The Vampyre Legal Chronicles - Daniel: Book: 3 (9 page)

BOOK: The Vampyre Legal Chronicles - Daniel: Book: 3
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Chapter Twelve

His vampyre ruled supreme.

And it appeared the same thing was happening to Gia.

The way she was twisting her pelvis under him told him more
than words how much she needed him. Her flesh was so hot she burned beneath
him. Again his vampyre roared. For a fleeting moment the part of him that was
man thought about trying to stop, but then the moment was gone as a violent,
wild conflagration raced through his body.

She was his.


There would be serious consequences to this, he knew, but
there was nothing he could do to stop his beast. Then he kissed her and as his
tongue impaled her mouth, ruling her, he couldn't think at all. His hand spread
around her neck and squeezed, holding her still. His thumb circled a pulse gone
crazy. The scent of her arousal, of his arousal, blended with the scent of his
woman. His hand slid down to first cup the weight of her breast. Then he rolled
her pink and hard little nipple between his finger and thumb and gently pinched
as he tugged. Instantly her back arched as a groan escaped from her throat. Now
he cupped that breast as he dipped his head and brought it to his hungry mouth,
sucking the hot flesh hard. Her cry of his name made him suck again and again.
She tasted like the sweetest honey. His fingers plucked her slippy nipple as he
moved to her other breast. This time he used the wet heat of his mouth, his
teeth, carefully, to bring her to the edge fast. Now she was sobbing his name,
even as she pressed open mouthed kisses to his shoulder as her body shuddered
beneath him.

But he would not be hurried.

He shifted to bury his face in her soft belly, to lick her
navel and tease her to death as his teeth gently nipped flesh that smelled of
flowers and his lips kissed the spot to ease the sting. And all the while his
hands slid under her bare bottom to spread her wide. The scent of her arousal
summoned him, a siren's call, as he wedged his wide shoulders between her
thighs. He gave her no warning, no to time to prepare as his tongue entered and
he sucked and drank as she screamed his name aloud.

She burned for him.

He'd never felt heat like it.

His hands pinned her to the bed as she tried to writhe
beneath him, but he held her utterly still. He was like a starving man who
hadn't seen food in a month as he tasted and licked and sucked. And as he used
his teeth on her clitoris her climax roared through her as she screamed and
begged him again and again to
please, please, please take me
. The sounds
she was making, as if she couldn't get enough oxygen into her lungs, only drove
him to do more to her. He didn't give her time to recover from one climax and
he was taking her up again, sucking gently on an oversensitive clitoris as his
fingers entered her slick heat. She was beyond wild now, beyond any
self-control as her thighs spasmed and her body went tight around his fingers.

Now he shifted to press his aching erection at her entrance
and stopped.

She was flushed, her cheeks streaked with crimson, her eyes
tightly shut as she gasped for breath.

"Eyes on me, Gia."

It took her at least ten seconds to hear him.

He waited.

And all the while her body tried to suck his into her.


Her full lips trembled with every inhale, every exhale.

He could imagine that mouth doing wonderful things to his

They'd save that for later.

And still he waited.

At last, her eyes flickered and then opened.

The human Gia was back.

Big brown eyes stared into his.

He didn't read alarm.

He didn't read fear.

He read a burning arousal.

"When I am inside you, at all times you keep your eyes
on me. Do you understand me? I want to hear you call my name and tell me you
want me."

His vampyre was demanding not only her respect, but her
utter surrender to him. She was his and he needed to hear her say it. Even if
she didn't want to.

Those brown eyes seemed to beg him not to force the issue,
to give her time.

He shook his head.

When she moaned and wriggled beneath him, his jaw clenched.
Then she twisted her hips, tried to push up to take him into her. And still he
held still. His head felt as if it was about to explode with need and his dick
throbbed so hard he nearly whined in his throat. But he held fast as his
vampyre's language deteriorated in his mind.


He was becoming desperate.

"Gia, I need to hear it or I walk away."

Christ, as if he could walk in this state.

Tears ran down her face as she twisted her head from side to

! Just do it, Daniel. I want you. I want
you now!"

Still he held fast.

His arms and his legs were trembling from the effort of
holding back.

"You are
," he growled the word.

, yes, yes. I'm yours."

She was sobbing now.

He didn't hesitate.

He impaled her as he entered.

He took her hard.

He took her fast.

And all the time he watched her face as her neck arched and
her mouth made the O shape of pleasure. He adored the way her lips trembled
every time she took a shaky breath. He loved the way her smooth breasts jerked
with every pounding stroke. Her eyes stayed on his and went hazy as her body
matched the pistoning rhythm of his.

