The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) (18 page)

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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“Calvin! What do I owe this pleasure?”

“Jake, I was hoping you could do me a favor. I want Vanessa here, to get her job back.”

Blinking his duel colored eyes, I would have laughed at the dramatically shocked expression on his face, if I wasn't so desperate to get my position back and start anew. I was certain he was going to tell us both to get out of his office.

Calvin held the man’s attention as he shifted the way he sat, going from leaning forward, to reclining. He uncrossed his legs, spreading and stretching them out, giving Jake a lovely view of the generous bulge that rested at the juncture of his legs.

The older man licked his lips, his eyes ablaze with hunger.

I covered my mouth, so he wouldn't see the smile spreading across my lips. Oh yeah, there was definitely something going on there!

With a voice as smooth as melting butter on lobster tails, my friend seduced our boss into getting me back in. Honestly, it was magical. “Please, Jake. For me?”

“Well—okay. But she'll start back at the bottom as dish washer.”

“Wonderful! I owe you big time. C'mon, Vanessa.”

Shocked, but thrilled, I stood and I followed behind him. I'm pretty sure I heard Jake mumble “I'd like that big one now.” Though, I kept my thoughts to myself while Calvin led me back to the break room. Once I got into uniform, a new larger size shirt, apron and hairnet, I started on the dishes from the morning's breakfast. Now I was back to scrubbing, my elbows growing sore and tired, since lunch had completed an hour ago.

“Here's another load! I'm sure you're used to handling all kinds of
, ain't that right, Vanessa?” Betty, an elderly woman, who had taken my job during my absence, snickered and nudged a younger girl with her lame attempt to make fun of me.

The anger in me simmered. It was something I noticed that remained even though I hadn’t been around Ares for awhile, but I promised Calvin, Willa and my parents that I would behave. So, instead of shoving the ladle I held in my hand, down the old bitch's throat, I gave her a gracious smile, took the stack of trays and went back to work.

She huffed behind me, upset that she didn't get a reaction, and then she stormed away.

Cow! Glancing over at the mountain of plastic and glass, I sighed knowing that at this rate, I wouldn't get home until after five or so. Not a fun first day for me, to say the least. Hours passed by slowly and I knew I looked a mess from the steamy room, smelly trash and the overall funk that was my sweaty body.

              “How's my girl doing? Happy to be back?”

“Oh yeah, Calvin. This is totally awesome.”

He chuckled low, leaning on the door frame. His jacket was slung over his shoulder while his chocolate brown eyes watched me work.

He looked strangely relaxed and I couldn't help but wonder if he had a small rendezvous with Jake, before coming to find me. Sadly, nothing in his face gave me an answer. Of course, before my trials with the War God, and the meeting of my sexy neighbor, I wouldn’t have the temerity to even say a word about it. Now though, I was the Vanessa who spoke up when the time was right, and I really wanted to know if there was a relationship between them.  “So, what was that with you and Jake? Getting' a little somethin', somethin' on the side?”

              “Ha! Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Uh, yeah! That's why I'm asking.”

Walking over to me, Calvin rolled up his sleeves and handed me dishes, while gossiping about everything,
the question pertaining to his romantic life.

I didn't care about the basketball coach hooking up with the cheerleading coach, or how the now fired science teacher was caught licking his toads. I simply waited until he got the message.

He finally sighed, twirling the gold ring he wore on his middle finger, something he did when he was agitated. “Fine! No, we are not an item.”

“Then how did you...”

“I'm the son of Aphrodite, Vanessa.”

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting! My jaw dropped at his revelation, but as I looked at him, I could see it, not only in his features, but his whole persona. Even as I looked into his eyes, I saw the pupils glow with golden light. I felt such a push of sexual energy, along with overflowing love and any lingering doubt completely disappeared. Shaking my head, I laughed, thinking how much life had changed around me, and how little I knew before it had. “So, how'd that happen exactly?”

“I'm not really sure. I guess, the goddess thought my Dad was hot stuff and they got it on. Then, she had me and gave me to him.”

“Wait? She gave you to him? Haven't you met her?”

“No. Us half breeds are often disregarded and left to fend on our own.”

“Then, how did you find out? If she's never come to you?”

I watched as Calvin's eyes filled with tears, before he looked down at a green, plastic lunch tray.

I could feel his sadness wash over me. My heart grew heavy and cold. Thinking about his mother made me realize she probably treated Hephaestus with the same selfishness she heaped on her other children. How could one person, and a goddess at that, be so cruel? Were all the immortals that way?

              “My father, as you know, remarried and after my brothers were born, I noticed how different I was from them. While they were stocky, aggressive jocks, I grew into who I am now. He hated me for it, and told me that my mother was a Goddess. I didn't believe him at first, but that trip I took to Greece, confirmed it. When I went to one of her temples in the ruins, a voice spoke to me, telling me she was indeed my mother. I asked if I could see her, why she didn't keep me. Why she let me live being bullied and abused by family and peers? She laughed and said she had no time for the many half mortal children she created. She explained that I had a natural allure that made men and women fall for me, just as she had. No other abilities really, then she was gone.”

“What a bitch! I'm sorry Calvin.”

