The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (24 page)

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The Doctor said he would like to go and examine it closer.

And when we were come to the lip of the volcano (it took us half a day
to get up to it) we found the stone was unbelievably large—big as a
cathedral. Underneath it we could look right down into a black hole
which seemed to have no bottom. The Doctor explained to us that
volcanoes sometimes spurted up fire from these holes in their tops; but
that those on floating islands were always cold and dead.

"Stubbins," he said, looking up at the great stone towering above us,
"do you know what would most likely happen if that boulder should fall

"No," said I, "what?"

"You remember the air-chamber which the porpoises told us lies under the
centre of the island?"


"Well, this stone is heavy enough, if it fell into the volcano, to break
through into that air-chamber from above. And once it did, the air would
escape and the floating island would float no more. It would sink."

"But then everybody on it would be drowned, wouldn't they?" said Bumpo.

"Oh no, not necessarily. That would depend on the depth of the sea where
the sinking took place. The island might touch bottom when it had only
gone down, say, a hundred feet. But there would be lots of it still
sticking up above the water then, wouldn't there?"

"Yes," said Bumpo, "I suppose there would. Well, let us hope that the
ponderous fragment does not lose its equilibriosity, for I don't believe
it would stop at the centre of the earth—more likely it would fall
right through the world and come out the other side."

Many other wonders there were which these men showed us in the central
regions of their island. But I have not time or space to tell you of
them now.

Descending towards the shore again, we noticed that we were still being
watched, even here among the highlands, by the Bag-jagderags who
had followed us. And when we put to sea once more a boatload of them
proceeded to go ahead of us in the direction of Popsipetel. Having
lighter canoes, they traveled faster than our party; and we judged that
they should reach the village—if that was where they were going—many
hours before we could.

The Doctor was now becoming anxious to see how Long Arrow was getting
on, so we all took turns at the paddles and went on traveling by
moonlight through the whole night.

We reached Popsipetel just as the dawn was breaking.

To our great surprise we found that not only we, but the whole village
also, had been up all night. A great crowd was gathered about the dead
chief's house. And as we landed our canoes upon the beach we saw a large
number of old men, the seniors of the tribe, coming out at the main

We inquired what was the meaning of all this; and were told that the
election of a new chief had been going on all through the whole night.
Bumpo asked the name of the new chief; but this, it seemed, had not yet
been given out. It would be announced at mid-day.

As soon as the Doctor had paid a visit to Long Arrow and seen that he
was doing nicely, we proceeded to our own house at the far end of the
village. Here we ate some breakfast and then lay down to take a good

Rest, indeed, we needed; for life had been strenuous and busy for us
ever since we had landed on the island. And it wasn't many minutes after
our weary heads struck the pillows that the whole crew of us were sound

The Ninth Chapter. The Election

WE were awakened by music. The glaring noonday sunlight was streaming
in at our door, outside of which some kind of a band appeared to be

We got up and looked out. Our house was surrounded by the whole
population of Popsipetel. We were used to having quite a number of
curious and admiring Indians waiting at our door at all hours; but this
was quite different. The vast crowd was dressed in its best clothes.
Bright beads, gawdy feathers and gay blankets gave cheerful color to
the scene. Every one seemed in very good humor, singing or playing on
musical instruments—mostly painted wooden whistles or drums made from

We found Polynesia—who while we slept had arrived back from
Bag-jagderag—sitting on our door-post watching the show. We asked her
what all the holiday-making was about.

"The result of the election has just been announced," said she. "The
name of the new chief was given out at noon."

"And who is the new chief?" asked the Doctor.

"You are," said Polynesia quietly.

"I!" gasped the Doctor—"Well, of all things!"

"Yes," said she. "You're the one—And what's more, they've changed
your surname for you. They didn't think that Dolittle was a proper or
respectful name for a man who had done so much. So you are now to be
known as Jong Thinkalot. How do you like it?"

"But I don't WANT to be a chief," said the Doctor in an irritable voice.

