The View from the Cheap Seats (46 page)

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Evelyn Evelyn: A Tragic Tale in Two Tomes
(Palmer and Webley), Afterword to, 415–18

Evenings with Neil Gaiman,

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
(Mackay), 229–32

Eye of the Tyger
(McCauley), Introduction to, 217–21

Faces of Fantasy, The
(Perret), 94

Fagin, Helen, 46–47

Fahrenheit 451
(Bradbury), 318; Introduction to, 177–82

Fahrenheit 451
(movie), 180

Failures, 304–5, 453–54

Fairy Feller's Master Stroke, The
(Chadbourn), 448

Fairy-Feller's Master-Stroke, The
(Dadd), 425, 443–48

Fairy tales, 59–62, 423–29; compared with romance books, 45–46

Family albums, 471–76

Father Brown, 37–38, 344–46

Fellowship of the Ring, The
(Tolkien), 35–36

Female storylines, 67–68

Fey, Tina, 466

Finger, Bob, 260

Fire and Hemlock
(Jones), 97

“Fireman, The” (Bradbury), 180

Fisher, Jules, 380, 382

Fleming, Ian, 27

Fletcher, Jo, 144

(album), liner notes, 394–96

Flying Inn, The
(Chesterton), 38

Focus Features, 464–65

Forbidden Planet, 31, 195–96

Forrest, David, 84

Fortunately, the Milk
(Gaiman), 87–88

“Four Bookshops,” 26–32

Fourth World, 275–76

Fox, Gardner, 260

(Shelley), 169

Fraser, George MacDonald, 357

Freedom and libraries, 10

Freelancer life, 456–57

Free speech, 3–4, 74–75

“Fritz Leiber: The Short Stories,” 165–68

From Hell
(Moore), 248, 255, 377

“From the Days of Future Past:
The Country of the Blind and Other Stories,
by H. G. Wells,” 329–39

Fry, Stephen, 224

Gaimain, David, 20–21, 119, 142, 463

Gaiman, Holly, 8, 85, 123, 142, 399–400, 424–25

Gaiman, Maddy, 98, 201–2, 305, 424–25

Gaiman, Michael, xvi, 16, 23

Galvin, Cathy, 129

“Garden, The” (Marvell), 169

“Gardener, The” (Kipling), 328

Gardening, 40, 55

Garland, Lorraine, 18–19

Garner, Alan, 83

Geidt, Jeremy, 487

Gender and books, 67–72

Genre fiction, 41–43, 47–48

“Geoff Notkin: Meteorite Man,” 141–43

Ghastly Beyond Belief
(Newman and Gaiman, eds.), 145–46, 196

“Ghosts in the Machines: Some Hallowe'en Thoughts,” 49–53

Ghost stories, 50–53

Gibbons, Dave, 222, 289

Gibbs, A. Hamilton, 122

Gibson, William, 183; “Burning Chrome,” 398–99;

“Gift, The” (song), 398

Gilbert, W. S., 35

Gilliam, Terry, 207, 208, 301

GK's Weekly,

Golden Globes, 465–66, 467

Goldman, William, 426

Gone with the Wind
(Mitchell), 46–47

“Gonna Roll the Bones” (Leiber), 190

“Good Comics and Tulips: A Speech,” 229–37

Good Omens
(Pratchett and Gaiman), 102–3, 457, 498–99, 500

Google, 10, 41, 73, 359

(Stine), 85

Gotti, John, 131

Grandenetti, Jerry, 279

Gravett, Paul, 106–7

Graveyard Book, The
(Gaiman), 16, 18, 19–20, 22–24

Graveyards, 22–23

Gray, Nicholas Stuart, 17

Great Cow Race, The
(Smith), 267, 268, 273

Greenland, Colin, 438–39, 441–42

Green Mile, The
(King), 138

Gregory, Marc, 405–6

Grimm Brothers, 268, 423–24

Grisham, John, 121

Gulliver's Travels
(Swift), 68

(Thompson), 150–53

Gursky, Steve, 234

“Half Jack” (song), 481–82

Hallowe'en, 49–53, 478–79

Happiest Days of Your Life, The
(play), 80–81

Hard Candy
(movie), 214

Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the “Frenzy of the Visible”
(Williams), 43–44