He shifted his hips, his hand shoving up her knee to go
deeper. Now she was crying his name, chanting his name, as he took her up
again. He didn't stop, didn't slow, as her eyes grew wide. He recognized alarm,
and knew what it felt like. Her vampyre rose, claws penetrating his flesh.
Digging deep and drawing blood that dripped on sheets of white linen. Still, he
didn't stop. His body relentlessly ruling her with an authority she must obey.

"Who am I?" he asked in a voice that more beast
than man. "Say it."

She was

After this night, she would always be his.

And already he knew that he would never, ever, get enough of
this woman.

There was a flash of something like resistance in her
vampyre eyes.

His own narrowed.

No way.

Now he kept his gaze riveted to her face as his hand slid
between them and his thumb pressed hard against her slick nub. Her eyes went
wide as her body spasmed around his again and again.

"Who am I?"

Her newborn fangs dug into her full bottom lip making her

His hips pistoned into her and he heard her cry.

The scent of her blood only made him hunger even more.

He bent his head and licked to take the taste of her on his

She arched her neck in invitation.

He didn't need to be asked twice.

His fangs hit the spot.

And his eyes nearly rolled back in his head as the liquid
power of her raced through his system.

He drank.

He drank deeply.

Then he suckled and licked the spot to seal the wound.

Her hand slid around his neck to pull him close.

She was strong.

And as her needle sharp fangs slid into his arterial blood
vessel and drank from him, he knew that a blood pact had been made this day.

She might not have said it, damn her, but she was

Her body rose to meet his, thrust for thrust.

And he realized that when it came to sex they were more than

However, his vampyre wasn't having it.

The beast wanted more, wanted everything.

He slammed into her again and again as he took them both on
the wild ride of their lives.

Her flesh tightened so hard around him he nearly whimpered.

It cost him, but he kept going hard and fast.

Then she arched her back as her breath hitched as her whole
body clenched. Her scream nearly burst his eardrums as her orgasm savaged them
both. He couldn't stop the ejaculation of his seed hot and strong as it shot
again and again inside her.

He collapsed upon her, his face buried in the heady scent of
her neck as her body milked his for every single drop as he stayed within her
and surfed the wave to a calm shore.


He'd used her hard and he bet she was going to be very sore

He lifted his head and found himself staring into the eyes
of a vampyre.

A very happy and satiated looking vampyre.

"You want to know who you are to me?" she asked.

Daniel nodded and his heart soared in his chest.

She was going to admit she was his.

Her swollen mouth curved.

"You are
," she said.

His eyes held hers as the response had alarm bells pealing
loud and long in his head.


"Wrong answer."

 It nearly killed him to do it, but Daniel managed to regain
control over his vampyre. A vampyre that was literally snapping at the leash to
punish her for her disrespect, her obstinate disobedience.

Ignoring the look of bewilderment in her eyes, he peeled
himself from her soft and willing body and stood. His heart was hammering
against his ribcage so hard that he found it difficult to catch a breath. And
he closed his eyes to the howl of outrage of his vampyre in his mind. If he
didn't walk away from her now, his vampyre would mete out a physical
punishment. Gia had been hurt, both physically and psychologically, by a man
before and Daniel reminded the beast that he'd die before he let him hurt her.





Chapter Thirteen

Eyes stinging, Gia lay on her back.

Her body might be replete and satiated.

But her heart was heavy.

She swore to every deity in the universe that she would
never, ever forgive him for this. She'd placed her heart in his hands. She'd
given him all she had to give. How dare he walk away from her like this? It
appeared she'd chosen yet another man who didn't believe in after-sex caresses
or intimate whispers. Not even a hug. She heard the sudden rush of the shower
and the sound of a person washing the scent of her from his body.

But suddenly anger leaked away to be replaced by a
bone-weary exhaustion.

She was tired, too tired.

Her eyes closed as she dropped abruptly into darkness.

Later, she awoke to find Daniel dressed for work.

The legacy from his Celtic forebears, the high cheekbones,
the strong jaw, echoed in his eyes, a deep Scottish blue, and in the thick
black hair framing a clever face. That hair flowed to his crisp shirt collar of
white cotton. His charcoal grey suit, made by a master tailor in Rome, hugged
immense shoulders. He was immaculate from the gloss of his hair to the shine in
his handmade shoes of the best Italian leather.

He looked nothing like the wild man who’d rocked her world
in more ways than one.

For some reason just looking at him left her feeling dazed,
dazzled and light-headed with her ears ringing oddly.

Leaning on her elbow, she pulled the crisp sheet above her
breasts and stared into those fabulous eyes.

