The War of the Jewels (10 page)

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Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien

BOOK: The War of the Jewels
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He was yet young and scarce half-grown (for long and slow is the life of those worms), but the Elves fled before him to Erydwethrin and to Dorthonion in dismay; and he defiled the fields of Ardgalen. Then Fingon, prince of Hithlum, rode against him with archers upon horseback, and hemmed him round with a ring of swift riders. And Glaurung in turn was dismayed, for he could not endure their darts, being not yet come to his full armoury; and he fled back to hell, and came not forth again for many years. But Morgoth was ill pleased that Glaurung had disclosed himself over soon; and after his defeat there was the long peace of wellnigh two hundred years. In that time there was naught but affrays on the north-marches, and all Beleriand prospered and grew rich, and the Noldor built many towers and fair dwellings and made many things of beauty, and many poesies and histories and books of lore. And in many parts of the land the Noldor and Sindar became welded into one folk and spoke the same tongue; though ever this difference remained between them, that the Noldor of purer race had the greater power of mind and body, being both the mightier warriors and sages, and they built with stone, and loved rather the hill-slopes and open lands. Whereas the Sindar had the fairer voices and were more skilled in music (save only Maglor son of Feanor), and loved the woods and riversides, and some still would wander far and wide without settled abode, and they sang as they went.

[Isfin and Eol]

At this point in the manuscript my father inserted an annal entry for the year 316 concerning Isfin and Eol, replacing the annal that stood in the manuscript under 471, which was struck out. He wrote the new annal on the back of a page from an engagement calendar for November 1951; and on the same page he added two further annals on the same subject, for the years 320 and 400. It is clearest and most convenient to give all four annals (i.e. the original one for 471

and the three later ones) together here.

$117. [Rejected annal for the year 471] In this year Isfin the White, sister of Turgon,, wearying of the city, and desiring to look again upon Fingon her brother, went from Gondolin against the will and counsel of Turgon; and she strayed into Brethil and was lost in the dark forest. There Eol, the Dark-elf, who abode in the forest, found her and took her to wife. In the depths of the wood he lived and shunned the sun, desiring only the starlight of old; for so he had dwelt since the first finding of Beleriand, and took no part in all the deeds of his kin.


$118. Here Isfin the White, sister of Turgon, wearying of the city, went from Gondolin against the [will >] wish of Turgon.

And she went not to Fingon, as he bade, but sought the ways to the East, to the land of Celegorm and his brethren, her friends of old in Valinor. But she strayed from her escort in the shadows of Nan Dungorthin, and went on alone; and she came at last to Nan Elmoth. There she came into the enchantments of Eol the Dark-elf, who abode in the wood and shunned the sun, desiring only the starlight of old. And Eol took her to wife, and she abode with him, and no tidings of her came to any of her kin; for Eol suffered her not to stray far, nor to fare abroad save in the dark or the twilight.


$119. Here Isfin the White bore a son in Nan Elmoth to Eol the Dark-elf; and she would name him (?) Fingol [added: dur), but Eol named him Glindur [later > Maeglin]; for that was the name of the metal of Eol, which he himself devised, and it was dark, supple, and yet strong; and even so was his son.


$120. Here Isfin and her son Glindur [later > Maeglin] fled from Eol the Dark-elf in Nan Elmoth, and came to Gondolin, and they were received with joy by Turgon, who had deemed his sister dead or lost beyond finding. But Eol, following them with stealth, found the Hidden Way, and was brought by the Guard to Turgon. Turgon received him well, but he was wroth and filled with hatred of the Noldor, and spoke evilly, and demanded to depart with his son. And when that was denied to him he sought to slay Glindur [not emended] with a poisoned dart, but Isfin sprang before her son, and was wounded, and died in that day. Therefore Eol was doomed to death, and cast from the high walls of Gondolin; and he cursed his son as he died, foreboding that he should die a like death. But Glindur [later > Maeglin]

abode in Gondolin and became great among its lords.