He shrugged, and just as fast as he had been sad, he went back to smiling and talking about the many people in our school. After another hour and making the smallest of dents in the workload, Calvin had to call it a day, as he had an early morning meeting with the rest of the staff.

He left me to trudge through the dishes on my own, once more. It was actually after six when I put the last cup into the massive cabinet. Heading out to my car, I just couldn't wait until I got home. Keys in hand, I paused when I saw the work truck sitting out front of the museum across the way. 

Before rationality could win, I was across the street, opening the doors and walking toward where I heard a gentle hum in the Greek mythology section of the massive building. Stopping short, my breath caught in my chest, as I looked at the intruder of my dreams.

  Oblivious of my presence, Hephaestus knelt in front of a bronze statue, singing low in that deep voice. In his hand, was a cloth that he brushed along the statue's thigh in a circular motion, keeping in time with the tune.

I remembered what attracted me when it came to him and tonight, seeing him after keeping our distance, there was absolutely no change in my feelings.

Hephaestus's hair was down, not pulled in a ponytail as it usually was, and though it hung slightly damp around his shoulders, it's sandy brown coloring still stood out sexily.

I imagined how it would feel to be the shirt wrapped around the heavy, sexy bulk that was his muscles.  The need to be claimed by him, the stirrings of arousal I had pushed down and hidden, roared to life so quickly, it made me dizzy. Hiding behind a pillar, just so I could be close to him, without being seen, I was able to study his profile which was remarkable.

He was truly an artwork of perfection. The veins in his arms pulsed and throbbed, while the sweat coating his body made the white t-shirt cling to him provocatively, with every hard indentation outlined.

  I couldn't seem to get enough of looking at him. Eye candy didn't even begin to describe what this immortal man brought to the table. Fanning my suddenly heated body, I tried using my imaginary Jedi mind tricks to convince him to remove the shirt, so I could see the tawny expanse of his skin. My mouth salivated, while wetness dripped from my pussy to settle in the middle of my panties.

              “Vanessa, I know you're there. Even if I hadn't sensed you when you first entered the room, the sweet smell of your succulent pussy would have given you away. Come here.”

Well, damn. Moving out of the shadows, I slowly approached until I stood next to the leg of the project he worked on. The position allowed me to see him from the front, and that didn't help my building desire at all! His streamline nose, high cheekbones and rugged looks reminded me more of a hunting magazine model than a repair man. In fact, if he hadn't been a god and a true Mr. Fix It, I would purposely break items in my home, just to have him come over and put them back together. This thought made me remember. “I wanted to thank you.”


How could one simple word sound so erotic? Damn him and his sexy ass accent.

“You upgraded my television. HD? My Dad was ecstatic, and I really enjoy the clearer picture myself.”

His eyes flicked up, and he didn't bother to change them to look more human, the small flames, in the middle of his pupils, blazing like the fires of a pot belly stove. Similar to red hot metal, his irises shined, captivating me and I couldn't move away, even when he moved close enough that he pressed against my body. Hephaestus looked to my lips and I was sure he would kiss me, something I craved since the night he left my home. I even stood on my tiptoes, so that he wouldn't have to lean down so far and yet, he still didn't make a move. What the hell?

“How are you feeling, Vanessa? I heard you were going back to work today.” He turned away, leaving my body cold, and went back to polishing the bronze until it shimmered.

That was it? Mouth gaping, it took a few seconds for me to begin to form an answer. “Uh, yeah. They put me back on the bottom of the totem pole, but I'm fine and glad to be back.”


“How have you been?” That didn't sound too awkward, right? Still disturbed by his total lack of response, I maintained a neutral disposition, even though my insides were burning with unrequited desire.

He had his eyes focused on the task, while his long, thick lashes brushed his cheeks with every blink.

I wanted to curse my libido and weak will. Disgusted with myself, and his inability to hold a conversation, I started to turn away, but was jerked to a stop when he grabbed me by wrapping his firm arm around my waist. His breathing was heavy, I could feel that he was equally as affected, in a very,
big way, and I trembled. All the emotions I tried to contain coming to a head.

His voice was raspy when he spoke, the warmth of his breath tickling my ears seductively. “You want to know how I've been, agápi̱ mou? I have done nothing but work on things, here and at home. I am trying like hell to keep my mind free of going over to your house, ripping your clothes off, and making love to you until we both nearly die from it. Every scenario possible, I've imagined you while touching myself until I became too sore to continue. You have no idea how much I have actually cried, because I wasn't with you.”

Turning to face him, I was too stunned to speak as he continued with his heated confession.

“I still damn myself for being the start of everything that has happened, and I want to make it right, if you'd give me a chance. Yes, I agreed to that stupid bet, and I am still kicking myself for being such an ass to think it wouldn't hurt you. I'm sorry, Vanessa. Please, let me love you, let me be yours. Because you, my little beauty, have already imprisoned my heart.”

The stinging tears fell from my eyes as I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him close. I kissed him with all the love I had been holding inside.

At first, he kept his body pulled back, as though he feared touching me would burn him, but eventually passion won over and he closed the distance between us. His strong hands grabbing my arms to keep me flushed against his hard, large body.

In my mind, I felt him like a flame, his voice filling every corner of my subconscious as he spoke. 
Vanessa, is this your answer? I feel your desire and your need for me. Please don't let this be a game, my heart couldn't take it.

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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