Harris, Neil Patrick, 466

Harrison, Jane Ellen, 425

Harrison, M. John, 361–66

“Harry's Circumcision” (song), 409

Hartnell, William, 219, 220

Harvey Awards Keynote Speech (2004), 300–307

Harvey Comics, 287

Havel, Václav, 403, 410, 413, 414

“Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?” (song), 415

Hayden, Teresa Nielsen, 42

“Hearing Aid” (song), 396

Heavenly Breakfast
(Delany), 189

Heifetz, Merrilee, 18–19, 86

Heinlein, Robert, 170–71, 187, 261

Hellbound Heart, The
(Barker), 148

(movie), 148

Helplessness, 82, 89

Henson, Brian, 209–10

Henson, Jim, 205, 206

Henson, Lisa, 205–6, 210, 213

Herbert, Frank, 193, 194

Hering, Henry, 445

Hernandez, Jaime and Koko, 285

Herriman, George, 296, 303

“Hi, by the Way: Tori Amos,” 389–90

Hiding the Elephant
(Steinmeyer), 382

Hill, Joe (Joe King), 130, 134, 137

Hillis, Danny, 380

Hillyer, Ed, 255

Hitchhiker: A Biography of Douglas Adams
(Simpson), Foreword to, 114–16

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
(Adams), 114–15, 368, 370–72

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
(movie), 369

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
(radio series), 368

Hoban, Russell, 378

Hobbit, The
(Tolkien), 35

“Home of the Brave” (song), 403–4

“Hop-Frog” (Poe), 317

Horatio Stubbs Saga
(Aldiss), 171

“Hot Cha” (song), 396

(Aldiss), Introduction to, 169–76

Howard, Robert E., 168, 348

“How Dare You: On America, and Writing About It,” 64–66

“How to Read Gene Wolfe,” 111–13

Hubbard, L. Ron, 261

Hugo Award, 170–71, 175

Hurt Locker, The
(movie), 468

Hutchins, Jim, 402

I, Robot
(Asimov), 27

Iceland, 70

“I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” (Ellison), 119

Imagination, 13–14

(magazine), 145

Immigrant experience, 65

“I'm Set Free” (song), 399

Infantino, Carmine, 264, 266

Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age
(Doctorow), 340–43

Information glut, 10–11

Intelligent Life
(magazine), 448

International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, keynote speech (2013), 39–48


“In the Abyss” (Wells), 335

In Viriconium
(Harrison), 364, 365

Invisible Man, The
(Wells), 329–30

Irving, Henry, 325

Island of Dr. Moreau, The
(Wells), 330

Ismayilova, Khadija, 74

“Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” (song), 395

Jacket, The
(movie), 213–14

Jack the Ripper, 147, 248

James, John, 356–60

Jaworczyn, Stefan, 147–48

“Jeep Song, The” (song), 481

Jeff Smith: Bone and Beyond
(Filipi), 267–73

Jillette, Penn, 215, 381

Jim Henson Company, 205–6, 208–13, 224

Jimmy Corrigan
(Ware), 296

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
(Clarke), Introduction to, 438–42

Jones, Chuck, 268

Jones, Diana Wynne:
97, 376–76; “Reflections: On Diana Wynne Jones,” 95–99

Jones, Steve, 352

Jones, Terry, 208

Jordan, Neil, 425–26

Jordan, UNHCR camps, 491–97

Jorkens, Joseph, 433–34

(King), 131, 134

Jungle Book, The
(Kipling), 23

Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice
(Cabell), 28

Kahn, Jenette, 280

Kambriel, 463–64, 465

Kane, Bob, 247, 266, 293

Karloff, Boris, 201–4

Keeler, Harry Stephen, 280

Kelly, Walt, 268, 271

“Kicks” (song), 403

King, Carole, 480

King, Naomi, 137

King, Owen, 130, 137

King, Stephen, xvi, 123, 328, 351, 457;
8, 85, 131–32, 136, 137; “On Stephen King,” 129–40;
‘Salem's Lot,
131–32, 137, 323

