The Visitors (20 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Mascull

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Ghost, #Romance, #General, #Action & Adventure, #Horror

BOOK: The Visitors
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‘Come away,’ she signs, ‘come away.’

But I shake my head, no, no.

I wipe my eyes and reach out to take his hand. No one was there to hold it at the end. I bend down and kiss it. I see Mother reach over and brush over his eyelids. Now his eyes are closed, he looks like he is asleep, head back and snoring with his mouth open as he did in his chair by the fire some nights over a book. But he is not asleep, he is dead and gone. And for the first time in my life, I understand that the body is a painted eggshell, made of flesh and hair so real, so solid that it fools us into thinking it is alive. But the only life comes from within and now his has escaped aimless amongst his beloved hops, and I will never converse with Father again, not the real Father who lived and breathed and understood what it was to be alive and to die. I curse my gift, and despise the Visitors who footslog like cretins in an asylum of their own making, and hate them for accepting Father into their number. And I feel a hot dread of ever seeing his ghost again.

In the weeks that follow, I avoid the hop garden. I do not want to go there and see his Visitor. I stay inside the house, fearful of going outside, yet suffer the affliction of a prisoner within my memories and misery. But as the funeral comes and goes and we stop speaking of Father with every breath, I miss him more than ever. A threnody sounds day and night in my heart. Nothing serves to lighten my days, not even a letter from Caleb. We write to him, Lottie and I, to tell him of Father’s passing, but hear nothing back. I know full well it is most likely beyond his control. If the Boers have hijacked the mail transport, he may well not have received our letter yet and perhaps never will, let alone reply. I know all this and still I blame Caleb for his silence.

Some months after his death, Father’s will is read. His fortune is left to Mother, with a very good allowance for myself and a generous annuity to Charlotte for her devotion, to be given for life, whether or not she remains in Golding employ. I am glad this will help the Crowe family, but the money means nothing whatever to me. I am so forlorn and strange of mind. In my sorrow, I have pushed Lottie away. She tries to speak with me, says words such as ‘grief’ and ‘mourning’, but I cannot explain it to her. My distress is not only the loss of Father, but the guilt I endure because the man I pine for most earnestly is Caleb. I wear the willow for her brother, ache for him more than my father, more than my own flesh and blood. I hate myself for it, but there it is. I cannot reveal this to her and so she looks at me full of sympathy and I want to fling it back at her, say how little I deserve it. I have no one to talk to, no one who will accept this truth and not judge me. I have never spoken to Mother or the maids about any such thing and have no intention of starting now. I only had Lottie, always Lottie, to share my secrets with. Except for this.

Wreathed in loneliness, I leave the house one evening and go to the hop garden, the same time of day I saw Father last. There he is, sauntering along a hop lane, gazing at the sky. I watch him for a time, thinking of Visitors and their existence, how they are the empty vessel left behind when our life deserts us. I have pitied them, but not understood their plight, not known it in my heart as I do now, looking at Father’s ghost. I call to him. He turns and hurries towards me, about to impart information of great import.

Adeliza, the charitable missions are placing great pressure on my back to improve conditions for the pickers. I am incensed. I believe we look after them very well. We house them in brick buildings, we provide potatoes and firewood. The well is not too far from the camp and the beck water is clean and healthy.

The old worries, the old concerns. Pointless now.

Father, I do not wish to speak of that.

What is it, my dear?

I love Caleb Crowe. I have loved him since I was a child. I do not love him like a sister, but as a woman, Father. As a woman loves a man. But I fear he does not love me. He went away to Africa and left me. I know he had enlisted, I know it would have been difficult to escape it. But I believe if it had been me, I would have managed it to stay with the one I loved dearest and best. I have a hope that he loves me, that one day he will come home and renew our love. But on dark days I think he never loved me, is fond of me and took what I offered him as men do, that perhaps he has eyes for someone new. And on those days I curse him and hate him so, it tears a hole in my heart to think of him.

Father considers this for a moment, then answers:
I keep the local pickers away from the Londoners and the gypsies. I never hire tramps. There are never fights on my farm.

Can you hear me, Father? Are you listening to me?

Of course I am. We are discussing the pickers, are we not? Please, go on.

I can see how hopeless it is, to converse with this husk. But he is the only one I can tell.

I have been thinking. I might go away somewhere, with Lottie if she will come. Travel, as I always wanted to do. I could escape my life here, escape Mother’s illness, the rigours of my education, the mooning about the grounds reading novels of romance, the sorrow and comfort of seeing you, Father, changed as you are and yet ever the same. I long to flee it all. I can use the legacy you have left for me to see the world I touched with fleet fingers on the globe you gave me, leave my disappointment behind and begin a new life in a new land. What do you think, Father?

