upon the beds as the workers remove the water, pail by pail. Once the level of the water has been sufficiently reduced, two of the larger lads come in and carry out the tubs.

Alone once more in their room, the weariness of the day sets in and sleep can no longer be put off. James blows out the candle and sleep quickly takes them. Miko doesn’t thrash around in his sleep this night, as his legs are feeling much better.


The following morning they arise to the dawn of another sunny summer day. They get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast, bringing their belongings with them.

They find a table in the dining area and are soon enjoying a hearty breakfast of ham steak and potatoes. Suddenly the front door slams open and a man runs into the inn looking around. When he doesn’t see the owner in the common area he hollers out, “Porlen!”

Porlen hurries from the back and seeing the man standing there, asks him, “What is it Jacob?”
“Saragon has fallen!” Jacob exclaims excitedly.
“Fallen? When?” Porlen asks earnestly.

“A rider just came through town from the Pass,” Jacob replies. “He’s heading to Castle Cardri to tell the king what’s going on. They say that they’re going to be closing the Pass sometime this afternoon.”

James and Miko look at each other as they hear the news unfolding.

“The Pass is going to be closed?” exclaims an astounded Porlen. “It’s hasn’t been closed in over a hundred years.”

“I know,” Jacob replies. “They said it would only be temporary until they see what the Empire’s going to do. They don’t want people traveling out there in the middle of a war. They said that anyone who plans on taking the Pass better make it there as soon as possible.”

That’s all James needed to hear. He gets up and says, “Miko we’re leaving, go get the horses ready.”
Miko gets up and hurries out to the stables.
James goes over to Porlen, “How much to settle the bill?”
“Are you leaving us already?” Porlen asks.
“We got to make it to the Pass before it closes,” James explains.

“Better be careful over there,” Porlen warns, “the Empire isn’t known for its kindness to strangers.” He goes over to the counter and totals the charges and James gives him what money he owes.

“We don’t intend to get that close to the Empire’s forces,” he explains. “Good bye,” he says to Porlen and then returns to the table where he gathers his things and then hurries out to the stables where Miko has their horses ready.

James secures the bags onto the mule and then walks the horses outside. They quickly mount then exit the courtyard, following the road in the direction of the Merchant’s Pass as quickly as the crowded streets will allow them.

The townspeople are all talking amongst themselves, exchanging the news of the fall of Saragon and the closing of the Pass. There is anxiety in the air and a little bit of fear as well. Many are nervous and none are sure what may or may not be happening.

As they get closer to the gate that leads from the city to the road that winds through the Pass, the crowds become thicker and thicker. The people don’t necessarily want to go over the Pass, they are just interested in finding out what’s going on. The road becomes increasingly congested and soon an announcement is made that only those wishing to travel the Pass are to be on the road so they will be able to reach it before the Pass is closed to all traffic.

Most people heed the announcement and the road slowly becomes less congested allowing them to make better time toward the Pass. It takes over an hour to get to the entrance to the Pass, a trip that should’ve only taken ten minutes normally, due to all the looky loos, as his grandmother would’ve called them.

Several merchants have set up stands hoping to get the people going through the pass to buy their wares. One in particular interests James so he makes his way over and pauses to inspect the goods.

Upon seeing James approaching, the merchant picks up a couple of the jackets he’s selling and begins extolling their merits.

Getting down from his horse James tries on one of the jackets, it is fur lined, soft and very warm. The outside is leather and looks as if it would repel water.

“Does this jacket shed water?” James asks the merchant.

“Oh yes good sir,” he says. “My jackets are the warmest and driest ones you can find anywhere. If you plan to cross the Pass, then you will need them. The summit is very cold, especially at night.

“How much for two?” James asks.

“I could part with two of these fine jackets for a mere six gold,” the man offers.

From behind him he hears a gasp from Miko. He turns to find Miko shaking his head, telling him that it’s too expensive. So James grits his teeth and sets into haggling with the man. He finally works him down to three gold and seven coppers. He has Miko get down to try one on and soon finds a jacket that fits him well.

After handing over the money, they pack the jackets onto the mule and mount up.

“Why do we need those?” Miko asks. “It’s hot.”

“It may be hot here, but when we reach the top, we may well be glad to have them,” James explains. “The mountains get cold when the sun goes down even in the summer, you’ll see.” Getting their horses moving again they continue on their way to the Pass.

The road they are following continues over a bridge and toward the mountains where it enters a gorge that over the centuries has been carved out of the rock by a large river. Running alongside the river, the road can be seen extending further into the pass until the gorge turns and it disappears into the mountain.

When they cross the bridge, they find the river below is flowing strong and fast. The temperature drops noticeably when they are over the river due to the coldness of the water coming out of the mountains.

A hundred feet or so beyond the bridge, off to the side lies a makeshift barricade that will most likely be used to close off the Pass. There is no actual gate to close, just a squad of guards and barricades to keep everyone out. When they come near to the actual entrance to the Pass, a sergeant is there telling all who are planning to pass through to Madoc that they will be able to return back through the pass from Madoc until the Empire’s forces have been sighted. Once the Empire’s armies have been seen, the Pass will be closed and no more traffic will be allowed to enter from Madoc. It will open again when the situation on the other side of the mountains becomes less unstable and dangerous to travelers.

Some upon hearing this turn back but there are still more that continue on ahead through the entrance despite the dangers. One lone caravan is braving the trip, and is causing a bottleneck at the entrance. The caravan master is moving his wagons through two at a time, causing the foot and horse traffic to bog down as they make their way around the slow moving wagons.

James and Miko take their place in line and after what seems like an overly long time, finally make it to the entrance and begin making their way around the wagons. As they pass the guards, James looks behind them and can see another dozen or so people who are waiting their turn to go around the caravan and enter the Pass. The guards are bringing up the barricades and it looks as if they are intending to close the Pass after the last of the stragglers enter.

They carefully make their way around the caravan and then quickly head deeper into the Pass.





Chapter Twenty One





The road through the Pass is the main artery for trade between Madoc and Cardri and is wide enough to accommodate three wagons side by side. The surface of the road, while not perfectly smooth, is firm and level with minimal ruts and potholes.

As they leave the entrance to the Pass behind and follow the road around the bend, the panoramic view of the gorge unfolds before them. They pause a second to take in its grandeur. On either side the gorge rises up to dizzying heights with the river cutting through the middle. Cascading down the side opposite that which the road meanders along, several waterfalls add additional splendor. The road follows the river for nearly a mile before beginning it’s ascent up to the higher elevations. With many a twist and turn, it occasionally vanishes from view only to reappear once more further up the mountainside. Straining their vision to its utmost, they can barely make out where the road ultimately disappears into the cloud cover further down the gorge.

“We’re going there?” James hears Miko exclaim incredulously.

“It’s not so bad,” he reassures his friend. “Caravans come this way all the time, so I’m sure we will have little difficulty.” Nudging his horse forward, James continues down the road forcing Miko to keep up with him or be left behind.

BOOK: The Unsuspecting Mage
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