King, Tabitha, 130–33, 135–36, 137, 140

King Foundation, 132–33

King of Elfland's Daughter, The
(Dunsany), 425, 426, 433–35

Kipling, Rudyard, 23, 327–28

Kirby, Jack, 260, 274–81

Kirby: King of Comics
(Evanier), Introduction to, 274–77

Kirby, Ronald William “Josh,” 109

Kittelsen, Theodor, 430

Kleinschmidt, Kilian, 494

Klinger, Les, 325–26

Knight, Laura, 473

Knockabout Comics, 75–76

Kraków University, 46

Krazy Kat
(Herriman), 303

Krigstein, Bernie, 296

Kryptonite Kid, The,
258, 259–60

Kupferberg, Tuli, 165

Kurtzman, Harvey, 142, 300–301

La Belle et la Bête
(movie), 424–25

(movie), 205, 206, 208

Lafferty, R. A., 28, 30, 165, 168

Lanchester, Elsa, 201–4

Landau, Yair, 213

Larkin, Philip, 481–82

Last Exit to Brooklyn
(Selby), 403

Laumer, Keith, 193

Layer Cake
(movie), 212–13

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The
(movie), 223, 224

Lee, Stan, 260, 274

Legendary Pink Dots, 479

Le Guin, Ursula K., xvi, 83

Leiber, Fritz, 165–68, 190, 348

Lemon, Denis, 75–76

L'Engle, Madeleine, 20

Levitz, Paul, 247

Lewis, C.S., 9, 27, 33–35, 38, 68, 81, 97

Lewis, Matthew “Monk,” 265

Lexton, Maria, 156

Librarians, 9–10, 17–18, 24, 297

Libraries, 5–6, 9–15, 16–18

Liefeld, Rob, 250, 251

Life, the Universe and Everything
(Adams), 368

“Ligeia” (Poe), 318, 321

(Harrison), 365

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The
(Lewis), 33–34

Literacy, 6–7, 11–12, 15

Little Nemo
(McCay), 303

Lloyd, David, 225

Lloyd, John, 115, 368

(album), 398


Look Magazine, “
Sundance Diary,” 212–16

“Lord of the Dynamos, The” (Wells), 333–34

Lord of the Rings, The
(Tolkien), xvi, 35–37, 440–41

“Lou Reed, in Memoriam: ‘The Soundtrack to My Life'”, 397–414

Lovecraft, H. P., xvi, 168, 347–52

“Lucky Ball and Chain” (song), 395

(Mirrlees), 425, 426, 436–37, 440

Lugosi, Bela, 323

Lumley, Brian, 350

Lunatic Heroes
(Martignetti), 488, 489

McAdams, Rachel, 465, 467, 469

McCay, Winsor, 296, 303

McCloud, Scott, 260, 293, 310

MacDonald, John D., 132, 139

McIntosh, J. T., 82

Mackay, Charles, 229–32

McKay, Nellie, 478

McKean, Clare, 107, 108

McKean, Dave, 243, 251;
(movie), 205–16, 224, 226; “On Dave McKean,” 106–10

Madden, Matt, 310

“Made in USA” (McIntosh), 82

Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction,

Magic (magicians), 380–82

Magic and Loss
(album), 404, 411, 413

Mahurin, Matt, 410

Major, John, 121

“Make Good Art,” 451–59

Mandeville, John, 172

Manhattan, 154–55

“Man Who Could Work Miracles, The” (Wells), 336

“Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore, The” (Ellison), 123–24

Man Who Was Thursday, The
(Chesterton), 37–38, 345

Marder, Larry, 239

Marquee Club (London), 157

Martian Chronicles, The
(Bradbury), 27, 181

Martignetti, Anthony, 483–90

Martignetti, Laura, 485, 488–89

Martin, George R. R., 258

Martin, J. P., 17, 83

Martin, Steve, 466

Marvell, Andrew, 169

“Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe), 318, 320

(Spiegelman), 222, 289, 295

Mayer, Robert,

McCauley, Paul,
Eye of the Tyger,

Mehta, Sonny, 369, 371

Melville, Herman,
259, 267–68

Merril, Judith, 165

Metal Machine Music
(album), 399, 406

Meteorites, 142–43

Milford Writers' Workshop, 95

Milholland, Randy, 306

Miller, Frank, 222, 226, 233, 250, 296

“Minimum Wage” (song), 396

Mirrlees, Hope,
425, 426, 436–37, 440

(movie), 205–16, 224, 226; Sundance diary, 212–16

MirrorMask: The Illustrated Film Script of the Motion Picture,

(King), 134

Mistakes, 304–5, 455

(album), 402

Mitchell, Margaret, 134;
Gone with the Wind,

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
(Herman), 259, 267–68

Monk, The
(Lewis), 265

Monstrous Regiment
(Pratchett), 104

Moorcock, Michael, 83, 84, 171, 363–64;
A Cure for Cancer,

Moore, Alan, 222, 233, 248, 250, 295–96, 303, 377–79;
From Hell,
248, 255, 377;
V for Vendetta,
Voice of the Fire,

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