You know I only allow the honest hawkers in to sell them food. And they can use our tokens in the local shops. I always advance their pay if they make a fair case of it. But I refuse to give them subs if I fear they will spend it on jollification in the local taverns. I have the village to consider. Do you not agree?

But I have already walked away. He has not noticed and blathers on. I had hoped that as Father was the first Visitor I knew, and knew so well, I could break through that fog of obsession and reach him, make him hear me. But I believe I never will. And that resolves me. The same day, I tell Lottie my idea. She is in instant agreement and most excited. We consider how to tell Mother of our plans for travel. Mother’s weak condition necessitated that in Father’s will I was left with some limited power over my own money. Thus Mother will not be able physically or legally to prevent us, but I am keen to attempt her consent. We think of doing a Grand Tour of Europe, to sail to France, by railway to Paris, the Tour Eiffel, Notre Dame, Montmartre. Then on to walk the labyrinth at Chartres, float down the canals of Coulon, out to the coast at La Rochelle to sample the seafood, then over the Pyrenees to Spain. The Plaza Mayor in Madrid, through El Greco’s Toledo to the Meseta and Don Quixote country. South to the Alhambra in Granada, the Mezquita at Córdoba, the cathedral at Sevilla. After that, who knows?

We speak to Mother and she is perturbed, yet has little energy to stop us. We begin to make plans and for the first time in months my life has purpose. We purchase clothes and luggage, research western Europe and plan our route. But then a letter comes from Caleb. It is dated months ago, hopelessly out of date, just after Father’s death. He would not yet have received our news. I envy him his ignorance. Seeing his neat and looping script again summons every drop of love I ever felt for him in a hopeless flood. I have to press my eyes to stop the tears of gratitude from flowing, as I see my name written by his very hand. And I know, whatever this letter contains, that to escape to Europe may be an adventure, but will never cure me of his love. It is a sickness I will carry with me. I must always defer to Lottie when Caleb’s letters come, as she is his sister. But I strain over her shoulder to see, and my heart thumps so in my chest. My first consuming thought is that perhaps there will be a word of love for me in this letter, just a word, a hint on which I may hang a flimsy hope. I read on.

Frankfort Garrison,

Orange Free State

3 November 1900

Dear Charlotte and Adeliza,

I would love to hear your news, yet have received no letters from you for months. How is life in Kent? I am glad to say I did finally receive your packages which all came together, with chocolate and socks, sweaters and sleeping caps. I am afraid it is summer here now and getting hotter by the day, so they won’t be so useful as yet. But perhaps I will be here next winter, who knows? And I can use them at night. Thank you for those lovely handkerchiefs embroidered by you, Liza, which I have ruined by blowing my nose on them, but that is their purpose, after all. Thank you all very much for your kindness.

I write from the Frankfort garrison. We are stationed here for the next few weeks at least. It is a cut-off place subject to constant raids by Boer commandos, which affords a bit of excitement. The only other fun is the arrival of supplies. Every month or so a British column of wagons comes to bring us newspapers, clothes and extra kit, ammunition, rations and post. Some men go off with the column that delivers to us, and some of the column’s number are left behind here in their place. So there is always feverish anticipation about who will stay and who will go. So far, I have been chosen to stay here all the while. I am quite glad, as it has meant I remain not far from Camp Irene and have awaited my chance to visit there. I have to tell you something now that may shock you, may even sicken you. I am in two minds whether to tell you the real truth about all this, as you are ladies and not used to such things. But I feel that people in England should know exactly what is going on. So I hope you will forgive me. Remember my silly horror stories I would tell by the fire? This is a true one that is all the more horrible for being real.

A few days ago, our patrol picked up a group of wandering Boer women and children. Wallis and I were ordered to take them over to Camp Irene. They were exhausted, very hungry and some of the children were ill. One woman had a scrawny newborn babe, clearly born out on the veldt. The whole group were in a state. Their skin was thick with grime and their clothes were ragged, their dresses tied up with string. They wore gloves and veldschoens (Boer shoes) made from raw sheepskin. Not at all like Maria’s clean white apron and her son’s shining hair, as I remember it, despite having lived on commando for weeks. But these women had lived alone without protection or supplies. Maybe we would all look a little like this if we had lived wild for many months. These seemed to be a lower class of Boers, with some shoddy ideas about cleanliness and health. One child had a revolting skin rash which looked very angry and its mother had placed upon it a poultice made of cow dung, which she swore was the best remedy. We were allowed only to give them some basic rations and then get them on to the train. We told them they could be seen at the hospital at the camp. But they wept and shouted at us, saying they would never go into the camp hospital, as it was staffed by the English who can never be trusted. They were in a sorry state the whole journey and I did what I could by getting them water. Wallis treated them largely with disdain. I had quiet words with him at one point, when he shouted at a Boer child who never stopped crying. But Wallis is sick at heart of this war and the Boers in particular. He blames them for declaring war in the first place and for it dragging on this long. Sometimes he takes it out on them. He is a good man, Wallis, a good friend. I understand him. But I feel a little differently.