"I'm afraid you'll have hard work to get out of it now," said
she—"unless you're willing to put to sea again in one of their
rickety canoes. You see you've been elected not merely the Chief of the
Popsipetels; you're to be a king—the King of the whole of Spidermonkey
Island. The Bag-jagderags, who were so anxious to have you govern them,
sent spies and messengers ahead of you; and when they found that you
had been elected Chief of the Popsipetels overnight they were
bitterly disappointed. However, rather than lose you altogether, the
Bag-jagderags were willing to give up their independence, and insisted
that they and their lands be united to the Popsipetels in order that you
could be made king of both. So now you're in for it."

"Oh Lord!" groaned the Doctor, "I do wish they wouldn't be so
enthusiastic! Bother it, I don't WANT to be a king!"

"I should think, Doctor," said I, "you'd feel rather proud and glad. I
wish I had a chance to be a king."

"Oh I know it sounds grand," said he, pulling on his boots miserably.
"But the trouble is, you can't take up responsibilities and then
just drop them again when you feel like it. I have my own work to do.
Scarcely one moment have I had to give to natural history since I landed
on this island. I've been doing some one else's business all the time.
And now they want me to go on doing it! Why, once I'm made King of the
Popsipetels, that's the end of me as a useful naturalist. I'd be too
busy for anything. All I'd be then is just a er—er just a king."

"Well, that's something!" said Bumpo. "My father is a king and has a
hundred and twenty wives."

"That would make it worse," said the Doctor—"a hundred and twenty times
worse. I have my work to do. I don't want to be a king."

"Look," said Polynesia, "here come the head men to announce your
election. Hurry up and get your boots laced."

The throng before our door had suddenly parted asunder, making a long
lane; and down this we now saw a group of personages coming towards us.
The man in front, a handsome old Indian with a wrinkled face, carried
in his hands a wooden crown—a truly beautiful and gorgeous crown, even
though of wood. Wonderfully carved and painted, it had two lovely blue
feathers springing from the front of it. Behind the old man came eight
strong Indians bearing a litter, a sort of chair with long handles
underneath to carry it by.

Kneeling down on one knee, bending his head almost to the ground, the
old man addressed the Doctor who now stood in the doorway putting on his
collar and tie.

"Oh, Mighty One," said he, "we bring you word from the Popsipetel
people. Great are your deeds beyond belief, kind is your heart and your
wisdom, deeper than the sea. Our chief is dead. The people clamor for
a worthy leader. Our old enemies, the Bag-jagderags are become, through
you, our brothers and good friends. They too desire to bask beneath the
sunshine of your smile. Behold then, I bring to you the Sacred Crown of
Popsipetel which, since ancient days when this island and its peoples
were one, beneath one monarch, has rested on no kingly brow. Oh Kindly
One, we are bidden by the united voices of the peoples of this land
to carry you to the Whispering Rocks, that there, with all respect and
majesty, you may be crowned our king—King of all the Moving Land."

The good Indians did not seem to have even considered the possibility
of John Dolittle's refusing. As for the poor Doctor, I never saw him so
upset by anything. It was in fact the only time I have known him to get
thoroughly fussed.

"Oh dear!" I heard him murmur, looking around wildly for some escape.
"What SHALL I do?—Did any of you see where I laid that stud of
mine?—How on earth can I get this collar on without a stud? What a day
this is, to be sure I—Maybe it rolled under the bed, Bumpo—I do think
they might have given me a day or so to think it over in. Who ever heard
of waking a man right out of his sleep, and telling him he's got to be
a king, before he has even washed his face? Can't any of you find it?
Maybe you're standing on it, Bumpo. Move your feet."

"Oh don't bother about your stud," said Polynesia. "You will have to be
crowned without a collar. They won't know the difference."

"I tell you I'm not going to be crowned," cried the Doctor—"not if I
can help it. I'll make them a speech. Perhaps that will satisfy them."
He turned back to the Indians at the door.

