The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition (8 page)

Read The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition Online

Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #alien invasion, #erotic dancer, #alpha male, #older woman younger man, #alien lover, #alien scout

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No, his curiosity. Knowing was nothing
like fantasizing, though. Knowing had only taught him that his
imagination didn’t begin to compare to actuality. It had sparked a
voracious hunger for more and he’d had too many days to consider
the possibility that she would never let him touch her

He was supposed to be trying to
convince her he wasn’t just after her sweet little pussy, he
reminded himself, wrestling between one need and the

To hell with it, he decided abruptly.
He could convince her later. He was going to come all over the
place if he didn’t get inside of her.

Slipping a hand between them, he
tested his welcome to see if she was wet enough he had some chance
of wedging himself inside. The moisture that coated his finger set
his cock to pounding painfully. When the walls of her sex closed on
his finger, though, his balls drew up and he almost lost

He withdrew his finger, grasped his
cock a little frantically, lined the head up with the mouth of her
sex by feel and pushed. He felt her flesh yield. He was so mindless
with need by that time it took him a moment to realize he wasn’t
getting any deeper and several moments more to figure out why.
Realizing finally that he’d succeeded in pushing her way rather
than penetrating any deeper, he curled an arm around her hips and
tried pulling her onto his shaft with his arm while he thrust with
his hips.

Sweat broke from his pores when he
began to feel the strain in his cock. Easing off, he withdrew
slightly to test the depth he’d gained and pushed again. It took
him three tries before he finally sank home and he was shaking all
over and bathed in sweat with the effort—mostly the effort to keep
from coming. He didn’t think he would’ve made it all the way inside
if he hadn’t been so focused on achieving full penetration. A
sneeze could’ve set him off like an atom bomb and considering the
backup load he was carrying around, he might put her in

The moment he managed to burrow
completely inside of her, though, his focus switched from his goal
to the tight band of flesh gripping him from the head of his cock
to the root and he lost his mind and most of his muscle
coordination. Breaking from her lips, he sucked in a deep breath to
keep from passing out as he cautiously withdrew, struggling to hold
his seed and enjoy the feel of her flesh pulling on his at the same

He let out the breath he’d been
holding explosively when he managed it, sucking in another as he
thrust again and could feel her flesh peeling the outer skin of
cock back. Holding his seed began to feel like sheer torture.
Somewhere in the darkness of his mind, though, he knew there was a
reason to hold on beyond his absolute determination to enjoy the
sensations that rocked him with each thrust and retreat he managed
almost solely by counting them in his mind.

He realized what that something was
when she stiffened, uttering a long, drawn out moan near his ear
and he felt the walls of her sex close around him like a vice. She
was coming—for him. Triumph surged through him—briefly. She gasped
again as the walls of her sex fluttered and gripped him tightly
once more. The milking motion of her muscles broke his last thread
of control. The muscles in his belly heaved mightily, forcing hot
seed through the microscopic channel like a jet stream and knocking
the breath from him. He grunted at the force of it, trying to brace
himself for the next contraction. It hit him before he could,
hammering at him so relentlessly that all he could do was try to
hang on and keep from blacking out at the rapturous waves that
flowed through him each time the hard contractions

He was panting hoarsely from trying to
catch his breath when the spasms finally stopped and he could drag
in a decent breath of air. His legs felt like rubber. He braced his
pelvis against the counter to ease some of the strain of holding
himself up and settled his head heavily on her shoulder. “Baby,
that felt so good,” he muttered a little drunkenly, wishing he felt
up to more of the same.

She shivered. It took an effort to
lift his head, but he felt the sudden need to look at her, to make
sure he’d pleasured her, to make sure they were alright. Her
flushed cheeks and slumberous eyes reassured him … on one count
anyway. “You ok, baby?” he murmured, his voice husky with the
strain of speech when he was still so weak he felt like he was in
danger of falling out. “I made it good for you?”

She lifted her eyelids and stared back
at him, nodding a little shyly, but he saw her eyes were troubled.
She barely met his gaze before she looked away again. He searched
his mind a little frantically, but all he could come up with was
the fact that he’d been focused on convincing her that sex wasn’t
all he was after.

Good thing he’d thought to fuck her
senseless to convince her!

I need to get cleaned
up,” she murmured after a moment, clearly embarrassed.

Fuck, he thought with sudden
vehemence, glancing down between them! Dismissing the odd sense of
satisfaction it gave him to see he’d pumped her so full of his seed
that she was overflowing, he caught her face in the crook of his
hand and made her look at him. “What’s going through your head?” he
demanded when he gave up trying to figure it out.

Nothing!” she said
quickly. Too quickly. With a woman—an Earth woman, anyway, and
Earth women were actually the
women he was intimately familiar with—that meant

It clicked in his mind abruptly. He
hadn’t used a condom, again, and she was disturbed by it. Well, it
sure as fuck wasn’t going to reassure her to point out that they’d
already done it without one and there wasn’t much point in worrying
about it now! “Do you think I’d hurt you?” he demanded, abruptly

She sent him a startled look,
searching his eyes. “No.”

Relief flickered through
him that she sounded convinced. “Just because I don’t want nothing
between you and me but skin doesn’t mean I’m too stupid to consider
the consequences or give a shit, baby! I wouldn’t have touched you
at all if I hadn’t known, positively, that I was safe—not

Quite aside from the fact
that he couldn’t fucking
if he was wearing something to
damn it!

clearly wasn’t the time to try to convince her of

She studied him solemnly for a moment
and finally smiled tentatively.