$121. Here Beor, eldest of the Fathers of Men of the West, was born east of the mountains.


$122. Here Haleth the Hunter was born in Eriador.


$123. Here also in Eriador was born Hador the Goldenhaired, whose house was after the most renowned of all the kindreds of the Elf-friends.


$124 Here King Inglor Felagund went a-hunting in the eastern woods, as is told in the Quenta, and he passed into Ossiriand, and there came upon Beor and his men, that were new-come over the mountains. Beor became a vassal of Felagund, and went back with him into the west-country, and dwelt with him until his death. There was great love between them. In eastern Beleriand was born Bregolas son of Beor.


$125. Here there was fighting on the north-marches, more bitter than there had been since the routing of Glaurung; for the Orcs attempted to pierce the pass of Aglon. There Maidros and Maglor were aided by the sons of Finrod, and Beor was with them, the first of Men to draw sword in behalf of the Eldar.

In this year Barahir son of Beor was born, who after dwelt in Dorthonion.


$126. Hundor son of Haleth was born.


$127. Galion the Tall, son of Hador, was born [beneath the shadows of Eryd Lindon >] in Eriador.


$128. Gundor son of Hador was born beneath the shadows of Eryd Lindon.


$129. In this year Haleth the Hunter came into Beleriand out of Eriador. Soon after came also Hador the Goldenhaired with great companies of Men. Haleth remained in Sirion's vale, and his folk wandered much in hunting, owning allegiance to no prince; but their dwellings were deep in the forest of Brethil between Taiglin and Sirion, where none before had dwelt because of the greatness and darkness of the trees. Hador hearing that there was room and need of folk in Hithlum, and being come of a northland people, became a vassal of Fingolfin; and he strengthened greatly the armies of the king, and he was given wide lands in Hithlum in the country of Dor-Lomin. There was ever great love between the Eldar and the house of Hador, and the folk of Hador were the first of Men to forsake their own tongue and speak the elven-tongue of Beleriand.

$130. It is said that in these matters none save Inglor took counsel with King Thingol. And he was ill pleased, for that reason and because he was troubled with dreams concerning the coming of Men, ere ever the first tidings of them were heard.

Therefore he commanded that Men should take no lands to dwell in save in the north, in Hithlum and Dorthonion, and that the princes whom they served should be answerable for all that they did. And he said, Into Doriath shall no Man come while my realm lasts, not even those of the house of Beor who serve Inglor the beloved.'

$131. Melian said naught to him at that time, but she said after to Galadriel: 'Now the world runs on swiftly to great tidings. And lo! one of Men, even of Beor's house, shall indeed come, and the Girdle of Melian shall not restrain him, for doom greater than my power shall send him; and the songs that shall spring from that coming shall endure when all Middle-earth is changed.'


$132. Here at the prayer of Inglor Thingol granted to Haleth's people to live in Brethil; for they were in good friendship with the woodland Elves.

$133. In this time, the strength of Men being added to the Noldor, their hope rose high, and Morgoth was more straitly enclosed; for the folk of Hador, being hardy to endure cold and long wandering, feared not at times to go far into the North and keep watch on any movements of the Enemy. Now Fingolfin began to ponder an assault upon Angband; for he knew that they lived in danger while Morgoth was free to labour in his deep mines, devising what evils none could foretell ere he should reveal them. But because the land was grown so fair most of the Eldar were content with matters as they were and slow to begin an assault in which many must surely perish, were it in victory or defeat. Therefore his designs were delayed and came in the end to naught.

$134. The Men of the Three Houses now grew and multiplied; and they learned wisdom and craft and fair speech of the Eldar, and became more like to them than any other race have been, yet they were gladly subject to the Elf-lords and loyal; and there was as yet no grief between the two kindreds.