"My friends," he said, "I am not worthy of this great honor you would do
me. Little or no skill have I in the arts of kingcraft. Assuredly among
your own brave men you will find many better fitted to lead you. For
this compliment, this confidence and trust, I thank you. But, I pray
you, do not think of me for such high duties which I could not possibly

The old man repeated his words to the people behind him in a louder
voice. Stolidly they shook their heads, moving not an inch. The old man
turned back to the Doctor.

"You are the chosen one," said he. "They will have none but you."

Into the Doctor's perplexed face suddenly there came a flash of hope.

"I'll go and see Long Arrow," he whispered to me. "Perhaps he will know
of some way to get me out of this."

And asking the personages to excuse him a moment, he left them there,
standing at his door, and hurried off in the direction of Long Arrow's
house. I followed him.

We found our big friend lying on a grass bed outside his home, where he
had been moved that he might witness the holiday-making.

"Long Arrow," said the Doctor speaking quickly in eagle tongue so that
the bystanders should not overhear, "in dire peril I come to you for
help. These men would make me their king. If such a thing befall me, all
the great work I hoped to do must go undone, for who is there unfreer
than a king? I pray you speak with them and persuade their kind
well-meaning hearts that what they plan to do would be unwise."

Long Arrow raised himself upon his elbow. "Oh Kindly One," said he (this
seemed now to have become the usual manner of address when speaking to
the Doctor), "sorely it grieves me that the first wish you ask of me I
should be unable to grant. Alas! I can do nothing. These people have so
set their hearts on keeping you for king that if I tried to interfere
they would drive me from their land and likely crown you in the end in
any case. A king you must be, if only for a while. We must so arrange
the business of governing that you may have time to give to Nature's
secrets. Later we may be able to hit upon some plan to relieve you of
the burden of the crown. But for now you must be king. These people
are a headstrong tribe and they will have their way. There is no other

Sadly the Doctor turned away from the bed and faced about. And there
behind him stood the old man again, the crown still held in his wrinkled
hands and the royal litter waiting at his elbow. With a deep reverence
the bearers motioned towards the seat of the chair, inviting the white
man to get in.

Once more the poor Doctor looked wildly, hopelessly about him for some
means of escape. For a moment I thought he was going to take to his
heels and run for it. But the crowd around us was far too thick and
densely packed for anyone to break through it. A band of whistles and
drums near by suddenly started the music of a solemn processional march.
He turned back pleadingly again to Long Arrow in a last appeal for help.
But the big Indian merely shook his head and pointed, like the bearers,
to the waiting chair.

At last, almost in tears, John Dolittle stepped slowly into the litter
and sat down. As he was hoisted on to the broad shoulders of the bearers
I heard him still feebly muttering beneath his breath,

"Botheration take it!—I don't WANT to be a king!"

"Farewell!" called Long Arrow from his bed, "and may good fortune ever
stand within the shadow of your throne!"

"He comes!—He comes!" murmured the crowd. "Away! Away!—To the
Whispering Rocks!"

And as the procession formed up to leave the village, the crowd about
us began hurrying off in the direction of the mountains to make sure of
good seats in the giant theatre where the crowning ceremony would take

The Tenth Chapter. The Coronation of King Jong

IN my long lifetime I have seen many grand and inspiring things, but
never anything that impressed me half as much as the sight of the
Whispering Rocks as they looked on the day King Jong was crowned. As
Bumpo, Chee-Chee, Polynesia, Jip and I finally reached the dizzy edge
of the great bowl and looked down inside it, it was like gazing over
a never-ending ocean of copper-colored faces; for every seat in the
theatre was filled, every man, woman and child in the island—including
Long Arrow who had been carried up on his sick bed—was there to see the

Yet not a sound, not a pin-drop, disturbed the solemn silence of the
Whispering Rocks. It was quite creepy and sent chills running up and
down your spine. Bumpo told me afterwards that it took his breath away
too much for him to speak, but that he hadn't known before that there
were that many people in the world.

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