When we arrived at the camp, we saw the women in and they were taken away. The train moved on and we knew the next one coming back was several hours’ wait. Wallis was all for getting out of there and waiting at Irene station. But I told him I wanted to find Maria. He didn’t approve and told me so, saying some things I won’t repeat about her and Boer women in general. I believe he is trying to protect me somehow but I was having none of it and he stalked off alone. I asked a guard about the whereabouts of Mrs Uitenweerde and her son. Records were checked and I was directed to a group of conical tents not far from the hospital. I saw the women we had brought involved in a great argument outside it – a brick building, well-built, with several marquees beyond it for patients; two nurses and a doctor were trying to persuade the women to bring their sick children in to care for them, but they shook their heads and held on to their children ferociously. They would not go in there. ‘We would rather die,’ cried one woman.

I found the place easily, as the camp was laid out with military straightness in rows of thirty tents, each tent and row given their own number. This may sound orderly, but the tents were pitched very close together on rocky and stony ground, while the pathways between them were littered with rubbish. I stood outside the bell-shaped tent, not knowing how to announce my arrival, as I could not knock on canvas. I called out her full name. Eventually a flap opened and I saw a face. It was a thin, drawn face with dark shadows beneath the eyes, an older woman. I asked her if Mrs Uitenweerde was in that tent. A warm stink of bodies came from within, which made me cover my nose. The woman said, ‘It is me.’ She stepped out and stood before me. To see this skinny thing, so bedraggled and brought so low, to compare it with the feisty young woman I had met only two months ago, made me sick to my stomach. She looked as if she had aged ten years.

‘Maria,’ I said and stood there like an idiot. Despite her weak state, she stood straight and pushed out her chin as she always had. She asked me if I had brought her anything. I had to say no, and felt a fool. Why had I not brought her food or something, anything? My only excuse is that I knew nothing of the conditions in that camp, not until that day. She asked me why I had come then, so I explained about the women and said I had to go soon, but I wanted to check up on her and see how she was doing.

‘Are you treated well?’ I asked, knowing as I spoke what an insult it was to ask this ghost of a woman, who had dwindled to half her size in a matter of weeks.

‘Come with me,’ she said. She poked her head back in the tent, and spoke in her own language, perhaps telling someone to watch Jurie while she was gone. I asked after his health and she just shrugged. She walked slowly beside me and showed me around the camp, telling me everything she had been through since I saw her last.

I asked about family she had here, the reason she had come to this camp. She told me that before she arrived, there had been a fire in one of the tents which had spread to a number of others and her cousin had been caught in the fire and died of his injuries. She said that people were usually in a bad way when they arrived, as many were taken there by force and allowed to bring no provisions. Khakis burned all the Boers’ things before they left, their clothes and bedding, even their own tents which most Boers have, being used to the trekking life. And some British soldiers encouraged the local Kaffirs to loot the house first and take part in its destruction. Some came with only the clothes they stood up in and some were even forced to march barefoot all the way. Some women had been captured after days of trying to escape and came with untreated gunshot wounds.

I knew many women did not choose to enter these camps, but surely it was safer for them to come here than to stay alone out on the veldt, prey to roaming Hottentots while their husbands were away, and with no food or supplies?

Maria said this was untrue, that they had plenty of food on their farms, and knew how to use a gun and protect themselves. She believed the camps were set up to protect the men who had surrendered without a fight – the ‘Hands-uppers’ as they are called here – from Boer revenge. It was never to protect the women. ‘How can you think it is safer to come to this place?’ She gestured towards a row of tents and pulled back the flap of the first one for me. Inside, the ground was quite covered with children, lying top-to-toe like sardines. They were groaning, sleeping fitfully, some weeping and calling for their mothers. Maria said, ‘They are waiting to die.’ I asked what was wrong with them. She explained that there was a measles epidemic, and typhus too. But some were dying from exposure, from the cold nights out on the veldt in the flimsy tents. There is hardly any wood for fuel and the children freeze at night. Some had developed pneumonia and hacking coughs that killed them. Some simply died of diarrhoea.

I told her I’d seen the Boer women we’d brought refuse to go into hospital. Why would they do that, when their children were so sick? Perhaps if they did such illness as this could be prevented. I explained to her how dirty those women were and about their strange remedies.