A heady sense of triumph flooded him.
He’d made it over another hurtle! He grinned at her. Leaning down,
he gave her a smacking kiss on the lips and then helped her down
from the counter. “I gotta take care of the future mother of my
children,” he added teasingly. “Go get cleaned up. I’m going to
have the steaks done in about five minutes.” He studied the
startled look she sent him and shrugged. “Ok, so maybe ten. Just
make it quick. I’m starving.”

Chapter Five

Chelsey was in a daze as she headed
into her bathroom on autopilot in response to the order to clean
up, running on instinct while her mind scurried around in a
confused jumble. Several moments passed when she reached the
bathroom before she realized she was merely standing in the middle
of the room, staring into space. Prompted by the feel of a slime
trail traveling down one thigh, she looked down and discovered she
was still wearing her skirt—and her bra. No blouse and no

She hiked her skirt, staring at the
semen snaking its way down her thigh, imagining thousands, maybe
millions of squigglies swimming around in frantic circles,
searching for the egg. Straightening abruptly, she let go of her
skirt, her eyes widening in sudden alarm.

How long, she wondered, since she’d
used birth control?

Years. She discovered she
couldn’t actually remember. She’d never
to remember! Lawrence had gotten
a vasectomy as soon he’d discovered she was pregnant. He’d been
furious that she’d ‘gotten herself pregnant’ to start with without
consulting him. Having a baby at that point in time wasn’t on his
agenda. He’d begun pestering her to get an abortion the moment he
found out, but she’d still had a spine then. She’d flatly refused,
told him to take a hike if he couldn’t deal with it.

She didn’t know what had made him more
furious, the fact that she’d refused a direct order or that she’d
made it clear she thought she could get along without him. He’d
stopped pestering her to get an abortion. In fact, he’d made a
complete about face and begun to brag to everybody they knew as if
it had been his idea to start with.

He’d gotten the vasectomy, though, to
make sure her ovaries didn’t interfere with his plans again. She
was actually surprised he hadn’t insisted that she get her tubes
tied, but maybe he’d figured that was the way to keep her on the
straight and narrow? He’d been fixed so she didn’t need birth
control and if she got it he’d know why.

She’d grown so comfortable with the
thought that she couldn’t get pregnant it hadn’t occurred to her
once since the divorce that she was only safe if Lawrence screwed
her. Actually, truthfully, she hadn’t even thought that much …
because she hadn’t been considering having sex with anybody because
she hadn’t considered any kind of relationship with a man at

Garryk was teasing, of course. She
knew that. It had just come as such a shock to realize she was at
risk for that even if she didn’t have to worry about catching
anything horrible.

She was too
to get

Well, not too old to get that way but
too old to want to, especially when Larry had turned against

She needed to get her hands on some
kind of contraceptive. Clearly Garryk had no intention of using
anything and she was too mindless once he got her juices flowing to

Shaking her head, she shimmied out of
her skirt and moved to the lavatory to wash up. Was there really
any point in dashing down to get something, she wondered? Wasn’t it
a case, at this point, of slamming the barn door when the
cows—sperm—had already escaped?

Unless he actually was serious about
hanging around a while?

She considered that, but as much as
she would’ve liked to believe it, she realized she really didn’t.
There were too many reasons for it not to work and too few that it

In all honesty, she couldn’t think of
but one, single, solitary reason for him to hang around even a
little while. He’d had a crush on her when he was a kid. She hadn’t
thought so at the time. She hadn’t even taken his lustful glances
too seriously. True, they’d made her think all sorts of things she
shouldn’t have, but she’d found it hard to believe even then that
he actually thought she was hot. She’d suspected, in fact, that it
was just a game to him to see if he could break down her

She thought it was that fear, as
shameful as it was to admit, that had kept her on the straight and
narrow. If she’d thought he was serious and not just trying to make
a fool out of her, she might well have thrown every other
consideration out the window. The consequences would’ve been
horrendous if she’d been caught, but she hadn’t spent nearly as
much time worrying about getting caught as she had wishing he was a
little older or she was a lot younger and not married.

The smell of cooking steaks finally
penetrated her preoccupation and she finished cleaning up and
headed into her room to find something to put on. She discovered
Garryk had brought her panties and blouse from the kitchen and laid
them out on her bed, but decided to ignore them in favor of

If he was going to hang
around for any length of time, she reasoned, he might as well get
used to the unglamorous,
Chelsey! Taking out a pair of worn jeans and a
t-shirt nearly as old and stretched out, she considered the bra and
finally discarded it. She rarely wore one around her house since
there was no such thing as a bra that was actually comfortable.
They ranged from torture devices to mild discomfort, but she hadn’t
found one yet that she considered more comfortable than

Garryk noticed immediately. He paused
with the pan of sizzling steaks in one hand as if he’d been shut
down. Abruptly, the heat penetrated the pot holder he’d gripped the
pan with and he looked around a little frantically for a place to
put it, dropping it on the top of the range with a clatter. Despite
her amusement, Chelsey surged forward with concern when he blew on
his fingers and slung them. “Cold water,” she said, grabbing his
hand and tugging him toward the sink.

He coiled around her as she held his
burned hand under the faucet, cupping her breast with his free hand
and bumping the cleft of her ass with his cock—which was as hard as
it had been only a few minutes earlier. “I guess you didn’t burn
yourself too badly,” she said wryly, examining his fingers for
blisters when she shut the water off.

He nuzzled her hair out of the way
with his nose and covered one ear with his mouth. The heat sent a
rush through her, making her skin pebble all over. His fingers
tightened on the nipple that hardened, poking between them. Chelsey
felt her belly flutter.

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