"I’ll get ready for work." Even as she spoke the
words, that strange new instinct running through her blood told her that she
wouldn’t be setting foot in her office of Gillespie, Pattullo and Hindmarch ever

But she needed to hear Daniel say it.

And she got her wish.

"Nope. A newborn cannot be left alone for a number of
weeks or months, until we know they have complete control of their vampyre."

Now she frowned.

"But I need to work. I have people who rely on

Her grandparents had dementia and they were too vulnerable
to be left without support in their care home.

Blue eyes narrowed into hers.

And this time she could feel the whisper in her mind as he
read her thoughts.

"It is not a subject up for discussion. You remain
here. Your grandparents will be well looked after, Gia. And so will you. You
are mine now. Get used to it."

Like hell she was his.

Like hell she would get used to it.

Now she sat, back rigidly straight and she lifted her chin
as pride rode to the fore.

"I have debts to pay. I need to work and I need to sing.
I have an obligation to the Sly Fox club. I won’t let them down."

Very slowly he shook his head.

Gia recognized a lethal determination when she saw it and
the force of a strong will when she felt it.

"You're not leaving this apartment until we know you
are in control of your vampyre. A newborn walking among humans is a danger to
them and to herself," he told her in a tone that meant business.

The growl in her mind gave her a heady sense of
invincibility, of a woman in charge of her destiny, her life and the people in

"Who are the
you constantly refer to?"

His first response was a cool look, probably because of the
cranky tone of the question.

"Get showered. Get dressed and join me next door."
He bent to pick up a slim white box from the table and tossed it on the bed.
"By the way, I found this on your desk. Whomever he is, you can tell him
you're taken."

He turned and walked out without responding to her question.

She knew what was in the box. A single white rose from
Enricho, a reminder that he hadn't forgotten about her. She ignored the urge to
toss the box out of the damn window.

The blast of annoyance was so strong the force of it had a
strange red mist haze before her eyes.

Just who the
did Daniel think he was to talk to
her like that. And who the hell did Enricho Donnati think
was to keep
harassing her like this?

Her claws shot out of her fingertips and for an unremitting
moment, Gia battled not to throw the bedside lamp at the damn door. However,
behaviour like that was hardly showing him she was in control of herself, was


Instead she stalked into the en-suite bathroom, racing through
a hot shower, before tugging on her oldest blue jeans white at the knees and
seams. Along with a fitted white T-shirt that proclaimed,
Regular chocolate
is better than regular sex.
Dragging a comb through towel-dried hair, she
simply plaited it and secured the ends with a hair-tie.

On a mission to kick a certain vampyre's ass, she marched
down the hall, burst into the sitting room.

And stopped dead.

They had visitors.


Two people stood in the middle of the room and were talking
in hushed tones to Daniel.

The woman she recognized.

Saira Pattullo.

As far as Gia was concerned Saira was one of those women
other women loathed. She was a petulant, spoilt diva, who threw her weight
around in the offices of Gillespie, Pattullo and Hindmarch. Just because she
was a daughter of one of the founders gave her no right to make everyone else's
life a misery.

Fortunately Gia had little to do with her, but some of the
other girls who worked in the administration department absolutely detested

Saira’s dark almond shaped eyes seemed to flick over Gia’s
clothes, her hair, and the way her full mouth smirked it was obvious she wasn’t
impressed. Bitch. The vampyre within Gia rose and emitted a low growl of

"Saira," said the colossal man standing next to
Daniel in a gravelly voice that vibrated right down Gia’s spine. Not with
attraction, but with something like dread. "Do not annoy the newborn."


It appeared both knew that Gia was a vampyre.

But before she could process that fact, she simply stared at
the stranger.

Good God, the man was huge and looked like something out of
a fantasy action movie.

His savagely masculine face was unforgettable. High cheekbones,
dark eyes framed by thick jet lashes stared at her under heavily hooded brows.
His nose was slightly hooked, which made him look like a warrior. His wide
mouth was as uncompromising as his jaw. And his hair was tied in a high
slippery tail which reached down his back. And she knew, she just knew, that he
was a vampyre.
A master vampyre
the voice in her head whispered the
warning. He had the exotic eyes of a big black panther.

And Gia suddenly felt like so much raw meat.

Fresh meat.

But it was the clothes he wore that shocked her to the core.

Heavy leathers the color of red wine hugged every single
inch of him, especially the bulge between his thighs. And then she blushed at
the thought of being caught staring at his crotch.

Her eyes flew to Daniel’s.

And his mouth twitched as blue eyes danced into hers.

He was laughing at her?


Gia narrowed her eyes in warning.

"I am Ezekiel and I believe you know Saira. Come,"
said the giant and indicated a low couch. "Please, sit."





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