Maria again looked at me as if I were the greatest fool on earth. ‘How can anyone keep clean in these conditions? We are given no soap with our rations, the water supply is limited and polluted and there are no bath-houses. The ground outside the latrines is fouled with s--t. Our tents are pitched on dusty ground and packed with twelve people at least. The rain beats down in the constant storms and floods the tent and we must sleep with no bedding, no beds, in the wet mud. They say some camps have only four in a tent, with ovens for baking and public baths, but we have none of that here. Almost every child who goes into that hospital comes out a corpse. The nurses may seem nice, there may be better food there, but disease is so rife here, and no one trusts the English doctor. There is one doctor here, just one, for thousands of inmates. There are funerals every day and most of the dead are little children. Some die of starvation.’

‘You are so thin,’ I said. ‘I was a fool not to bring food.’ I apologised and said I would send her some as soon as I returned to the garrison.

She told me the rations were minimal. Those women whose husbands are away fighting are treated worst of all. They are even given half-rations. ‘I’m lucky my husband is dead,’ she said grimly. ‘On Mondays I get a few pounds of Australian flour, crawling with weevils; a few ounces of coffee, which tastes mostly of acorns and maize. A few ounces of sugar which is black and tastes as if it were the scum skimmed off the sugar boiler. And half an ounce of rough salt. Twice a week I am given a pound of mutton so lean it looks like dog, half-rotten and almost inedible. There are no vegetables or fruit or eggs or decent meat. And no milk for the children or even the babies. Only the sick children receive condensed milk, and that is watered down and often sour. See. The milk shed.’

We had reached a small hut, which let off a foul smell. I did not want to enter it, but put my head through the door and saw empty churns lying on their sides on the filthy floor, crawling with black flies. The bad smell from the shed mingled with a new smell, a worse one, soon a stench as we walked on. The path was stained with black puddles and as I looked up, I saw a trench in the ground on the side of which crouched dozens of children, smiling and holding little bowls in their hands, all gazing down into the trench, which was strewn with lumps of animal intestines, covered in flies. Two men were holding a scrawny sheep stretched across the hole, and one took a big knife and slit its throat, not enough to kill it, but so the blood drained out. The children nearby jumped down and held their bowls beneath the flow, catching the blood and laughing. I thought I would vomit as I watched them stumble back to the tents with their bowls, their cheeks smeared with blood. One was lugging a whole bucketful and another carried the sheep’s head, which had been severed once the blood had slowed to a trickle.

I stared at her expression. I was right, it seemed to say, and you were wrong. You should have let me go. You should never have brought me to this place. I turned away, as I could not bear to look at that face any longer.

‘Come,’ she said simply and took my arm, led me as if I were the one who needed assistance. ‘Do you believe me now? These camps were set up to kill us all.’

I had to stop her there. ‘This is not true,’ I said. No Englishman could even think such a thing. From what I’d seen, I guessed much more likely was bad organisation, no forward thinking, a total lack of understanding of what is required to service a camp of this size.

She told me the man in charge was called Scholtz and everyone hated him, even the staff, that he was a Boer who supported the British. He was rude, rough and petty-minded. Women would rather suffer than go to him and ask for help, to endure his insults and heartless refusals. I said I would report all of this to my superiors back at my garrison. ‘If you like,’ she murmured, as if the idea of help was beyond possibility. But mostly I think she was just exhausted by our walk. We had now circled back to her tent. She stood before it, tired and wan, looking past me across the tops of the tents.

‘There’s something else,’ she said. ‘Someone is bothering me.’ She explained that a guard at the camp would come to her tent at all hours of the day and night, calling her to come and walk with him, even to do chores for him. He would watch her while she did them and tell her how pretty she was. ‘He brings us little bits of food, or a candle and matches, other small things we need, but never enough. He tries to put his arms about me and I tell him no. But he is getting more rough with me and wants to take me back to his tent. I keep saying no. You do believe me?’

I said of course, and asked for his name, telling her I would sort it out. I said she shouldn’t worry any more, that I would speak to this man, report him too. And that I would send her food and supplies for her son, but that if either of them were ill they must go to the hospital, please. She nodded at all of this, but again, that look in her eyes as if it were all a fiction, a story of help that was a dream and would never happen. When I took my leave of her, she lifted the flap of her tent and inside, baking in the heat of that summer day, I could see a dozen bodies lying packed together. Jurie slept in the middle, his bones sticking out, so thin was he. The heat inside was suffocating, the sun beating down through the thin canvas on to that sorry scene, with no furniture, flies crawling up the hot canvas, and slops of matter emptied on the floor and beside the tent.

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