$135. The men of Beor were dark or brown of hair, but fair of face, with grey eyes; of shapely form, having courage and endurance, yet they were no greater in stature than the Eldar of that day. For the Noldor indeed were tall as are in the latter days men of great might and majesty. But the people of Hador were of yet greater strength and stature, mighty among the Children of Eru, ready in mind, bold and steadfast. Yellowhaired they were for the most part and blue-eyed * and their women were tall and fair. Like unto them were the woodmen of Haleth, yet somewhat broader and less high.


$136. Hador's folk entered Dorlomin. [This annal u as a late pencilled addition.]

[425 >] 424.

$137. Baragund son of Bregolas son of Beor was born in Dorthonion.


$138. Belegund his brother was born.


$139. Beren son of Barahir son of Beor was born in Dorthonion, who was after named Erchamion the One-handed and Camlost the Emptyhanded. His mother was Emeldir the Manhearted.


$140. Hundor son of Haleth wedded Glorwendil daughter of Hador.


$141. Hurin the Steadfast son of Galion son of Hador was born in Hithlum. In the same year was born Handir son of Hundor.

[445 >] 443.

$142. Morwen Eledwen, the Elf-sheen, was born, daughter of Baragund. She was the fairest of all mortal maidens of the Elder Days.


$143. Huor brother of Hurin was born.

(* Not so was Turin, but his mother was of Beor's house.) 450.

$144. Rian daughter of Belegund, mother of Tuor the Blessed, was born. In this year Beor the Old, father of Men, died of [old age >] age. The Eldar saw then for the first time [the death of weariness, without wound or sickness; by late pencilled change >] the swift waning of the life of Men and the coming of death without wound or grief; and they wondered at the fate of Men, grieving greatly at the short span that was allotted to them. Bregolas then ruled the people of Beor.


$145. The Fell Year. Here came an end of peace and mirth.

In the winter, at the year's beginning, Morgoth unloosed at last his long-gathered strength, and he sought now to break with one great blow the leaguer of Angband, and to overthrow the Noldor and destroy Beleriand utterly. The Battle began suddenly on the night of mid-winter, and fell first and most heavily upon the sons of Finrod. This is named the Dagor Bragollach, the Battle of Sudden Flame. Rivers of fire ran down from Thangorodrim, and Glaurung, Father of Dragons, came forth in his full might. The green plains of Ardgalen were burned up and became a drear desert without growing thing; and thereafter they were called Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust.

$146. In the assault upon the defences of Dorthonion Angrod and Egnor, sons of Finrod, fell, and with them Bregolas was slain and a great part of the warriors of Beor's folk. But Barahir his brother was in the fighting further westward nigh the passes of Sirion. There King Inglor Felagund, hastening from the south, was defeated and was surrounded with small company in the Fen of Serech. But Barahir came thither with the doughtiest of his men, and broke the leaguer of the Orcs and saved the Elven-king. Then Inglor gave to Barahir his ring, an heirloom of his house, in token of the oath that he swore unto Barahir to render whatsoever service was asked in hour of need to him or to any of his kin. Then Inglor went south to Nargothrond, but Barahir returned to Dorthonion to save what he could of the people of Beor.

$147. Fingolfin and Fingon had marched indeed from Hithlum to the aid of the sons of Finrod, but they were driven back to the mountains with grievous loss. Hador, now aged

[later > old and '65' added], fell defending his lord at Eithel Sirion, and with him fell Gundor his [added later: younger] son, pierced with many arrows. Then Galion the Tall took the lordship of the House of Hador.

$148. Against the March of Maidros there came also a great army and the sons of Feanor were overwhelmed. Maidros and Maglor held out valiantly upon the Hill of Himring, and Morgoth could not yet take the great fortress that they had there built; but the Orcs broke through upon either side, through Aglon and between Gelion and Celon, and they ravaged far into East Beleriand driving the Eldar before them, and Cranthir and Damrod and Diriel fled into the south.

Celegorn and Curufin held strong forces behind Aglon, and many horsed archers, but they were overthrown, and Celegorn and Curufin hardly escaped, and passed westward along the north borders of Doriath with such mounted following as they could save, and came thus at length to the vale of Sirion.

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